Chapter 1585: When feelings are no longer fun! Chasing Love Crematorium!
“Tsk, I didn’t expect that Zhantai, who has always been a leader, would also be afraid, but he has grown a lot…”
Yun Zhou said with a teasing smile, he didn’t look at Lin Lang Zhantai the whole time, as if he didn’t care about this set of fairy tools at all.
Seeing this, Linlang Zhantai heaved a sigh of relief.
She was afraid that Yunzhou would have something to do with the emperor, and if she forcibly removed this fairy tool, then her safety would not be guaranteed.
Maybe the other party will suddenly attack and take away all her treasures for her own use.
With the nature of the Immortal Emperor, this is not impossible… and the Immortal Emperor in this life is so bold, who knows what else he will do after stripping off the Immortal Tool? Yun Zhou didn’t know that he had such a bad impression on Linlang Zhantai.
But he also knows that the current Linlang Zhantai doesn’t have any trust in him.
After all, the previous body had imprisoned her for thousands of years, so giving her some benefits would lower her defenses, and it was still too early to make her fully trust her.
But he wasn’t in a hurry, Linlang Zhantai was in his palm, she couldn’t escape, and from the perspective of her feelings for her predecessor, once the misunderstanding was resolved, she might turn the initiative into a passive one.
Under the chaotic situation, there are dangers everywhere. If there is no emotional drama in it, wouldn’t it be very boring? The corner of Yunzhou’s mouth curled up with a meaningful arc, not words.
Soon, the two came to the extreme west.
As far as the eye can see, it is a barren ruin.
The tombstones of the gods, the collapsed ancient temples, the decayed palaces…everywhere reveals a sense of ancient vicissitudes.
On top of the ruins, Yun Chi and Yun Pangu stood in the void, guarding against the remnant souls of some gods suddenly jumping out to cause trouble.
Obviously, now not only Linlang Zhantai, but even Yunzhou are very cautious. In order to prevent the boat from capsizing in the gutter, many measures have been specially deployed.
And in this void, the underworld glyphs on the nearly purple-black formation are full of destructive power, as if just a little mistake can kill people here.
When they came to the front of the formation, the two stopped in a tacit understanding.
“Yunzhou, you won’t leave me behind later, and go to meet the earth god alone.”.?”
As if he had guessed something, Linlang Zhantai looked at Yun Zhou with a faint gaze.
Ask in a very direct way.
When these words came out of her fairy concubine’s mouth, she inexplicably felt a little out of harmony, like a little daughter-in-law who was about to be left behind on the wedding night.
She felt that ugly words had to be said first, and at least she had to get Yunzhou’s verbal guarantee, otherwise she would be left behind, and she would have no place to reason.
Yun Zhou looked at Lin Lang Zhan Tai who was staring at him full of scrutiny.
suddenly quiet, After a long while, he forced a smile and said, “In your eyes, have I always been this kind of person?”
In his smiling face, Lin Lang Zhantai understood an emotion called “chilling heart”.
“I just want a guarantee…”
Linlang Zhantai’s response became weaker and weaker, feeling a lack of confidence.
Hearing this, the smile on Yunzhou’s face finally calmed down, and his expression returned to that look of understatement.
“Guaranteed… It seems that I have always been the object of war in your heart. It’s ridiculous that I still think about you.”
Yun Zhou murmured softly, and shook his head when he thought it was funny, with a self-deprecating look.
“Forget it, I promise you… I will never leave you alone, and I will give you a chance to win over the earth venerable first, and I will never get in the way. But does this guarantee that you will also doubt it?”
After Yun Zhou finished speaking with a blank face, his eyes became indifferent and deep, and he was no longer filled with the smile that he had at the beginning.
To say he was really angry, it would be better to say that he was deliberately acting.
He knows exactly what to do.
I’ve been used to Lin Lang Zhantai for so long, and it’s time to fight back, otherwise, no matter how good he is to him, it will become “reasonable” after a long time.
Seeing Yun Zhou’s changing expression, Lin Lang Zhantai’s heart froze.
Suddenly, she seemed to see the former Immortal Emperor again.
Indifference to the point of being heartbroken.
“No, I won’t doubt it, I…”
Lin Lang Zhantai opened her mouth, wanting to respond to Yun Zhou’s words, but she didn’t know what to say anymore.
Reasonably speaking, considering the nature of the Immortal Emperor, it is very normal and reasonable to leave her here and go to see the Earth God alone.
But after getting acquainted with Yun Zhou in this life, Linlang Zhantai felt that she shouldn’t be putting the prejudice against the Immortal Emperor on Yun Zhou.
Although Yun Zhou is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, there is an essential difference between the two.
Although there are factors of utilization, Yunzhou in this life is obviously more humane.
And since the two met in this life, Yun Zhou really didn’t do anything to harm her like in the previous life.
Even after he knew that he wanted to take revenge on him, he never tried to kill him.
Still like a child, with a bright smile, entered the bridal chamber with herself…
In contrast, she was the one who had been speculating on the other party’s thoughts, chilling the other party’s heart with various subconscious behaviors.
The Immortal Emperor of the previous life had indeed imprisoned her for thousands of years and abolished her cultivation.
But is the account of the Immortal Emperor really on Yun Zhou’s head?
Despite being one person, the two are clearly very different…..
I have been judging Yun Zhou with the eyes of an immortal emperor, is this really good?
Lin Lang Zhantai’s thoughts were in a mess, and even her beautiful eyes reflected the complex.
She felt that this was unfair to Yun Zhou who had been kind to her in every way in this life!
Even if Yun Zhou is the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, he also has deep scheming and means, but he also has heart! When Yun Zhou heard what he said just now, he must have felt very uncomfortable, right?
I have hatred for him, and all I want is to imprison him, let alone kill him.
That being the case, why bother to chill his heart and make him miserable?
And according to the current development, would I really imprison him willingly? My mind was in a mess, and Linlang Zhantai somehow had a kind of “”
The feeling of “reluctant” is growing.
She opened her mouth, planning to explain something to Yun Zhou.
At this time, Yun Zhou had already left her side.
Moving his legs, he walked towards the formation step by step.
There was no fluctuation in the expression on the cold face, like a god who shielded all emotions and had no mortal emotions.

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