Chapter 1452 : Evil fire rushes to the forehead! Different taboos!
For Yanyi, Lin Langyue’s senses are very bad.
It can even be said to be extremely poor.
A female cultivator who cultivates innocence.
To have a taboo relationship with her own disciple… This made her somewhat unacceptable.
Of course, what she won’t admit is:
The most fundamental reason is because she is jealous! That’s right.
As a “resentful woman” who was left behind by Yunzhou.
She is hostile to the person Yunzhou “misses most in her heart”.
This is a very normal thing.
Women’s jealousy is always so strange, it’s not incomprehensible.
“You don’t like me…heh, so Fairy Lin came to ask me to do something?”
Yan Yi narrowed her eyes, and her cold breath soared.
Lin Langyue shook her head: “I have no intention of fighting with you.”
Although “June 27” was jealous, Yan Yi was still the most important person in Yun Zhou’s heart.
There is no doubt about this.
not to mention.
In the final analysis, she did not have the right to look down on Yan Yi.
Don’t say that the other party is not strong-willed, messing around with the disciple…
She is a practitioner of the Ruthless Dao.
Didn’t he get dragged into the water by Yunzhou?
“What is the meaning of Fairy Lin?”
Yan Yi was a little unable to react.
Lin Langyue didn’t rush to answer, but looked at her for a while.
Suddenly asked: “You and Yunzhou… are Taoist couples, right?”
Hearing this, Yan Yi was stunned for a moment.
That’s right, only a few people should know about her relationship with Yunzhou, right? Where did this person know?
Could it be that Zhou’er told her?
Without thinking too much, Yanyi nodded without hesitation, “Yes.”
Lin Langyue continued to ask: “But you and Yun Zhou are masters and apprentices, this kind of relationship is taboo, why did you agree to him and be with him?”
Regarding the relationship between these two Taoist couples, the active party must be Yunzhou!
The apprentice wants to be bitten when he sees a good-looking one.
Don’t think too much about this.
Yanyi didn’t know why Lin Langyue was interested in this question.
But thinking of Fang HezhouThe son must have a good relationship, so he said:
“The taboo is just a nihilistic rule. Zhou’er and I are in love with each other, so what’s the point of becoming a Taoist couple?”
“But this is always tolerated by the world.”
Lin Langyue frowned, then took a deep breath, and said lightly: “As far as I know, you watched him grow up…”
“Compared to the love between Taoist couples, you should be more like family love?”
“So, could it be that… you misunderstood your feelings for him?”
“Fairy Lin, I know how I feel. Are you sure you’re not eating carrots with salt?”
Yanyi “(—_—)” stared at her sideways.
The sixth sense tells Yanyi that there is something wrong with this nun!
Lin Langyue blushed beautifully, shook her head and said, “I just saw that it is not easy for you to practice the Way of No Delusion, and I don’t want you to fall into the wrong path…”
Speaking of this, she looked at Yan Yi, “Then you plan to keep concealing your identity as a Taoist companion and become his teacher in name?”
Yan Yi tilted her head, “What’s the problem?”
“no problem.”
Lin Langyue shook her head, then chuckled suddenly:
“That’s right, based on the relationship between you and Yun Zhou, you won’t fight for the position of wife.”
Sure enough, this woman has a big problem!
Yan Yi coughed lightly and said, “You are right, I really don’t know how to fight for this position.”
“Although Zhou’er and I have a master-student relationship, Zhou’er has made it clear.”
“When I get the title of Immortal Emperor, I will be his only wife!”
“It’s hard to be kind, but it belongs to yes.”
“There are three thousand beauties in the harem, and he only dotes on me…”
“How can I use it to compete with others?”
While speaking, the corners of Yanyi’s mouth drew a proper arc.
Hmm… It can be said that I have won the true biography of Yunzhou!
It’s cheap!
Seeing Lin Langyue, she subconsciously clenched her small fists.
Secretly spat “Shameless”!
The scene was silent for a moment.
Lin Langyue took a deep breath, pursed her red lips and said:
“But a teacher is like a father like a mother… All beings in the fairyland can’t accept the taboos of masters and apprentices…”
“Why does Elder Yan occupy the position of the main wife and let Yun Zhou be judged by the world?”
Yan Yi snorted coldly, “Who else would dare to give advice to Zhou’er when he is certified as Immortal Emperor?”
“It’s Fairy Lin~ This is a matter between me and Zhou’er… Don’t you think you are too lenient?!”
We’ve communicated so far, if you don’t see it now, she will pretend to be the Supreme!
This cheap Taoist nun definitely likes her Zhou’er!
“…You are right, I am Meng Lang…”
Lin Langyue opened her mouth, and finally said calmly: “Today’s words are due to Lin’s abruptness, please forgive Elder Yan.”
“I’ll wait for him at Yunzhou’s Sovereign Mountain, and I’ll take my leave.”
After finishing speaking, she turned and left directly.
So far, she has nothing to say.
The relationship between the two of them is stronger than gold.
From Yanyi, she couldn’t get in at all! Forget it, let’s go meet Yun Zhou.
Yanyi watched her leave as soon as she said it, and there was an evil fire in her heart, and she suddenly said:
“There are already enough female cultivators around Zhou’er, I don’t want someone more.”
“So, please Fairy Lin know how to behave!”
Lin Langyue turned her head with cold eyes, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, Fairy Lin should be clear.”
On Yanyi Peak, their eyes met each other.
As if a spark had burst out, the atmosphere gradually became tense.
the other side.
Yun Zhou watched “the couple with Ah Huan” leave.
Then he walked towards the inner door alone.
For Ah Huan, Yun Zhou was still curious.
The magic charm hidden in this girl is definitely not simple.
Nine out of ten people are from the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race! 1.8
Even, it may be the confidant of Mozun’s seat! It’s just that they came abruptly and left simply.
He didn’t know what the other party’s plan was, so he had to let nature take its course.
Anyway, my own territory is here.
The token has been given to her.
Running under my nose… Isn’t it a matter of time?
Passing by many peaks and mountains, Yunzhou suddenly turned his footsteps and walked towards Yanyi’s peaks and mountains.
During this time, Master Dabao concentrated on expanding the influence of Haoyun Sect.
Has been ignoring him for several days.
Whatever you say today, you have to be bitten!
Thinking of this, Yunzhou speeded up his pace excitedly.
But before he reached the foot of the mountain, he heard the noise on the mountain peak.
“Elder Yan, hit her!”

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