The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 553 Dark Dimon Can't Adapt (10k)

Although the rainstorm stopped, the ground was still wet, and the footsteps were clearly identifiable.

Katrina and Britney looked up almost at the same time when they heard the sound.

They are actually very lucky to be able to join the Fantastic Beasts Society founded by Dak Dimon.

Among the third graders of this year, there has not yet been an exceptional person on the level of Winnie Skadi and Pandora Dragon, and compared to other grades, they are relatively mediocre.

But Katrina and Britney aren't even top students.

In contrast, Katrina Isaiah's grades are actually pretty good, but Britney Christian's grades can only be considered lower.

They were not qualified to be recruited by large societies.

Because of limited resources and the need for centralized allocation, large societies usually consciously control the number of new recruits.

For example, the literary club only recruits four new people every year.

Only the best people can be seen by the literary society.

Neither Katrina nor Britney are clearly qualified.

The next best thing is that a new club with great potential like the Fantastic Beasts Club is the best choice they can find.

It was with this in mind that Katrina took the initiative to respond.

After looking back and thinking about it, Britney also found her luck, and thus established a preliminary sense of belonging.

"It seems that Florty's assessment was successful?"

Katrina temporarily closed the book and got up to meet her.

Thanks to the three-day experience in the same car, she was fairly familiar with Diana and Rose.

"Isaiah-senpai, just call me Rose."

"Then you can call me Katrina too."

"And me, Diana!"

Under Katrina's initiative, the three quickly regained their acquaintance.

Dark found Britney and introduced Diana and Rose to her.

A few minutes later, Duck waved his hand and said:

"Since everything is here, let's go!"


The group entered Traveler Street through the hub of Huxin Pavilion with ease, then sat down at a high-end restaurant and began to order food.

Tonight's Traveler's Street was very lively. The second-year freshmen who passed the duel club assessment came in groups of three to five to celebrate, and some clubs would also pick up the dust for the newcomers tonight.

If they came a little later, I'm afraid they wouldn't even be able to book a seat.

The five members of the community were already acquainted with passers-by, and it was no stranger to chatting at this time.

Although Katrina likes to read quietly in a quiet corner by herself, her social skills are not low, and it is easy to integrate into it.

On the contrary, Britney's social level is almost 0. She basically doesn't take the initiative to talk to her, and most of them just passively answer questions.

Fortunately, there was Diana, who was at the full level of [Zilaishu], and the two reached a subtle consensus on the love of "Little Bear", and the chat became more and more smooth.

In addition, Diana did learn to knit during the holidays. Although she could not always get it right, she was just able to ask Britney for advice.

On the other hand, Rose, who likes to read some biographies, and Katrina, who reads everything, happened to be chatting together again.

As for Dak Dimon, since he has a strong memory and an elegant speech, he can talk about anything.

The so-called know the face but not the heart, he is also consciously observing the character of Katrina and Britney.

Aside from the noisy surrounding environment, the guests enjoyed this dinner.

After the meal, the group of five wandered a lot in the night market of Traveler Street, eating snacks and watching the show, the atmosphere became more and more harmonious.

Nearly ten o'clock, Dake waved his hand, and he and the girls passed through the Huxin Pavilion and returned to the academy.

They did not return to the dormitory separately at this time, but climbed the Spiral Clock Tower, and for the first time came to the community classroom of the Fantastic Beasts Club—that is, the tenth floor of the Spiral Clock Tower!

"My dear, is this the supreme enjoyment?"

Katrina tapped her sore legs, but there was a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, the club classroom of the Fantastic Beasts Club is not only the highest of all club classrooms in terms of geographical height, but also located in the center of the entire castle!

This obviously symbolizes some kind of status.

At least she had never heard of a society that could set up classrooms in this clock tower.

Standing on the corridor outside the community classroom, you can see the scenery of the entire castle, as if the height above the soul is climbing.

"If you put a reclining chair in the corridor, sipping black tea every afternoon, while enjoying the grand scene in the book... No way, I can't stand it any longer!"

Katrina hurriedly shook her head, a look of greed already on her face.

"Katrina, did you think of something delicious?" Diana asked curiously.

Katrina turned her head slightly embarrassedly: "Mmmmmmm."

