Chapter 1571: Reshuffle the cards! The key to the chaos!
Ever since Chen Fusheng was forced to retreat by Yun Zhou.
The attention of many monks in the Immortal Territory was all diverted.
In the eyes of many people, if the Chen family, the biggest resistance, withdraws, the Lin family will surely become the purse of the alliance.
It’s just that ideas are multifaceted.
Some people think that the United League will break the Linmen sect guarding formation in one fell swoop and take down Linmen.
But some people think that things will not go so smoothly.
But anyway.
After the past few days, the top forces in Xianyu will be reshuffled.
In addition, some affiliated small and medium-sized sect forces will also be affected by this.
If there is no accident, Immortal Territory will immediately enter a chaotic situation.
The sun is shining and the weather is as usual.
The third day when the alliance annexed Linmen.
The hot blazing sun hangs high in the sky, like a hot dayfire.
In the depths of the forest gate forbidden area, accompanied by a burst of black awns soaring into the sky, there was a sudden rumbling sound, as if a huge monster was about to collapse! The terrifying momentum set off a shocking wave, which caused a sensation in half of the Immortal Realm!
whoosh whoosh!
Daoist monks turned into divine rainbows and rushed from all directions, frozen in the void, overlooking the 487 miles.
Someone noticed that within the black awn, there was also a kind of nine-colored magical light gushing out.
But soon, there was a huge energy dispatched, the power was explored, and it pressed across the sky, covering up the entire vision!
Such a scene caused a huge commotion in a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Many disciples of the sect forces were shocked, and the news spread like wildfire.
For a time, the entire fairyland also set off a huge wave.
The eyeliners of all major forces and sects paid attention to the situation in Linmen, and within a few hours, the situation became turbulent.
Many people speculated that there was something terrifying in the forbidden area of ​​the forest gate that could cause such a commotion.
Because the monks who have been in the Immortal Realm for a long time know that before Linmen was founded, a mountain in the Linmen Forbidden Area was the birth point of the Immortal Emperor! There’s some kind of great horror in there, and that’s normal.
But correspondingly, there are still some people who speculate that in addition to the great terror, there may also be an unborn treasure of chaos! After all, this kind of movement can also be caused by the Chaos Supreme Treasure!
Normally, that place belongs to Linmen, and with Lin Sheng here, no one would guess easily.
But this time, Linmen’s demise is imminent, Lin’s life and death are unknown, and this soaring black awn has such power…All these combined together, Linmen was immediately pushed to the forefront of the storm.
Small powers and sects dare not mess around, but several monsters hidden in the forbidden area are ready to move.
After retreating for thousands of years, apart from wanting to maintain the peace of the fairyland, there is no one or thing worthy of their actions.
Now that there is a black light rising into the sky in this vision, how can there be any reason to watch it?
Several peeping eyes stared at this place in all directions, but they had the audacity to leave the customs.
So they sent their hidden disciples and disciples to Linmen.
All of a sudden, the Immortal Realm became extremely lively, with chariots and spirit beasts that had never been seen in the past rushing from all directions…
At the same time, outside of Linmen, in a small town infinitely close to the northern entrance of Linmen Forbidden Ground.
Boom boom boom!
Three horse-like beasts pulled a treasure chariot that was glowing red all over, crushed the clouds in the air, and galloped towards the bottom.
The steed landed slowly, attracting the attention of past cultivators.
With such a dazzling way of traveling, the people in this treasure chariot must be absolutely extraordinary!
During this period of time, Linmen was really lively. Those disciples trapped inside Linmen could see a large number of cultivators coming towards Linmen through the Taoist mirror every day.
It’s just…how could such a luxurious chariot come to this remote town?
Not far away, in a restaurant, an old man who was calm and introverted, noticed the movement, and frowned and looked out.
“When the entrance to the northern part of the forbidden area is remote, didn’t the ancestor say that only he knew about it? Why did he suddenly come over and light up the treasure chariot?”
“The curtain of the chariot is embroidered with floating clouds, and the top of the chariot is carved with dragons and phoenixes… Judging from this pattern, is it someone from the Immortal Palace?”
“Using three divine horses as rides, it seems that the people inside are of good status. Could it be that fairy concubine?”
The old man muttered to himself, but his tone sounded like a young man’s.
Even though his demeanor is calm, the immaturity in his eyes cannot be fooled.
And just as he was speaking, there was clearly a faint white light flickering on his chest.
“Great-grandfather, didn’t you say that you want to try your luck in our forbidden land “for the sake of cutting yourself into pieces?”
“In my opinion, we have to lurk back anyway, why not make an alliance with this fairy concubine in advance?”
“I heard that this fairy concubine was the number one beauty in the fairyland a few years ago. She is so beautiful and she must be kind-hearted. What do you think?”
After saying this, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.
Coupled with this old face, it looks extremely wretched! Hearing this, a furious voice suddenly sounded in Daohai:
“Lin Yuan!
NM, why does this seat have such a useless grandson like you! What time is it, do you still fucking miss women?”
“I can tell you clearly, there must be a big chance for me in the forbidden area, no matter what I think or what’s wrong!”
“Don’t be unable to walk when you see a woman, especially that fairy concubine, don’t worry about me!”
“Furthermore, now you are using the body of this seat, even if the fairy concubine is in front of you, what can you do?”
Well, this old man is the big fool who took away his great-grandfather, Lin Yuan.
As for the roaring voice in his body, don’t think about it, his great-grandfather Lin Sheng.
Hearing this, Lin Yuan curled his lips and said: “I can’t do anything, let’s see if it’s okay? And it may not be the fairy concubine. Speaking of which, the fairy concubine doesn’t know that there is a north gate in our forest gate forbidden area. Why did she run to this place where the birds don’t fly?”
Saying that, he got up and left a low-grade immortal stone and left, heading towards the northernmost part of the city, completely ignoring the great-grandfather’s nagging…
“Concubine Xian, this is the closest city to the north of Linmen Forbidden Area.”
Inside the city, outside the treasure chariot, a pretty servant spoke in a low voice, reminding the graceful beauty inside.
And the person sitting inside was Lin Langzhan Terrace who left Linzu City and then disappeared.

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