In his ears, Chen Fuxian’s voice was extremely flat, but the threat in it was self-evident:

“All sentient beings in the vast land have their own laws of survival, since I am the Chen family.”

If you are the guardian of this vast land, you will not let it go. ”

“If you insist on doing so, you will be an enemy of the Chen family, and the consequences … Think for yourself. ”

The words fell, and Lin Sheng, who was preparing for the action, stopped.

His face was as gloomy as water without answering.

Although it is said that Shan Bi is more powerful, he Lin Men is not inferior to the Chen Family much.

But the Chen family has two emperors, he can offend, Lin Men can’t!

Is it hard to put the forest gate in danger because of this small matter?

The next moment.

Lin Sheng’s gloomy face gradually calmed down, and his eyes regained clarity.

He looked out the window at the nothingness and spoke softly:

“I understand, it will not be difficult for Emperor Xian to do, this matter… Call it a day. ”

The words fell, and he had no extra explanation.

One step is thousands of miles away.

Inside the eye is a barren mountain range, and at the top of the mountain range, two stone monuments stand here.

On the stone tablet, two men who resembled Lin Yuan were carved.

Unlike Lin Yuan’s fierceness, these two men’s faces were calm, but their eyes were permeated with unparalleled war intentions!

That thick sense of vicissitudes combined with the eyes of the two men made people have a sense of daunting vision.

Lin Sheng came to the stone monument very calmly, and then crouched down slowly.

Gently caressing on one of the stone tablets, the tone is sad:

“My son, for the Father there is something I want to ask you…”

“Although I am sorry for saying this, I can’t hold back for my father.”

“You said your lady… As far as my daughter-in-law is concerned, is it possible to break the boots? ”

Statue of a man: “…”

“Oh, forget it.”

The old-fashioned Lin Sheng shook his head, and he glanced at the stone stele next to him:

“I’ll ask my grandson to go.”

With a sigh, he came to another stone monument and whispered:

“Sun Zi, did you ever suspect that Lin Yuan was not your species before you died?”



This is also a statue, if this is a real corpse, it must make him angry!

But Lin Sheng also understood this truth.

No matter how much he says, his children and grandchildren will not survive.

He talked about it again and again, but there was no one to talk about, so he used it to vent.

At this moment, the sad old man seemed to be tens of thousands of years old, and his upright body stooped up, with a thick disappointment in his eyes.

He looked at the two statues and his voice murmured:

“My Lin family has been passed down for generations, and in the past ten thousand years, there have been countless supreme beings born!”

“Think of the two of you, who have also experienced hardships and become the most powerful people, although they have unfortunately died, but they are also the pride of my forest gate.”

“But why that boy… Alas. ”

Thinking of Lin Yuan’s grinning teeth, a murderous beep on his face.

The old man was a little depressed.

Finally he didn’t say anything, shook his head, and the figure gradually became illusory, and then disappeared.

In the void, only his targeted “token transmission” floated:

“The three elders obeyed orders.”

“Set off immediately and bring Lin Yuan back to the Forest Gate, if he has demonic qi in him… Abolish his cultivation and bring him back to the Forest Gate for eternity! ”

Above the peaks, the Elders’ Room.

The three elders who were preparing to consolidate their cultivation suddenly stagnated.

Turning back, he took a breath of cool air and murmured:

“My star, the Lord of the Doors… How fierce! ”


On the other side, beyond the inheritance land.

Lin Yuan’s face was pale, and a touch of cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

If it weren’t for the inexplicable sense of emptiness that filled the Spirit Terrace just now, I’m afraid he would have been completely occupied by the Demon Qi.

Become a bloodthirsty demon who only knows how to kill.

The fear of waking up made him feel a deep sense of fear.

But at this time, there is no way to retreat!

The playful face of his mortal enemy Yunzhou came to mind, and he clenched his teeth.

“Yunzhou, since you and I must have one to die!”

“Let’s gamble.”

“I bet you will die in the end!!”

A touch of murderous qi appeared from his eyes, and the bluestone in his hand suddenly swirled with black qi, like a heart in a thick fog!

At the same moment, the black stone door in front of him seemed to react with the bluestone!

The blood-red lines accelerated and the dark stone door was covered with a faint black gas.

The black qi wrapped around the “blood red” converged towards the recess in the center of the stone gate!


The ink-like black gas swept over the face, and a huge sound trembled!

The dark stone door opened, and the terrifying pressure reflected the black qi of the Daodao!

The magic qi of the whole space seemed to open the floodgates, frantically rushing into the stone gate.

In that space, the quaint and mysterious voice was desolate, as if it was conveying something.

It seems that the beautiful people who are crying in the moonlight are whispering, and it is like a man full of murderous intent who is angry and angry.

“Kill! Kill him! ”

“I’m going to kill all the men!”

“Why, why did you take my child…”

The terrifying sound is mixed with endless magic and makes people’s scalps tingle!

Lin Yuan felt a little numb as he stood in the doorway.

This horse tread, panic!

Knowing that it was the Heavenly Demon Inheritance, I didn’t know that I thought I had entered the Nine Demon Domain.

Off the beaten track!!

“No matter what, when it arrives, the inheritance must be taken!”

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Lin Yuan stepped into it…



Demon Mountaintops.

Yun Zhou looked at Qiu Yue, who was trembling and kneeling on the ground in front of him, and the corners of his mouth raised a curve.

“That is to say, you are the eyeliner that Fu Xiang arranged for Lin Yuan.”

“Ah, yes, yes, that’s what it means!”

Qiu Yue hurriedly responded, and was about to cry: “Holy Son, you really misunderstood me, I followed Lin Yuan, I was completely looking at him for Fu Shangshu!” ”

“Besides, he’s a pure fool!”

“You don’t know, he tortured me all this time, and I’m going crazy!”

“This dog smashed the seed, he was afraid that you would take me to grab the song all day long, ink me day and night, destroy me, I, I am inseparable from him!” 」

Qiu Yue kept beeping in his mouth, looking like he hated Lin Yuan.

It was as if he was afraid that Yunzhou was going to kill him.

But I don’t know why.

Yun Zhou looked at his sincere eyes and really didn’t think he was lying.

Maybe this is really being tortured crazy by Lin Yuan?

It’s outrageous!

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