Chapter 1596: Why does this girl get excited when Yunzhou is mentioned?
However, the voice fell, but there was no response for a long time.
Ling Luohuan above had the usual expression, with a slight sneer between his brows and eyes.
Obviously, he didn’t pay much attention to the alliance.
But it’s true, the other party is a Demon Lord, and you can’t find an opponent in the entire fairyland. If you really fancy a certain opportunity, there is no reason to join forces with him, a demon monk.
Zhiliu was stunned, rolled his eyes and said, “Of course, the little monk is definitely taking advantage of joining forces with you. For the sake of fairness, I will only take 30% of the treasure in this chance, and the rest will be given to Lord Mozun… .”
“And you can rest assured that I will never trouble you to do it yourself this time, as long as you can back me upYes, those hermit monks can deal with it by themselves…”
“Furthermore, I heard that Lord Mozun has plans to bring the Demon Land back to life?”
“I can help you with this. I heard that Yunzhou’s younger generation is having a good time in the outside world. If you need it, I can deal with him for you…”
As Zhiliu spoke, he weighed the pros and cons.
He thought that since he wanted to join forces with Mozun, he had to show some sincerity and solve some troubles for the other party.
He has heard a little about Mozun’s temperament, and it belongs to the kind of lazy 797 character, so I can do some tedious things for her, help her take down the force called Yunzhou, and then dedicate it to Modi, which is also my own. a little sincerity.
“Huh? The demon monk…”
“You’re not lying to me, are you?”
Ling Luohuan, who was originally disdainful, suddenly froze for a moment after hearing the last sentence from the other party, blinked her deep beautiful eyes, and suddenly revealed a hint of anticipation, “Can you really handle Yunzhou?”
“Lord Mozun, don’t worry, as long as I arrive, the Lin Sect and the power of Haoyun Sect will definitely let him obediently offer it up!”
Zhiliu looked happy, and promised.
“Just donate your power?”
At this time, Ling Luohuan suddenly felt that this so-called demon monk was not a very reliable character, at least it was seriously inconsistent with the rumored murderousness.
Hmm~ very boring.
The slightly expectant look on his face was gone, and he returned to that indifferent look.
“Ah this…”
This time it was Zhiliu’s turn to be confused, “Master Mozun wants me to kill that Yun Zhou? But this…”
As he said that, he felt a little troubled.
Hermits cannot kill outsiders, this is a rule set by a few old monsters of the hermit.
As a demon monk, he was beaten by everyone, and he relied on those Buddhist monks to save his life… If he kills the rising star from the outside world at this time and breaks the rules of several old monsters, I am afraid that those few A monk is enough to protect him.
What’s more, it may not be a day or two that the abbot Bald Donkey wants to kill him… He really doesn’t want to give the other party this reason.
“Who told you to kill him?”
When Ling Luohuan heard this, he frowned, but soon relaxed, and then showed a look of expectation on his small face, and said: “How about this, you can help me temper Yunzhou, give me He acted as a thug and gave me a quick boost to his combat power…”
“If there is a means, it is best to raise his cultivation base to the Emperor Realm (upper level), not… the Emperor Realm (middle level) is enough.”
As she spoke, she was making calculations in her mind.
The Emperor Realm (upper level) realm is not something that this demon monk can help, but the middle level should be able to achieve perfection, at least he can barely be an opponent.
Thousands of years have passed, but invincibility is very empty.
This person from other worlds has taken over the reincarnated body of the Immortal Emperor, and he can be regarded as her only object of relief.
It’s just that Xiong Wuji was killed, and she really doesn’t have anyone under her command who can train the opponent.
Hearing this, the demon monk sitting below was completely confused and dumbfounded.
What the fuck is this?
Wasn’t it rumored that the demon king was bloodthirsty, and the number one demon guard under him was killed by Yun Zhou? Let him help Yunzhou people improve their strength?
Good guy, is the news I heard before all false?
Seeing this scene, Ling Luo smiled and didn’t speak or explain, apparently not surprised by the other party’s reaction.
After all, what she wants to do, she doesn’t have to explain it to a flower monk.
I still haven’t figured out the delicate fate between her and Yunzhou. Maybe it’s a “citizen”? It’s strange that this demon monk can understand the Taoism…
There is not a single ray of sunlight in the dark sky, maybe Lord Mozun doesn’t like the sun, so he hides it in the forbidden area of ​​the demons? Roughly the same.
At this moment, the faint and gloomy mountain wind blows into the main hall, and amidst the steaming black clouds, there is a sense of sight of the Nine Nether Hells.
Ling Luohuan was sitting lazily on the main seat, she was extremely glamorous, her skirt fluttered with the inexplicable breeze, and in her cold eyes, there was a kind of crystal clear light shining, which is absolutely unimaginable just by looking at her appearance. On the head of the all-powerful Demon Venerable.
“If you, Monk, want to join forces, help me raise Yunzhou’s strength, I’m too lazy to do this myself…”
“Of course, I won’t embarrass you, and you don’t need to increase his strength too much, it is enough to reach the consummation of the Emperor Realm (intermediate level).”
“At that time, the deity will deal with him personally, and his strength will increase. Killing will definitely be much more interesting!”
She didn’t control it, and said the thoughts in her heart directly.
Hearing this, the corner of Zhiliu’s mouth twitched slightly, with a strange look on his face.
Regarding the deeds of the Demon Lord, rumors in the hidden world are miraculous, and it is said that he is the number one person who is cruel and ruthless, with gloomy methods!
But this meeting, why do I feel that it is inconsistent with the rumors… I feel that this bitch is a bad yuppie, even a bit like bamboo shoots.
Raising the strength of others is just to make it more interesting to kill?
Who did Jill learn this black-bellied idea from? As expected of the Demon Lord, this is really bad! Where did that junior named Yun Zhou provoke this bitch?
Of course, if Yun Zhou was here, he would definitely not be able to resist going up to Ling Luo Huan when he heard this.
All kinds of inquiring about his identity, and even trying to strengthen his cultivation, all for fun?
Damn, a majestic generation of demons, don’t you think about how to carry forward the demons, and you like to think about him all day long? It seems that this woman Ling Luohuan is worse than tm Tiandao! .

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