Chapter 1482: Great Points Deducted from Hao Yunzong! More and more demonic daughter!
No one can think of it.
The touching offensive that he must kill was actually broken.
Are you moved?
Look like this doesn’t exist.
When Yun Susu heard this, she felt angry and funny.
Turning around, the little hand pinched the soft flesh around his waist: “What do you mean you didn’t say it? You don’t want to be with me anymore?”
“It’s okay to be together… It’s just that it’s better to be alone than to be happy with others. Can Auntie let me add more people?”
“Ah, take it easy, you are going to murder your own husband.”
“Strangle you bastard!”
In the box lit by red candles, it is extraordinarily warm against the beautiful atmosphere.
At least, Yun Susu thinks so.
same moment.
Hao Yunzong, side peak.
The towering peaks were pitch black, and nothing could be heard except the chirping of insects and birds.
And on the highest boulder on the top of the mountain, there is a figure sitting here.
Holding the flagon in her hand, she stared blankly at the sky with a pair of beautiful eyes, her expression hazy.
It was Jiang He who was slightly drunk in 06.
“Hi~ I haven’t come back after walking for a day, and there is no movement from Linmen…”
“What did these two people do?”
Ever since Yun Zhou said during the day that she was going to Linmen to do business, she guessed that nothing good would happen.
Maybe this little bastard tricked his aunt into getting Linmen.
As a result, I didn’t believe it at all all day.
Jiang He didn’t need to think about it, he knew that he was cheated by this bastard.
“Lie to me, take his aunt to play… this heartless thing!”
“When he comes back, I will make him look good, hiccup~!”
I drank another mouthful of fairy wine, and I don’t know why.
The memories in my mind began to emerge again like a revolving lantern.
Ever since she came back from the identity of “Jiang Fu’er”, she always remembered the memory of Yunzhou holding her.
Especially his woodpecker-like mouth attack…
Thinking about it now makes me a little numb.
Shaking his head, Jiang He spit secretly:
“Damn you bastard, you can’t find any flaws in your whole body, how did you become so discolored?”
“I can’t hide from pretending to be a child… It’s a big deduction!”
After muttering, she became a little worried again.
“According to what Susu said, tomorrow the Great Elder of Linmen will do something.”
“This time, the foundation of the Lin family has been completely destroyed. I don’t know if Lin Sheng will jump over the wall in a hurry…”
It’s different from her and Yunzhou entrapping the elders of Chen’s family.
The Chen family has a huge background for many years, and it is also the number one force in the fairyland.
Even if the group of elders is dead, there will still be great powers that have been reserved long ago to take over.
But Linmen is different.
As far as she knows, the elders of the Linmen that Yunzhou killed in Haotu before.
The vacant position has not yet been filled.
This shows how much talent Linmen lacks.
In this case, if all the masters of Linmen Peak are killed at the higher level… I am afraid that Linmen will not say that they will completely destroy the sect, but it will be almost the same.
And besides that, once Linmen’s group of elders is destroyed, all forces will definitely swarm up.
At that time, Yunzhou will be the “instigator” of all this…
Will Lin Sheng take revenge?
It is estimated that “fighting with death” is possible, right?
“If you want to protect Yunzhou from Lin Sheng’s madness, your current strength is not enough.”
Jiang He emptied all the wine in the jug, and then a color flashed in his beautiful eyes.
“Sure enough, people still have to live for their own thoughts.”
“Just to protect Yunzhou, I still need to improve my cultivation.”
“At least, you can’t be overtaken by that little bastard too quickly, right?”
As she spoke, she slowly stood up from the ground.
There was wine floating around him from nowhere.
Rippling to form a flow of wine, spinning irregularly around the side.
The Way of Fairy Brew.
When Jiang He was drunk, he was enlightened, and he created the law of the great way.
It’s just that I have been procrastinating for a long time, and I just realized it now.
“That bitch, Susu, actually said that I’m not good enough for her nephew… hiccup~”
“What’s wrong with my old lady who is thousands of years older than him? Isn’t my old lady beautiful?”
“Wait, wait for me to master this self-created Taoism and improve my realm to a higher level. I want you to look good!”
“Cultivation base and combat power crush you, I see how you can say that I am not worthy of him!”
“Hmph, piapia must be slapped in the face!”
There was a hint of arrogance on her delicate face.
Immortal wine around the body is rapidly lingering, and a faint white light flickers.
The beautiful shadow in the wine is like a banished fairy under the moonlight.
The cloudless sky suddenly became dark.
“The Heavenly Tribulation of Emperor Realm (Intermediate)? Interesting!”
Heaven and earth, the main mountain hall.
Xiao Tiankuo looked at the moon outside the window, and then at Xiao Xunxun who was sitting on the side and concentrating on cultivation.
I only feel that one head and two are big, and the whole person is not good.
“Xunxun, you have just recovered, wouldn’t it be nice to go back to rest and sleep honestly?”
After seeing Yunzhou that day.
Xiao Xunxun fell in love with her at first sight… no, it was love at first sight.
We don’t know if it’s because Yuechan stole half of her mind, but fell in love with Yunzhou.
Anyway, when she saw Yun Zhou, 290 inexplicably liked it from the bottom of her heart! It’s just that she can see that Yun Zhou doesn’t seem to have any feelings for her.
So, she is ready to adopt another wave of tactics.
Improve your self-cultivation firstCome up, looking for Yun Zhou! With the strength, I will be the overlord and fight hard.
As the one who enjoys blessings, the designation is only half-hearted, right?
As soon as this idea came out, she immediately went to Zhushan to ask her father for the exercises.
It turned out that my father was in the emperor’s realm, and the fairy charm around me was very strong, so I always pulled him to sit next to him, and stayed by the side when I was practicing.
It can be said that there are twelve hours a day without interruption.
This made Xiao Tiankuo unable to do business all day long.
Embarrass the old man.
Xiao Xunxun opened her beautiful eyes, gently exhaled the depression in her body, and said with a smile: “What’s the point of sleeping? Isn’t it a waste of good time not to cultivate?”
“Don’t worry, as your daughter, I am reluctant to let you practice alone, and I will accompany you from now on.”
Xiao Tiankuo’s mouth twitched.
To be honest, he suddenly missed his daughter who lost his mind.
That’s right.
Although Xiao Xunxun had incomplete personality before, at least he wasn’t brazen! How does this complement her personality, making her more and more demonic? .

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