Chapter 1476: Turmoil ensues! Lord Mozun’s layout!
Demons have stood in the fairyland for tens of thousands of years.
The glory of the past has not only spanned how many centuries.
Its Shadow Demon is rumored to be the shadow of the Demon Lord!
What kind of method is there, and how could they, a group of ants, find out?
All of a sudden, the news that “the Shadow Demon was born to fight for the Demon Lord” swept through like a storm.
Countless orthodox sects are in a state of panic.
Countless casual cultivators are eager to join the major forces to seek self-protection.
After all, in the event of a battle between good and evil, the ones who suffer the most are the unprotected casual cultivators.
This is the same as the reason why the people suffered when the Blue Star went to war in ancient times.
Just a few hours.
There are at least 20% more cultivators from the top forces!
Of course, the most people joined Haoyunzong and Yunling.
At a young age, Yun Zhou crushed all the great powers and climbed to the seventh place on the Immortal Domain Ranking.
While this shocked many people, they also felt that he was unfathomable.
For young people of the same generation, Yunzhou’s combat power is indisputable, and it can definitely give them an absolute sense of security.
Especially he also has an aunt Yundi, one of the six emperors!
This kind of lineup, even the demons, can’t easily attack it, right? If looking for shelter…
Among the forces related to Yunzhou, it must be the safest!
All of a sudden, all the mighty casual cultivators and less powerful sects from all over the Immortal Territory… have surrendered to Yun Zhou’s Haoyun Sect, intending to join…
Even, there are many affiliated sects of other forces.
He also broke away recklessly, wanting to attach himself to Haoyunzong.
Then this wave, abandon the dark and turn to the bright.
At the same time, the forbidden place of the demons, Zhuxian Mountain.
Among the clouds.
Inside the quaint but dark hall.
The demonic energy lingered, and the breath was terrifying.
Ling Luohuan, who was wearing a lavender skirt, was sitting on the couch, her sharp eyes slightly narrowed.
There was a strong magical power all over his body, making the maids beside him silent and afraid to speak.
“Shadow really has no brains.”
“The deity asked her to investigate the origin of Yunzhou, why did she go to destroy the righteous sect?”
“Could it be that you have been holding back for too long, and you can’t control your murderous aura?”
She frowned slightly dissatisfied.
Obviously, it was not her order that Shadow Demon wiped out several righteous sects around him this time.
As for why Shadow Demon would do this…
She was also a little confused.
“Where is Zhenhai?”
Her voice was languid as usual.
But the voice sounded like it had been echoed through countless loudspeakers, resounding throughout the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Race.
Not long after, a big man hurried over, knelt on the ground and sounded like a bell.
“Zhenhai is here.”
The big man was nine feet long and extremely burly, with a strong and frightening demonic energy all over his body, and his aura was terrifying.
“Go and warn the shadow, let her do what she should do for the deity, and stop messing around outside.”
Ling Luohuan glanced at the person below indifferently, and said calmly: “In addition…”
“Xiong Wuji is dead, you will take over from her in the future and become the number one general of the demon clan.”
“The demons don’t need you this time. After going out, follow the shadow and give her a hand first.”
The big man named Zhenhai is one of the four demons under her seat.
His cultivation base is second only to the dead Xiong Wuji, the sixth floor of the Devil Emperor (lower rank).
But his methods are more ruthless than Xiong Wuji.
The way of killing has reached the pinnacle, if life and death struggle is not necessarily worse than Xiong Wu.
Although he has been hiding with Ling Luohuan for nearly ten thousand years, there are still some legends about him circulating in the outside world.
Known by the world as the god of killing the world, it is said that he once used his own strength to crush the Li family, which was the strongest among all clans in the past.
Well, a brave one too.
At this time, he heard the words of his own Demon Venerable.
Jin Hai’s eyes flashedAfter wiping off his face, he bowed his head angrily: “Zhenhai takes orders!”
Nodding his head, Ling Luohuan suddenly thought of something again, his deep eyes flickered: “By the way, the beasts should be the first to be born in the fairyland…”
“The soul-moving method of the ancient fairyland… the patriarch of the beast clan tens of thousands of years ago also saw it.”
“This time you can go to the Beast Land of Ten Thousand Races to see if they know the origin of Yun Zhou…”
Hearing this, Zhen Haigong replied “Yes.”
Then, under Ling Luohuan’s wave, he stepped out of the hall.
In the huge space, Ling Luohuan and a few maids were left.
Soon, Ling Luohuan ordered everyone to leave 0. . . . .
Then he lay lazily on the couch, staring at the wooden carving above in a daze.
According to her guess, Yun Zhou’s so-called “reincarnation of the immortal emperor” may really be a cover.
Maybe he is really not from this world.
Otherwise, why is it so different from the former Immortal Emperor’s temperament? Coming from outside the Haotu Immortal Territory, this kind of matter is of great importance.
Maybe even Tiandao is a little bit afraid.
This person may have come from an extraordinary place…
The corners of Ling Luohuan’s mouth curled up, inexplicably interested.
“This little guy has a lot of secrets.”
“But having said that, after staying in this world for so many years, if I can go to another world…”
Ling Luohuan smiled deeply, not knowing what he was thinking.
Then the delicate feet stretched out, kicked off the quilt and fell asleep.
Hmm… Both she and Yunzhou have the habit of sleeping.
And sleep right away.
No matter what happens, it will be left behind.
If this is thrown in Blue Star, it will be rated as “the first person in self-discipline”! …
Ten thousand races, where the land of beasts is located, is the Saintess Mountain.
In a simple room made of mud and sand.
A beautiful woman in a white dress, looking at “all kinds of news from the outside world” on the bamboo scroll.
The expression on the face is constantly changing, sometimes dignified, sometimes 0.5 and puzzled, it seems very strange.
“Auntie, are you thinking about men? Why are you so engrossed?”
Beside the stunning beauty, a smart young girl asked doubtfully, with a curious look on her face.
These two people.
It was Bai Qian and Bai Zi’er who came back from the inheritance of the Immortal Emperor.
Well, it’s these two foxes.
At that time, after being eliminated from the inheritance place and separated from Yunzhou.
They went back to Ten Thousand Races Beast Land one after another.
Of course.
Bai Zi’er hid herself in a wave, secretly following the adventure.
I haven’t let my aunt find out yet.
Even, she was afraid that Yunzhou would tell her the truth.
She even purposely hid that she was Bai Qian’s niece!
Using a pseudonym of “Baitang”, she had a romantic relationship with Yunzhou! Hmm… that’s outrageous! .

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