"Be sensible in the future, otherwise, die, die, die!"

Jiang Feng pointed at the second brother of the Su family and shouted.

The second child of the Su family clenched his hands tightly, and it was not appropriate to speak loudly with each other at this moment.

Because at this moment, the situation is stronger than others, that is, the threat is more amazing than you are, and that is the feeling that you are not easy to mess with, if you provoke the other party, the final result is to be beaten, Why is this necessary?

Then don't provoke people at this moment.

Do something serious, wait for someone to leave, um, call someone after the other person leaves, and then put the other person's photo out, and naturally someone will come to do things.

No, this is just watching this person leave, there is nothing to do. Today, all the grievances must be recovered.

A phone call came out, just right, this master is nearby.

In such a situation, things become simpler.

No, this is giving Jiang Feng's photo to a master.

After the master got the photo, no, this is the first time he rushed towards this direction.

After the attack, it was a coincidence that Jiang Feng was seen.

Don't be in a hurry!

Take it easy!

He Sun Tiedan does things and is never in a hurry.

Well, after locking the opponent first, as long as there is a chance, it will be shot, as long as it is shot, failure is not allowed!

As long as this attack is successful, the opponent's doomsday will come, it's such a simple matter.

Get started!

At this moment, it is about to shoot.

He drove towards Jiang Feng's car and drove like this. If such a collision was successful, it would be a traffic accident. This guy also died in a traffic accident. Well, it's such a simple one. set up.

As a result, when people speed up, they directly avoid your collision. This is completely impossible for you to hit, and it gives you a whole moment of shame and anger.

So, what about the second hit?

What about the third hit?

What about the fourth hit?

All avoided!

This guy's attacks were all avoided by Jiang Feng.

As for Jiang Feng, this is looking at the other party's car outside the car window with a very indifferent expression. The other party is still arrogant and arrogant, and he doesn't know what to do. What should I say to the other side? The other party is really disappointing, really.

The other party just stopped the car.

As for the other party, this is directly from the car.

As for the other party, this is staring at Jiang Feng, eyeing him.

"It feels like you can take me down, tsk tsk tsk, it's really quite scary to look at, it's a pity that I can be taken down so easily. What? Dog thing!"

"You, just talk, don't disrespect people. If you disrespect me like this, I'll get angry. When I get angry, I explode. When I explode, I lose my mind. Do you know who I am?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know either. You must not report your name, I must have never heard of it!"

"You have never heard of my name Hu Daqing!"

"Look, shameless, right? I want you not to report your name, but if you don't listen, what will happen? What kind of **** is Hu Dahai?"

"Hu Daqing!"

"Hu Dazhi?"


Hu Daqing has closed his eyes and can't look at each other, the more he looks, the more angry , This is so thought out, it's impossible for you to be mad if you don't care so much.

Ha ha ha, that all penetrated the other party's thinking, it is impossible to let the other party succeed in such a calculation, who is he? He is Hu Daqing.

"I'm Hu Daqing!"

Hu Daqing opened his eyes, what happened?

As a result, they turned around and left.

It's not uncommon for people to take care of you like this.

People didn't care and left here.

People are quite annoying.

This damn, this is a damn.

A swipe!

Hu Daqing just rushed out.

This is directly rushing towards the other party, this is the rhythm of 100% to completely win the other party, die, die, die, kill you like this.


Is it successful wow?



Where can there be such an easy success!

One failure, this is the beginning!

The second time also failed!

Hu Daqing approached for a moment, then launched countless attacks, and then failed countless times. This is such a situation, let me ask you, is it irritating or not!

Hu Daqing felt that he was being calculated by the other party?

Yes, it was calculated by the other party.

The other party's dog thing, this, this is too irritating, isn't it?

No, it can't be to let the other party go on like this all the time, it must be to find a way to solve the problem so thoroughly.


Kick sideways, come right away!

Hit Hu Daqing.

Hu Daqing was attacked by this guy.

what is this?

One wrong step, one wrong step!

It will also be because you made a wrong step, the other party is on you, and in such a situation that the other party is thinking about you, it is clear, and he must give you to you. Take down.

The other party will not let you go so easily, absolutely!

no way!

and then?

Hu Daqing doesn't care so much about you, you can do whatever you like, he just doesn't care.

Then, continue the attack, there is no problem!

Hu Daqing's body was attacked several times by the opponent.

It seems to be such a feeling of pretending to be indifferent, this, this kind of special can't be done.

Damn, that's what I thought, that's fine, I just want to stimulate him so deliberately, right?

Alright, alright, alright, the other party is on the road to death, and it's already drifting farther and farther, the other party looks like he is going to the end.


Turn around and run!

"Hey, are you running away?"

At this moment, Jiang Feng asked Hu Daqing.

Hu Daqing doesn't care about you, don't care, don't care!

This is really difficult for Jiang Feng to fix. Just now, he was very good at each other!

At this moment, it is still the other party who flees in the desert!

This is really disappointing for the other party.

If you want to chatter, you should keep chattering like this.

What are you running for?

You, you can't fix it.

No, Jiang Feng took out his mobile phone and called Mr. Su. He wanted to tell the other party about the situation.

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