Duck, who smelled the scent of melon, was like a cat smelling fish.

He reacted almost immediately, stopped when he was about to enter the dueling class classroom, turned around and walked towards the place where the scream came from.

Instead of running in the corridor, he pulled out [Magic Beast: Eevee] from the card bag.

The academy does not allow casual summoning of familiars in the corridors, but strangely there is no restriction on magic elves.

Of course, even if the familiar is really summoned, not many people will care about it.

It's just that the little evil beast is not by Dak's side at this time.

"Magic call!"

A white light appeared on the Magic Card, and Little Ibrahimovic leaped out of it, and had already turned into a solid body when it landed.


"Go over there and have a look, and return if you are in danger."

Darko pointed to the source of the sound.

Ibrahimovic immediately understood and started to run.

During this time period, there were actually quite a few students in the corridors leading to the classrooms.

Those who noticed the screams gathered quickly.

Although St. Mary's seems to have only four branches, and each grade has only four classes, but in fact there are six grades, a total of twenty-four classes!

There are forty or fifty students in each class, and there are nearly a thousand students in a castle, which is quite a number.

Usually, because there are many forks in the castle and the people are scattered, it is hard to see.

But after this accident, many people crowded into one place immediately, and the corridor became crowded.

Dak wasn't the fastest one to eat melons, the ones who were closer had already arrived at their destination.

Little Ibrahimovic looked around for a while, and was suddenly picked up!


Before turning back, he was caught by something strange.

"A familiar that I've never seen before... eh? It's a magic wizard?"

Just as Ibrahimovic was about to resist, he suddenly felt a menacing aura, and immediately froze.

Once this IQ is high, he will judge the situation.

So when Dak finally arrived, he saw his own magic wizard being hugged by Pandora-senpai.

He touched the cold sweat and lifted the magic card.


Ibrahimovic, who was ravaged beyond recognition, hurriedly called for help.

Dak ignored Senior Pandora's gaze, and directly put Ibrahimovic into the magic card.

Then he pretended nothing happened and asked, "Sister, what happened?"

Only then did Pandora glance over there, and said, "It's not a big deal."

It's really not a big deal.

It was just a first-year student who was tied to a post with a rope.

The prankster obviously spared no mercy and just tied him there.




The screaming students were also found.

It was a little girl from the noble house standing beside her, surrounded by people at the moment, obviously frightened.

It is estimated that this boudoir lady encountered such a sudden situation for the first time in her life!

Dak just glanced at it, then his expression changed slightly, and then he squeezed into the crowd and strode out.

There were hardly any first graders around, so no one would have recognized that ugly girl tied to a post and sleeping like a dead pig was Robert Bloheim!

Although she didn't know she was under the spell, the facial features belonging to Robert were still very obvious on her face.

Reminiscent of Werther appearing in the corridor early in the morning, he should be looking for the missing Robert.

Duck didn't have much ill feeling towards Robert.

At any rate, everyone is a classmate who has attended a class in the same classroom, so please help if you can.

Taking advantage of no one recognizing Robert's face, Duck quickly took off his coat and covered her head.

Robert was still sleeping, apparently given a stun potion, or something similar.

Because the rope used for binding was tied tightly, it took Dak a lot of effort to untie it.

At this time, there were already some first-year students in the crowd, but they all shrank back and watched.

Upperclassmen seem to find this level of mischief uncommon.

The first graders are a little timid.

Besides, someone is already busy anyway, isn't there?


"do you need my help?"

Senior Pandora pointed to Robert's head.

Duck was winding up the rope, and immediately said, "No need."

If Robert woke up at this time, there might be some troubles.

Some people's IQ is really beyond expectation.

It would be more reliable to just send her to the infirmary.


Fortunately, the infirmary is not far from here.

After Senior Pandora helped to disperse the people, Dak arrived at the infirmary smoothly.

The school doctor of St. Marian is a nun. It is said that she used to be a nun directly under the Holy Church, but she was expelled for violating the precepts and came to St. Marian to serve.

As for what precepts did she violate?

It can only be said that there are different opinions.

"Is Sister Carlian there?"

Darke supported Robert, pushed the door open and entered.

The door is unlocked, but no one seems to be inside?

Darke had to move Robert to the hospital bed first.

The infirmary does not have the smell of medicine in ordinary hospitals, and it is well ventilated, which is a comforting point.

But there is a long snake-nose whip hanging on the snow-white wall for some reason. The body of the whip looks like densely arranged scales, which makes people look uncomfortable.


The white cloth on the bed next door was suddenly lifted, and Sister Carlian, whose hair looked a little messy, poked her head out.

Dak was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"I am the school doctor you are looking for."

Sister Carlian slowly opened the curtain and walked out.

She seemed to have just woken up, yawning from time to time, and the white coat on her body was only buttoned in the middle, looking a little casual and sloppy.

Duck quickly shifted his gaze and marked the infirmary as a dangerous place in his heart.

The school doctor is wrong!

Very wrong!



As the class time was approaching, Darke said concisely: "This is my classmate, Robert Bloheim, a first-year knight academy student. When I found him, he was tied to a pillar..."

"Well, it's a good night potion." Sister Carlian just sniffed it, then said, "It's nothing, just sleep for two more hours, and I'll probably wake up."

Dak wondered, "Good night potion, is it the kind used to help sleep?"

Sister Carlian reached out her hand to brush the silver-white hair hanging down to the corner of her eyes, and said with a smile: "That's right. Every year, a few unlucky people who oversleep are sent to me, and some of them will be happy after waking up." .”

Duck: "Why?"

Sister Carlian: "Isn't it a joy to not have to go to class and not be deducted points?"

Duck: "..."

No wonder you were fired!

Duck pointed at Robert, and said helplessly, "If it's just that, it's fine, the problem lies elsewhere."

Sister Carlian: "What's the problem?"

Duck: "He's a man."




Probably the settings are placed in [Work Related], and will be added slowly as the progress progresses.

In addition, when there are more magic cards, a picture book will be made.



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