Far North Magic Land, dense forest.

Old Six’s face was bitter and dragged by the Five Elders:

“Alas, there are times when Xianbao is wrong.”

“Actually led us to the wrong way!”

“The little guy said that this realm is the Far North Demon Land.”

“But our young lord is in the Demon Domain…”

He grumbled in frustration.

The five elders on the side glanced at him angrily:

“You’re such a fool!”

“What do people say you believe?”

“Didn’t you notice the look in the eyes of the group next to him when he said this?”

“That little cub is lying to us, so obviously you can’t see it…”

“Have you gone to a live dog at such an old age?”

“Huh? Lie to us? Old Six looked back with a confused face:

“Then why are you pulling me away?”

“He lied to us, and when we slaughtered him, he was asking the others if they got it?”


The five elders were all happy: “You slaughtered him, and the group next to him made a fuss, can you slaughter them all?” ”

“Once the movement is big, aren’t you afraid that Chen Fu will come down and pick your stars?”

“Ah this…”

Old Six scratched his head, “So what do you do now?” ”

“Even if we were to leave them, we wouldn’t be able to find out where the Young Lord was.”

Hearing this, the five elders groaned for a moment and said:


“I may know where the Young Lord is.”

“Huh??” Old Liu was stunned and violently raised the head of Bai Huahua:


“That barren hill just now.”

“How do you know?” Old Six’s face was confused, and his eyes were filled with surprise.

The Five Elders had a disdainful smile on their faces and explained:

“Just now I sensed a momentary surge of Dao power, which should be an old nether monkey.”

“He set up a small array of divine consciousness on that barren mountain.”

“We were too careless just now, so we didn’t notice.”

“Now it seems that there should be people hiding there.”

“It is very likely to be the Young Lord…”

“Good guys!” The old six big mouths grinned, happy:

“Brother Five, you are really clever!”

“So what are we waiting for?”

“Go, avoid this group of little fools, and take the young lord away.”

After speaking, he pulled the five elders and waved his hand, and a crack broke through the void.

One step in.

To be reasonable, things have come to this point.

Old Six’s thinking has changed completely.

He didn’t think about what the young lord looked like.

Instead, it was taken as a pastime!

This group of monkeys in the nether realm was much more fun than the Immortal Dao cultivators.

It’s even deceiving!

When the young lord is taken away, he will take them all sharks at the time of parting!

Let them have their mentality broken!

And the five elders are also very aware of the character of the sixth elder.

Therefore, he directly said the position of the Young Lord.

Otherwise, let go of him and go over and take the Lord himself.

This careful eye of the other party will definitely have a vendetta against himself.


Soon, the two stepped into the position of the barren mountainside.

Looking down, I looked down at the group of disciples and soldiers who were surrounding the young cultivator just now, and their mouths were constantly complimenting.

Old Six skimmed his lips and was not convinced of the airway:

“This bunch of little fools, it’s still quite happy.”

“Wait until the time comes, that little thing in the yin, let him fester!”

“Okay, you’re also an elder who has lived for thousands of years, and what kind of anger does you have with a child?”

“Hurry up, tidy up, and get ready to go up the mountain to pick up the young lord.”

The five elders glanced at him with a weeping smile, and then immediately sorted out their clothes.

After all, it is to pick up their own young lord, and the Immortal Realm has paid attention to etiquette since ancient times, but it cannot lose its etiquette.

Properly sorted out.

The two did not dare to suddenly appear in front of the Young Lord.

In giving people a scare burp can be a bad dish.

So I had to go up step by step.

However, I haven’t waited for a few steps.

Old Six’s strange voice suddenly came over:

“Fifth Elder, what do you think our young lord really looks like?”

“Listening to the Master of the Door, it seems that he is still a gifted person to preach perfectly, but he is not low.”

“It should belong to the type of Ji Yu Xuan Ang, right?”

“emm…… After we picked him up, who would be his master when we returned to the Immortal Realm? ”

“Why don’t we do it together?”

“You told him to practice Daoist physiognomy, and I taught him to run away from the Yin people!”

Yin people running away?!

But it’s really worth it, old six!!

The Fifth Elder glanced at him, but he hadn’t waited to speak.

Suddenly there were several subtle noises coming from the top of the brain.

The sound is very light, and it belongs to the kind that can’t be found without listening carefully.

However, he was the first to notice that something was wrong.

The five elders paused.

Dragging Old Six up.

Spread the word with the special method of the Immortal Realm:

“Old Sixth, have you heard any movement?”

“Huh?” Old Six looked at the past with a confused look: “No.” ”

“What did you hear?”

“Shut up!”

The Fifth Elder gave Old Six a look, “You tm a little sound! ”

He glanced up and said:

“I heard the movement, right on top of the melon seeds on our heads.”

“Wait for me to investigate with my divine insight.”

“Okay, you see.”

The sixth elder felt that the fifth elder was a little too nervous.

Even if there are really people above, just a group of nether monkeys, wouldn’t it be better to throw them down from the mountain?

As for being so nervous.

Soon, the Five Elders withdrew their divine consciousness and shook their heads:

“Maybe I heard it wrong, it’s a big rock on it, no one.”

The old six-mouthed man grinned, “Fifth brother, maybe you weren’t human at the beginning?” ”

“Do you think it’s possible that the soul is on top of it to scare you?”

Old Five: “Roll the calves, what soul dares to scare me?” Is it crazy? ”

Old Six: “… You tm is too ungentle, it is really scarier than the soul! ”


The two men grinned and went up.

But they didn’t know that the five elders had really heard it right just now.

Just now, on the big stone above their brains, there was really movement!

Moreover, it is still a movement made by a person!

Oh, yes!

Just now, Qiu Xianhua realized that he might be discovered and specially arranged for the three of them to separate.

Each went to find a way to sneak down the mountain.

After all, if he and others are being targeted, Dao Li will definitely not be used.

Otherwise, the minutes will be locked.

You can only find a way to go down the mountain, and then after escaping from the Demon Land as soon as possible, use the Dao Force.

I didn’t think about it.

The unfortunate Qiu Yue glanced directly at the lottery and won the lottery!

This Jill’s, outrageous!

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