The Villain Master Only Wants To Live A Buddhist Life

Chapter 12 Dak Dimon Survived Tenaciously

Tuesday's lessons are dueling lessons, arithmetic and history of magic.

The first-year dueling teacher, Pava Jones is a dueling master with one-sixteenth titan blood!

Not only that, she is also the dean of the noble house!

By the way.

The dean of the Knight Academy is Professor Sarah Sylph of the Summoning Department.

The dean of the Academy of Magic is Professor Lily Laplace of the arithmetic class.

The Head of the House of Fools is Professor Dee Dee Maxwell of History of Magic.

Just like the urine of Galgame, these four deans are all women!

St. Marian's College, from the name of the college to the principal to the professors, is full of yin and yang.

Professor Jones, who has one-sixteenth titan blood, is one size larger than the average human in any part, with refreshing short hair, strong muscles, bronze skin, overdeveloped secondary sexual characteristics, and full of health .

Although Dak is not interested in this professor who is over two meters tall and has his own basketball, she seems to be quite popular in the academy?

I heard that Professor Jones' titan lineage comes from the titan royal family, and her father is an orthodox human nobleman. Although he is not pure in race, he is pure in the sense of "noble"!

Among the senior students of St. Marianne, both men and women have many admirers of Professor Jones, and it can be said that they worship the strong!

No matter the freshmen of the Academy of Nobles or the Academy of Knights, they are all looking forward to the dueling class taught by Professor Jones.

However, after this class, Professor Jones only explained some very basic theoretical knowledge.

These include the rules and tactics of the duel competition, the combination of various magic cards, and the mutual restraint between racial attributes...

The good news is that dueling club recruitment will be held this Friday afternoon.

The bad news is that the prerequisite for entering the club is to have at least a set of twenty magic cards!

This bad news broke the freshmen who were looking forward to the duel!

It's only the second day of school, who can have twenty magic cards?

But then again, you can't even collect a set of cards, you join a crazy duel club?


The arithmetic class that followed was even more boring and difficult than the duel class.

The freshmen were miserable, and they all said that this must be the most difficult class in the first grade!

Diana said she had been dreaming the entire class.

Although Rose was listening to the class seriously, her face was in a daze, apparently half-understanding.

As for Duck.

Duck wasn't listening at all.

This kind of elementary school math class really insulted his IQ!

[Arrogance +1]

Professor Lily Laplace of the arithmetic class is said to be a goblin, a kind of alien race related to the elves.

Like the elves, they have a long life and wisdom accumulated over time.

Professor Lily Laplace prefers that students call her Professor Lily.

Like most of the goblins, her physical growth has stopped at the appearance of eleven or twelve-year-old humans, and she looks younger than the freshmen sitting here.

He was about the same height as Diana.

In addition, she also has a pair of dragonfly wings, and she likes to show her feet, and her feet never touch the ground.

The history of magic professor in the third class——Professor Dee Dee Maxwell is also a goblin, but she has butterfly wings, and she looks very old, with deep wrinkles on her forehead.

Professor Didi's teaching method is in the same line as that of Professor Lily, and they are all completely scripted.

They may all have profound knowledge and profound wisdom, but they are really not suitable for lectures...

History of Magic can be regarded as the most boring class. Fortunately, Professor Didi is very kind and friendly. Even if a student accidentally falls asleep in class, he just taps it lightly and deducts five and ten points.


In addition, Professor Didi is in charge of the astronomy class on Wednesday night.

But the astronomy class is an "interest class" and will only be offered when Professor Didi is notified.

That is to say, in the first month of enrollment, it is specified that there will be no astronomy class.

Similar to this, there is Warcraft on Friday!

It is said that the Warcraft Society on Friday will not start until the next semester.

And it is very likely that it will be further postponed.

First-year students are not allowed to enter the dungeon outside the castle, so it is difficult to learn Warcraft well.

In this way, there were only six courses left in a week, namely Summoning, Magic Theory, Potions, Dueling, Arithmetic, and History of Magic, each with two lessons.

It can be said that it is very easy!



Dak completed the registration before Pandora arrived, and grabbed yesterday's seat in the reading room.

