Although he said that “the devil is a fool”, he felt that it was also correct.

But I’m so old.

Do you have to listen to your little fart when you say nothing?

Who do you tm this conditioning…

Old Six’s smile froze on his face, and his expression suddenly sank.

Just when he was ready to move.

The voice of the old five came over:

“The devil is stupid!”


Old Liu looked at him with a confused face.

Only to see the five elders look at the young man across from them with a relieved face:

“Dare to scold the devil, you little guy has good guts.”

All right.

The Demon of the Immortal Realm and the Demon Man of the Vast Land, it is not a level.

In the Immortal Realm, Lin Men’s disciples talked about demons almost all smelling discoloration.

At this time see this little young scolder.

The old five are relieved!

Don’t look at it as a giant earth monkey, but it is much bolder than their disciples in the forest gate.

Looking at the old man’s smiling face, the soldiers and disciples around him were slightly stunned.


How this old man looked like this… Wretched?

Shouldn’t he like the little male monk?

However, looking at the serious look of the other party scolding the demon man can not be faked.

It shouldn’t be magical.

“Don’t know what to do, if it’s okay, let us go.”

Seeing that the young man was stunned, the old five smiled and opened his mouth.

“Ah this…”

The young man shook his head, “Not yet, I need to confirm your identity.” ”

“After all, it’s not easy for us to occupy this territory.”

“I also ask for the forgiveness of the seniors…”

“I don’t know if you two… Where did it come from? ”

To be reasonable, there are not many cultivators in the realm of enlightenment, and there are very few people who are full of land.

Leng Buding saw it, and saw the two of them once.

They say no, that’s nonsense.

When he asked him this, the brothers were a little unhappy.

Old Six’s face was slightly dark, squinting his eyes to look at the past:

“Our patience is limited.”

“You shouldn’t know, don’t ask.”

The young man looked stunned, only to feel that he was locked by a powerful aura, and his heart was a little frightened.

He swallowed and asked:

“Then I don’t know who the two seniors came to find?”

“Can you tell me your name?”

“Lin Yuan.” The fifth elder was still good to his senses, and said calmly:

“He should be right here.”

“emm…… There are so many people here, if you can, can you help us find it? ”

“Found it, the benefits are indispensable to you.”

As he spoke, he smiled and squinted at the past, with a “kind” look.


The young man on the other side was stunned.

“Lin Yuan…”

He groaned for a moment, then raised his head and looked over, “Is it the Qianyuan Xuanxuan Lord of the Heavenly Domain Imperial Dynasty?” ”

Qian Yuanxuan Xuan Lord?

Never heard of it.

But this name is quite bullish, it should be in line with the compulsion of their own young lord!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the five elders called a bright:

“Do you know him?” Where is he? ”

The young cultivator’s face gradually became strange.

Grass (plants)!

I said they didn’t look like good people!

These two old men are looking for the mortal enemy of my family’s holy son!

“tui” a sound.

He scolded and grinned in his heart, and responded without smiling:

“I know him, but I’m sorry, I don’t know where he is.”

“But I heard that he seems to have gone to the Demon Lord Moon Cicada as a guest at the head end.”

“Not in this Far North Demon Land.”

“Are you in the wrong place?”

I learned that there was a good chance that these two old men had come to look for the Holy Son’s mortal enemy.

Young practitioners’ brains are rapidly active.

Directly remembered the Demon Lord Moon Cicada.

In fact, this is not to blame him for giving the moon cicada a hat.

Just because there are people of the Imperial Dynasty here, he is not good at talking about Wu Zhao.

Otherwise, they are all his innocent opponents, and he takes the opportunity to get which one is not to get it?

And the Imperial Dynasty is still dividing up its territory with them at the moment…

The cultivator had a smile on his face, but a little sigh in his heart:

It’s a pity.

If the soldiers of the dynasty were not here.

You can take these two people to the Demon Realm first, and then to the Imperial Dynasty.

Masako, who is not very smart at first glance, must be very confused!

“Seniors, let’s go to the Demon Domain to have a look.” The corners of his mouth cocked slightly, “This place is not very far from the Demon Domain, and you will arrive a few hundred miles to the west.” ”

Hearing this, the people around them were all stunned.

This is special… A good hand to bring misfortune to the east!

Directly a pole to the side of the magic road.

If only the two old guys and the cicada were to move…

Oh! This brother is tall!

A group of people quietly gave a thumbs up, only to feel that this little young man had developed.

“But the guidance of the most precious treasure is obviously …” The sixth elder was a little anxious when he heard this.

Can there be any mistakes in the place guided by the Immortal Treasure of the Forest Gate?

Isn’t that?

However, before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a respectful cultivator:

“Senior, I told you everything I knew.”

“Lin Yuan and I belong to two forces, and we belong to the alliance in public and have a good personal relationship.”

“I certainly won’t deceive the two seniors.”

“Moreover, the two cultivators are so advanced that the younger generations do not have the guts…”

After speaking, he also bent down slightly.

Acting to the extreme belongs to yes.

Old Six’s face was clearly tinged with a hint of confusion.

I want to say something.

But before he could speak, the old fifth on the side directly dragged him away.


The mouth of the cave.

Qi Ling naturally stood here holding Yunzhou’s arm.

Looking at the young cultivator who was smiling at the two of them, he looked at them with a look of admiration:

“This is your innocent man, right?”

“Oh my God, don’t look at him ugly…”

“But his brain is so good!”

“It’s so treacherous!”

“Master, are you all such old and treacherous people?”

“No wonder the Sacred Beast has been bullied by you Terrans…”

Hearing Qi Ling chirping in his ears, the black lines on Yun Zhou’s face kept beating.

What do we who are not arrogant are old and treacherous?

Does this kid know anything about it?


But then again.

He also remembered the boy’s name.

Yue Buqun.

Sure enough, the real tm is the person who lives up to its name!

The bad ones are all pus!

I just don’t know if he is a “nun girlfriend”.

Shaking his head and not thinking much, Yunzhou looked at the figures of the two old men leaving, and the glimmer in his eyes was inexplicable:

“Bad is bad enough…”

“But people have walked more roads than you have eaten salt, and they are still young…”

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