Chapter 1481 : Top-notch character! A broken character!
Hear this voice.
Yun Susu almost burst out laughing.
Being with Yunzhou for so long.
For the first time, she knew that this little villain had so much drama in his heart.
Still want to fascinate yourself?
The corners of her mouth curled up a little, fleeting, and then glanced at Yunzhou: “It’s fine to stay here overnight, but you have to make sure you don’t touch me.”
Yun Zhou agreed very happily.
This time, Yun Susu was stunned.
“Are you sure you won’t move me?”
Yun Zhou looked serious.
Yun Susu: (O_O)??
No, this is different from the little villain in my impression.
She looked at him suspiciously, and said suspiciously: “You don’t move me, why do you have to keep me overnight?”
“Ah… do I have to touch you just to keep you overnight?”
Yun Zhou scratched his head and thought for a while, “I just want to hug my aunt to sleep.”
Yun Susu’s pretty face flushed slightly, but she still didn’t believe it, “It’s nice to say, can you still be innocent while hugging me to sleep? You must have not pressed it properly…”
Before she finished speaking, Yun Zhou seriously interrupted her.
“Today is my aunt’s birthday, I just want to spend this day with my aunt…”
“Not just today, I have already thought about it, and I will accompany my aunt every year in the future.”
“If you don’t want me to accompany you, I’ll tie you up with Zhenzang Xuanhuan and lie down beside you…”
Yun Susu was stunned.
Originally, she was thinking that this guy would definitely say something to deceive herself.
Unexpectedly, he just wanted to spend his birthday with him.
“Accompany me every year…”
Yun Susu only felt her heart beating faster, as if her inner softness had been hit by something.
Just hearing the back, she felt a little dumbfounded.
I don’t want to tie me up?
Why is this little guy so overbearing…
She looked at Yun Zhou’s serious face, her eyes flickered, and said softly: “You little villain, you just know how to trick me with nice words.”
“However, I still can’t refuse you…I’m really poisoned by you.”
Yun Zhou chuckled, “I knew it, Auntie must be assured of me!”
Yun Susu spit secretly, then glanced at him shyly: “Who cares about you?”
“Ugly words are up front, we can sleep together.”
“But you can’t act like you were in Yunling, or I will bite you!”
Yun Zhou nodded as if pecking at rice, “Don’t worry, auntie, I promise not to mess around. Of course, you can bite me anytime you want.”
“You are the birthday star today, but you are happy, I am not a man if I say a word of pain!”
“Pfft~ What kind of treasure are you playing~”
Yun Susu glared at him coquettishly, the corners of her mouth slightly curved.
“However…the bed in this private room can’t sleep two people, right?”
She glanced at the bed and frowned, thinking about whether to go to an inn with Yun Zhou.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by.
Yun Susu looked in shock.
In sight, Yun Zhou had already taken off his shoes, socks and outer shirt, and shrank directly to the innermost part of the bed.
At the same time, don’t forget to pull the pillow out.
“Auntie, come quickly, this small couch… sharing the same bed is just enough!”
Yun Susu shook his head helplessly, “If you put this kind of mind on cultivation, you might have already reached the consummation of the Emperor Realm.”
It was really what she said.
She was wondering for a long time.
I don’t know what’s going on with this bad guy. I haven’t seen him practice when I was with him, but his cultivation level keeps improving.
This is still the case with unintentional cultivation, if you practice hard day and night…
I’m afraid that the strength has already surpassed their group of Six Emperors, right?
I think so, but Yun Susu still blushed and came to the side of the bed.
After lightly pursing her red lips, she slowly lay beside him.
At the same time, I couldn’t stop muttering in my heart:
“Who on earth came up with the idea to place a bed in the dining room…it’s simply outrageous.”
Before she could think too much, Yun Zhou’s voice came from behind her:
“Auntie, it’s best to take off your outer shirt when you sleep, otherwise you won’t be able to sleep well.”
Yun Susu’s whole body tensed up, and she quickly said: “No, I don’t want to sleep, I just lie down for a while, if you can’t sleep…”
“…Here, okay.”
Yun Zhou didn’t force her either, after all Yun Susu is not used to sleeping, in the past the other party would lie down until dawn.
As his voice fell, the atmosphere gradually became quiet.
There was no sound in the huge box.
Yun Susu was very puzzled, when did this bad guy become so honest? It doesn’t fit her personality.
Just when she was wondering, suddenly, a gust of wind hit, and the fiery red hair was pressed on her body.
“Ah, what are you doing?”
Yun Zhou tidied the bedding for her, and said honestly:
“I just see that my aunt’s clothes are too thin. The box is not warm at night. I’m afraid you will catch cold.”
“Stop it……”
Yun Susu snorted softly, “I am also one of the Six Emperors anyway.”
“Even if you fall into the ice cave, you don’t feel a little bit. How can you catch cold?”
“Oh, I’m afraid of kitchen knives even if my martial arts are high, so it doesn’t affect anything if I cover it a little bit.”
Yun Zhou said with a smile.
“Then I will cover it, you are not allowed to mess around.”
“Don’t worry, auntie, I promise not to mess around.”
Hearing this, Yun Susu moved her body, nestled under the blanket and found a new posture.
Not long after.
“Little bastard, why are you pulling my coat!?”
“Crack” sound.
“Hiss, I want you to have a good rest, don’t stick your fingers at me!”
“Do you believe this yourself?! 5.8”
Toss for a long time.
Under Yunzhou’s character of being brave to challenge and not afraid of difficulties, Yun Susu still succumbed.
She was held in Yunzhou’s arms, listening to the breathing in her ear, her little face was slightly red.
But rare, Yun Zhou didn’t have dirty thoughts.
Instead, he hugged Yun Susu lightly, sniffing her long hair, and saidYin whispered: “Choose a city with a white head, and meet a person who will die forever…”
“Auntie, after we have seen all the prosperity in the world, we will find a place to live, how about we spend time together?”
Yun Susu didn’t turn her head back: “It’s okay for you and I to grow old forever.”
“What about your dozens of confidante? No more?”
“Ah this…”
The corner of Yunzhou’s mouth twitched: “Just pretend I didn’t say it!”

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