No, this is just walking in.

Who dares to stop Jiang Feng?

No one dared to stop Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng was directly at the door of Su Xinghe's office.


The door is just kicked open, it is not uncommon to play the game of knocking on the door with you, since it is going to appear, it must be strong.

"What the hell, who are you!"

The bodyguard got up and came, knowingly asking.

Don't you watch surveillance?

Wouldn't the Minister of Security report it?


So, what exactly is this person, people are clear, they know clearly.

However, people have to pretend that they don't know you at all.

What about you!

Time flies!

Twenty minutes passed like that.

This feeling...

"Do you think I'm joking with you? Do you think I'm joking with you!"

"Do I care?"

"Young man, I'll ask you, do you think I'm having fun with you, tell me!"

"I do not know!"

"Young man, at this moment, give me some seriousness, this is my territory, you stand here so proudly since you came here, even if you are so wrong, you stand here like this Being here has also seriously affected my mood, do you know that?"

"Do I need to know?"

Jiang Feng looked at the other party and asked.

"My Nima!"

The other party's mood is simply terrible, and the whole person is not good.

This feeling, can't wait to be fried.

"Do I need to know?"

Jiang Feng asked again.

"You need to know, you need to!"

"Then I don't know, what can you do to me?"


Speechless, I don't know how to communicate, this feeling is very bad, I want to make some changes, this is unlikely to succeed, it seems that it can only be an iron fist.

It seems that it can only be three punches and two feet to kill you, the **** shit.

As for the other party, this is getting ready to punch Jiang Feng.

As for Jiang Feng, he was also ready to deal with the opponent.

That feeling, I just keep making trouble with you like this. You, if you want to make a move, make a move. Now there is still a chance. Hurry up and make a move. It's impossible to know what's so special. At that time, killing you will really be just like fun without any difficulty. It's not difficult, okay? It's not just having fun with you.

and then?

There was a stalemate for a while.

Fed up!

There is no way!

Had to launch this very scary attack.

The bodyguard really didn't want to do this kind of unreasonable thing, but this guy just stood there without saying a word, looking like he was so angry, this, this is simply unbearable. .

In this unbearable situation, then, I have no choice but to shoot at you, which is very irritating, really!

"Why are you such a virtuous person? I'll ask you, why do you have to be like this!"

"I like to be willing to love, so I have to do this, is there something wrong?"

"Die, die, die!"

Under this anger, this attack power is presented without any ambiguity.

Just like before, it is to scare people.

Every time they attack, people avoid it. It is quite easy, is it difficult?


No need to have!

The counter-kill was completed at this moment.

This palm, this is the possibility that you will not come back to your senses, and it must have hit you.

This is the way you are going to vomit blood.

It is melancholy and impossible not to give you the whole thing.

This palm is indeed a little annoying.

Then, the next thing is that the bodyguard has already avoided the past.


The bodyguard's eyes turned cold.

It's almost, it's almost a special hit.

It's okay to be hit by someone else, once it's hit by this guy, it's really a small life explained here, this, this is too scary.


Still hit!

The bodyguard was beaten and stepped back several steps. It was a state that was completely unacceptable in his heart. Why, why did he still hit it?

What is this scenario?

This, this is to make people not very happy. It makes people feel quite uncomfortable.

No, no, things like this are not allowed to happen.

Absolutely not allowed!

Then, in such a situation, you have to be ruthless, then, to be ruthless, you have to use a very terrifying attack.

Double knives in hand.

The aura has been transformed in an instant. The bodyguard at this moment really sees that this is not an ordinary feeling. If he shows his power, he is going to scare you to cry. .

Then, this Jiang Feng hooked his finger at the bodyguard, he really thought about it, this is simply not treating the other party as one thing, um, who can care about you? You are probably thinking too much.

The bodyguard's eyes are full of indifference and gloom, this **** guy, this is a little bit like he doesn't think of himself as a person, this is a bit too wild, too wild, It's a bit uncomfortable for the other party to treat people, it's unbearable.

Absolutely absolutely intolerable.

Everyone has a temper, and he is the same, with a temper.

If he gets angry like this, tsk tsk, go to hell.

The bodyguard's anger came up, and the attack of the double-sword flow was also presented. The offensive was like a rainbow. It was quite scary to watch. This is how to figure out how to do it, and it won't be the slightest change.

That's all.

and then?

The sound of brushing, brushing is scary to listen to.

There is no such possibility of failure in the attack of sword, light, sword and shadow.

Judging from such a situation at the moment, this feeling is really melancholy, not a little bit.

Brush, brush!

No, the attack failed.

Yes, it is scary to listen to the sound, that is, to frighten and frighten people, there is no possibility of success, look, it is such a failure, this is the reality.

The reality is, he can't, unfortunately.

"I'm really angry, I'm angry!"

The bodyguard shouted.

"It's okay if you're angry!"

At this moment, Jiang Feng's counter-killing slap was another shot and another hit, which directly hit the bodyguard's heart.

The bodyguard sat on the ground for a long time and didn't come back to his senses, what is this? what's the situation?

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