
The sound of the explosion trembled, alarming the entire Demon Domain!

The birds and beasts fled in all directions, and the boundless barren mountains trembled unceasingly!

The air waves were wrapped in dust and splashed, the heavens and the earth stood still, and the tyrannical breath exploded!

In just an instant, the yin and yang gossip in front of the three elders shattered in an instant, and a terrifying wave of power rushed to terror, with a strong killing qi invading!

And the power of that magic sword did not diminish at all, and it fell towards his body!


The Third Elder’s right hand lifted up, swiped through a white light, and brought up a burst of Dao Qi shields, completely shielding themselves, trying to block this terrifying power.

But all is still in vain!

The moment the knife touched the shield, a sound like an egg breaking suddenly sounded!

Then, the shield shattered!

The terrifying blade swept straight past him!

All the way up, straight up to the sky, the sky seems to be torn apart!


The pupils of the three elders condensed into needle noses, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and the whole person stood in the same place, and the seven tricks continued to gush out blood.

He looked at the horrible wound on his body that was bleeding incessantly in disbelief, and he looked sluggish!


As soon as it fell, the mountain under his feet trembled, and then it shattered into cracks and crashed to the ground!

The barren mountain, which was more than a thousand meters high, was actually cut in half by this sword!

A knife, horror like that!!

I don’t know how long it took for the dust to disperse.

The figure of the moon cicada stepped out of it, not stirring up dust.

With a playful smile on her face, she looked at the boulder close at hand:

“Pretend to be dead, but it’s useless.”

As the words fell, the three elders slowly pushed away the boulder and stood up dragging their heavy bodies.

When I saw the long knife in the hands of the moon cicada, my heart was cold!

He knew that the woman in front of him was stronger than the two savage women he had met before, but he didn’t expect to be so strong!

Just one blow is almost the power of the combined strength of those two!

The Third Elder’s eyes were cloudy, and he quietly clenched his fists.

When it comes to this scene, you can only escape first.

Although this woman was only in the middle of the second level of the Enlightenment Realm, he could not defeat her compared to her true combat strength.


At the same time, inside the Heavenly Demon Mountain.

With a loud noise, the entire Heavenly Demon Mountain began to tremble.

Inside the inheritance land, Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan’er were shaking, and they could stop their bodies and look around in shock.

This magic power…

Just when they were a little stunned, they were ready to protect the Yunzhou.

A soft sigh suddenly came from the ear:

[This tm… You can’t dream a good dream…]

The two women looked at each other with a look of delight.

Then, Bengbu lived!

Only to see the light around Yun Zhou’s body, the golden light that came from nowhere actually wrapped him in it!

Then, a mighty stream of immortal qi rushed up, like an empowerment, enveloping him, and his breath suddenly soared!

The perfect talent of the Imperial Realm had been instilled by the improvement of qualifications, and a chaotic Dao Sea from the Cloud Boat exploded!

Suddenly, his body rose in the air, his clothes were windless, and his breath soared.

The Dao Sea in his body was as vast as a river, and a piercing roar suddenly erupted from his body!


Golden light bloomed all around him, shining like a blazing sun on the entire heritage land!

A loud roar exploded in the body, the limbs and hundreds of terrifying meridians were unobstructed, and a sense of the Dao that had never been felt before was bred in the heart.

The corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth swung a little arc.

Immortal Emperor-level talent!

The second person in ancient and modern times!!

To tell the truth, Yun Zhou himself did not expect that he could actually awaken such a talent.

According to the original record, only the Immortal Emperor himself possessed the Immortal Emperor-level talent.

To put it bluntly, this kind of realm also belongs to the Imperial Realm, but it is different from the Imperial Realm.

Attain the Emperor Immortal, live with the heavens and the earth, and be at the same level as the Heavenly Dao!

[Hmmm… Unexpectedly, this qualification promotion Dan actually really worked for me. 】

Is this a bonus?] 】

[Sigh, if this wave stabilizes, it is estimated that it is not far from stepping on the Heavenly Dao.] 】

Thinking about it, the smile on Yun Zhou’s face was even worse.

This improvement of qualifications allowed him to break through the shackles and let him successfully enter the ranks of the half-step sermon!

Moreover, in addition, he also filtered his Dao Soul and refined it incomparably purely.

No matter how fast he enters the realm after that, his foundation will not loosen!

Half-step sermon realm, the vast land is unparalleled!

Feeling the surging Dao Force in his body, the corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth curved a little.

The original text recorded that the Immortal Emperor crossed the robbery to control the Heavenly Dao, and disappeared for three thousand years, and there has been no news so far.

If he had also reached the Immortal Emperor level, with his luck beyond the Heavenly Dao, coupled with the Ten Thousand Dao Law, it was estimated that it would not be difficult to step on the Heavenly Dao.

Ling Weiyang and Shangguan Wan’er looked at Yunzhou, their heads glanced to the side, and their delicate faces were a little red.

It is not because Yunzhou is naturally handsome and has a fluttering temperament after improving his qualifications.

Just because…

He’s not wearing clothes!

Well, it is not unworn, it is just a qualification improvement, which has led to an increase in strength.

The breath of the half-step sermon level rushed, and the clothes were just stretched out.

Glancing uncontrollably in the direction of the Yunzhou, Ling Weiyang whispered:

“Brother Yun hasn’t noticed it yet?” Oh, scared to death, do you want to remind him? ”

Shangguan Wan’er also hung her small head low, and her face was red:

“This, this, this disciple, General Ling is still on the side, this, tell him?”

The two women each had their own concerns, and both wanted to remind Yun Zhou, but when they opened their mouths, they didn’t know how to mention it.

Say your clothes are broken? What an embarrassment.

At this time, Yunzhou also seemed to sense that something was wrong.

emm…… It’s just cold.

He looked down, and then:


Oh! What about my clothes!?

Yun Zhou looked at the Shangguan Wan’er and the two Shangguan Wan’er who peeked at them from time to time behind them, and the corners of their mouths couldn’t stop twitching.

Then he laughed and took out his shirt from the storage ring and put it on with a big swing.

None of them are outsiders, and there is nothing to hide from others.

However, this shirt is not yet half dressed!


Another surging burst of demonic qi!

Yun Zhou’s face changed, and he couldn’t care less about wearing a coat.

Immediately, his figure flashed, and he carried Shangguan Wan’er on his shoulders, and then looked at Ling Weiyang.

After saying “run”, he suddenly disappeared into the inheritance land.

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