It is a pity that being tall also has its disadvantages. It is quite tiring to go up and down the tenth floor every day.

Not all dueling class professors have such strict physical requirements. The third-year dueling class professors are relatively relaxed, and think that too much improvement in physical fitness does not make much sense. Relying on magic cards can completely make mages become faster and more durable.

This is evident from Katrina and Britney.

Britney's physical strength is even weaker.

Of course, the most sluggish now is Little Rose, who has just started physical training.

"Just think of going up and down the stairs every day as part of your physical training."

Dark said to Rose with a smile.

"Wait until the physical training has paid off, and you can add weight-bearing exercises, or squat and jump upstairs."

Rose's face suddenly turned pale.


The starry sky after the rainstorm is exceptionally clear, the moon is ashamed to see people, and the stars shine in the world.

The five people walked slowly along the circular corridor, and finally gathered in the club classroom.

Although the club classroom has been cleaned, there is nothing left except for the desks and chairs piled up in the corners.

If you want to make it more desirable, you need to further add to it.

"Although the six classrooms on the tenth floor can be used arbitrarily, our main address is still in this southwest classroom facing the tower of the Noble House. In order to distinguish it easily, we will mark it as No. 1, and it will be posted later. number plate."

Duck walked around the classroom and finally got to the topic of today.

"Classroom 1 is our club activity area. You can add furniture and dress up according to your own wishes. For example, Katrina can separate a reading room there, and Britney can add a doll on the other side. Showroom. And Diana and Rose, you can add whatever you like.”

(Yeah, candy house!)

"In short, we will meet under the clock tower at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, and that will be our regular meeting place in the future. There are still two days left this weekend. We need to repair this club classroom as soon as possible to look like a club classroom."

"As for the expenses, come to me to reimburse you when you gather the day after tomorrow. Do you have any comments?"


"Okay, then I'll go to other classrooms with me next."

Duck clapped his hands and took the club members out of classroom 1, then walked clockwise to the right, and came to classroom 2.

"What is this classroom used for?" Katrina asked.

Duck said: "Classroom 2 and Class 6 over there are the facades next to Classroom 1, so they shouldn't be used too privately. My idea is to use Classroom 1 as a breeding room for magical animals, and Classroom 6 as a collection room... ...or a warehouse."

"Fantastic Beasts?" Britney's ears stood up as if receiving a signal, her eyes widened.

Katrina was also surprised: "Our society... Really have magical animals?"

Duck smiled and said, "Of course there will be. The Fantastic Beasts Club is the only club in the academy that has been approved to keep animals. Although I didn't win this convenience, it will always exist as a club feature."

Katrina couldn't help laughing twice: "Ha."

Britney was excited.

She likes cute things very much, and of course she prefers to sew cute things into dolls.

Fantastic animals usually give the impression of being "harmless" and "cute". As for those magical animals that are "harmful" and "unlovable", they are mostly treated as monsters.

Duck didn't say anything about his possession of [Gu Huo Bird's Egg] for the time being, and he was going to announce it as a surprise after it was successfully hatched.

"The meeting time of our club is similar to other clubs. It is set on Wednesday afternoon. If there is a college event on Wednesday afternoon, it will be postponed to the evening, or otherwise notified. Other times are relatively free. Bring your branch card. Let me register."

As Duck walked, he logged in the information of the other four members in the [Association Card], and then continued.

"Raising and researching magical animals is the research theme of the club and the only requirement of the club - we need to prepare a corresponding research report before the end of each semester."

"According to the rating of research results, each semester can apply for matching resources and credits, which is the current basic income of our society."

"By the way, when the club is first established, it will receive a thousand credits of club funding."

Dak shook the [Community Card] in his hand, indicating that the thousand credits had been credited.

"As a financial reserve for each of us, the community funds can apply to me for any needs."

"Besides that, Katrina and Britney-senpai should know better than me how to earn credits."

"Of course, our club is different from other clubs and will not force members of the club to complete a corresponding number of club tasks each month."

"However, everyone's contribution to the community will be converted into points, which will be recorded by it."

Dak raised his hand, and the magic card between his two fingers glowed, and a thick magic book appeared.

"Say hello to everyone," Duck said.

[Magic Secretary] then bowed to Katrina and Britney.

