
Hear these heartfelt words from the three elders.

The moon cicada seemed to be moved, her beautiful eyes rippled with a little light, and suddenly smiled:

“Since you have said so, and this seat is not an aggressive person, so what apology can you give now, hand it over first.”

The three elders were relieved.

As long as it can be discussed, then everything is easy to say.

Destroy the wealth and eliminate the disaster!

Although his wealth was almost usurped by those two greedy women.

But there are still two pieces left in the house, which can come in handy.

Thinking, he took out a jade pendant from his sleeve robe and said in love:

“This was obtained by the old decay when he slaughtered the demon beast of the Dao Realm in the Immortal Realm.”

“It was the demon beast’s Dao body that was incarnated, and its demon soul was imprisoned in it.”

“You can shed blood to confess the Lord, and after confessing the Lord, this demon beast can be used by its master…”

After saying that, he reached out to invite a gentle breeze and wrapped the jade pendant and sent it out.

At the same time, he also had a bit of a flesh pain, and scolded in his heart:

Sure enough, it was a barbaric woman in the netherworld, greedy to death!

It’s a bandit!!

The moon cicada took the jade pendant, and his eyes lit up.

She was worried about tying up the little cute, how could she make the little cute happy.

As a result, this good thing was sent!

Seeing the moon cicada’s look of unvictory, the three elders skimmed their lips.

Tui, I have never seen the world!

With disdain in his heart, he had a smile on his face:

“Okay Demon Friend, the apology has been given to you, the old decay can go to the young lord, the demon friend rest assured, the old decay will not stay soon, you only need to give me half an hour’s time, the old decay can take the young lord away, never disturb the magic friend …”

Before the words were over, the moon cicada suddenly interrupted.

She smiled morbidly, “No! ”

“Honza has changed his mind, and he is going to kill you.”

“Ah this…”

“Demon friend, are you a little too unreasonable?”

The three elders froze in their smiles and looked at the moon cicada in shock.

But the expression on Moon Cicada’s face was still a little bloodthirsty, and he teased, “Which demon have you heard is reasonable?” This seat is the demon lord, isn’t it normal not to be reasonable? ”

“Well, you and I will fight to the death, and if you win, Honza will die.”

“If you lose, if Honza doesn’t kill you, it will abolish your cultivation, cut off your hands and feet, cut seventy or eighty wounds on your body, sprinkle Dao salt, and then tie your mouth with a magic rope, and then release you.


The three elders heard a twitch in their faces!

This stepping horse, even if it is not reasonable, she is still a change T!

How can such a crazy person do it with her??

Just listening to her make my scalp tingle!

The three elders had a twinkle in their eyes and decided not to be entangled, ready to leave at any time.

But before he could escape, suddenly, a black light struck from the void.

Without giving him time to react, it wrapped around his arm with a thunderous momentum.

It hovers like a poisonous snake, and then disappears in the blink of an eye!

At the same moment, the sound of the moon cicada suddenly becoming flat came:

“While this seat is still interested, you still have the opportunity to fight with this seat to the death, otherwise this seat will use the power of the Demon Domain to trap you, and then in front of you, let hundreds of demons eat away at your young lord!”


The eyes of the three elders were gloomy as water.

Although he is tolerant at every turn, it is also a stopgap measure, which does not mean that he does not have a temper!

Seeing that this matter could not be avoided, he let go.

The fight of life and death does not mean that he is afraid!

After the passage of time, the Dao power in his body had been restored, and at this time, it was not necessary for this crazy demon girl to die or live.

But if she was mad and shot at the Young Lord, once Emperor Lin blamed him, he would have good fruit to eat!

“If you want to fight, then come.”

The Third Elder took a breath, indifference returned to his eyes, and a disdainful expression reappeared on the old man’s face.

He didn’t believe it, the two female demons joined forces and he couldn’t beat it, and a female demon head could still turn the sky?

Sinking his heart, a “crane chirping” came from the sky.

The blue light flashes all over the body, and the robe is windless and automatically hunting!

The practice that belonged to Lin Men was mobilized to the strongest, the surging Dao Force surged and the whole mountain trembled, and even the mist of this yin was pierced by the dazzling cyan light.

Seeing the situation, Yue Cicada’s eyes gradually became excited: “Come on, this seat is just to see if the people of the Immortal Realm really can’t be killed!” ”

Her pupils flashed a black glow, and the endless pressure fell in an instant.

Immediately afterward, a long dark knife condensed into shape from his hand, and a terrifying murderous aura spread out.

The demonic qi in the void seemed to perceive the killing qi of the sword body, and the mist shrouded layer by layer, condensing on the sword body, and for a moment the black and gray colors were reflected together.

“Little Cutie can use me to “hurt”, you can use it to kill people…”

The moon cicada looked at the knife body and whispered a word, and then slammed out a knife.


The heavens seemed to be cut apart, and the faint white light was cut open, revealing a darkness!

With this knife, the whole sky darkened a lot.

The magic land without daylight for many years is even more gloomy, as if it is dark in the daytime, and everything is permeated with cold killing intent!

The excitement on the face of the moon cicada was strong, and this knife seemed to have no strength at all.

Light and fluttering, but with supreme power!

It was as if the avenue was rustic, without any fancy, just a knife attack!

But the horror contained in it seemed to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth!

In an instant, the original disdainful look of the three elders suddenly became solemn, and the squinting eyes and the wrinkled old face were all interpreting a little.

This stepping horse is a knife, it is not simple!

From the Immortal Realm, his understanding of the Dao Principles was very strong, this sword looked very ordinary at first glance, but the magic rhyme contained in it, even he couldn’t help but tremble in his heart!

A great breath burst out, and the three elders planned to dodge this knife with speed.

But this knife qi seemed to have eyes, firmly locking on to him!

The magic qi is locked, and it can’t be hidden, so let’s fight!

Almost instantaneously, a brilliant light suddenly burst out from his hand!

Then he turned around and drew a circle on his chest with one hand.


The Dao Light flickered, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a round of Yin and Yang Bagua across the chest, and the power of the vast Avenue surged and faintly permeated with immortal qi!

At this moment, the magic sword slammed down!

The moment the gossip collided with the demonic qi, the heavens and the earth seemed to be quiet for a moment!

Then, the horror struck!

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