My brother and my father were looking for a different path.

Qiu Yue glanced at this road and felt that this road was the closest, so he came to see.

Unexpectedly, I almost hit people in the face!

And the five elders and six elders below also did not expect it.

The conversation between the two just now was completely listened to by the people above.

Moreover, after the figure “panicked and did not choose a path” crept away, he also went to the other side of them and stared at them deadly.

Just when they appeared out of thin air on this mountainside.

Qiu Yue glanced at it and found it.

So he hid behind a big rock and sneaked around.

I didn’t think I would actually be discovered by one of them.

Fortunately, crawling with caution.

The other party did not pay too much attention to finding.

That’s how he escaped.

When he calmed down, he was a little flustered at the first time.

Originally, he still had a bit of luck, thinking that these two people might be the people of the Demon Domain.

But one of them, inside and outside the words, is mentioning the word “young lord”!

That’s a problem!

Obviously, who on this mountain can bear the word less Lord?

It must be “Lin Yuan”!

These two old guys must be the people who came from the Immortal Forest Gate!


He decided on the spot to play Boda!

Fu Xiang didn’t mean when someone from the Immortal Realm would come, when he would notify him!

Can the benefits be given to you?

Then in this situation, you have to escape anyway, so it is better to press the benefits!

In fact.

One more moment is a little more dangerous.

He understands this!


Caught and killed, bad luck!

Once you escape, you have a big life!


If you don’t die, you will be blessed, and people will die for the sake of wealth and birds for eating!


I have to say that Qiu Yueyue is still a bit of a gambler’s qualifications!

He crept away, hiding his breath, almost kneeling and leaving.

I’m afraid of making a noise.

Fortunately, he was anxious to find stability, and he was stunned to let him escape to a small rock.

Without saying a word, directly to Fu Xiang Chuanyin:

“Fu Shang Shu Fu Shang Shu, why not?”

“Are you there?”

“Please answer, the moon is looking for you to report something, please answer when you receive it.”

He muttered with Shang Shu Ling.

At the same time, thousands of miles away.

Imperial City, inside Shangshu Mansion.

Fu Xiang is not wearing the sky at the mansion with the “gambling drugs”.

Leng Buding was frightened and almost fell off the bed.

He heard Qiu Yue’s voice coming from his token, frowning and replying:

“Why don’t you follow Lin Yuan and ask me to do something?”

“If you have something to say, don’t bend the corner.”

His tone was a little unpleasant.

In such a few days, Qiu Yueyue and Qiu Pingping had sent him no less than ten times in succession.

Day and night, no time.

And there is nothing serious, that is, asking him to give more benefits.

This made Fu Xiang very suspicious of the character of the two brothers, and he was also very resentful in his heart.

In his opinion.

These two dog things are treating him as a wrongdoer!


“Fu Shangshu is Lin Yuan’s business.”

Qiu Yue’s voice was eager: “This big thing is coming!” ”

Hearing this, Fu Xiang resisted the anger in his heart and patted the concubine room next to him:

“Get out.”


In response, the concubine room left the room in an orderly manner, and the scene fell silent.

Fu Xiang took a heavy breath, his tone somewhat gloomy, and said to the tone:

“I urge you not to waste my time with boring questions this time.”

“The benefits to you are already the most.”

“If I had known that the two of you were doing such a bad job, I wouldn’t have given you the opportunity to say anything…”

In the rock pit, Qiu Yue glanced at Fu Xiang’s side of the beep Lailai.

His serious eyes looked through the big stone and observed the situation over there.

Make sure those two frightening old things are gone.

Only then did he let out a soft breath.

With his insight, he had never seen two preaching realms at the same time in his life.

If only these two men had found themselves.

If you don’t get a good life, it’s gone.

So he needs to be careful in being careful.

But, what he didn’t know was that.

His caution didn’t help.

Because in the void.

The Fifth Elder and the Sixth Elder were already hiding here, staring at his flesh-and-blood blurred brain shell.


A cultivator of the Fusion Dao Realm who lacks Dao power.

How to avoid the powerful attention of the two sermon realms.

From the moment he knelt down, he was locked in the consciousness of the two men.

It’s just that Qiu Yue glanced at herself and didn’t know…


“Say, whatever.”

In Shang Shuyin’s order, Fu Xiang’s gloomy voice came over.

“Shang Shu.” Qiu Yue glanced at the panic, “Just now two people came from the Far North Demon Land.” ”

“It’s two old men, and the cultivation is at least the level of the Daoist Realm!”

“It should be someone from the Immortal Realm, so I will report to you as soon as possible.”


When Fu Xiang heard this, he instantly sat up from the bed.

It may be that the amplitude is too large, and one accidentally almost falls to the ground.

However, he no longer cared about such small things.

As calm as possible, trembling:

“When did they get there!?”

After saying that, he was inexplicably a little excited in his heart.

The Xianyu Forest Gate has arrived…

As long as you control the time yourself, you must hurry up and give the voice to the Son.

In an effort to drag people aside…

Then I will be a great achievement!

Moreover, after taking ten thousand steps back, even if these few people could not be retained, they would send a message to the Holy Son.

So that these people will not go to the Son for trouble.

The Son knew and prepared in advance.

This is also a meritorious achievement!

Thinking of this, Fu Xiang felt comfortable.

It’s just that……

This Immortal Forest Gate man… Is there so much?

Both died two waves, still coming?

Stubble after stubble, still coming so fast?

At this moment, it is not only Fu Xiang who is confused.

Even the two elders hiding in the void behind him were equally confused.

“Do these nether monkeys still know about the Immortal Realm?”

“And how do they know that the Immortal Realm will come?”

“What’s going on here?”

The five elders and the sixth elder looked at each other, and they both saw shock and confusion in each other’s eyes.

A few big question marks appeared on the top of the brain…

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