"Points = credits, which can be redeemed for claims or used for internal purchases."

"As the community continues to develop, a variety of products with community characteristics will be produced one after another."

"Most of these products will be sold in a shop in Traveler Street, and a few are only available internally. Members of the community can use points to buy, of course, the internal price."

"In addition, the association will also provide interest-free loans for a certain period of time to a certain extent, so as to relieve the urgent needs of members of the association."

"Finally, there is one more point, which is also the biggest difference between our club and other clubs."

Dak walked into classroom 3 and said.

"This room 3 will be used as a study room for the Magus - my Magus!


"And classroom No. 4, which is opposite to classroom No. 1, is the living room of the magic wizards."

"The No. 5 classroom next door is the activity room for the magic wizards."

"That is to say, half of the area on the tenth floor belongs to magic wizards."

Dak turned around and smiled at the members.


Diana and Rose were not surprised at all, but Katrina and Britney were inevitably surprised.

Although Dark's Mages appear more and more frequently in the academy, not many people really know about them.

However, Katrina and Britney's surprise was more focused on Duck's attitude towards the magic wizards.

Dak said indifferently: "On the surface, we have only five members in the Fantastic Beasts Society, but in fact it is not. With credits and points, and will be active in the club classroom for a long time."

In fact, Duck is already planning to apply for a [Commercial Edition] Sorting Card for every Magic Wizard.

Those [Commercial Edition] branch cards basically only have the functions of storing, transferring credits and receiving important notices from the college, which can be said to be a simplification of the real branch card.

Because of the single function, the branch card of [Commercial Edition] is not limited.

With the [Commercial Edition] branch card, the magic wizards are equivalent to having their own financial rights, and can be regarded as individuals in the true sense.

Dak will also open the red flower exchange system, so that the magic wizards have the channel to exchange the red flower into credits.

Afterwards, they can earn credits by completing the club tasks issued by the college, and by the way make contributions to the club.

If Duck can develop a mobile version of the [Miniature Paradise], they may also be able to take on dungeon-related quests and have a go-anywhere adventure.

It is the design of this [miniature park], which is still just an idea.

In order to extract the "magic recovery" factor from [Zoo] or [Paradise] and make it release stably while moving, there are too many technical barriers to break through.

In fact, if it could be done so easily, the magic power recovery of the Sorcerers wouldn't be a problem.

If the nirvana like healing is used repeatedly in a short period of time, the magic wizard will also develop resistance to it, causing the healing effect to gradually decrease.

These are unavoidable factors.

[Zoo] and [Paradise] form an energy cycle through the circuit between the venue and multiple magic wizards, giving the magic wizards extra magic power recovery ability. The seemingly simple theory wants to be formed, but it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Dak's current thinking is based on [Paradise], and researches the supplementary card of [Paradise], which may reduce the difficulty.

Basically, this will be his subject for the next few years.

Before the [Micro Paradise] was researched, the magic wizards could only take some community missions within the academy to train themselves.

As their minds grow and their awareness of the world deepens, they also generate more spiritual and material needs.

Costume jewelry, toy books, sweets and snacks are all available.


After visiting all six classrooms, Duck also explained all his club philosophy.

Katrina and Britney, finally know what kind of society they will join!

The two looked at each other, feeling slightly shocked in their hearts.

Although they didn't join the Fantastic Beasts Club to have a strong group, after they actually joined, they inevitably hoped that their club would become better.

The Fantastic Beasts Club brought them far more expectations than expected.



Duck locked the classroom door and walked down with the club members.

It was dark at night, and the surroundings were silent.

When descending the spiral staircase, you can see a figure with a book passing through the window of the castle.

Students usually return to their dorms by eleven o'clock or are warned by patrolling golems.

And after twelve o'clock, they will be locked out by the door.

The five members of the Fantastic Beasts Club separated at the stairs on the second floor of the castle, and after saying goodnight to each other, walked towards the towers of their respective dormitories.

Katrina is a student of the Wizarding Academy.

Britney is a student of the House of Fools.

The three of Duck are all noble houses.

Although the four branches are opposed to each other on the bright side, except for a few clubs such as the Noble History Research Society, most of the clubs recruit new students for the entire college.

