Chapter 1468 : Masturbation horse flea king! A military strategist in the daytime can accompany you in the evening!
Yun Zhou looked up and down and understood.
The cook’s uniform is cut above the knee, straight and white… This kind of clothing is already very bold in the fairyland.
Moreover, she specially put on a light makeup, which is a bit more beautiful than yesterday…
(Tsk, is this going to give me a masturbation?)
(Sure enough, the original horse flea king can play!)
Hear Yun Zhou’s voice.
Lin Shan’s small face turned red in disappointment, and she glanced aside.
Yun Zhou had one thing in mind and another on the surface, coughing lightly and said solemnly: “It’s so late…won’t Sister Lin Shan go back to rest?”
Hearing this, Lin Shan shook her head, pretending to be calm and meeting Yun Zhou’s eyes,…I want to make a deal with you.”
Yun Zhou frowned frivolously, playing with taste: “What deal?”
“I can see that your plan to destroy Linmen is not perfect…”
“I can be your strategist and pawn.”
05 “While making suggestions for you, I will help you find out Lin Sheng’s hole cards with Jue Ling.”
Rather than saying that Lin Shan saw Yunzhou’s needs, it would be better to say that she guessed from his inner voice.
She doesn’t know what is sealed in the forest gate.
But she was sure that it was definitely not just the sealed person that gave Yun Zhou a headache.
“Then what do you want me to trade?”
As one of the intellectual ceilings in the original text, Lin Shan’s mind can be trusted.
Although her strength is low, she is definitely not a vase.
Not to mention anything else, the logic of thinking is definitely far superior to other heroines.
“Guarantee the safety of my great-uncle’s future…”
“In addition, in Haoyunzong, give my uncle a position as an elder, even if it’s just a casual job.”
To be honest, Lin Shan was really afraid that Yun Zhou would turn his back on him.
What if the uncle killed Linmen and Yunzhou turned around and didn’t help?
Based on her understanding of Yunzhou during this time…it’s not like this guy can’t do this kind of thing.
After hearing this, Yun Zhou pondered slightly.
He understood Lin Shan’s little thoughts.
Not trusting yourself is a little bit.
Giving her uncle the position of an elder is nothing more than to give her uncle a guarantee in the future.
After all, Haoyun Sect is growing stronger day by day.
When the sun is shining one day, her uncle will be able to bear the name of the elder of Haoyunzong and enjoy the happiness of life.
Hmm… good idea.
And it has no effect on Hao Yunzong itself.
However, Yun Zhou still decided to engage in Lin Shan’s mentality.
“This deal…Sister Lin Shan, you didn’t pay enough.”
The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curled up, and he murmured: “Military division and chess pieces…I may not be able to use you yet.”
“And HaoyunThe clan elders group is already full, but there is no idle job for your uncle…”
Before he finished speaking, Lin Shan suddenly hugged him.
As if feeling something, she let out a soft “嘎”, and gave him a charming white look.
Immediately afterwards, the whole person crawled into his arms like a flexible water snake.
She looked at him with bright eyes with a little YH, her hands wrapped around his neck, and her toes were raised.
Staring at the pair of plain and abnormal eyes, he pecked lightly on his lips.
“Then besides the strategist and the chess pieces, I also give you my body and mind?”
Yun Zhou also felt a little surprised by Lin Shan’s boldness.
I was obviously not very cold with myself before, and I even hated it a little bit.
Why is this suddenly for nothing?
Is it possible…
Lao Tzu has traveled a lot on the road that leads directly to people’s hearts, and his emotions have been stimulated?
“You have already given me the body. As for the heart, I don’t seem to need it very much.”
Looking at Lin Shan’s misty eyes, Yun Zhou hugged her waist with a smile, teasingly said with a smirk.
But never thought that such a natural sentence would actually make Lin Shan cry.
“Sure enough, I’m just a toy in your eyes…”
Lin Shan’s mood dropped instantly, “Don’t you need my heart…OK.”
“Then I’ll trade with my body. Is it enough for the military adviser, the pawns, and my body?”
While speaking, there was a gleam of crystal dripping from the corner of her eyes, which seemed a little sad.
Yun Zhou looked at her tearful eyes and was silent for a while.
Then when Lin Shan let go slowly, she hugged him tightly in her arms.
Leaning on her earlobe, she said:
“I regret it, salted fish who don’t know how to cooperate are boring, I want your heart too.”
While speaking, I secretly sighed in my heart:
(It’s too difficult for me.)
(Obviously she has always been a threat, why do you still like me?)
(Tsk, what about marrying a long-time love?)
(No, love it or not…it must be because of my damn charm!)
Yun Zhou doesn’t care too much, since it’s already like this, there is no reason for him to leave sadly.
He couldn’t count his confidante, how could he be so short of a little cook in a skirt?
Moreover, she has a clear mind, can be a military adviser, and is a representative figure of the horse flea… It’s better to appease her.
Without thinking too much, Yun Zhou came directly to be hugged by a princess.
The candles in the main hall were suddenly extinguished.

(Capitalists are nothing at all)…
(I know how to engage readers’ mentality)……
The next day at 9:30, noon.
When Lin Shan opened her eyes, she happened to see Yun Zhou who was stroking her hair with a gentle smile on her face.
She was taken aback for a moment, then closed her eyes, and nestled silently into Yunzhou’s arms.
“Okay, now that you’re awake, hurry up and get up.”
“Someone may come to my place later. Don’t blame me for being stuck in bed like this.”
Yun Zhou has already communicated with Yun Susu, and will discuss Linmen matters with her later.
It is uncertain when his aunt will come over. If this is really caught, it will be difficult to handle.
Hearing this, Lin Shan let out an “oh” and sat up slowly.
Then he began to dress in silence.
Of course, her remodeled cook dress is no longer available.
What she changed into was the perfect clothes she had prepared in advance when she came here yesterday.
The little hands were buttoned up, the complexion of her delicate face became more and more rosy, and her beautiful eyes sparkled.
Just by looking at it, you can tell how happy she was yesterday.
sparrow food.
Yesterday was the first time she was not threatened, and it was also the first time she was treated gently by Yun Zhou.
When she was deeply affectionate, she also called her brother and husband several times.
She just never understood it.
What does “Call Dad” mean…

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