Chapter 1469: New Pickup Technique! Romance before the war!
Even though she didn’t understand, Lin Shan called.
Although I don’t understand what it means, I feel a little ashamed inexplicably.
But she had no objection to the title.
At this time, the sky was bright, and she became the little charming cook in the past again.
It’s like tm is dreaming, after all, I’m a little awake.
Her identity, after all, does not match Yun Zhou.
Said to surrender their “body and mind”.
But…she might not be worthy.
After Lin Shan put on her clothes and arranged everything.
Looking at the Yunzhou in front of him, he just felt a little better than before.
From being threatened to taking the initiative to do it herself, it took less than a few days.
But she found that there really seemed to be the shadow of Yunzhou in her heart.
At least, yesterday, she was not disgusted.
“I’m going back.”
Yun Zhou nodded and said, “When we go back, we will formulate a detailed annexation plan for Linmen.”
“It’s best to formulate it today, and then go directly to my master to discuss it.”
“Don’t worry, when you fall asleep, I will make an agreement with Master through sound transmission.”
“Well, I see.”
Lin Shan nodded, turned and left.
At this time, Yunzhou’s voice came from behind:
“Also, I have already told Master about your uncle.”
“When the matter of Linmen is over, it’s no problem for him to be the elder of Haoyunzong.”
Opening her mouth, Lin Shan finally spit out two words slowly, and then left the bedroom.
Yun Zhou looked at her back and sighed slightly.
Seems like he… discovered a new pickup technique? Some people compromise after threatening?
Hmm… quite outrageous.
But fortunately, he is not shameless enough to use this method against a girl from a good family.
Bullying Lin Shan is enough.
Although the means are a bit villainous, the result is still good.
Such a clever mind will be used as the military advisor of Hao Yunzong in the future.
It is estimated that the speed of the rise of power will become faster.
His “general annexation plan” for Linmen was already mentioned to Lin Shan last night.
Next, Lin Shan only needs to be more detailed about this strategy.
Then go discuss it with Master and others.
After all, the annexation of sect forces is the work of Master and others.
He’s just a hands-off shopkeeper pointing out general guidelines…
Not long after, Yun Susu arrived as promised.
To be honest.
Did Yun Susu come to discuss with Yun Zhou about Linmen?
Not really.
The matter of Linmen is only mentioned in passing.
Its destruction is a certainty, there is nothing to discuss.
The reason why she came to find Yun Zhou in person was mainly because she missed him.
That’s right.
Ever since she came to Haoyunzong, she and Zhou’er haven’t had a few in-depth exchanges.
The villain seemed to have changed his temper, and he didn’t run to her at night.
This made Yun Susu who finally accepted Yunzhou’s love.
It became inexplicable to worry about gains and losses.
Especially today, obviously it is a special day.
But Yunzhou didn’t express anything at all, and it was still the same as usual… This made Yun Susu feel a little annoyed while feeling disappointed.
Incidentally, when talking with Yun Zhou.
This emotion was clearly captured by Yun Zhou.
Immediately, his eyes rolled, and a hidden smile flickered in his deep eyes, and he outlined the corners of his mouth and said, “Auntie, let’s talk about the business, I think it’s sunny outside, why don’t we go on a date?”
They were chatting about Linmen without saying a word.
Yun Zhou’s abrupt change of subject stunned Yun Susu.
She looked up.
I saw Yunzhou approaching at some point, with a handsome face frozen in front of him less than two punches away, looking at her with a smile.
Immediately, Yun Susu blushed and her heart beat faster, “Where are you going?”
“Go somewhere farther away.”
After finishing speaking, Yun Zhou immediately took Yun Susu’s little hand and left the bedroom.
Dating is often the fastest way to build a relationship.
He has never just demanded physically from his beloved.
The most important thing is the fit of each other’s feelings.
emmm… At least, that’s what he thinks about Shizun and Yun Susu.
The two came to the foot of the mountain one after the other.
It’s so hard to die, Jiang He walked over with a bottle of wine.
Seeing that the two of them looked like they were about to leave.
She tilted her head curiously, looked at Yun Zhou and said:
“I’m going to drink with you, what are you doing?”
Yun Susu: “…”
She turned her head in embarrassment, and looked at Yunzhou for help.
Although the two are not related by blood, but outsiders see that she is also his aunt! You can’t say it’s a date.
Yun Zhou’s face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he smiled and bent his eyes:
“”I want my aunt to follow me to the Linmen faction and help me with something.”
“Well, do you want to come with me?”
After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiang He meaningfully and blinked.
For a moment, Jiang He was stunned.
Ask Yun Susu to help him go to the Linmen faction?
The corner of her mouth twitched.
Subconsciously, he remembered that some time ago, he helped him entrap Chen’s elders.
Good guy!
Could it be that this guy wants to use his aunt after using me? Linmen forces…
I don’t want to go!
“No, no, I suddenly remembered that I have an appointment with Liuli and the others to play mahjong, you guys go!”
Jiang He shook his head like a rattle, turned his head and left without saying a word.
It looks like seeing the creditor.
Yun Zhou and Yun Susu looked at each other and smiled, both of them were a bit dumbfounded.
For a moment, Yun Zhou took the initiative to grab her little hand.
Side by side, they flew towards the sect gate.
One of the two is tall and straight and the other is slim, the kind that looks like they match each other.
On the contrary, Jiang He looked up at the sky, frowning uncontrollably.
“Why do you feel that these two people are weird?”
Linhai, Island City.
This place belongs to the Immortal Palace faction and is one of the most prosperous towns in the entire Immortal Domain.
Originally, according to Yunzhou’s intention, he planned to take Yun Susu to the affiliated town of Linmen.
After all, when we get there, we may still find an opportunity to cheat Linmen.
It’s just that Yun Susu objected to this.
I think it took two days to bring down Linmen.
The two of them appeared in Linmen’s affiliated town at this time, and it was easy to startle the snake.
Then there is nothing to say, the affiliated towns of Asgard are the same.

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