If the community wants to grow, the mutual cooperation of the four branches is extremely critical.

This contradictory setup keeps St. Mary's student relationships in a delicate balance.

After Duck entered the tower, he gave Diana a high five and returned to the dormitory.

Immediately afterwards, he did not rest, but established a file of members of the society with the assistance of [Magic Secretary].

As an internal file, this file will not be displayed externally, but will be updated in real time.

Only by grasping the specific situation of each community member can the community continue to improve.

It is not the number and size that determines the strength of a society, but pure strength!


that night

, Dak slept soundly while holding the [Gu Huo Bird Egg].

But none of the other four members of the Fantastic Beasts Society slept well.

Girls seem to have a soft spot for decoration, whether it is their own decoration or the decoration of the room.

When Dak met [Dream Demon] in a dream, the four girls were all sitting at the main table thinking about the design of the club classroom, so that they didn't sleep until one or two o'clock.

Saturday the next day.

When Duck came under the Spiral Clock Tower ten minutes early, he found that none of his club members had arrived.

After waiting for a long time, the members of the club came one by one.

"Anyway, can you be on time for the first meeting?"

Duck couldn't help but snorted.

"Isn't it late?"

Diana, who arrived at 7:59:59, raised her chest confidently.

Rose, who walked in front of Duck a second earlier than her, snickered.

Katrina and Britney stand by, waiting for Duck to give the order.

Dak waved his hand: "Let's go then!"


A group of people poured into Traveler Street again, running between the shops according to their own plans, constantly transporting their favorite furniture into the clock tower.

Instead of going with them, Duck took out his shopping list and went on a shopping spree.

After a long day of shopping spree, he carried everything he needed back to his dorm and lay in bed with sore muscles.

Among all the things purchased, the most important thing is the smelting materials for [Cage Cage].

With more than 1,500 credits, he bought three copies in total.

In addition, there is a [Fusion] material for in-depth research.

In addition, he also spent 2000 credits to buy a magic item!

The price of magic items is very expensive, and 2000 credits are only barely applicable types.

This magic item is called [Wind Wheel], which can create a huge wind tunnel after activation with magic power, which is exactly what Duck needs.

He is going to install this [wind wheel] at the door of the No. 1 club classroom. It usually faces the tower of the noble house. If necessary, it can also transport the floral fragrance to other coordinates to ensure stability in environments such as no wind and rain. transmission.

The magic power consumption of [Wind Wheel] is not large, and it can be used continuously after charging it every three days.


On Sunday morning, the five Fantastic Beasts made their way to Traveler's Street again.

Dak summoned the magic wizard, and under the shocked eyes of the students on the way, he put the new beds on the spiral clock tower, and then neatly lined them up.

The height and area of ​​the classrooms on the tenth floor of the clock tower are much larger than the student dormitories.

Dak used the board as a partition, and cut a classroom with a width of 12 meters and a width of 20 meters according to the size of the width of 3 meters and the length of 4 meters.

There are twelve 3x4 small rooms, two 6x4 medium rooms, and one 6x8 large room.

Two beds and a set of desk cabinets can be placed in each small room, and more than two small magic wizards can live.

Sprites of size like lion beasts and blue-eyed drakes can live in medium-sized rooms, while large 6x8 rooms are reserved for larger sprites at a later date.

Duck unfolded [Paradise] in the center, summoned all the magic wizards, and let them choose the room according to their own wishes.

Although the current room is simple, the decoration will be gradually added in the future to improve the environment.

But what Dak was more worried about was that some magic wizards might not want to live here.

And the signs of this are already very clear.

He looked down at the fairy Ibrahimovic who wrapped his arms tightly with ribbons, and only felt a pain in his head.

"Decorate it first, then you can live wherever you want. You also want to have your own room, don't you?"

Dak is persuasive.


Fairy Ibrahimovic shook his head vigorously: Xiaozi, can't I see your slow tactics?

Dak suddenly stared: "Go!"


Fairy Ibrahimovic then slowly loosened the ribbon, then turned around to wrap around little Ibrahimovic and dragged it into the room.

"Bee! Bee!"


Although Fairy Ibrahimovic always loves to bully Ibrahimovic, they are after all a rare kind among the magic wizards, like the relationship between a big sister and a little sister.

