Just as Dak was absorbing knowledge casually.

Emma Metis walked into the reading room grumbling.

She came to the library almost one step slower than Duck, but spent more time in the stack of books than he did.

Emma was born in a scholarly family, her father taught children calligraphy in the church, and her mother was a disciple of a sage.

Humanity has entered the stage of Renaissance after eradicating the demons. As Valkyrie became famous in the world as a representative of women, women's right to speak has been improved unprecedentedly. There are many excellent women in all walks of life. Even boxing is not weaker than men.

What's more, magisters have nothing to do with gender, and the existence of female magisters also makes women's status higher.

Emma has been influenced by her parents since she was a child. She loves books very much and has a very strong desire for knowledge, and has inherited her mother's independent personality.

It's not that she's not good at making friends, but since she entered the academy, she felt that the boys and girls in the same grade were too immature, so she didn't have any interest in getting in touch with them.

Moreover, St. Marian has the largest library in the kingdom, and this is the heaven of her dreams!

She was immersed in the excitement of seeing the Precious books, so she couldn't help staying in the pile of books for a long time.

Unlike Duck who only took one copy of "The Anthology of Magical Elves", Emma took out a whole stack of books.

She wobbled forward with the book, a slight blush rose on her face.

Bon Voyage.

Emma found an empty table near Duck, put down the books, stacked them high, and couldn't wait to read the books.

Too obsessed, she didn't notice Dak who was just ahead on the left.

Two children who are new to school, within a distance of only two or three meters, read books in peace.


There are snacks in the library to satisfy hunger, but unlike "unscented black tea", all snacks can only be eaten in the snack room.

Duck ate two syrup pies at about six o'clock. He didn't dare to eat his favorite chocolate sponge cake, so he only drank a small glass of milk, and then returned to the reading room.

"Sorcerer Elf Anthology" is also a picture book, but it introduces some interesting elves, very complicated, and the description method is very humorous, and it is equipped with colored illustrations.

Dak gradually discovered that reading such entertainment-oriented books is different from reading textbooks, as long as it is not with a strong purpose, it will not trigger [greed].

Moreover, "The Anthology of Magical Elves" is also rich in knowledge, so it is not considered lazy.

Then he quickly realized that if there were Shuangwen novels sold here, he might die a miserable death...

Chasing and longing without waiting for a moment will be regarded as "greedy".

Peeking at the routine Xiaobaiwen without any nutrition is "lazy".

After falling in love with a small white novel, I reckon it will be double crimes and punished!

This is too scary, right? !


About seven o'clock.

A group of noisy leather children poured into the library.

Werther Gould was surrounded by the crowd, and the freshmen of the Knight Academy excitedly asked the Son of the Brave various questions, without any awareness of the adverse effects their actions would have on the quiet library.

Robert was excluded, like an ugly duckling abandoned by his peers at the end.

The two summoned their familiars one after another, and were about to come to the library to look up information.

But unlike Duck's guess, Werther's familiar is not a stag, and Robert's familiar is not a hound...

The librarian Pandora Doragon couldn't help but frowned when he saw this group of unruly little ghosts.

Immediately afterwards, Werther and the others felt a gust of wind blowing by, and everyone's voices disappeared!

"Forbidden card?"

Werther shut his mouth abruptly, and then saw the girl behind the counter with cold brows.

The girl's skin was extremely fair, her long hair cascaded down like a black waterfall, and there was a heart-shaped, scale-like thing under the corner of her eye.

She stood up slightly and leaned forward, the part full of motherhood was squeezed and deformed by the triangle formed by the body and the table, the raised back outlined a perfect arc, and the legs under the skirt were surprisingly slender.


The effect of the [Forbidden Card] just disappeared, and the words Werther blurted out subconsciously appeared extremely clear and abrupt.

Everyone suddenly turned their heads to stare at him!

Werther's cheeks turned red in an instant, and he wanted to lower his head to his chest—that senior's.

"Come here to register."

Pandora said expressionlessly.

These freshmen gave her a very bad impression.

Shouldn't the new students be the same as the little blond boy before, cute, immature, and shy?

That kind of big sister can't help lowering her head when she gets close to her, showing a shy expression like a small animal... Sucking ~ Pandora immediately tightened her mouth, and glared at the few bear children in front of her more and more fiercely.

Especially the lead one, what the hell is "mama"?

Am I like his mother?

Could it be...

You are so astringent at such a young age, how can you get it in the future?

Pandora's first impression of Werther was poor!


Werther was still blushing until he entered the library.

The other students went their separate ways, and Robert was alone with him again.

Robert couldn't help asking: "Witt, why did you call mother at that time?"

Werther took a breath, and fished out an exquisite pendant from his collar, which was his most precious thing.


He opened the pendant to reveal the photo inside.

"It's my mum and I look at it every night and imagine what mum looks like."

Robert hurried over.

For some unknown reason, this photo is only a silhouette.

And it's a silhouette shot from a distance.

Although the silhouette is a little blurry, we can still see Werther's mother's protruding figure and her iconic long black hair.

It is indeed somewhat similar to that senior sister.

Robert thought for a while, and came up with an idea: "Why don't I ask for the name of that senior for you?"

Werther hesitated for a while, and finally shook his head: "Let's forget it."

Then he silently searched for the information.


The thoughts of boys and girls are always difficult to guess.

It was as if Werther had said it was up to him, but he kept thinking about it in his heart.

It was also as if Emma finally found out that the person on the front left who had been reading a book was Dak, and felt that this person was so annoying, and kept wandering in her field of vision.

But I couldn't help but feel a little joy in my heart.

After all, apart from the freshmen of the Magic Academy, there are really few people who "seriously" study like them.

Dak was the only one she thought was less childish.


It was exactly nine o'clock in the evening.

Dak glanced at the clock, then closed "The Anthology of Magical Elves", got up and left the table.

Emma was still reading the book seriously, Duck pretended not to see it.

He found the bookshelf according to the number he remembered, put "The Anthology of Magical Elves" back in its original place, and glanced at another place by the way.

"Into the Abyss" was taken away.

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