Chapter 1477: Subjective consciousness is swallowed! Lin Langkun, the leader of all races!
speak up.
Bai Zi’er and Yun Zhou’s love life is quite difficult.
At the inheritance site, there were many people with mixed eyes.
Except secretly.
The specific progress of love is still only verbal.
We haven’t seen each other since we parted…
Regarding this, Bai Zi’er made a decision in her heart.
When he really comes here one day, he must take the initiative and cook the raw rice into cooked rice! Then rely on him like a dog skin plaster!
Then she understood her own thoughts, and the whole day was very relaxed.
As for Yunzhou not coming to Ten Thousand Races Beastland to find her for a long time…
Bai Zier also understood.
Although she is in the Ten Thousand Races Beast Land, she has heard a little about the outside world.
Now my precious Hao Yunzong is surrounded by powerful enemies.
How can I have the time to find myself?
Men, you still have to focus on big things!
Children love each other, sleep together, etc… sooner or later, don’t worry!
It’s just that Bai Zi’er is a little strange.
Aunt Bai Qian’s condition is very bad recently.
A moment of smirking, a moment of blushing.
Now that the demons are all born, everyone is in danger.
She was still dazed.
It’s like losing your soul!
Regarding this, Bai Zi’er guessed that her aunt might be in a relationship!
After all, I had just established a relationship with Yunzhou, and in the few days after I came back, my state was similar to that of my aunt now.
Hearing Bai Zi’er’s words, Bai Qian came back to her senses immediately, was slightly taken aback, and then glared at her with a blushing face, “Zi’er, what are you talking about? Your aunt and I never take a step closer to the opposite sex, so why would we miss men? ”
Hearing this, Bai Zi’er was the one who was stunned instead. Could it be that she guessed wrong?
But it’s true.
My aunt knew it herself. Over the years, my aunt had always treated male cultivators with no false words.
Even for a while, the ancestors suspected that there was something wrong with my aunt’s orientation.
Fortunately, she persuaded her ancestors, otherwise, her ancestors might arrange a blind date for her aunt… Without thinking too much, Bai Zier rolled her eyes and said with a smile:
“Auntie is right, Auntie is so beautiful, there is no man worthy of you.”
Bai Qian didn’t reply, her eyes became more complicated, as if thinking of someone.
Then he shook his head, and his expression gradually calmed down.
She muttered inexplicably to herself:
“Why do I always think of Yunzhou recently, and always want to know all kinds of news about him…”
“I fainted at the inheritance site before, did Yun Zhou arrange the person who sent me back?”
“Also, in the heritage site that day, he even pulled my tail, why didn’t I get angry at all?”
She was thinking about it.
It felt like I was stuck in a vortex.
As a result, her current subjective consciousness was gradually swallowed up, and her whole mind was full of Yun Zhou.
But what exactly this meant, she didn’t quite know.
But she has an idea about it:
“Could it be that I… fell in love with Yunzhou?”
She can’t promise it, but at the very least, she won’t dismiss the idea so easily.
emmm……Because judging from my current state and the experience I learned from the scriptures.
This hypothesis is very possible.
Bai Qian was not given time to think.
At this time, footsteps suddenly came from outside the room.
A tall and straight man stepped in, with an extraordinary handsome face, dressed in a white jade gown.
The whole person is like a bright moon, even compared to the appearance, some fox women would feel ashamed when they see it.
(Fart Ace: Then what, let me show a little dick!)
“Qian’er, why have you been hiding in the Holy Maiden Mountain recently?”
“I can stay for a few days in total, are you deliberately avoiding me?”
There was a gentle smile on the man’s face, but it gave off a very gloomy feeling.
“Young Master Linlang was joking, I wonder what you are talking about this time?”
When Bai Qian saw the person coming, her willow eyebrows unconsciously frowned for a moment, and then she asked.
The shadowy man in front of him is none other than the leader of all clans, the contemporary young master of the Linlang family, Lin Langkun.
Although it’s not long since he took the position of young master, his talent and strength can be regarded as the leader of the younger generation.
He even obtained all the inheritance of the Linlang family’s secret land.
The strength jumped up, surpassing Bai Qian, and ranked second in the Tianjiao list.
After being rumored to be Linlang Zhantai, the new hope of the Linlang family!
It is even said that in time, he will not only be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Yunzhou, but also become a figure like the Six Emperors.
At this time, I heard Bai Qian’s words full of distance.
“Unpleasant” flashed in Lin Langkun’s eyes, and then he asked calmly, “I heard… Qian’er met Yun Tianjiao in the heritage site?”
“I don’t know his appearance, how is he compared to me?”
o((o))o? Okay.
Lin Langkun is a person who always puts cultivation in second place.
In his opinion, men are the most important.
Well, it has to be beautiful!
He didn’t believe it, he couldn’t compare to Yunzhou in strength.
But in this fairyland, there is still someone who can be more beautiful than him!
Hearing this, Bai Qian and Bai Zi’er looked at each other, the corners of their mouths twitching.
To be honest, is Lin Langkun beautiful?
really beautiful.
Most of his beauty is liked by men!
Can these two fox sisters get his point? It must be impossible!
In their opinion, someone like 650 Yunzhou is the face!
The kind that can arouse their impulses (hormones) with every move.
There is no comparison between you and others…
But anyway, Lin Langkun is the young master of the Linlang family, and the Linlang family is the head of all clans… They can’t afford to offend them easily, so they can only be as tactful as possible.
After thinking about it, she didn’t wait for Bai Qian to speak.
Bai Zi’er stroked the goosebump first and said, “Young Master Lin Lang, I have seen Yun Zhou before.”
“That’s right, although you are tall…emmm… quite charming.”
“However, there is still a gap compared with Yunzhou.”
“But don’t be discouraged, you are not much worse than him…”
“It’s just that the eyes are a little uglier than him, the nose is a little sunken, and the forehead is a little bigger…”
In the end, Bai Zi’er couldn’t speak anymore.
The more you talk, the more you feel.
Compared with my husband-in-law, this guy is completely flawed.
In all fairness, she thought that what she said was euphemistic enough.
But Lin Langkun’s face became darker the more he listened.
He is slow to react, but he is not stupid!
This little fox clearly meant that he was uglier than Yun Zhou! Numb!
I really want to find a round thing to pat and relieve my anger! .

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