"Yo, Zhengdao."

"Amen first... Wow!"

With a shake of his hand, part of the steaming coffee that had just been brewed instantly spilled from the rim of the cup, causing him to take two sharp breaths in pain.

"Hot, hot, hot! If I had known, I wouldn't have poured it so full just now!"

"Sorry, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a little coffee, please don't pay attention."

Pulling a tissue to wipe his hands, Takizawa Masamichi looked at the clean white shirt on his body and breathed a sigh of relief: "But it's really good that it didn't get on my clothes... Is there something wrong, Yamen? gentlemen?"

"No, I just saw you standing there since just now. Did you encounter any problem?"

"Ah, no, this..."

His expression was a little stiff. He couldn't just say that he felt that his future was bleak because of the increased work pressure, right?

Although he was definitely not the only one who had this idea, saying it would affect morale, and he said it in front of his respected seniors.

It’s so embarrassing!

"What's wrong, are you feeling unwell? If so, it's better to take a rest."

"No, no, no, please don't worry, it's absolutely fine. It's mainly... it's a personal issue. My mother called again last night, urging me to get married quickly... It's true! This kind of thing Even if you push me, there is nothing I can do! Things like relationships also depend on fate!"

He explained in a panic, originally thinking of finding an excuse to get away, but after talking about it, he became more and more angry.

Kotaro Armen nodded in understanding and did not ask further questions. Since it was a family matter, it was not easy for him as an outsider to say anything.

"But the feeling of being a parent is indeed not incomprehensible..."

In particular, the death rate of the ghoul investigator profession has always been high.

"By the way, Mr. Yamen, that..."

"What's wrong?"

"That's it. Regarding what the Principal said at the meeting, Mr. Yamen, what do you think?"

After saying that, Takizawa Masamichi turned his face expectantly and waited for the other party's answer.

"My opinion..."

Kotaro Armen did not give an answer immediately, but lowered his head and thought deeply.

Judging from the surface, it is nothing more than that their future work focus will be on the ghoul restaurant, and then they will be wary of those new monsters called Amazon. Oh, by the way, they also need to pay more attention to the red guy.

But what the other party wants to ask shouldn't be this superficial answer.

Kotaro Armen thought this in his heart. After all, he has seen more than one person with a gloomy face these days, most of them are newcomers who have joined CCG not long ago.

Compared with cold answers like so-called event analysis and specific data, what the other party actually needs is psychological comfort...

But to be honest, he really didn't know what to do about this.

He is a typical activist.

This is not to say that he is not smart, he is simply a silent man who only tries to use his muscles to solve all the problems in the world. Otherwise, he would not have won the honor of being the chief of the college when he graduated.

It's just that he is better at using actions to prove something than using words to argue.

Comforting others...this is indeed not what he is good at.

After hesitating for a while, he carefully composed his words, and then spoke:

"Maybe my personal opinion is a little biased, but to be honest..."

"——It doesn't matter what happens to that kind of thing, Amen."

Suddenly a joking voice came from the side. The person in the entire CCG who would speak in such a weird tone didn't have to think about it to know who it was.

In the middle of the aisle, a middle-aged man with a hunchback and white hair walked over. One of his eyes was so wide that it almost came out of his socket, while the other eye was narrowed to a slit.

Although he is a high-ranking investigator, it is difficult for anyone to have a good impression of such a person due to his unusual face and informal behavior.

Except Kotaro Amon, who is his subordinate and disciple.

"Mr. Mato?"

"Haha, today's young people really like to think wildly, well, but this is the privilege of young people... Long time no see, Takizawa-kun."

It was obviously a normal greeting, but the way Mado Gouo was grinning made people feel panicked.

As a classmate of his daughter Akatsuki Mano, he had met Masamichi Takizawa a few times...but what the latter thought was another matter.

"In the final analysis, whether it's a ghoul or Amazon, our work as investigators will not change. In my opinion, rather than wasting time on such meaningless trivial matters, it is better to work down to earth."

Takizawa Masamichi tried to argue: "No, I mean..."

"Takizawa, you don't want to waste your working time and have to ask Hoji to handle it for you in the end, right?"


Takizawa Masamichi is defeated!

Even if you think about it for a while, you will know that the possibility of this happening is completely negligible, just like parents who always threaten their children with zero marks if they don't study hard.

But the reality is that unless you hand in a blank paper or write something random, under normal circumstances, there are still a few people who get zero points in the exam. But just thinking about that kind of thing and the consequences makes people want to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

After breaking Takizawa Masamichi's defense, Mado Wuxu turned his head and looked to the side: "Let's go, Amon, it's time to do the real work. Time is very tight now."

"Yes, Mr. Mado."

Amon Kotaro nodded solemnly and followed the white-haired middle-aged man.

As the saying goes, a single move affects the whole body. Whether it is the unknown ghoul restaurant or the bronze tree in District 11, once CCG chooses to take action against them, it must be a large-scale operation.

At that time, it is inevitable that personnel will be drawn from various places, resulting in a decrease in the defense of various areas. Therefore, in order to prevent some guys from jumping out to make trouble, a large-scale cleanup must be carried out before that.

"That being said, this is the only clue we have now."

Amon Kotaro was not optimistic about this. He took out an object wrapped in an evidence bag that looked like a large pair of pliers.

