Play the flute.

It is Yu Zhong’s only hobby in his life.

As for the reason…

In the original text, it is recorded that this Yu Zhong’s wife loved the song very much.

He died prematurely, so Yu Zhong would take time out every day to play a song for his dead wife.

It is also an obsessive lover.

Watch the big man above gently play the flute.

The corners of Yun Zhou’s eyes were a little more smiling.

He waved his hand at the maid to signal her to leave.

The maid was stunned: “Yun Gongzi, you…”

“Shhh.” Yun Zhou waved his hand and interrupted the maid’s words.

Then, he stepped towards Yu Zhong’s side.

He raised his head slightly, looked at Yu Zhong above, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, Yunzhou is a very sociable person whether he is in the Blue Star or reborn into the vast land, but now…

“You Xiao, you are blowing very badly.”

Above, after hearing these words, Yu Zhong’s movements stagnated, and the melodious Xiao voice suddenly stopped.

He looked down at Yun Zhou, “You know this? ”

Yun Zhou smiled softly and did not respond.

Instead, he took out a jade flute Daoist from his storage ring.

Gently place to mouth.

Suddenly, a melodious tune came from it, jumping over the mountains and filling the entire Demon Temple.

And what he played was a flute song from Blue Star.

“A Laugh in the Sea”

Boom boom boom

A crisp and long sound came from the flute.

Like a stream in an empty valley, like a waterfall in the mountains and rivers, it is pleasant and melodious!

With the sound of the flute, the entire Demon Hall was silent.

And at the moment when this flute ended, many demons gathered together.

They all stood in the distance, looking at the cloud boat that put down the flute.

“Whoops—who is this man?” He just blew the tune!? ”

“Very good, but why do you think he is a little blind?”

“Gollum ~ good handsome brother ~ I don’t know if you can take me to spend a good night tonight…”

“Shut up, you’re not going to die, this is the person the demon lord himself brought back!”

“Huh? The demon lord brought it back?? ”

For a moment, the demons not far away were talking about it.

The cloud boat that put down the flute smiled softly.

In the absence of a word with Yu Zhong.

To be honest, this time to give the other party “this lesson”, purely to leave an impression on the other party.

That’s right!

Same as the process of the original text.

As for how to subdue “Yu Zhong” for his own use, Yun Zhou had a clear door in his heart.

Because Lin Yuan in the original text used this method.

It is also a song that will be pulled into his own camp.

However, Yunzhou is different from the instrument he chose.

The protagonist is forced to be high, tm’s learning aisle kite!

And he just plays a flute.

But don’t say, sometimes the instrument is not the most important, just like now.

This tune completely crushed Lin Yuan’s unknown number of steps.

The dog author is not knowledgeable enough, and the music added to the protagonist is not forced enough.

Shaking his head and not thinking much, Yun Zhou put away the flute.

This year, the subjugation of individuals still has to use the song to lay the groundwork…

[No talent show, big brother can’t mix…]

That’s when it happened.

“Go fast, go fast, the demon lord is coming!”

“Huh? What a demon! ”

“Demon Lord Wankang!”

“See the Demon Lord.”

The demons standing in the distance, both men and women, all bowed slightly.

And in the way they gave way.

“A great place to stay”

The crisp sound of shoes and boots hitting the ground came over.

The moon cicada slowly came from this side, unable to see the emotion.

Yun Zhou found that the moon cicada seemed to have deliberately changed her clothes, and the original black luo skirt had become a pale purple skirt.

Match her beautiful face and the identity of the demon lord.

Give Yunzhou a wonderful feeling.

Well…… It’s a bit of a disgrace.

Want to rush!

Yu Zhong on the roof also returned from the flute of the cloud boat at this moment, and he hurriedly came down from the roof.

He knelt on the ground in a formal manner and said respectfully, “See the Demon Lord.”

The cicada did not leave him.

Instead, Yun Zhou glanced down at him, “You play slowly and practice that song.” ”

“Thank you.”

Yu Zhong’s urn responded angrily, bowing his head and not daring to lift it.

Yun Zhou’s eyebrows were lightly raised.

Originally, he really didn’t expect Yu Zhong to respond to him.

That’s right.

Just like the original text explains.

Yu Zhong, “Yu Zhong”, in the middle of the original text, he will not take care of anyone except the Demon Lord Moon Cicada.

At present, although it is only a faint “thank you”, Yunzhou is clear.

After Lin Yuan played the song in front of Yu Zhong for the first time in the original text, from the beginning to the end, Yu Zhong did not respond a word!

Even the look in his eyes did not give Lin Yuan one.

For this person, it must be accepted in the future.

But not too much of a rush.

At this point, Yunzhou has seen people very thoroughly.

As long as the most important people around him are there, and everyone else is willing to contribute to his side, he welcomes.

If you don’t… Let him go if it doesn’t affect it, and get rid of what it doesn’t affect.

Take this Yu Zhong as an example.

I played a song for him today, and in a few days he will throw an olive branch.

But if the other party does not pick up, and has a relationship with the male protagonist Lin Yuan.

Then he can go to the other party at any time and reunite with his dead wife.

As a senior villain, Yunzhou has all kinds of feelings, but there is no virgin heart.

With his mortal vendetta with the protagonist, he does not kill the killer, is he still waiting for the other party to get himself for the protagonist?

Without much thought, Yunzhou paced away, and the moon cicada also came slowly and slowly, bringing a gust of incense to Yunzhou’s side.

When the two left together, Yu Zhong’s figure also disappeared as a shadow.

However, before he left, Yun Zhou discovered a very interesting thing.

The other party took a deep look at his side before leaving.

Then, he picked up the flute rope he had deliberately dropped…

That detail was seen by Yun Zhou, but he didn’t say anything.

Follow the cicada away.


The long pavilion water garden, the sparkling lake surface of the golden fish swimming away.

However, above those lakes, what blooms is a “black lotus”, which is enchanting and mysterious!

“Having said that you’ve been walking around for so long, where are you going to take me?”


ps: sorry sorry, at noon this chapter forgot to send, the small author will make up, there will be another chapter.

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