At the same time, inside the CCG building.

In a huge conference room that was as large as a lecture hall, many ghoul investigators sat together in twos and threes.

The investigators, who knew each other, greeted each other and took their seats.

Although the seats in the conference room were not yet full and people were coming in from outside the door, there were already more than a hundred investigators present.

The person responsible for presiding over this meeting is Marutesai, one of the seven special investigators of the CCG, who is famous for his brain power.

After another ten minutes, all the investigators who were due to arrive were already there.

"——It seems that everyone has arrived, so this meeting will officially begin."

As Marutesai's words fell, the already noisy environment instantly became silent.

Chapter 12 CCG Countermeasures Meeting

"....The above is what happened in this case."

Although the atmosphere in the conference room was solemn, it was obvious that some of the people were not in good spirits. Their serious expressions could not hide the faint dark circles under their eyes, and they would yawn from time to time.

Many of the people sitting here have just finished working all night to deal with the things at hand, and they didn't even bother to rest, so they rushed to the meeting in a hurry.

Going to work is painful, and staying up late and working overtime is even more painful.

——Having said that, the meeting that should be held still needs to be held, especially this meeting is quite important.

Just because the special class personally presided over this, you knew it would not be a small matter.

"Although all relevant personnel have been controlled as soon as possible, it is regrettable that the high-level officials, including its leader Makoto Yamashita, and the ghoul organization who were the buyers behind it have not been arrested and brought to justice."

In other words, the work progress has not advanced at all.

If they don't get rid of the source, no matter how much effort they make or how much the shrimps below are disposed of, they will spring up like mushrooms after a while, and it won't help.

And this is also a headache for most investigators, because they can't find anyone!

"According to the joint investigation between our CCG and the police, more than 100 victims have been confirmed in the past six months, and through smuggling and other means, there may be even more victims who cannot be identified in a short period of time."

What's even worse is that this was only done by the Yamashita family!

No one can be sure that the Yamashita group is the other party's only source of goods, and if the scope extends to the entire Tokyo, how many unscrupulous scum will be doing the same business.

The rather young investigator shuddered. Just thinking about it brought to his mind a picture of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!

"With that number of victims, it would be troublesome just to deal with the remaining corpses. Can we do this... Is there such an organization in District 20?"

"Well, there are still some, such as the demon ape, the black Doberman... Before it was called the 'stable area', there were quite a few troublesome guys in Area 20."

"But that's also Lao Huangli, right? They have disappeared for so long now. Who knows whether they are dead or alive, and given their condition and style of doing things, it is impossible for them to spend so much money."

This is true.

There are many groups of ghouls who are fierce and fierce, but when it comes to having nearly 100 million people and being good at making money, there are only a handful of them.

At least for now, in the CCG archives, I can’t find one that fully meets the goal.

Maru Shouzai looked at his subordinates who were muttering quietly below and coughed lightly.

"According to the available intelligence, the victims were sent to a ghoul restaurant that we have not discovered yet, and this is also our main tracking target in the future!"

After hearing this, many investigators looked solemn, especially those old people who had been joining for a long time.

Although it is called a restaurant, to humans, it is undoubtedly the same as a slaughterhouse.

In this way, all kinds of questions have been answered, why the other party needs so many humans as food, why no one discovered it for so long, and where the funds come from...

But what surprised them was obviously more than one thing.

"In addition to the unidentified ghoul restaurant, in this incident, we also unexpectedly got some clues about the "new species". "

Having said this, Maru Tezai's face became more serious than ever before.

New species......

Most people were stunned for a moment when they heard this word, but after thinking about it for a moment or being reminded by others and realizing what Marutesai was talking about, their expressions quickly became solemn.

"I think everyone should have been exposed to this kind of monster more or less before. According to the level classification, its threat level is generally no less than S+ level ghoul. This also makes them cause a lot of damage to CCG during this period. A huge loss.”

On the big screen behind Marutesai, several pictures of different types of weirdos appeared, which were based on different creatures in nature -

Birds, fish, insects...

The only thing they have in common is that there are blood stains around them.

"Due to security concerns, information about these creatures remains blocked."

"If the existence of these alien creatures is known on a large scale, I am afraid that a considerable number of bad actors will recruit them and take advantage of them. By then, those dangerous elements will become even more lawless."

Originally, the existence of ghouls was enough to make people panic, but the problem of ghouls was not solved, and a new monster suddenly appeared, and it was said that it must be suitable...

Do you think the CCG’s complaint hotline will be bombarded with calls?

Besides, it would be fine if you had a great record of victory, but the key point is that during this period, CCG has suffered a lot from these monsters.


"This is the name of those monsters, and the headquarters has officially confirmed it as the code name of those monsters."

"Although it has only appeared for a short time, various characteristics have shown that this is a new enemy different from ghouls. We can no longer use our previous experience to deal with them."

This is a lesson learned with blood.

Although they both have the habit of eating people, the difference between ghouls and Amazons is not ordinary, which is also the fundamental reason for CCG's loss of manpower.

Not understanding the opponent is one aspect, but more importantly, compared to the soft ghouls, Amazons are too hard!


