Yun Zhou shook his head and did not answer the call.

For him, a person like Qiu Yueyue was actually harmless when he died.

It’s just that this person is the one sent by Fu Xiang to look at Lin Yuan, maybe it will be useful in the future, and it is nothing to keep him alive.

He glanced up at the sky.

“I don’t know what this Lin Yuan is doing.”

“Opportunities are on his face.”

“They all let him go to find the Demon Land Inheritance, why is there still no movement at all?”

Shaking his head in dissatisfaction, Yun Zhou was preparing to look for him to “force” him to wave.

At this time, a harsh prompt suddenly came to my mind:

[Ding, the Son of Luck has entered the Demon Land Inheritance!] 】

[Due to the increase of its magic qi, the mood of the key character “Lin Sheng” is disordered, and the subsequent plot causes changes, and the qi luck of the son of qi luck is reduced to a critical point. 】

【Ding, the “Destiny” advanced mission reward increased!] 】

[After the host seizes the Demon Land Inheritance and kills the Heavenly Demon Spirit Soul, he can win the male protagonist Lin Yuan’s luck value of 20 points!] 】

A succession of prompt tones appeared in his mind, and Yun Zhou was a little stunned:

【My God, this can be done!? 】

Lin Yuan entered the Demon Land to comprehend the inheritance, and actually made his great-grandfather Dao heart disorder!?

Hey – good fellow, this is a gap between generations!

[If this wave is played well, Lin Yuan’s qi luck value will fall below two hundred.] 】

Will he still be a son of luck? 】

[The little thing with the name of “male protagonist”…]

[I’m about to be bald…]

Yun Zhou’s face was bright.

[When this time is done with you, you will not have much time to live.] 】

[Come on little thing, hope to play your residual heat before you burp!] 】

Looking at his face full of spring breeze, Shangguan Wan’er and Ling Weiyang on both sides had some chills in their backbones.

emm…… This doesn’t laugh like a good guy…


The other side.

Lin Yuan, who had just stepped into the inheritance land, found himself real!


It’s completely different from the calm you imagined.

He had just stepped in with one foot, and that monstrous demonic intent was like he was going to swallow him alive, and vaguely, he only felt that his Dao Heart was constantly being infected!

Obviously there was nothing in front of him, but he had the urge to fall to his knees!

Off the beaten track!!

At this time, in this glowing inheritance place, it was empty, only a coffin and a chair.

On the chair sat an old shadow, invisible.

“Hiss – this is the place of inheritance?” Too rudimentary, right? ”

Lin Yuan’s gaze scanned through this space, and a hint of disappointment passed through his eyes.

Just at this moment, an ancient and desolate breath crushed him, and in an instant, he felt that it was difficult to even stand up, as if there were ten thousand pounds of iron pressed against his body, as if he was going to squeeze him to death!

Is this the magic that can be condensed into substance?

Lin Yuan’s pupils were slightly condensed, he had never felt such a pure magic rhyme, it was really extremely powerful!

He was sure that if he mastered such a demonic power, he could raise his hand and kill dozens of cultivators of the same realm with a single blow!

It’s an unparalleled power!

It was also when he had just felt the goodness of this place, and his eyes were shining.

“Yo, no, what are you doing here?”

The sudden teasing sound appeared behind him, and Lin Yuan suddenly became tight!

His face turned pale, and a kind of disbelief filled his eyes.

My mud horse’s!

This voice… Wouldn’t it be so back!?

He stiffened his head, and when he looked at the person who came up, he was like falling into an ice cave!

The whole person is completely dumbfounded!

Sizzle —

How did Yun Zhou find himself again??

How did he get here, and why didn’t he realize it at all?

Didn’t you come to be cut off from drilling cracks in the earth? Why do a few of them look so relaxed?

And…… How did he find himself??

He found it when he fled to the Demon Land, found it again when he entered the Heavenly Demon Mountain, and now that he has entered the Inheritance Land, he has followed him again…

This, this stepping horse does not make sense!

“Yunzhou, how did you find me?!”

Lin Yuan’s eyes were filled with unconcealed horror, and he deliberately raised his voice to make the inner passage of the order.

In the current situation, he wants to force himself to calm down, which is absolutely nonsense.

His fear of the man in front of him was already imprinted in his bones.

“Is it hard to find you?”

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curved and looked playful: “You may not believe it when you say it, not only have I found you, I also know what you are going to do.” ”

“The inheritance of the Heavenly Devil… Thank you, thank you for bringing me a lot of opportunities this time. ”

His smiling face was full of teasing, and his faint eyes skimmed over Lin Yuan’s stunned face, and finally landed on the shadow on the main seat.

To be honest, the inheritance of the Heavenly Devil, is he rare?


His own perception of the magic rhyme had reached the highest point, and in time, his understanding of the magic rhyme would inevitably surpass that of the heavenly demon.

But despite this, this inheritance is still not going to let go.

Just as the Blue Star people don’t feel like money.

He is a cultivator, will he be afraid of increasing his strength?

He didn’t value the inheritance of the Heavenly Devil, but it could help him increase his strength!

And in addition, it can also plunder Lin Yuan’s qi luck points…

Advanced “Mandate of Heaven”…

This wave, this wave!

Get it done, a few birds with one stone!

And only the good and no harm of the kind!

On the other side, Lin Yuan looked at Yunzhou’s smiling face, his face was gloomy as water.

He felt that the reason why the other party knew his whereabouts and could guess his purpose…

There must be “their own people” ventilating the news!

Then who else can this “own person”!?

His gaze swept over the two beautiful faces of Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan’er.

Then he looked at the tightly bound Qiu Yue.

Suddenly, he seemed to react to something, and immediately exploded, his face was as black as coal, and he scolded angrily:

“Well, I’m so blind!”

“I didn’t even see it, your dog thing is his man!!”

Qiu Yue: (0_0)!?

Sizzle —

This calf!

Obviously, it is your own exposed whereabouts, why did you rely on me??

He stared at Lin Yuan, who was angry and corrupt, and tilted his head:

“Lord Lin Xuan, are you blind on horseback?” If I were his man, would I still be tied up now!? ”

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