: I wanted to refuse, but she gave too much!
In order to find out what was going on, they didn’t rush to do it.
Instead, he quietly listened to the communication between the person below and Yinling.
Below, Qiu Yuejian then reported: “Not long ago.”
“I should have determined Lin Yuan’s location, so I came here specially!”
Mist grass?
This monkey from the lower realm not only knows that we will come, but also knows about the young master? How is this possible?
The young master of the Lin Clan is called Lin Yuan, and few in the Immortal Realm know about it.
How does this person know so clearly?
At this time, Fu Xiang’s voice was also a little serious: “Where are they now? Does the Holy Son know about this?”
Hearing this, Qiu Yuejian responded in a low voice, speaking extremely fast:
“They passed by me just now, they should be going to lock up Lin Yuan’s cave.”
“one eight three”
“The Holy Son probably doesn’t know about this yet, he should still be in the Demon Realm.”
“The Holy Son is still in the Demon Realm…”
Fu Xiang muttered in a low voice, a little unable to sit still.
The Extreme North Demon Land is only a few hundred miles away from the Demon Realm.
If these two Immortal Realms came, it would be bad if they took Lin Yuan to kill the Holy Son.
Moreover, the two idiots, Qiu Yuejian and Qiu Pingjia, have already taken care of Lin Yuan into a “beast”!
He knows all of this!
At that time, I will see my young master turn into an orc…
If they can’t find a target to vent their anger on, these two people will definitely explore Lin Yuan’s deep memory.
When the time comes to learn that the Holy Son is their young master’s mortal enemy…they will definitely trouble the Holy Son!
So… the Holy Son must be notified first!
Qiu Yue didn’t know what the silent Fu Xiang was thinking about, she said to herself:
“Fu Shangshu, you don’t have to worry too much, my father also came just now.”
“Let me tell you, my dad is ruthless!”
“He ate more than a dozen Beast Transformation Pills for that brat Lin Yuan!”
“Hey guy, that’s all human!”
Speaking of this, he glanced left and right, then beeped softly:
“Shang Shu, don’t worry, even if they find Lin Yuan, they won’t trouble the Holy Son immediately.”
“They must save lives first.”
“Lin Yuan has transformed into a beast now, and they may not have enough energy to save them.”
“So there’s no rush right now.”
“Steady your ground and don’t panic.”
This is over.
The two elders hiding above were dumbfounded! Feed a dozen Beast Transformation Pills?
The young master transformed into a beast?? This damn!
The two elders looked at each other and took a breath.
Now…it’s a big deal!
These monkeys in the Nether are good sharks.
But after going back, how to explain to Emperor Lin?
The corners of the mouths of the two kept twitching, and their hearts were a little stunned.
With Emperor Lin’s urea nature, knowing that his great-grandson has turned into a beast, how would he become irritable?
They won’t be implicated, will they?
Just as I was frightened in my heart, another voice came from the following voice order: “Are you sure they won’t trouble the Holy Son immediately?”
Qiu Yuejian answered very firmly:
“Okay and sure!”
“As far as the current situation of Lin Yuan’s brat is concerned, the more you delay, the more danger you will have.”
“These two people will definitely try to save their young master first.”
“I guess…in a day, I can’t stabilize that brat.”
Hearing Qiu Yuejian’s reassuring words, Fu Xiang was relieved a lot.
As long as the two of them have no time to separate.
The Son is safe for now.
As long as you inform the Holy Son and Sect Master Yan of this news now.
Even if he tipped off the news at a critical moment.
That’s a great achievement!
But…everything is afraid of the unexpected, and you still can’t let your guard down at this moment.
He thought for a while and said:
“Have they found Lin Yuan now?”
Qiu Yue glanced at “emm”, and then speculated: “Probably not yet.”
Fu Xiang pondered for a moment, wanting to say something else.
But Qiu Yuejian interrupted first:
“Fu Shangshu, I have given you the news, the task has been completed.”
“The three of us will figure out a way to leave the Extreme North Demon Land and go to the Dynasty to find you.”
“Don’t forget the benefits you promised us…”
“You wait first.”
Before Qiu Yueyan could finish speaking, Fu Xiang said, “The three of you can’t leave now, at least you can’t.”
Qiu Yue was taken aback by these words, and reacted in a hurry: “Fu Shangshu, you have to be a human being when you step on a horse!”
“It’s agreed that Xianyu will come and we will leave. Why do you want to change your mind?”
“I tell you, if you change your mind…”
“We don’t want the benefits of going all out, and we are also ambush in the dynasty…”
“Find a good opportunity to give your family to sharks!”
“Don’t blame us for being unrighteous…it depends on whether you can guard against it…”
Good guy!
Qiu Yue is really anxious now.
It’s not his fault though.
I have been fighting for a long time now, but people want to kill the donkey! Can that work!?
Hearing this, Fu Xiang’s mouth twitched, and he rubbed his eyebrows and said softly:
“When did I say I was going to change my mind? I just arranged a task for you temporarily.”
“It’s done, I promise you the benefits, and I will give you double the original basics!”
“No… I’ll double it for you.”
“A total of 300,000 Dao stones. Each person has three high-level Dao tools and six Dao treasures. Do you want to do it or not?”
Ah, this…Qiu Yue is stunned!
This horse-riding…wanted to refuse, but the other party gave too much! He was dumbfounded for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth fiercely:
“I’ll take care of it, but I have to give the benefits to my brother and my dad first!”
Fu Xiang replied: “When they return to the dynasty, I will offer the benefits with both hands.”
“call~Okay, so what do you want me to do in 4.0?”
After confirming this matter, Qiu Yue glanced at it and pondered.
Fu Xiang said concisely: “There are two things I want you to do.”
“One, follow the people who live in these two fairylands.”
“Always pay attention to their movements, and report to me at any time!”
Qiu Yue froze for a moment, then hesitated:
“You want me to follow two great powers at the Dao Realm?”
“Isn’t this telling me to die?”
“No, they will fight hard to go to Lin Yuan. As long as you are careful, they should not notice you.”
There was calmness in Fu Xiang’s voice.
Qiu Yuejian pondered for a long time, then took a long breath, as if she had made up her mind.
Then, he asked, “What about the second thing?”
Fu Xiang’s voice was silent and tinged with madness: “Kill Lin Yuan!”

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