The Villain In The Book: My Fiancee Forced Me To Apologize To The Male Protagonist

Chapter 25: Failed To Save Beauty, Fluoroscopy Was Abolished

Come to the bottom of the unfinished building.

Lin Ming put a plastic bag picked up on the road over his head.

This casual detail brought out his "anxiety" and "worry" after seeing the two women being kidnapped.

"Well, he's very strong, and I hide my handsome appearance very well!"

Lin Ming nodded with satisfaction and began to use his clairvoyance eyes to check the situation in the unfinished building.

Sure enough, Wang Haoran, Liu Yunshuang and Xia Xinyan were locked in a room on the first floor, while several kidnappers were talking on the phone outside.

Because several kidnappers were hired by Wang Haoran to act, they only had a knife in their hands, so they were easy to deal with.

Lin Ming took a deep breath, picked up a steel pipe, and slowly dove in through a window.

Through the door, he saw that Wang Haoran had secretly untied the rope. The timing was just right. Lin Ming planned to rush out, defeat the kidnappers, and expose Wang Haoran's ugly face.

Three times, five times and two times, under the 160-degree force of Lin Ming, several kidnappers were soon crying on the ground and were dragged aside by Lin Ming and tied up.

"Wang Haoran, this stupid idiot, must be at a loss, right?"

With pride, Lin Ming opened the door to the room.

Inside, there was no one.

Lin Ming came to the window and found that the glass had been broken, but at some point, the outside was sealed with steel plates.

He was frightened and wanted to search with his clairvoyance eyes.

But before he could find anyone, he suddenly heard a "bang" and a colorless gas was released from the pipe opening in the ceiling.

Lin Ming suddenly felt bad and wanted to retreat, but it was already too late.

"Ah! My eyes!"

First, his eyes that came into contact with the gas stung, and Lin Ming panicked.

He knew it was poisonous gas, so he hurriedly closed his eyes, held his breath, and began to look for an escape hatch.

The window had been sealed by steel plates, and Lin Ming had no choice but to come to the door of the room.

The door to the room has also been closed. Damn it, this door is still covered with steel plates!

Lin Ming had to take off the plastic bag, cover his mouth and nose, and then start kicking the door hard.

It's a pity that my feet hurt from the shock.

Lin Ming could already feel the poisonous gas beginning to seep into his skin, and his eyes became even more painful.

He didn't know exactly what happened, but he knew that he had been tricked and caught in a trap!

It’s over!

Just when he was in despair, he suddenly heard a voice that surprised him.

"My dear disciple, Master is here to save you, please stay away from the door!"

Lin Ming's heart was filled with hope again, and he squeezed out an "Okay!" from his throat.


The steel door shook, but unfortunately it was still very stable.

"Holy shit! What kind of door is this! The door where I live is even opened and closed lightly for fear of breaking. But the door in your rotten building is better, I can't kick it to break it!"

The old man cursed.

"Disciple, stay away a little further!"

After a few seconds, there was an explosion at the door.

With a "bang" sound, the door of the room was deformed by the explosion, and then kicked open by the old man.

Lin Ming could no longer see. When he heard his master's voice, it was like hearing the savior coming. He rushed forward in a hurry, his voice hoarse.


"Good disciple!"


[Ding, the male protagonist Lin Ming’s clairvoyance has been disabled, and the protagonist’s halo is -200! The host’s luck points +200 and ability points +20! ]

[Ding, the male protagonist Lin Ming is seriously injured and endangered, and the protagonist’s halo is -10! Host luck +10, ability point +1!]

"... He's seriously injured and endangered. Why only 10 points were deducted from him?"

In the unfinished building, Wang Haoran was not surprised at all when he saw the master and apprentice embracing each other affectionately in the video.

Lin Ming's clairvoyant eyes were gone.

Those poisonous gases, but Wang Haoran spent a lot of money to get the isocyanate poisonous gas from the pesticide manufacturing factory, which is very destructive to human eyes.

As for killing Lin Ming directly, there was no hope. His master had been the king of killers for so many years, so he must have some strange drugs on hand.

"This old man really arrived on time!"

"Since you like it, I'll let you feel it again."

"Art is—"

Wang Haoran pressed the red button on his hand.


As Wang Haoran's words fell.



There were explosions one after another in the unfinished building.

Video surveillance was also disrupted.

In fact, the kidnappers who thought they were just here to act were also there, but Wang Haoran didn't care.

They are not good people anyway. They have worked as thugs, collected protection fees, and come to threaten people.

Of course, Wang Haoran didn't feel that he was enforcing justice.

As the largest real estate group in S city, Wang Group's fortune is also stained with blood.

Although it started to clean up its business after going public and strengthened the restraint on employees, there are always areas that cannot be controlled, and there are a few dishonest people.

There will definitely be moths who will use the reputation of the Wang Group to force people to demolish it.

Just when Wang Haoran was thinking about this, the explosion slowly ended.

After the explosion was completely over, Wang Haoran glanced out the window.

The building definitely did not collapse, but the walls and ceiling had been blown away in several places, and the location where Lin Ming and the others were was also buried under rubble.

Wang Haoran looked back at the back seat.

At this time, Xia Xinyan and Liu Yunshuang were both unconscious, and Ning Xueluo was letting Xia Xinyan lean in her arms, closing her eyes and gently stroking her head.

"Xiaoyan is good♫~, Xiaoyan is good♫~"

Ning Xueluo was humming softly, her expression calm and peaceful. Even if the explosion sounded, it did not affect her.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Haoran couldn't help but ask, "Luoluo, do you think I'm cruel?"

"Cruel?" After hearing Wang Haoran's words, Ning Xueluo opened her eyes, "No way!"

"Did I kill a lot of people?"

After Wang Haoran finished speaking, Ning Xueluo's expression became even more confused.

She tilted her head slightly and asked:

"Why should I have a problem with my husband because of other people?"

Hearing this rhetorical question, Wang Haoran smiled.

"Luoluo is so good!"

Wang Haoran kissed him, and Ning Xueluo also actively catered to her.

But halfway through, because she thought someone was in the way, Ning Xueluo stopped, grabbed Xia Xinyan by the back of her collar, and pushed her into Liu Yunshuang's arms, and then continued to have sex with Wang Haoran.

"Luoluo, they two won't wake up suddenly, right?"

"No, I just hit it very hard. It will take a while for them to wake up!"

"Husband, let's continue!"

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