Then he took out the problem set from the arithmetic class and started to do the problems.

These topics are so easy!

Relying on the ninety-nine multiplication table, Darke swept all the way.

By the time Emma sat down behind him, he had already completed a small half.

By five o'clock in the afternoon, the entire problem set will be finished!

This means that the arithmetic homework for this semester has basically disappeared.

Dak finally closed the exercise set and placed it in the upper left corner of the desk with satisfaction.

Because the mentality was peaceful enough when doing the questions, the [greedy] indicator was not triggered.

But when he was happy because of this, [Arrogance +1] drifted past his sight!

"Does it mean that I can write elementary school math problems to the point of complacency?"

Duck was shocked!

Emma was shocked too!

Emma couldn't imagine how Duck finished the entire exercise book in such a short period of time!

Everyone is a first grader, how can you be such a dick?

Shocked, Emma doubles down and starts teaching herself arithmetic!


Dak, who had finished his homework, looked at the [Arrogance] index that could not go down for some reason. Although the anxiety in his heart did not leak out, he couldn't stop it.

"Am I so arrogant?"

Dak began to question himself.


This question was asked for a month.

Dak didn't even know how he made it through this month!

But there is a saying that life is like being stared at by a slut, since you can't resist, you must learn to enjoy it.

Darke became the most watched star among the first-year freshmen!

He would wake up at six every morning and be in the common room at six fifteen.

His familiar would bypass the outside of the castle and fly in through the vents of the mess hall kitchen.

The halfling chef is very fond of this little evil beast who always comes to give small gifts.

Although those gifts are all pebbles picked up by the river, small flowers picked by the roadside, clover in the sunset, beautiful colorful feathers...

But they are the best gifts a little familiar can find.

Halflings pin flowers in their hair, rub clover in cards, and store pebbles and shards of glass in jars. Every morning, the little evil beast would fly in on time.

Then they will hand over the baskets that have been prepared, containing snacks and milk, to the little evil beasts.

The little evil beast would use those two thick claws to grab the basket and fly back to the tower dormitory of the Noble House smoothly.

Dak was used to finishing his breakfast in the common room.

Reading while eating can effectively reduce the probability of [Gluttony] and [Greedy] triggering.

This is definitely his experience!

After eating, the little evil beast will return the basket to the kitchen.

Duck would continue reading in the common room.

He will not go to the classroom of the first class until the flow of people here gradually increases.

In the beginning, he was always the first to arrive in the classroom, but later he found that whenever there was a class with the Knight Academy, there was another person who came earlier than him.

Fortunately, the number one heroine in the game hasn't grown yet and is out of his hunting range.

Compared with the more troublesome Diana, Emma is like a little cat on the side of the road, harmless to humans and animals.

Diana gradually became more entangled with him.

The cause was arithmetic homework.

Diana was really not gifted in arithmetic, and Rose was not much better.

So the two little girlfriends had an idea, and they approached Dake who had gradually revealed the temperament of "student master".

In desperation, Dak had no choice but to teach them a secret technique - [Vertical Calculation Method]!

Vertical calculation refers to a "vertical" calculation in the calculation process, which can make the calculation more convenient.

This secret technique was directly learned by Professor Lily and spread throughout St. Marianne.

For a knowledgeable goblin, such calculations are not necessary at all, but for a novice it is a blessing in disguise.

Professor Lily even named it [Dark Vertical Style], and added a full fifty points to Dark!

This troubled Dak very much—his [Arrogance] index increased again!

Dak has already paid great attention to controlling his emotions, but the crime indicator can always hit him unexpectedly when he is not paying attention!


It is obvious that he has been avoiding communication as much as possible, pursuing a Buddhist life with no desire, no desire, no sorrow or joy, and a calm and breezy life.

However, the more this is the case, the more Dak stands out among the childish and mischievous freshmen.

No one cared about the "gossip" before enrolling. Everyone based on "seeing is believing" and had a new definition of Dak Dimon.

Diligent, wise, and handsome, although a bit indifferent, isn't that the image that a high-ranking person should have?

