The Villain In The Book: My Fiancee Forced Me To Apologize To The Male Protagonist

Chapter 24 Lin Ming Sets The Stage And The Kidnapping Begins

In order to realize the scene in his fantasy, Lin Ming still has to lay the groundwork.

As the saying goes, if you want to be strong, you must first suppress it. In order to move a girl to the highest point, he must first step on himself to the lowest point.

He must first pretend to be hurt by the indifferent attitude of the two women and feel despairing.

When everything comes out, and the two women are moved and guilty, maybe he can experience the feeling of being chased by a goddess!

Although Lin Ming still didn't know why the two women hated him now, he thought it was no big deal.

Apart from pulling strings between the two girls and telling a few lies, he really hasn't done anything bad.

With plans and hopes in mind, Lin Ming took action as soon as get out of class was over.

He first rushed to the podium, coughed twice to attract the students' attention, and then looked at Xia Xinyan with piercing eyes.

Lin Ming bent down and lowered his head.

"School Committee Xia, I'm sorry for causing trouble to you!"

"Thanks to your selfless help, my grades have gradually improved."

"Although I don't know what I did wrong to make you hate me so much, I still want to say sorry to you!"

"I will respect your decision."

"I won't bother you anymore!"

Listening to Lin Ming's sonorous and powerful voice, even the top student who wanted to fix his eyes on the paper couldn't help but look up at him. After a silence, they began to talk.

Everyone thinks these words are weird. Why do they sound so much like a couple breaking up? But if you think about it carefully, there is no problem.

In the audience, the little fat man was stunned.

What's wrong with my buddy? What stimulated you?

Before, he made remarks in public to slap everyone in the face, but now he tells his classmate in public that he won’t bother you anymore, and he still has a forced smile on his face.

But during class, you looked obviously obscene...looking at the back of the class beauty with admiration in a daze!

We are all in our senior year of high school and will take the college entrance examination in a few days, so please stop making trouble, okay? Can't you lie down quietly like me?

Of course, some people suspected Lin Ming had ulterior motives, especially Xia Xinyan's deskmate Lili.

"Lin Ming, what bad idea are you planning? Don't say no to interrupt while still making excuses to get close to Xinyan!"

"Don't worry, I was too complacent before, and I won't do it again."

Lin Ming, who was questioned, finished speaking in a lonely tone and apologized to Lili.

"I disturbed you before, classmate Lili, I'm sorry!"

"Tch, who knows if you are sincerely apologizing? Maybe you are trying to get ahead by retreating! You toad, don't even think about eating swan meat!"

Hearing Lili's question, Lin Ming lowered his head.

But inside he was laughing wildly.

"Haha, question me, laugh at me, insult me!"

"Every word you say will become a sharp arrow for me to break through Kaixinyan's inner defense and become a catalyst for our love!"

"When we get married, I will let you come over and join us."

"Only then will you know who is the wise man and who is the clown!"

Lin Ming felt that the voices in the audience were so pleasant at this moment.

Xia Xinyan looked at Lin Ming as if he was being judged by everyone, and couldn't figure out his true thoughts. She could only change her previous indifference and speak softly to him.

"It doesn't matter. From now on, you have to focus on the right path and study hard. You can go down now."

Hearing that Xia Xinyan finally stopped saying "Go away", Lin Ming was secretly happy, but he didn't show it. Instead, he said a plain thank you and returned to his seat in "embarrassment".

Wait until lunch break time.

Lin Ming came to the teacher's office.

"Teacher Liu, I'm sorry for causing trouble to you!"

"Thanks to your earnest guidance, my grades have gradually improved."

"Although I don't know what I did wrong to make you hate me so much, I still want to say sorry to you!"

"I will respect your decision."

"I won't bother you anymore!"


After laying the groundwork for everything, Lin Ming finally made it to the end of school. He immediately came to the cafe and pretended to go shopping.

Sure enough, he saw Wang Haoran arrive at the cafe first, followed by Liu Yunshuang and Xia Xinyan.

"Damn it! When did the relationship between the three of them become so good?!" Lin Ming gritted his teeth.

However, the stall owner opposite him gritted his teeth even more.

I'm just a sausage seller. Do you need half an hour to choose?

One stick costs three yuan, two sticks cost six yuan, and three sticks cost ten yuan! Buy more discounts! If you don’t buy it, don’t occupy the spot!

Just after the stall owner resisted the urge to stuff the sausage into Lin Ming's nostrils for the forty-fifth time, Lin Ming finally left.

The boss became even more angry.

Are you damn sure you don’t want to buy it? !

Seeing the car in front of him driving away, Lin Ming hurriedly chased after it.

Then why didn't he wait in the unfinished building in advance?

First, chasing all the way, the panting look is more contagious.

Second, let the surveillance cameras on the road record his heroic appearance so that Liu Yunshuang and Xia Xinyan can "expose" his identity in the future.

After all, after being "accidentally" exposed through the wound, he would definitely "deny it coldly". By then, Xia Xinyan and Liu Yunshuang would definitely be suspicious and think of checking the surveillance along the way through their connections.

As a result, the two women witnessed him through surveillance. Lin Ming, who was hated by them in every possible way, actually ran as fast as he could after seeing them being kidnapped——

"Wuwu, why don't you admit it? Is it because we hurt you too deeply before? I'm sorry!"

"Lin Ming, we will do everything we can to compensate you!"

"Including our bodies!"

Thinking of this scene, Lin Ming's legs became even stronger.

As the sun set, Lin Ming ran with all his strength behind the car.

Because the speed was so fast, the smile on his face was like an old red-brown chrysanthemum, blooming in the wind.

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