As the main weapon of the ghoul investigator, it was designed to defeat ghouls at the beginning... In other words, this thing is not designed to deal with the monsters in the masked tent next door!

Use game terms to describe the difference between the two.

Before ghouls evolve to kagune, unless they have kagune of the armor type, most of them are assassins with high attack and agility but low defense.

Amazons have high attack and defense, but their agility is relatively low compared to ordinary warriors, and they can also be transferred to other professions such as tanks and rangers depending on their species.

Perhaps ghouls are better in terms of destructive power and damage range, but in terms of defense, only some ghouls with armor can match them.

Although most investigators are not unable to break defense, it is not a big problem to say that the damage is scratching.

On the other hand, if the opponent bites them, they will probably die on the spot... Oh, this is still the same as before, so it's okay.

The investigators are just about to throw the keyboard and shout "the game experience is extremely bad".

Marute Sai stood up from his seat and pointed to the big screen behind him.

It was a picture composed of black and white, similar to a sketch.

"This is the portrait we drew based on the description of the survivors of this incident--"

Then, a color photo with only half of the body and a little blurry appeared on the screen.

"This photo was taken by the surveillance camera in the residential area of ​​​​the 20th district half a month ago."

"After comparison, it is basically confirmed that the two are the same individual."

Several surveillance photos from different angles were called up one after another, but most of them only captured part of the body, and the completeness was not even as good as the one that Marutesai first released.

The investigators were secretly shocked and labeled the other party as difficult to deal with in their hearts.

It can be said that being able to avoid it once or twice can be said to be a matter of probability, but so many cameras did not even capture the front face, so it can't be described as luck.

It can be seen that although there are some differences in the details of several pictures, the main content is highly consistent.

-A spider monster with a red body.

"In other words, this guy is the real reason for calling us here?"

A voice that sounded a little disrespectful sounded in the meeting.

But no one would care about this.

"Yes, the other party obviously has some unknown information, and even the name "Amazon" comes from him, so I personally think that this red guy has a very high intelligence value."

"At present, the understanding of Amazon is still blank, the information in his hands may make up for our current situation, and even find out the real reason where these monsters come from."

Not paying attention to the other party's tone, Marute Sai expressed his own opinion.

"Another point to note is that although the other party's action mode is completely different from other Amazons so far, it has not shown obvious cannibalism and even has a record of saving people, but this is not a reason to relax vigilance."

"Once everyone encounters the target, they must report to the headquarters immediately and are not allowed to act alone! "

The other investigators were silent. They had no dissatisfaction with this decision and even thought it was natural.

To be able to kill two Amazons equivalent to S-class ghouls in just a few minutes means that the opponent must be above S-class.


This is a monster that requires special forces to deal with.

Facing such an existence, no matter whether the opponent has malicious intentions or not, we must be extremely cautious.

"Ghouls and Amazons are now facing us. This is a severe situation that CCG has never faced since its establishment, but this is not a reason for us to retreat! I hope you can work together to protect humanity! "

Accompanied by Maru Tesai's call, the meeting soon came to an end.

Chapter 13 Thinking too much is the privilege of young people

It must be said that compared to the police who always arrive at the scene after the event, or sometimes don't even come.

CCG's efficiency is obviously much higher.

After the meeting, orders were issued one after another.

Except for a few investigators who couldn't stand it and felt that they would have to meet the first director if they continued to endure, the entire CCG entered a busy state.

And proportional to the efficiency is the rapid consumption of instant coffee inside.

It is not easy to break into the ghoul restaurant. Where is the nest, who are the people involved, and what is their identity in human society...

Before the real attack, such long preparations are essential.

Compared with the conventional ghoul group, the ghoul restaurant is more like a high-end nightclub open only to VIPs.

Most of the members have no close connection with each other. They are just a group of trash who have the same bad interests and gather together.

After the CCG invaded, the loose organizational structure inside the ghouls could hardly organize any effective counterattacks, but fled on their own.

This provided certain conveniences for the investigators, but also increased the difficulty of catching all these trash in one fell swoop.

It is easy to break through, but difficult to wipe out.

And some of these guys have a considerable status even in human society.

After escaping, they will use their resources and connections to cause trouble to CCG and hinder subsequent investigations.

The financial backers behind the ghoul protection organization are nothing more than these people.

But for now, it is too early to consider these.

Compared with these things that may happen in the future, it is more important to face them now.

"When will this kind of work end......?"

As one of the investigators who was recently transferred to the 20th District Branch due to the Amazon issue, Takizawa Masamichi felt a headache when he thought of the pile of documents on his desk.

He had no complaints about the life of clocking in and out of work, but rather enjoyed it.

Especially, he could be with the seniors in the academy whom he had always admired, which was a good thing no matter how he looked at it.

But now, whether it was the newly emerged monster Amazon or the rapidly growing ghoul group Bronze Tree in District 11, they all gave people a feeling of impending storm.

"Even the always stable 20th District has such a thing, and I don't know what it will become in the future..."

While he was complaining in front of the water dispenser, a hand patted his shoulder from behind.

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