Chapter 1572 : A Good Husband’s Scheme! Lin Lang Zhantai murdered the hero!
The attendant’s words made Lin Lang Zhantai wake up from his thoughts.
Stretching out his hand, he gently opened a corner of the chariot curtain, glanced outside with his faint eyes, and nodded slightly.
“Listen to me beforeMy good husband said that there are two entrances, north and south, where he seals the Earth Lord… I never expected that there is actually a city in the north of this forbidden place…”
“I remember…thousands of years ago this place was supposed to be a barren mountain?”
“Time has really changed.”
Lin Lang Zhantai quietly glanced outside, then his eyes passed by countless cultivators, and landed in the direction of the north.
“The northern entrance to the sealed place…according to the Immortal Emperor, the entrance key should be sealed on Lin Sheng, who was young at that time.”
“Lin Sheng became famous when he was young and founded the Lin Clan, and he was highly valued by the Immortal Emperor. He even handed over his birthplace to Lin Sheng to take care of him…”
“From this point of view, it is not incomprehensible for the Immortal Emperor to seal the Ruo on him.”
“It’s just…why do I think it’s my good husband’s plan again?”
Lin Lang Zhantai’s gaze was gloomy, looking in the direction of the north, with wisdom in his eyes.
That’s right.
If you want to give the sealed land to Lin Sheng’s jurisdiction, you can directly give the key to Lin Sheng.
She didn’t believe that Lin Sheng at that time had the guts to let go of the Earth Lord.
Why hide the key from Lin Sheng and seal the key in the other party’s body? Is it because he is afraid that the other party plans to win over the earthly respect?
who knows.
Anyway, Lin Lang Zhantai felt that everything was planned by his husband thousands of years ago.
“Hmm… that cold-faced monster is like a god, it’s too scary… It’s better to get along with the reincarnated him now.”
Lin Lang Zhantai thought so in his heart.
She came here, naturally, to plot the key to the seal that was sealed in Lin Sheng’s body.
According to what she had heard intentionally or unintentionally, even Lin Sheng himself did not know the existence of this key.
Even, there is a powerful Taoism in it, which belongs to the ancient power.
From a certain point of view, Lin Sheng’s current level of cultivation is inseparable from this key! At first she thought that the Immortal Emperor was exaggerating, thinking how powerful a key to a sealed land could be.
It wasn’t until she explored the ancient books during this period of time and found that the space where the earth god was sealed and the key were actually the treasures that came out of chaos when the immortal emperor came into the world, that she finally realized.
The rank of this chaotic treasure is likely to be above the category I understand! She had to get it in her hands!
On the other hand, she also knew that Lin Sheng was not simple.
In such a situation surrounded by powerful enemies, he let him slip away from everyone’s nose abruptly! From this point of view, you can see that he is unusual.
Like a loach, the skater is very good.
And besides that, she heard other rumors.
His good great-grandson seems to have taken away his physical body, and now his soul power is intertwined, and the grandparent and grandson are sharing the same body! Although this sounds disgusting enough, it also means that it is more troublesome to deal with.
Even though that Lin Yuan was entrapped by Yun Zhou to such an extent, he can be regarded as Yun Zhou’s sworn enemy.
An old enemy who can be the reincarnation of the immortal emperor…… This little thing is not a difficult character to deal with.
“I heard that at the Immortal Emperor’s inheritance place, when Lin Yuan’s physical body died, there was a ray of white light rushing into the sky…”
“Maybe it has something to do with the Heavenly Dao that the Immortal Emperor is afraid of. It seems that we should be more careful.”
“After all… this is a plan to kill him, and there can be no mistakes.”
Lin Langzhantai thought about it, his face gradually regained his composure, and a pair of deep phoenix eyes lightly looked in the direction of the north.
She sent a voice transmission secretly, telling Zhou Qian and the others to go over and lay down the heaven and earth net first, and then waited for the grandparents of the Lin family to deliver the key to the seal.
As for how she was sure that Lin Yuan would come.
Well, Lin Yuan might not take the initiative to come over, but he took away his great-grandfather who lost his body, and he is determined not to watch everything he has in vain! This monstrous black light is full of power, if you don’t believe it, you won’t be able to attract Lin Sheng.
Yun Zhou has been calculating all kinds of ways to rise up, and the respected person inside, he will definitely not give up.
Coincidentally, she has many powerful supports like Lin Lang Zhantai!
And aside from these things… the treasure on the Earth Lord is just as attractive! Think about these.
Lin Langzhan got off the chariot directly and headed towards the north of the city.
Lin Sheng didn’t know that he had the key to the sealed land.
But this is his lair, since the Immortal Emperor can leave a door leading to the sealed place here, Lin Sheng will definitely be able to leave a door leading to the forbidden place! Lin Langzhantai has no doubt that when Lin Sheng’s grandparents see the vision like the secret treasure, they will definitely not be able to resist showing up!
Although she has been trapped for thousands of years, she still knows a little about Lin Sheng’s temperament.
“Besides, Lin Yuan controls the sovereignty of his body. He is still young and easily impulsive. It is inevitable to return.”
“The soul power is intertwined. Because of Lin Yuan, his cultivation must be greatly reduced… Only by destroying the physical body can the key be taken out… This must be the place where he is buried!”
At this time, Lin Langzhantai’s expression was extremely indifferent, like an empress who was in charge of life and death!
She didn’t care at all whether the grandparents of Linmen were alive or dead. To her, except for Yunzhou and this huge fairyland, she didn’t pay attention to anyone or anything.
Of course, that’s what she said, but she had calculated a lot of time for this plan.
It didn’t take long for Linlang Zhantai to hide his breath, and his figure suddenly appeared on the treetops in the north of the city.
At this time, she clearly sensed that someone was heading this way.
The steps are steady, exuding the aura of a dragon and a tiger, obviously a good cultivation.
Her eyes froze slightly, and she waved her palm lightly.
There was a tremor in the void for a moment, and then returned to normal.
But if you feel it carefully, you will notice that several terrifying auras have locked this piece of heaven and earth firmly with formations!
“This is the northern entrance of our forbidden area? Great-grandfather, why do I feel something is wrong?Woolen cloth?”
Lin Yuan frowned, looked at the two tall city walls with his old face, and tilted his head inexplicably.
Although he has an impulsive temper, his brain is still very flexible. After recovering from successive blows, he has bid farewell to his former stupidity.
Especially after taking away the body of his great-grandfather, he became even more cautious in his actions.
When he escaped from Linmen, his sixth sense saved him from several waves of alliance elders.
I don’t know why, he is standing here now, besides feeling unreliable, he also has an unknown feeling…

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