The dried blood on it made people's backs cold.

This was found at the scene of the battle between Dashi and Jason not long ago. CCG has already identified the blood on it and confirmed that it was from a ghoul.

"That's enough, Amon. We have already grasped one end of the clue. The rest is to pull the other end over and expel them all without leaving any."

Just like grabbing the annoying mosquitoes in summer with his hands, Mado Wuo held it tightly.

"Before the headquarters officially launches the operation, we must deal with the garbage in District 20 as soon as possible. Gourmet, Dashi, Jason, and Amazon... Hehe, there is really a lot of garbage in District 20 that needs to be dealt with!"

Mado Wuo's eyes were deep, and the arc of his grin became higher. He already looked mentally ill, and now he looked even more problematic.

"Come to think of it, I remember that Marute guy mentioned a red guy, right?"

"Yes, number A023, tentatively designated as SS-level."

The A stands for the abbreviation of Amazon.

As a new enemy different from the ghouls, it is necessary to redesign the number.

"A023, the two appearance records are both in the 20th area, and the two places are less than three kilometers apart... Well, is it a coincidence? Or is there any other reason......?"

"Mr. Mado?"

"Let's go, Amon, my intuition tells me that we will meet this guy soon, very soon!"

Everyone's physique is different.jpg

Chapter 14 What to do if the face-pinching fails?

If Lin Qiao knew that he had been exposed to the eyes of CCG and became a target of "great intelligence value" in the eyes of the other party, with his personality, he would probably...

Uh, he would not say anything.

What is there to say about expected things?

He never expected that CCG would never notice him, or that everyone would follow his own ideas and plans.

That kind of thinking is too arrogant.

He had seen two people who had this idea during the resurrection match. They looked so arrogant that they almost had "I am the protagonist, lick me quickly" written on their faces.

As expected, they died the fastest.

So it may be difficult for people to reflect on themselves three times a day, but they still need to know themselves.

He is just an ordinary person. Even if he has gained superhuman powers after traveling through time, he is still an ordinary person in terms of intelligence, which is beyond doubt.

The only thing that has changed is probably his mentality, but this only makes him not feel any psychological pressure when killing certain people.

But there is a small problem at the moment -

"Fuck, can't anyone send me some face-pinching data?"

Face-pinching is more common in some games with high degrees of freedom.

Simply put, it is to define the appearance characteristics of game characters according to personal preferences, such as H○neySelect, PlayH○m○, etc.

And this is what he is doing.

Then he got stuck there...

For several hours!

After crossing into this world, Lin Qiao felt numb for the first time. When playing games before, he would always use the default appearance of the characters, at most adjust the hair color and hairstyle, or simply find ready-made data on the Internet.

Now, the price of laziness has come. When he really chooses to do it himself, problems arise frequently.

"Is it because of lack of experience?"

But it's not that the more you pinch, the worse it gets!

Lin Qiao tried to attribute the problem to experience, but since he was wasting time here, more than one or two hours have passed, so it may be a bit far-fetched to say so.

Clumsy hands?

It's because he doesn't want to admit this, so he is looking for other reasons!

"Think about it carefully, the problem may also be that living people are used as face-pinching materials. After all, the gap between reality and games is quite large, and it is impossible to adjust everything by numerical values..."

Suddenly saying some terrible words, Lin Qiao silently approached the man in the corner who was tied up and trembling.

If time goes back to the beginning, then many people who follow the news should be familiar with his face.

The leader of the Yamashita Group - Yamashita Makufu.

But that was before. If it were now, no one would recognize that this person who was desperately trying to get into the corner was the wanted criminal wanted by both CCG and the police.

The reason is simple. Their appearance is too different.

Even if he just ran to the police station and yelled, no one would believe him, unless they did a DNA comparison.

The power from killbus allows Lin Qiao to easily accomplish things that are almost impossible in the eyes of ordinary people, such as blood star beauty treatment. It is not difficult to change someone's face.

The difficult part is what kind of face to change.

As far as the current situation is concerned, compared with the plastic surgery master like e who can beautify people with a wave of his hand, his skills are a bit... hard to describe.

It can't be said to be a world of difference, but it is somewhat outrageous.

So much so that later, Lin Qiao's main job was not to pinch a more handsome face for Yamashita Mufu, but to restore it to its original state... Forget it, let's lower the standard a little bit, as long as it is acceptable.

Good news, at least he still looks like a human being.

Bad news, he really doesn't look like a human being.

It can be said that no matter how skilled the next plastic surgeon is, as long as he has a formal license, it is almost certain that he will receive a small banner of "Rejuvenation" after the operation.

However, he did not choose to torture people in this way on a whim, but simply because the situation required it.

"Sorry, I wanted to change your faces to see if you can trick the location of the ghoul restaurant, but now... Tsk!"

Lin Qiao pinched his chin in distress, and a look of regret inevitably appeared on his face.

According to the original plan, he would disguise himself as the fugitive Yamashita Makufu, pretending to obtain funds for escape, using the changed real Yamashita Makufu and others as bait, and asked for the last transaction with the ghoul restaurant, and then use the locator hidden on them to find the location of the ghoul restaurant.

This is also the reason why he didn't kill those scumbags directly.

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