If it had to find a magic wizard to live with, it would undoubtedly choose Ibrahimovic.

After these two magic wizards took the lead, the other magic wizards also entered the No. 4 classroom one after another.

The blue-eyed young dragon bit his fingers and followed suit.

Among all the magic wizards, it is the largest in size, and it cannot stretch at all in Dak's dormitory.

It can be said that the biggest demand for this new room is it!

Secondly, it is the lion beast.

In Dak's dormitory, there is not even a lion's bed yet.

And the two of them naturally occupied one of the medium-sized rooms.

Duck observed the behavior of the magic wizards with great interest. From this distribution link, it was basically possible to see the depth of the relationship between the magic wizards.

Like the ever-changing monster, he carried the trash slime into a room without hesitation,

By the way, the gnawing worms were also pulled in.

These three little guys want to come and live in a room.

On the other hand, Juju formed a "senior combination" with the big milk tank and got into the same room.

In addition, Qiuqiu Sea Lion and Wrestling Eagle, as magic wizards who joined the group at the same time, naturally walked together.

Miaomiao reluctantly formed a partner with Meng Yao for the same reason.

As for Dilumon and the little evil beast...

Dilu Beast grabbed the single scabbard in his hand, then looked left and right, looked at the Demon Fox Beast, and walked to the same room.

The three of them form a "cold combination".

In this way, in the end, only the little evil beast, the little Kirby beast, and the magic secretary are left.

The little evil beast looked at the little Kirby and the magic guide secretary with a dumbfounded expression, but found that the two magic guide elves had already met their eyes.

It was in a hurry, thinking how could this little kabbi be so blind?

Everyone is a junior, isn't it just enough to make up a "little" combination?

And you, the magic guide secretary, why are you making fun of this book?

Wouldn't it be nice to just stay in the bookshelf?

Of course not!

Little Kirby and the magic guide quickly reached a consensus and walked into a room hand in hand.

Kabimon, who eats only when he sleeps, and the Magic Secretary, who sleeps when he is not reading a book, are unexpectedly in sync.


"Yo, little evil beast, why are you the only one left?"

Dak leaned against the door frame and looked at the little evil beast with a smile.

The little evil beast was originally evil, but at this moment, he pulled the corner of his eyes and rushed into Dak's arms with a look of grievance.

Duck teased: "Isn't it bad to live alone?"

The little evil beast shook his head vigorously.

Duck smiled and said, "Just think of it as half a room for Victoria. Vampires and bats are a perfect match!"

"Wow wow wow." The little evil beast uses [Crash].

Dak Dimon uses [Return Fist].

Little evil monster, pawn!


After simply assigning the rooms, Dak put three rows of bookshelves in the next classroom No. 3, and placed several sets of tables and chairs for drinking tea on one side of the bookshelves, and the front row was ordinary tables and chairs for classrooms.

In this way, a study room is completed.

As for the activity room of Room 5, it is temporarily vacant.

Maybe then put Wrestler's wooden dummy in there, or get a set of targets and wooden weapons.

After Dak got this done, he came to classroom 1.

As the real club classroom of the Fantastic Beasts Club, Classroom 1 is basically the daily activities of the members of the club, so it is very important.

When Duck pushed the door in, he happened to see Diana moving the "magic glued wooden wall" inside.

This kind of wooden wall is extremely thick and cannot be moved by three or two people, but it seems to have no weight in Diana's hands.

After she placed the wooden wall in a suitable place according to Katrina's instructions, she continued to pour in magic power.

Where the wooden wall comes into contact with the wall, ceiling and floor, it quickly develops stickiness and sticks firmly to it.

Diana clapped her hands, smiled contentedly, and continued carrying.

This "magic glued wooden wall" can be said to be a specialty of Traveler Street, and is often used for community decoration.

It is not only easy to install, but also very strong after bonding, and the sound insulation effect is also very good.

The surface of the wooden wall is also coated with a waterproof and fireproof coating, which is relatively safe.

Most clubs will use it to separate the oversized club classrooms into small office rooms or lounges.

The magic wizard dormitory in Classroom 4 is also separated by this "magic glued wooden wall".

