Chapter 1586: The so-called sentiment and entanglement! Heart, also known as extravagant hope!
Lin Langzhan froze in place, feeling a sense of loss in her heart.
But soon, she stepped forward to catch up.
Yun Zhou suddenly became indifferent to her, which made her, who was used to the other party’s entanglement in this life, unable to adapt for a while.
Inexplicably, something that belonged to her was about to disappear again, which made her feel a faint sense of panic.
In front of him, it is different from the previous formation.
Maybe the back is the place where the earth god is sealed, so this is the top-level fairy formation set up by the fairy emperor.
However, for Yun Zhou who has the memory of the Immortal Emperor, it is not difficult to decipher it.
Following the memory to find the weakest eye of the formation, Yunzhou directly pierced it with the formation-breaking bow.
Layers of ripples rippled in front of my eyes, and Yunzhou stepped in.
The broken formation is no longer a ruin, but a secret room like an ancient tomb of an immortal.
The door outside the secret room is carved with lifelike textured creatures. At first glance, you can tell that it is extremely old, as if it has passed through a long river of epochs.
Vaguely, Yunzhou can see the vast and ancient scene flickering from this ancient gate.
Thousands of years ago, countless birds and beasts were worshiping a low mountain, and the sound was overwhelming.
947 From the very center of this ancient gate, there is also a round ancient stone protruding.
The ancient stone has returned to its original nature, and it is so crystal clear that it seems to reflect an ancient barren world.
In the world, there is a sky, a barren land, a fairy shadow, a demon god…
The corresponding ones are Heavenly Dao, Earthly Venerable, Immortal Emperor and Mozun.
During the circulation, wisps of immortal energy emanated from the ancient stone and merged into the entire ancient gate, and everything became silent again, as if nothing had happened.
“This is the seal land of the Earth Lord.”
“It’s a pity, how could the gods derived from the desolation and chaos be gathered by Linlang Zhantai? Even… I have nothing to do.”
“Maybe the bamboo basket fetches water in vain? But it doesn’t affect anything, the big deal is if you don’t get itdestroy.”
Looking at this ancient door, Yun Zhou muttered words that only he could understand, with a subtle arc on the corner of his mouth.
Not long after, I felt Lin Langzhantai behind me following up.
The smile on Yunzhou’s face was instantly hidden, and Gujing Wulan’s indifferent appearance was restored again.
“This is the sealed place. In order for you not to doubt me, after the sealed place is opened, you can go in first to meet the Earth Lord.”
Then, Yun Zhou said lightly towards Lin Lang Zhan Tai who was following him.
“Of course, if you are worried about any danger, or if you are afraid that I will harm you, you can also follow me in to prevent me from playing tricks.”
There was no fluctuation in the tone, no self-mockery or dissatisfaction could be heard, it was just like describing a matter that maximized Lin Lang Zhantai’s interests.
However, Lin Langzhantai felt it was particularly harsh when he heard this.
She could feel the change in the other party’s attitude towards her from Yun Zhou’s indifferent words.
When Yun Zhou talked to her before, he always had a smile on his face.
But now… her tone became cold and she didn’t even bother to look at her eyes.
This contrast in attitude made her feel more uncomfortable than when the Immortal Emperor didn’t talk to her from beginning to end.
“Don’t say that… I believe in you.”
There was a weakness in her tone of which she was not even aware.
Yun Zhou glanced at her indifferently when he heard the words, and said calmly, “I think you’d better not be polite.”
Lin Lang Zhantai’s bright face did not change, but bitterness was evident in her beautiful eyes.
Obviously, Yun Zhou took her sentence “I believe in you” as a superficial courtesy.
This can be seen from Yun Zhou’s understated eyes.
She suddenly felt a little regretful, why did she question him? And forcing him to give himself a guarantee? What does that guarantee do other than hurt?
She also understands Yunzhou in this life. Although she is very good to her confidante, the arrogance in her bones is still there. Before she was able to give herself something like the resurrection plate, it is very likely that the other party really regarded her as her own. look at.
But it was because of her doubt that the relationship between the two was completely alienated.
The so-called “one of us” has been pulled out by an unknown distance.
This made Linlang Zhantai very annoyed, wishing to smack his own mouth.
Yunzhou must have developed true feelings for him, so he was emotionally affected by his words.
Maybe… the way he smiled like a child that day, did he really mean it?
But can I still see that smile?
Glancing at Yunzhou’s unusually indifferent face, Lin Langzhantai only felt that the seal in front of him didn’t seem to be very important.
Even about the layout of the “Earth Zun”, it doesn’t seem to make any sense.
She originally wanted to use the earth lord to restrain Yunzhou and let herself dominate the fairyland.
But now… Compared to Yunzhou, is the entire fairyland important?
In a daze, Linlang Zhantai seemed to grasp some key point.
After being imprisoned for thousands of years, what she can’t let go of most is not hatred, but a desire for an explanation.
A sentence of Yunzhou explained the reason for her bondage, and an explanation of “I really loved you”.
What she wanted was never Yun Zhou’s life, nor did she want Yun Zhou to experience the despair she had at the beginning, nor did she want to dominate the entire fairyland and take Yun Zhou away.
She doesn’t have that much ambition, let alone that much ability.
All the previous layouts were just blinded by hatred.
She didn’t dare to admit it, but what she really expected… was Yun Zhou’s heart! It has been like this for thousands of years!
Yun Zhou didn’t know what Lin Lang Zhantai was thinking.
His focus has been separated from the love between children and children that increases the emotional appeal.
With his hands behind his back, he looked at the stone gate, and began to recall the memory fragments of his predecessor, looking for a way to open the seal.
(The Wuxian World and Wuxian Market should be the Wuxian Mansion? It is also thanks to my predecessors to think of trapping the Earth Lord in the Wuxian Mansion)
(If you want to open Wuxian Mansion, you must have the original life key of this Wuxian world, but only the creator of this world, that is, the immortal emperor himself, can have the original life key. I am a reincarnation, and I have not cultivated to that level yet , can’t condense out either.)
Yun Zhou thought it was a bit difficult.
But soon, his brows relaxed.

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