Chapter 1597: Unfathomable Allies! About training and guns!
“Master Mozun, this is a bit unnecessary… If you really don’t want him to do it, I will solve him for you, so there is no need to bother to improve his cultivation, right?”
At this time, listening to Ling Luohuan’s words, Zhiliu was silent for a long time before speaking with a pouted mouth.
In his opinion, although according to the rules of the group of old people, it may be more troublesome to kill a junior outside, but it must be more troublesome to help Mozun train a young man!
Moreover, is it so easy to complete the Emperor Realm (Intermediate Level)?
I am just for a chance, there is no need to waste time and energy to be a sparring master for others, right? What’s more, the opponent’s performance is really too wrong.
This woman was rumored to be cruel, why did she become like a black-bellied girl when she heard the name Yun Zhou? The cultivation level has been improved for others, but what you want is to kill more happily?
Horse riding, this kind of brain circuit, he really can’t keep up.
“Get rid of him? I’m afraid you don’t know Yun Zhou’s method yet.”
Ling Luohuan rolled her beautiful eyes when she heard this, obviously feeling that this demon monk is not—very reliable.
Although this big yellow tooth is very powerful, and it is considered one of the few hermits in the fairyland, if you go there with the intention of killing Yunzhou, you may not be able to get good results.
After all, based on the situation she perceives, even the old thing of the Earth Venerable was overshadowed by Yun Zhou, and it was re-sealed.
This disgusting demon monk, if he meets Yun Zhou, he will probably be counted against.
“Means? He’s just a kid from the lower realms, what other means do he have besides his talent and tyranny?”
Zhiliu was also a little dazed.
He is very puzzled.
Judging from Ling Luohuan’s reaction, the other party is not the kind of person who frightens people casually, and there is no reason for him to talk nonsense.
Could it be that there is nothing else that can threaten his trump card for that bastard boy?
“Monk, did your abbot tell you that people with unknown origins should not be easily offended?”
Ling Luohuan was also in a good mood, so he wasted a few words and said helplessly.
Hearing this, Zhiliu was really stunned.
“People of unknown origin, you mean….”
Ling Luohuan’s understatement made him vigilant.
It was rumored that this cloud boat was the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, but this sentence “unknown origin” clearly shows that this junior is not as simple as the rumors say.
He thought about it, and thought of it involuntarily in his mind.
After the abbot heard that Yunzhou had annexed Linmen, he hurriedly went to retreat.
Even, he, the Buddhist monk, was left behind, and no longer controlled him.
At that time, he was all about running away from Buddhism, thinking about leaving as soon as possible, and didn’t think about it, but now Ling Luohuan said so.
He suddenly recalled something.
Abbot Fomen has always been proficient in divination, and has never panicked.
This time it was just because of a “cloud boat” that he was in a mess, and he didn’t even care about him, so he ran to retreat.
Obviously, this junior named Yunzhou has a big story to tell!
For such a long time, the entire Immortal Domain is full of rumors about “Yun Zhou”, the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor, the new master of all living beings, the unparalleled Tianjiao… is even known as the number one evildoer in the Immortal Domain.
But these rumors, after all, hide the most critical issues.
“Yunzhou’s younger generation can achieve such an achievement, I’m afraid it has nothing to do with the reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor…”
“Although the Immortal Emperor is talented, he has no reason to be so tyrannical. On the surface, this kid has the name of reincarnation, but his real origin…”
Zhiliu squinted his eyes, grinned his big yellow teeth, and looked like he was awakened by Ling Luohuan’s thoughts.
But that’s the problem, anyway, he is also a demon monk to frighten one side, and he wants to join forces with the Demon Venerable. How can he, an ally, act like a no-brainer in front of the Demon Venerable?
Therefore, his eyes rolled, his expression suddenly became serious and he said: “I didn’t expect that Lord Mozun also found out that there was something wrong with his identity. I thought of it in advance, that’s even better, we can investigate together…”
Although his mind is full of beeps now, it does not prevent him from maintaining the unfathomable allies in front of Ling Luohuan.
When Ling Luohuan heard the words, the corners of his eyes slightly lifted, and the corners of his mouth curled up in an intriguing arc.
She also didn’t think that the demon monk would not be able to see anything.
The other party’s words can be regarded as speaking to her heart.
“So, since you plan to investigate him, why did you rush to kill him just now?”
Lingluo Huan looked over expressionlessly.
The reincarnation of the Immortal Emperor has a hidden origin…
No matter from what point of view, Yun Zhou is the prey of her Lingluohuan.
The reason why she didn’t kill the other party now is that she felt bored and wanted to play with the other party to relieve boredom, and the second was out of curiosity and wanted to know the real origin of the other party.
After all, Tiandao said that this person is not from this world, and it is normal for her to be curious.
“Ah…cough cough, didn’t I want to test your attitude? If you are not interested in him, I will kill him directly, and save the step of investigation. You also know that I don’t want to I’m not afraid, but I’m afraid of trouble.”
Hearing this, the demon monk scratched his head and laughed.
At the same time, in order to maintain his mysterious image in front of Ling Luohuan, he thought for a while and continued: “But Mozun, you have to think about it, although this Yun Zhou’s grade is still young, but my ability you should clear..”
“If you really let me train him to the emperor level (intermediate level) perfection, you may not be easy to deal with him.”
While speaking, the demon monk Zhiliu had a meaningful expression, and changed the topic to improving Yunzhou’s strength.
After all, Ling Luo HuanHis request is to enhance Yunzhou’s strength.
Investigating Yunzhou is also based on improving power, so there is no conflict.
As for his ability to quickly train Yunzhou to the mid-level perfection…he is bragging, this method has to be thought out now.
But at the very least, in front of Ling Luohuan, this wave of beep must have been installed, and he completely lifted the coercion of the alliance! Of course, the main reason why he took the trouble and promised to improve Yunzhou’s strength was because he was also a little curious.
This junior can lure the abbot old bald donkey into confusion, and can make the Mozun, who has eyes above the top, be regarded as an opponent.
Looking at it all, it is definitely not an ordinary cannon… again.

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