Dak walked into the classroom, looked inside, and found that the entire classroom was basically cut, and there were door numbers with cute handwriting hanging on the doors of some rooms.

At first glance, the most conspicuous [President's Room] is Dak's room.

Opposite the [President's Room] is the [Meeting Room].

Then there are [Reception Room], [Reading Room], [Doll Room], [Candy House], [Healing Room], [Lounge Room], [Storage Room], [Washroom]...

Basically, everyone has their own room.

And the room that a society should have, also has everything.

Looking at these rooms, Duck suddenly realized one thing - this community classroom is completely habitable!

The impediment to other societies being uninhabitable comes from the patrolling golems in the castle.

But their community classrooms are located above the Spiral Clock Tower like never before.

The tentacles of the golems can't reach here!

"In this way, there will be a place to go after the access control time."

Duck couldn't help but murmured.

Then he greeted Diana and the others and entered the [President's Room].

Although the house number is hung, the interior decoration of the [President's Office] is extremely simple, and it can even be said that there is no decoration at all.

Duck was so busy arranging the residences and study rooms of the magic wizards, he didn't have time to take care of himself.

But next, he can spend some thought on designing it well.


At 8:30 in the evening, the layout of the club classroom was preliminarily completed.

five people are excited

In addition, I also felt very tired, so I simply went to the cafeteria to eat something, and then announced the dissolution.

Only Dak returned to the club classroom and faced the magic wizards face to face.

Duck took a deep breath and looked serious.

The magic wizards also looked grim, as if they were facing a great enemy.


Finally, after coughing, Dak said sternly:

"Then, whoever decides to live in the club dormitory, raise your hand first."



The [arrogant] blue-eyed young dragon raised his hand first.

It has fallen in love with its own room and large bed.

The lion beast took a deep breath and slowly raised his hand.

Dak took his eyes away from them, and then looked at the other magic wizards.

The choice of the "large duo" was expected, after all, there was not enough room for them in Room 301.

The problem now is the other magic wizards.

Dak's mood at the moment is like a parent urging their children to sleep in separate rooms, with mixed feelings.

I hope that my child can gradually become independent, but I can't bear to be separated from the child.

Then, after sinking for half a minute, Xiao Mengyao suddenly raised his hand!

Dak subconsciously glared at it, and when Little Mengyao was about to withdraw his hand with a suspicious look on his face, he hurriedly said, "It's okay."

So Xiao Mengyao raised his hand straight again.

"Bite Mi~"

The thought of finally being able to escape from Duck's eyes and enjoying the "night of freedom" from now on, made him panic.

And its roommate Miaomiao saw it raise his hand, the original posture of standing with his chest slowly changed, and he gradually raised his hand.

At this time, it is no longer the meow, and doesn't want to escape from Dak's side at all, but it thinks that he is a mature meow, and it is time to be on his own.


The big milk tank suddenly asked a question.

The body contour of the ever-changing monster changed rapidly, and soon it became the appearance of little Duck, and then translated: "It wants to ask you, what about the cat grass and the insect tree?"

Dak squinted his eyes and thought, and said, "If there are cats and cats, you can keep a few in the club classroom. After all, there are five cats and cats in the dormitory.

"Moo moo." The big milk can patted his chest and said.

The Variety Monster continued to translate: "If the cat grass needs to be transferred to the club classroom, it can be moved here to be responsible for nurturing."

"The big milk tank is as reliable as ever!" Duck said with relief, "Then move the lion grass, cow grass and dragon grass to the club classroom... Fox and fox grass and cat grass are raised in the dormitory."

The fox grass and the cat grass are the most family members, especially the original cat grass, Duck suddenly found that he couldn't live without it.


After the big milk can made a decision, as its roommate, Mr. Huhu retracted all the head, tail and tentacles into the shell, and did not listen to the outside world.

It obviously doesn't want to move out of the dorm at all.

And it has to squeeze juice every day for the owner to drink!

After that, the scene fell silent again.

Dark looked at the faces of the magic wizards one by one.

When his eyes fell on Wrestling Eagle Man's hand, it squinted and raised its wings: "Hacha!"

Dak: "Variety."

Variety strange simultaneous translation: "It's busy, it said to put more training props in the activity room, and then moved out of the dormitory."

