The surrounding scene turned into a shadow.

When he reappeared, he had already left the Inheritance Land and reached the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain.

In a time of crisis, the weak must be saved first.

Ling Weiyang had the strength to preach the Daoist Realm, and there would definitely be no accidents.

Moreover, Yun Zhou believed that Xiao Yangyang was not so stingy.

The figure flashed.

Shangguan Wan felt the temperature below, blushing like a cooked prawn:

“Yun, Cloud King, you and your clothes are not yet ready, let me down, General Ling is still behind, it is too humiliating.”


He fled the inheritance land with Shangguan Wan’er on his shoulders, and his head was full of question marks.

After walking your life is gone, are you still afraid of losing people?

Yun Zhou was angry and funny: “I have entered the territory to burst the clothes, and I have already changed into half of my underwear, what else do you have to be shy about?” ”

“Be honest, don’t move!”

“But, but…”

Shangguan Wan’er moved her body, and her small face was still a little red.

Although she knew that the demon was mighty and powerful, it was a bit humiliating to be carried away like this.

“Said to make you honest!”

Yun Zhou looked impatient, and followed Shangguan Wan’er’s PG for a moment.

A “pop” sound.

Shangguan Wan’er’s world seemed to be quiet.

“Cloud King, you, you, you, your disciple…”

The weaker the voice became, Shangguan Wan’er blushed with red lips and a small face, completely honest.

As if she had been drained of all her strength, she lay exhausted on Yun Zhou’s shoulders, motionless.

Beautiful eyes, red lips murmured with a little grievance: “Brother Yun ~ you bully me”


I see you want me to bully you!

Yun Zhou twitched his lower skin, and then came to the mountainside of the Heavenly Demon Mountain and put her down.

Then, he shook his neck and walked behind him again.

Shangguan Wan’er was a little confused: “Why are you going?” ”

Yun Zhou looked at her amusedly: “The mountain is going to collapse, can I still just take you and ignore Xiao Yangyang?” ”


Shangguan Wan’er tilted her head: “Can Ling General’s cultivation, even if that magic qi collapses the mountain, she can come out.” ”

“It’s different.”

Yun Zhou shook his head seriously, “Even if there are some things that women don’t seem to be in danger, men, they must show their faces!” ”

“It’s a bubble heart… No, this is the Heart Sutra of a Good Man! ”


Shangguan Wan’er’s eyes were misty.

I wanted to go with Yunzhou, but looking at the other party’s back to her raised hand, my little face turned red and I quickly covered my back!


“How did he start with such a heavy hand…”


As the Moon Cicada and the Three Elders of the Immortal Forest Gate clashed, the entire Demon Domain was in turmoil!

It even affected the Heavenly Demon Mountain in the Far North hundreds of miles away!

At this time, at the foot of Heavenly Devil Mountain.

A gust of wind whistled in.

Several figures landed in unison.

They were followed by nearly a hundred demons, and as soon as the demon leader arrived here, he could not hide his excitement and looked at the demon who reported the news:

“Where is the Son of Infallibility?”


The Demon Man pointed to the top of the Heavenly Demon Mountain.

The leader nodded, then looked around, “Why not yourself, the others?” ”

“Oh, they, look at the few people sent by the Demon Lord to guard the Demon Land.”

“Huh?” The demon man at the head was slightly stunned: “Guarding the Demon Land? ”

“Take me there.”



Deep in the dense forest.

More than a dozen demons surrounded the Grand Commander and walked over.

Just after seeing the tragic situation of the three people, the commander-in-chief took a breath of cool air:

“Hiss—this is not light, what is this?”

Upon hearing this, the little demon next to him hurriedly repeated what had just happened, and the commander-in-chief’s mouth twitched:

“This is really fate!”

He glanced at a few of his subordinates and thought, “If you can get the demon lord to personally send him, he must have a good identity… Do you know what their identities are? ”

A demon man hurriedly raised his hand, “I know! ”

“When he came, that Qiu Pingping said that the man named Lin Yuan, the Heavenly Domain Imperial Dynasty, who was blown up twice by the Heavenly Punishment!”

“I sent the Devil Eagle out of this news!”

“Now their Heavenly Realm Imperial Dynasty is going to lose its lord!”

I don’t know why.

A bunch of demons who heard this didn’t wait to say anything.

They obviously saw Lin Yuan twitching.

It’s outrageous!

The Grand Master didn’t have much time to worry about this, and his priority was to seize the True Path Son.

Casually waved his hand, “Go to two people, take them to the outer periphery of the deep earth, throw them down and come back.” ”

“Remember to feed them a few elixirs that can kill them.”

“After all, it was the person sent by the demon lord himself, and nothing could happen.”

After saying that, he returned directly to the foot of the Heavenly Devil Mountain on the same way.

Feeling the tremor of the whole land, this leader had excitement on his face!

Come on, Heavenly Devil Mountain can’t last long!

As long as this righteous Son descends the mountain! I can catch him and go back to make a meritorious deed!!

The other side.

A few of the demons who were left behind bitterly picked up Lin Yuan and walked towards the outside of the dense forest.

On the way, a little curiosity asked the old demon man on the side:

“Big brother, you said they wouldn’t die, did you?” In this way, we can’t get rid of the relationship. ”

“No.” The old demon shook his head, “I have used magic to probe the vital signs of both of them.” ”

“It’s certainly okay to live.”

“But if it’s still the same as normal people, it will definitely be a bit of a struggle.”

“Especially this one who was punished twice by heaven.”

“The Dao soul is seriously damaged, and the consciousness will definitely be affected.”

“If it’s better, it might be a moment of wakefulness and a moment of confusion.”

“If not good… It could just turn into a fool. ”

Oh, my God!

Become a fool?

Xiao Curiosity glanced at Lin Yuan on the back of the old demon man, and then looked back at the white light that flashed from the mountainside of the Heavenly Demon Mountain.

Immediately shook his head in shock.

Oh, I can get away from the power of the robbery after I step on the horse!



Shangguan Wan’er and Ling Weiyang looked at each other.

After glancing at each other, they both lowered their heads.

Just as Yun Zhou thought, if he had just taken Shangguan Wan’er away, even if Ling Weiyang would not be angry, his heart would definitely not be comfortable.

But thankfully, he went back!

Scumbag thinking this, Yunzhou Menqing ~!

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