Thinking about it, Yun Zhou suddenly felt a little problematic.

I couldn’t help but pinch my chin to observe:

[Something is wrong…]

According to what Qiu Yueyue had said before, they should know that Lin Yuan was the young lord of the Immortal Forest Gate. 】

[A little bit of head, this time will not think about killing Lin Yuan…]

[Otherwise, if the people of the forest gate come and find out that the young lord is dead, they will inevitably retaliate like crazy.] 】

They must know that this is not something that a few of them can afford. 】

[So, this old guy is now making these two elixirs…]

[Maybe to save Lin Yuan?] 】

All right.

After all, these passers-by were sent by Fu Xiang to follow Lin Yuan.

Now that the other party has become a fool, they must not go back first for the sake of benefit.

When the people of the forest door came and saw that the young lord had been split into a fool by the punishment of heaven, he must have wanted to take a few of them to anger.

So, put everything down.

Qiu Xianhua should be saving Lin Yuan for his two sons.

It may be trying to awaken the other person’s consciousness.

Can awaken the mind, as for laughing so darkly?

Yun Zhou didn’t know exactly what the two elixirs in the other person’s hand were, and he was a little confused in his heart.

And this time.

Qiu Xianhua was also ready.

His faint Dao power lingered over the two Dark Dan Pills in his hand.

A foul smell spread from the air around him.

The technique was very skillful and pinched Lin Yuan’s swollen face.

It seems that I touched the “big sauce” on my mouth, and I also disliked the “grass (plant)”.

Then he let out a long sigh and stared at Lin Yuan fiercely and said:

“Little cub, you can’t blame me.”

“My two sons have caused this beep because of you!”

“You are sure to suffer this sin!”

“If you can resist, everything will be fine.”

“If you can’t hold back, I still have a backhand!”

“Hey, boy, my two sons who don’t have the tools are still few.”

“Fall into my hands, count you unlucky.”

After saying that, he squeezed Lin Yuan’s big face and squeezed one of the elixirs into it!

While plugging, his face was still twitching uncontrollably:

“This mud horse, how much Xiang you boy has eaten!”

“The taste is really tm!”

The moment the words ended, Lin Yuan’s jaw was forcibly closed.

At the same time, Lin Yuan shook violently, and his pupils instantly condensed!

Boom boom!

The powerful heartbeat is getting faster and faster.

Qiu Xianhua saw the situation and quickly used Dao Li to help stabilize:

“Good fellow, this medicine is really big enough!”

“But this kid is also a tough guy.”

“Ordinary people can’t stand one of them, and he actually gave them both.”

At this time, Lin Yuan was already struggling.

His eyes widened, and the veins of green tendons around his neck became clearer.

The grinning face is sometimes like a dog, sometimes like a wolf.

It looks extremely scary and weird.

Qiu Xianhua was not panicked at all.

Still using Dao Force to fuse Lin Yuan with the Wolf Dan.

He knew that Lin Yuan’s current beep was impossible.

So I don’t worry at all about what kind of storm he can set off.

In the void.

Chiling has already looked stupid!

“Gollum ~ you Terrans are too fierce!”

“Is this a cure to kill a companion??”

Don’t talk about her, Yun Zhou is confused.

[Hiss – is it difficult for me to overestimate the IQ of passerby A? 】

[This is the meaning of salvation, this is obviously to kill the other party!] 】

What exactly did he feed Lin Yuan? 】

[And… Listen to the tone of his voice…]

[How can it be a bit of a “gamble”? 】

Yun Zhou was a little puzzled, but he did not show up.

After all, in his opinion, this Qiu Xianhua is not a fool.

He should not be killing Lin Yuan now.

Otherwise, he would not use Dao Force to maintain Lin Yuan’s Dao Body.

Even, look at it now.

The other party seemed to be feeding Lin Yuan and him that elixir fusion?

But what exactly is this elixir?

Look at this old boy’s vicious demeanor…

Is it nonsense?

All right.

Yun Zhou couldn’t think of anything.

The “male protagonist” who has been wearing wool has actually become a beast!

And it’s a dog!

Even more unexpectedly, Qiu Xianhua was mad.

The other party has become a dog beast, and he is not satisfied.

I actually added another Wolf Dan!

It is obvious that now Lin Yuan, he has become an experimenter!

The guinea pig belongs to yes!

In fact, to put it bluntly, Qiu Xianhua was not sure that the other party had the ability to bear it.

I just hope that this dog thing can hold on to it and make a wave of miracles.

With Lin Yuanming’s cultivation of the Dao Realm, he ate two forbidden dan such as the Beast Dan in succession.

There may be something that can be carried.

However, there is a small probability that it will completely lose consciousness and even threaten life…

So to speak.

It is completely to bet the life of the other party on the future of himself and his son.

So this wave, Qiu Xianhua is tempting.

The look is already a bit crazy.


Lin Yuan’s struggling movements were getting bigger and bigger.

However, this did not affect Qiu Xianhua at all.

He constantly fused Lin Yuan with the medicinal power of the Wolf Dan.

A pair of slightly lewd old eyes were always observing Lin Yuan’s situation.

About half an hour or so.


Lin Yuan was dumbfounded by the poison, but there was still a humming sound similar to a dog barking in his throat.

However, his eyes turned scarlet.

It’s like a hungry wolf.

Seeing this, Qiu Xianhua’s eyes lit up.

Dragging him to Xiang’s side, ready to come to the wave experiment.

The result did not wait for him to speak.

Lin Yuan a vicious dog pounces!

It’s time to start “squeaking and squealing” again!

In an instant, Qiu Xianhua’s face darkened again:

“This mud horse’s…”

“Fusion of Wolf Dan, how can I still eat Xiang?!”

All right.

Integrating one more Forbidden Dan did not affect Lin Yuan’s appetite.

It’s just that he originally loved to eat Xiang, and now he also loves meat.

Just leave a big spectrum!!

Qiu Xianhua kept twitching the corners of his mouth, and the fierceness on his face became more and more obvious.

He glanced at the Jackal Dan in his hand, and then took out a dark Dan bottle from the storage ring!

Come to Lin Yuan’s side and crouch down:

“Since the canine beast Dan can’t neutralize you… Then you can only try them all. ”

“Rest assured, you can hold on to one, and you can hold it to ten.”

“I bet you can’t die, little cub!”

“Oh slot mud horse, give me… Eat!! ”

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