"No problem." Duck nodded. "This is also scheduled. So, who else?"

Qiuqiu sea lion tilted his head: "momo?"

Variety: "Is there a pool in the dormitory?"

Duck shook his head and said: "After setting [Paradise] in the club classroom, there will be no pool in the dormitory. If you like, I can set up a fountain in the open space in the middle of the classroom and make a small pool in your room. "


Qiuqiu sea lion's eyes suddenly lit up and nodded vigorously.

Apparently the fountain pool is in its favor zone.

In this way, the roommates, the ball sea lion and the wrestling eagle, also agreed to move out.

In total, there are seven magic wizards in total.

This amount has exceeded Dak's expectations.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Among the remaining magic wizards, they are basically small in size, even if they live in the dormitory, it is not a big problem.

However, he originally thought that the demon fox beast would take the opportunity to move out, but he did not expect that the demon fox beast would pretend to be dead the whole time.

Even as soon as his eyes turned away, the monster fox beast immediately turned his eyes away...

And as the eldest sister, Dilumon has no intention of setting an example at all.

However, with the lion beast in the town, Dak is still relatively relieved.

"So, who else?"

Duck waited for the last three minutes, and said after confirming that no one voluntarily moved out again.

"It doesn't really matter where we live. We're basically going to be here in the future."

"Even if I live with me, I have to get up early every day and study in the club classroom like going to school."

"Then at night, go back to the dormitory and sleep."

"Actually, it's more troublesome."

But he was so patient

Shi, the remaining magic wizards ignored him at all.

Fairy Ibrahimovic and little Ibrahimovic will not talk about it.

The trash slime has always kept in mind his [mask] responsibility, and the Variety Monster cannot be separated from it.

And the fruit gnawing bug has now become the little follower of the ever-changing monster.

Hu Hu can be said to be the magic wizard who has been with Dak for the longest time, except for the little demon beast and Ibrahimovic. Even if he makes him climb a hundred floors every day, he is reluctant to leave.

And the single scabbard is following Dilumon, and the little Kirby is too lazy to move its nest.

The Magic Secretary prefers to be read by Dak in his hands.


"Meow! (ˋwˊ\u003e-#"


"Ka Meng!"

Just when Dak thought the dust had settled, Little Kirby suddenly raised his hand.

Dak was overjoyed and asked, "Variety!"

The Variety Monster immediately imitated the voice of the little Kirby beast and said: "If you have to come here and go back every day to sleep, then Kirby should sleep here."

In short, it is too lazy to move its nest.

But as long as it can concentrate on learning when it is time to learn, be lazy and be lazy.

Duck nodded and said: "In this case, there are eight magic wizards. Don't worry if you agree to move to the community dormitory. It is not mandatory to move to the dormitory. If you want to go back to live, you can always do it. Then we will be there tonight. So far, try it out and see if you can adapt.”

Then he did not leave the club classroom, but told the story of the magic wizards in classroom 4 for a night, and then returned to the dormitory before the door was locked.

After returning to the dormitory, he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the suddenly vacated bedroom, but suddenly felt empty in his heart, and was stunned.


Fairy Ibrahimovic came over and wrapped a ribbon around his arm, feeling his emotions.

Little Ibrahimovic fluttered and nestled on Dak's knee.

Hu Hu looked at him with a long neck.

The Variety Monster tilted its head, and the fruit gnawing worm on its head immediately rolled down and was caught by it.

The trash slime is on the ground.

The little evil beast flew up to the bird stand and stared at Duck upside down.

The single scabbard swayed the blade slightly.

The Sorcerer Secretary landed beside him.

Dilumon and Monster Fox leaned against the wall, their eyes slanted.


Unexpectedly, the first person to get used to it was Duck himself.



【Five in one 10000+】


[Maybe I've been too tired recently, and I woke up suddenly after sleeping for 12 hours~ I feel a big sigh of relief, and I can live a few more years. 】

[This is yesterday, and today's update is still on tomorrow morning. 】

[Thank you for your support and care over the past year. It has just been one year since it was launched on July 31, 2020. Although I encountered many difficulties during this period, I finally managed to survive. I will continue to work hard in the future. I hope to accompany you all. go further. 】

[New January, continue to ask for monthly passes and blades! 】

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