The Villain Master Only Wants To Live A Buddhist Life

Chapter 86 Dak Dimon Has A Slight Liking For Iron Plate Squid

"(っ?-?) Yawn~"

On the dressing bridge, Werther and Robert entered Traveler Street while yawning.

The two fought fiercely until the early morning last night, and barely got up at nine o'clock in the morning.

I didn't go to the cafeteria to eat, but came to Traveler Street.

In the four days after Monday, they tried their best to attend lectures, and finally they each saved enough credits, so they thought about picking out a masquerade suit for the weekend.

Werther actually already has a Kamen Rider suit.

But the Kamen Rider suit was so shoddy that he now felt that he had been tricked by that Lyon senior.

Secondly, he once wore a Kamen Rider set during the confrontation with that perverted gentleman. In order not to reveal his identity, he thought about buying another set that looked better.

"I heard that the three princesses will hide their identities and join the ball. Whoever can win the favor of any princess can dance with that princess when the bell strikes twelve o'clock?"

Robert seemed to be looking for something to say, chattering casually.

Werther shrugged his eyelids: "Not interested."

Robert said again: "Do you know about the ghost hunting activities on Halloween?"

Witte raised his spirits: "Of course I know, that is the best chance to get a lot of credits! With credits, there is everything!"

Robert smiled mysteriously: "Then you must not know, who was the champion of the third grade last year?"

Werther was stunned: "Why did you specifically specify the third grade... Wait, you didn't say that the champion of the third grade last year was Pandora-senpai?"

Robert proudly said: "That's right. Her name is clearly hung in the prize showroom of the college! How is it? Are you motivated?"

Werther stood still suddenly: "Robert."

Robert: "Huh?"

Witte: "This year's first grade champion is ours!"

Afterwards, in order to make himself more elegant, the spirited Werther entered the well-known word-of-mouth store-velvet clothing store.

After a few minutes, they fled.

"Isn't this too expensive?"

"Use all the credits, what do we need to buy materials to strengthen ourselves?"

"Why don't you buy it next weekend?"

"Maybe it's a good idea."

"I'm a little hungry, Werther."

"Let's go find something to eat."


So, Werther and Robert walked towards the street where restaurants were crowded with dejected faces.

Inadvertently, the two passed by the waltz music restaurant and saw Duck's trio separated by a layer of glass, as well as the Advanced ice cream in front of Diana and Rose.


Werther swallowed his saliva, and whispered: "Robert, how many credits is that chocolate strawberry honeydew melon triple cream topping ice cream?"

Robert: "It seems to be 19 credits..."

Werther: "Two classes are over!"

Robert: "Suck~"

Werther; "Wait, wait, we'll be able to afford it after Halloween."

Robert: "Actually, we can afford it now."

Werther: "Don't make trouble, we will use the credits this time to buy materials."

Robert: "Actually, I have a compromise."

Witte: "Huh?"


Leaning against the maple tree, Scott, pretending to be reading a newspaper, glanced at them inadvertently, and then showed a sneer.

Among these two people, one is the son of the brave, and the other... is the person who was bound by him.

"So he is the servant of the Son of the Brave? I thought he was a person with nothing like me. He only saved some affection that night. If I had known earlier..."


Dak ate the ice cream in small bites.

He is in a good mood today. Although it is slightly different from the scheduled itinerary, he has finally gained something.

Diana and Rose frolic while eating ice cream, and the corners of their mouths are gradually stained with cream.

Werther and Robert pushed through the door and ordered a 19-credit tall ice cream cup and two scoops at the counter.

Dak was slightly surprised to see the two of them appear, but he didn't particularly care.

"Dark, let's form a team for the Halloween event!"

Diana and Rose also chatted about the Masquerade event.

Dak asked puzzled, "Then can you form a team for the event?"

"Of course!" Diana stretched out her pink tongue and rolled up the white cream at the corner of her mouth, and whispered, "I heard that senior students often do this, and teaming up can improve the efficiency of catching 'ghosts', and the winner of the final award Sometimes, the points obtained can be pooled on one person to compete for the grade championship!"

Dak was taken aback: "Isn't this cheating?"

Diana was puzzled: "But everyone is doing this!"

Dak showed a gentle smile: "So, do you know how many grade champions were won in this way?"

Diana pressed the dimple with the handle of the spoon, thought for a long time before saying, "It doesn't seem to be there."

Duck: "That's right."

He lowered his head, took a bite of ice cream, and then said: "This masquerade party can actually be regarded as a trial, which is just used to test the results of the two months since the beginning of school. If I form a team with you, your The effect of the trial will be greatly reduced."

Diana thought for a while, then smiled: "Listen to you!"


About half past ten.

Duck said goodbye to them under Diana's reluctant eyes, then passed by the brave duo and left the Waltz music restaurant.

He was very interested in the ghost hunt on Halloween, but it was mainly for credits. As for the grade championship, whoever wants it can take it.

A few minutes later.

He left the gourmet street of the restaurant Zhatui, and turned into an old and sparsely populated street.

Not every area in Traveler's Street is popular, and there are always some unpopular shops that no one cares about.

The store also has to do business. If no one comes, it will inevitably close.

He had been here before when he was not familiar with the neighborhood, but it was the first time he came here on his own initiative.

But people, there is always a first time.

Turning into the back of an old unmanned store, Dak stopped, turned around, and silently counted three two one in his heart.

Then a person wearing a squid leather case came out from behind the wall.

Dak looked at this person carefully, and asked curiously, "So you followed me all the way because I love squid?"

Scott's voice became hoarse under the filter of the leather case: "Damn it, it's not a squid, it's a squid!"

Dak shook his head: "Everyone is seafood, who is worse than the other? To be straightforward, why are you following me?"

Scott: "I'm not following you."

Duck: "?"

Scott; "I'm just a squid passing by here by chance."

Duck: "???"

Scott: "You are collecting love divination cards?"



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