Yun Zhou’s hand was behind his head, marching slowly and slowly, and his face was full of ease.

But after asking this question, he did not get any response.

Moreover, the moon cicada has begun to act as a demon again!!

“I’ll take you somewhere.”

After saying that, a flash of excitement flashed in her eyes, and then she pulled Yunzhou’s big hand, and a hurricane struck, and the two figures disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When it reappears, it is pitch black in the eye.

Only the sparkling ghost fire hung over the walls, emitting a faint glow.

“Which is this?”

“Favorite place in Honza!”

The excited look of the moon cicada could no longer be suppressed, and the light in her eyes bloomed.

Pulling Yun Zhou’s big hand, he came to a bench.

On the opposite table, there was also a magic bottle as dark as ink.

The moon cicada’s eyes were shining.

She raised her arm and aimed it at the magic bottle.

Then, the wound that had been broken by the Three Elder Immortal Crane Dao Shape not long ago appeared on the crook of her arm again.

Blood ran down the wound, dripping drop by drop into the magic bottle.

Extremely mysterious.

Yun Zhou glanced at this magic bottle through this faint ghostly fire, and then looked at the extremely morbid eyes of the moon cicada.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

I don’t know why, he had a very bad premonition.

The kind of thief outrageous!

At this time, the moon cicada finally spoke!

Only to see her grinning at the corners of her mouth, a beautiful face is a pair of bloodthirsty excited eyes, and the voice is irrepressible excitement:

“Drink blood, little cute, the blood of this seat!”


Yunzhou: (0_0a)!

Oh slot mud horse’s! Old Becomes T!!

Yun Zhou’s face twitched wildly, and he was about to get up from his seat almost instantaneously.

But…… The moon cicada obviously prejudged his prejudgment!

Before he could move, a small white hand pressed against his shoulder.

“Where are you going?”

The cicada is surrounded by a unique aroma.

She slowly leaned over to Yun Zhou’s side and gently caressed his cheek.

Then, suddenly and without restraint, he placed a pair of long legs wearing a light and elegant long dress on the legs of Yunzhou on the side.

“This… What are you going to do?” ”

Looking at this combination of consecutive moves, Yun Zhou’s whole person was not good.

Oh, yes!

After reading the original text, I have experienced it in the previous life.

But he just couldn’t see what the cicada was going to do!

This is outrageous!

Then he heard the extremely pleasant soft sound of the moon cicada:

“Little cute ~ Honza from childhood to adulthood as long as the injury will save some semen blood, to now save a lot of it, do you want to taste it?” It has a great effect on your cultivation and improvement~”

Grass (a plant)!

Don’t think that if you don’t study less, you can deceive labor!

Can that blood be drunk casually?

It is true that the ascension is true, and so is the blood flowing in your body!

Normal people, as long as it is not T!

Who would use this method to improve their cultivation?

Still urging me to drink blood?

This dead sick petite, is tm getting worse and worse!

“I advise you to take your semen blood aside, or I’ll definitely smash it for you!”

For the moon cicada, Yunzhou’s heart aches and pains, but it is impossible to get used to it.

Once something goes wrong, he suffers.

I don’t know if it’s because of the strength now.

When Yun Zhou said this, he had a special confidence.

If he had said such things to the cicada two months ago, it would have been impossible.

Because I couldn’t beat it then.

Hearing this, there was a touch of loss in the beautiful eyes of the moon cicada.

But soon in a flash, she carefully closed the lid on the magic bottle and put it aside.

Only then did he look at Yunzhou again, and with a smile that fascinated all sentient beings, he coaxed:

“Little cute is not angry, now ~ you see this dress of this seat, is it good-looking?”

As she spoke, she also dragged the cloth placed on Yun Zhou’s leg twice.

Yun Zhou felt a rush of hot blood rushing from his head.

He looked sideways at the cicada.

It turned out that the woman was pretending not to understand anything.

The black and white eyes were dumbfounded, and the big eyes looked at him with great charm and charm.

It’s like waiting for Yunzhou’s praise.


Yun Zhou took a deep breath in his heart, and his large hand rubbed the center of his eyebrows:

[No, this is the Demon Lord, this is the Sick King…]

[I can’t act rashly until I absolutely suppress her…]

[No, it is not enough to have absolute strength, unless Master Zun their cultivation is higher than her.] 】

[Otherwise, if she had a substantial relationship with her, she would definitely have no fear and would have treated Master to all of them!] 】

Constantly admonishing himself in his heart, Yun Zhou took a deep breath.

But, that’s still the case!

He is worried that the women around him are not fake, but he is still a man!

This…… Who can stop it?

“pia” a bit!

Yun Zhou’s large hand slapped directly on the thigh of the moon cicada.

No scruples, not afraid of the impact!

There is a cheap not to occupy, but also to pull the East and West, that is pure and pure big wrong!

After pinching the disk for a while, Yunzhou raised his face, looked at the moon cicada slightly innocently, and said in an innocent tone that catered to the morbid state of the moon cicada:

“Look good, Demon Lord, there is one thing to say, your clothes are really amazing.”

“You look at the pattern on this dress, look at the touch of this silk, feel this leg… Oh, feel this stocking…”

“Demon Lord, this dress is so worthy of you!”

Hearing Yunzhou’s heart, looking at his innocent expression now…

Yue Cicada Hall is a superb morbidity, and actually let his set of operations be confused!

Her astonished eyes looked straight at the hand that Yun Zhou placed on her leg.

Then he looked at the thumbs that Yun Zhou gave himself with his other hand.

People are stupid!

It’s stupid!

She had just heard her heart completely.

The other party made it clear that he did not intend to touch her…

But why this hand…

Sizzle —

This little cutie…

How could he be inconsistent?


To be honest, this is also the first time that the cicada has had contact with a member of the opposite sex.

Usually, the opposite sex cannot appear within three meters of her.

But this time, not only appeared, but the contact was also very intimate.

But somehow, the moon cicada did not have the same feeling of disgust for others.

On the contrary, I also feel… Useful?

It’s out of the ordinary!!

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