In comparison, Werther Gould, another son of [Kingdom Twin Swords], pales in comparison.

Werther did not receive elite pre-school education, he only learned words in church and memorized tables of addition and subtraction.

Although he is also very smart, but the boy's heart has not been removed, and he is always dragged around by Robert to play.

The so-called black who is close to the vermilion is red and the black is close to the ink. Without the supervision of Emma, ​​the "Miss Know-It-All", there is only one Robert who is not slick, and he is naturally blackened.

In addition, when he was in class, he was always distracted by a kind of ignorant mood, and his studies became worse and worse.

Seeing that the treatment of the protagonist and the villain of the original work is about to be reversed, a small card game called [Love Divination] suddenly became popular among the first-year students.


But this has nothing to do with Dak, whose social circle is closed.

He still maintains his daily rhythm. He goes to the cafeteria after the second class every morning, has a moderate lunch, and returns to the common room at five minutes past twelve.

The next step is to make a cup of coffee and continue reading.

If there is an assignment that can be done directly, he will do it first.

Finish your homework and continue reading.

The little evil beast will bring some biscuit snacks, all of which are scattered and coarse snacks, which will not trigger [Gluttony].

And the books he read were no longer textbooks, but books about [Magic Guidance] and [Potion] borrowed from the library.

Due to occasional over-investment, the value of [Greed] is slowly increasing.

After the third class in the afternoon.

He will go to the library as usual.

After escaping the astonishment of the first glance, just meeting the upper eye will no longer trigger [Bliss +1].

But senior sister Pandora's body was too astringent, always making him run away in a panic.

Occasionally, he would hear a chuckle behind him.

unclear meaning.


There are seven values ​​in total.

【Laziness】is best controlled.

Dak didn't expect that he would be so persistent, and the value of [Laziness] did not increase but decreased after a month of hard work!

The second is [jealousy].

The textbooks for the first grade are really too simple. Relying on the magic power and related aptitudes that have been increasing day by day after the blood of the demon god has entered the awakening stage, he not only dominates in arithmetic, but also in summoning, magic and potion. Top of the list!

The only one who can compare with him in terms of aptitude is Werther who inherits the blood of the brave.

But Werther wasn't serious.

So Dak couldn't find anyone to be jealous of at all.

Except for occasionally seeing freshmen get emotional when they are having fun or talking about youth topics, [jealousy] basically didn't increase much, but it didn't [decrease] either.

But as time goes by, the number of times I get emotional has gradually increased recently...

Another emotion that is also backlogged in my heart is [rage]!

Yes, he was always able to restrain [Furious Rage] in time, but the anger towards the bloodline of the demon god, the anger towards the auxiliary system of the demon god, had always been rooted in his heart, and it became deeper and deeper.

If one day it suddenly erupts...

Dak is worried about this.

[Greed] is still within the control range, but there is also a hidden danger of sudden outbreak.

In contrast, [Bliss], although the hidden worry is not that great, but because Diana clings to him more and more - from being alone at the beginning of school, to now being clingy with a girlfriend!

Dak Dimon, reap the consequences!

Every time Diana posted to ask him questions about homework, he couldn't help but want to pinch her pink and tender cheeks.

As a result, [Bliss] has improved a lot.

The key is this thing, it only increases and does not decrease!

Dak once thought about whether he could break it with [Sage Mode]!

But he didn't dare to try, because he was afraid that the seeds would explode in an instant!

Surprisingly, the most difficult thing to control is actually 【Arrogance】!

Dak originally thought that this was the best sin to control. After all, he had the memory of his previous life. Even if he was affected by the character of this life for a while, he could always wear down that arrogant temper little by little.

However, he never expected that the memory of his previous life was the real cancer!

Looking at the [Arrogance] indicator that has already successfully broken the hundred at the end of the month, and changed from ripe Red to darkening Purple, he is in a bad mood.


On the Friday afternoon of the fourth week of school, the freshmen were allowed to leave the castle for the first time and enter St. Marian's only trading area and leisure area - Traveler's Street!

Dak silently counted his credits which were much higher than the average freshmen, he knew that his time was running out.

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