Qiu Xianhua’s old face hung a slight change of smile:

“Eat it, and when you’ve eaten, everything will be fine!”

“As long as you don’t die, I won’t chew you!”

When the words fell, he threw the handful of Transformation Beast Dan Quan he was holding in his hand into the Xiang in front of Lin Yuan.

At first glance, there must be more than a dozen.

The stench and xiang mingled together, and the smell emitted was liquefied.

Yunzhou hid in the void with Qi Ling, and looked directly stunned:

[This old man is really tm fierce!] 】

[One Dan medicine almost made Lin Yuan eat it, and this time he threw it into a dozen?! 】

[Just heard him say that it seems that this thing is called what kind of beast Dan?] 】

What is this for? It doesn’t appear in the novel. 】

[Hiss—this doesn’t seem to be to save Lin Yuan, it’s to kill Lin Yuan. 】

Yunzhou is a bit foggy.

He couldn’t figure out what this Qiu Xianhua was going to do.

You said that he wanted to kill Lin Yuan, and he also used Dao power to fuse Lin Yuan and stabilize the other party’s Dao body.

You said that you wanted to cure Lin Yuan, and he fed Lin Yuan this kind of thing…


Co-authoring is mad, the inhumane Hoho people?

All right.

It’s no wonder he can’t understand it.

Who would have thought… Under Qiu Xianhua’s calm and gloomy appearance, there is a crazy heart hidden!

Yun Zhou couldn’t see it, so he didn’t know what the other party was going to do.

But he had sensed that something was wrong with this beep:

[This old guy is really fiercer than his two sons…]

From Lin Yuan’s qi luck to descend again, he just appeared… I felt that things were going in a strange direction. 】

[This old master, it will not be sent by the Heavenly Dao to target the male protagonist, right?] 】

[This brain is obviously not like a human brain, it is too abnormal!] 】

[And this look… Hiss, more terrible than a sick moon cicada! 】

Is there something wrong with his consciousness? 】

[emm, doesn’t that mean…]

[One silly beep, in the treatment of another silly beep!? 】

Thinking of this, the corners of Yun Zhou’s mouth couldn’t stop trembling.

He carefully glanced at the situation of Lin Yuan on the ground.

Like a dog, he ate the ground clean.

With those dozen or so Transformation Beast Dan, all of them were created!

However, nothing has changed.

The performance is very normal.

You can also stick out your tongue to lick the ground.

It’s not over!

The state is normal except that it is like a dog.

Yun Zhou was a little stunned, this is different from just now.

It was at the moment when his idea fell.

Qiu Xianhua suddenly condensed the Dao Force in his palm and swept past.

Lin Yuan suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed.

The body twisted at a mysterious angle.

The two feet hovered together as if they were twisted into a rope.

Two large bags arched out of the top of the head.

The exposed arm actually grew black scales!

Then, a choking sound was heard.

It seems to be very painful, rolling back and forth faster and faster.

The mouth keeps spitting white foam.

The fingers on the big hands also turned into claws.

The cry of “whipping” has also changed.

It seemed to be a roar deep in the chest cavity, terrifying and terrifying!

“Oh, what’s going on?!”

“Daddy, what did you do to him?”

Qiu Yue, who was a little uneasy, turned back, and was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!

Turning back, he rushed to Lin Yuan’s side.

Feet and mouths, constantly greeting each other’s faces.

As if skilled.

Until the middle of the night, Lin Yuan, who had convulsed for a while, did not move on the ground.

The ghost light on his body flickered, but he didn’t breathe.

As if dead.

In an instant, Qiu Yue’s head began to sweat.

Not only him, Qiu Xianhua was also anxious.

He pushed Qiu Yueyan aside, reached out and pressed Lin Yuan’s neck, and began to probe the other party’s meridians.

The veins were light, but apparently not dead.

Just when Qiu Xianhua was slightly relieved in his heart, he secretly said God bless.

Lin Yuan slammed into a fierce son.

The upper body stood up, and actually arched Qiu Xianhua.

Then, the surrounding ghost light is even worse.

His body trembled uncontrollably.

The bones on the hands and arms are changing at a rate that makes the scalp tingle!

Qiu Xianhua, who was arched to the side, was completely stunned and muttered dullly:

“It’s impossible!”

“Transforming the Beast Dan can only change the consciousness and soul, but it cannot change the Dao Body!”

“How did this body become so weird?”

“Hiss—isn’t this going to turn into a beast?”

“Could it be that I have fed too much Beast Dan?”

“How can this be done?”

Qiu Xianhua’s face was misty and a little numb.

He took out all the elixirs in his storage ring.

There is a poisonous elixir that kills, a broken rhyme dan that enters the realm of cultivation…

Anyway, there are many good elixirs.

But now this situation is not needed!

It didn’t take long for him to frown bitterly:

“Alas, what about this stepping horse?”

“I knew I wasn’t going to feed him so many Beast Dan…”

“This little cub’s Dao bone doesn’t look like a human anymore, this is going to turn into a beast!”

“Brain melon seeds tm grow crown!”

“Now you definitely can’t wait for the Immortal Realm to come.”

“What then?”

“Fu Xiang’s benefits are gone, running away with his two sons?”

“No, I’m not going to be able to step on a horse!”

Qiu Xianhua’s face was gloomy, and his desperate eyes revealed a touch of madness.

At the same moment.

A man and a woman hiding in the void were stunned, and their jaws could not be closed!


It has always been a beast forming a man!

This is the first time Qiling has seen it humanized into a beast!

This mutated bone… It’s also too scary!

Yun Zhou was also stunned!

He got it all out!

This old man named Qiu Xianhua has no ability at all, and he is messing around with horses all the time!

He saw that his two sons had made it too miserable, so he was ready to break the net.

Will Lin Yuan be completely dead?

The beast dan he gave Lin Yuan to eat had never appeared in the novel.

Does this kind of thing really exist?

The dog author certainly did not have set this elixir.

Vaguely, Yun Zhou found that…

Something other than the original text.

He seems to be in contact with… More and more.

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