Saturday mornings come and go.

Scott walked among the crowd with a gloomy look on his face.

He is a second-year student, assigned to the House of Nobles as a pure-blood nobleman.

But that's all in the past.

On this day last year, he had just entered his second month at St. Marian's College, and his family was in a dilemma because of his father's political defeat.

From being a nobleman to a lowly commoner, the huge psychological gap distorted Scott's mind.

St. Marian's does not reassign students due to changes in family circumstances after enrollment.

Scott became the family's only hope.

He also became the only commoner in that grade in the House of Nobles.

Although his classmates never talked about this matter due to noble etiquette, they must be laughing at him unscrupulously behind his back, right?

Thinking like this, Scott gradually stuffed himself into a cold and dark leather case.

His father frantically wrote him letters through a clerk in Traveler Street, letting him finally know what kind of burden he was carrying on his immature shoulders.

Becoming a qualified magister can change the situation of the family.

Even if you are not an aristocrat, you can live well.

If you can further become an Excellent magister, you may even return to the noble circle.

His mother always conveyed her voice to him through magical letters, calling his name over and over again.

"Scott! Scott! Scott!"


Under the double oppression of internal and external pressure, Scott collapsed.

Great changes in the family when young can indeed make some people grow up instantly, but not every 12-year-old boy can bear such a heavy burden.

Scott did not grow and break through according to his parents' expectations, but fell into a whole.

His grades are getting worse and worse, and his temper is getting more and more strange.

Until Christmas Eve last year, the girl he had always had a crush on responded to the senior senior's invitation and became someone else's dance partner at a romantic and gorgeous ball.

So he escaped from the youthful scene and rushed into the deepest part of the castle.

And the one who extended an olive branch to him at that time was the leader of the sect.

"found it!"

Scott looked through the gap between people, and finally caught the heretic hugging left and right.


Velvet clothing store.

Duck squeezed into the crowd under Diana's pull.

He never expected that the business of this store would be so good before nine o'clock.

Perhaps this is the "Word-of-mouth Famous Store" in Legendary!

If he came by himself, he would definitely switch to another store immediately after seeing so many people.

But in fact, most people like to squeeze into crowded shops.

This may be based on herd mentality, or it may just be that the quality of the goods in a store with good business will not be bad.

Shortly after.

Duck was pulled to a corner of the shop and stood in front of a model.

He couldn't help asking: "Is this the Prince of the Night set you mentioned?"

Diana nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Duck couldn't help but the corners of his eyes twitched.

It's not that the quality of this set of "Prince of the Night" is not good, but that the quality is so good, it's so good that it's exaggerated!

Black velvet fabric, a fur collar made of snow-capped black fox fur, and a fluffy foxtail hanging from the back.

The two rows of side-by-side buttons turned out to be made of obsidian, and there were even opals on the shoulders.

The feather hanging on the side of the shoulder should not be the feather of the black crow, right?

That is an ominous thing that symbolizes the night!

Although this suit shows a very Advanced sense of hierarchy with different shades of Black.

But after all, it cannot escape the fact that it is all Black.

Wearing such a set of costumes on the Christmas stage, I am afraid that it will instantly become the focus of the stage.

Dak actually doesn't want to be so conspicuous.

"And this, the half-faced black crow mask."

Unexpectedly, Diana enthusiastically pointed to the black raven mask studded with black diamonds on the table next to her.

Dak couldn't help but be speechless: Is this stuff worn by humans?

Which country's prince really dares to dress like this?

It's not the world derived from the Galgame game!


Dak remembered the only eldest prince in the kingdom, and that guy seemed to be dressed in this style.

So has the national aesthetics been distorted by him?

Dak's eyes flickered, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he found a reason for his refusal.

"Hiss~" He gasped, "399 credits!"

At this price, it seems that those obsidian, opal, and black diamonds are all products of magic technology.

But for first-year students, it is still an unattainable price!

"To buy this thing, I'd rather go to buy worm tree fruit!"

Thinking of this, Dak prepared some words, about to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Diana suddenly showed a smug smile and pulled him to another model at the back.

"Look, the Evernight Princess set!"

Dak's eyelids trembled.

This black velvet princess dress worn on the female model is really worthy of the "Prince of the Night" suit of the same name. It is not only full of exaggerated decorations, but also full of frills, as if the more frills, the more Like a princess!

Duck was thinking about saying something.

Diana then pointed to one of the tags: "50% off couple outfits!"

Dak's eyelids twitched when he saw it: Good guy, so you are waiting for me here?


Rose on the other side smiled and picked out a set of White's non-commissioned officer uniform and Peacock Feather's half mask.

She was clearly aware of Diana's plans.

Duck eventually bought the "Night Prince" set.

After the 50% discount, only the 200-credit set is still within his acceptable range.

And apart from other things, the fabric quality of this suit is still very Advanced. After the owner of the clothing store cast a spell to shrink it, it is very comfortable to wear.

Even save it for the Christmas ball if you can.

At that time, you can also save a fortune.

After leaving the velvet clothing store, Duck, Diana, and Rose walked around various stores, and finally came to an Advanced restaurant.

This music restaurant named "Waltz" is quite famous among the students, and it mainly promotes a "style".

Duck specially ordered the most Advanced dessert ice cream for Diana and Rose, while he himself ordered the slightly lower-level small cup ice cream.

He is already familiar with such small skills to restrain [gluttony].

The three of them enjoyed the sweet ice cream in the cool autumn, savoring a completely different fun from Xia Tian.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows are maple leaves falling with the wind and bustling crowds.

The breath of youth is like a broken paper kite, floating higher and higher.


Leaning on the maple tree like an ancient detective, Scott disguised himself with newspapers, his face turned green from the youthful aura, and his eyes were as serious as a poisonous snake.




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