The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 554 Mr. President's Academic Tea Party (10k)

this night.

Duck finished the extraction in a trance, and then fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he was covered in hairballs.

He took the hairball off his body and put it aside, and he fell into a brief thought.

Nine days have passed in September, and today is the tenth day.

In the first four days, a total of 4 points of [Bliss] and 4 points of [Greedy] were drawn, and for the next five days, 2 points of [Pride], 6 points of [Bliss], and 2 points of [Greedy] were selected.

There is no purpose, just because [Bliss] is easier to grow, and [Pride] and [Greedy] have a surplus.

Not surprisingly, on the last day of today, [Greedy] will still be drawn.

In this way, excluding the consumed 3 points of [Bliss] and 3 points of [Greedy], you can save 2 points of [Pride], 7 points of [Bliss], and 5 points of [Greedy].

Originally scheduled, the research on the fourth [big sin] can only be temporarily put on hold.

And as the daily draw share becomes 2 points, the overflowing part of the [Criminal Sin] is obviously not enough, and additional materials are required each time to get it all together.

The gradual accumulation of [Bliss] will make people want to try to refine the new [Bliss 3].

But after careful consideration, Duck found that the improvement that the new [Bliss 3] can bring should be extremely limited.

The reason why the new types of [Dead Sins 2] have been greatly improved is that they can provide Ibrahimovic with specific field skills.

And [Dead Sin 3] doesn't bring that.

Relative to the consumption of 10 points of [Bliss], a few nirvanas that may be added are not enough to change the essence.

Therefore, instead of refining [Bliss 3], it is better to try [Bliss 4] further.

Even if the resulting [Bliss 4] is only a broken version, it still has its meaning.

Only through repeated research and verification can the new refining method be improved and adjusted more.

Furthermore, [Bliss] is really the easiest to accumulate!

After all, the biological nature of the desire to reproduce.


Duck shook his head, thinking that this should be the case for now.

Then he raised his head and fell straight back, drowning his consciousness in the ball of fur.

It was only three times in the morning.



The caller ID of [Sorting Card] woke most of the second graders from their dreams.

Dak got up and moved over the card pack, took out the [sorting card] from it, and saw that a [?] was flashing on the surface of the card.

Click on [?], it really is a new class schedule!


Compared with last week's schedule, two elective courses have been added to this new schedule, namely "Alchemy Course" by Professor Kazel and "Astrology Course" by Professor Mitia Bartholomew.

"Good luck, it's all Thursday."

Duck took a breath of fresh air, trying to wake himself up as much as possible.

Starting from the second grade, students' main courses are concentrated on Monday to Wednesday, while elective courses are distributed from Thursday to Friday, or inserted in the evenings of the first three days.

He passed the two electives he chose without a doubt.

Neither Professor Kazel nor Professor Mitia called back his application.

"I wonder what happened to Diana and Rose?"

Thinking like this, Dak washed and applied the mask in one go.

After that, he changed into the casual clothes for morning exercise and pushed open the dormitory door.

Look down the hallway, all the way to the other end.

Most of the second-year students dragged out the door at this time.

With Professor Jones' physical training program, they no longer have room to sleep in.

Duck sighed, trotted over, and just met Diana and Rose.

"Have you received the new class schedule?"

"Received, perfect!"

Diana made a ?(????????)?????? gesture towards Duckby.

Rose also nodded obediently.

Both of them are indeed students who are eager for their respective elective courses, and they signed up early, so there is no reason for them to fail.

"I, I passed too!"

Eudora, who came out of nowhere, was declaring her presence.

Her electives completely overlap with those of Duck.

Same with Emma and Sarah.

But what Duck is looking forward to more is to be in the same classroom with the seniors.

Forget about Professor Mitia's [Astrology Class], after all, there are other veteran astrology professors in the academy to choose from.

Professor Kazel's [Alchemy Class] is unique.

If there are those who are interested in alchemy among the seniors, most of them will rush to enter.

In contrast, the threshold for [Alchemy Class] is raised.

If the application time is not early enough, or the person who is not good enough may not be able to squeeze into the [Alchemy Class].

Of course, Emma and Sarah should have no such concerns.

In this case, there are guaranteed to be four second-year students in the [Alchemy Class].


After the morning exercise, Diana applied potions to Rose's hands and feet in the bedroom.

The potion slowly penetrated into the skin, eliciting more power while relieving the soreness.

After half a week of training, Rose's physical fitness finally kept up with the pace of the average person, and if she continued to grit her teeth, she would be able to gain more or less physical fitness.


When Diana was carefully smearing it, she complained: "[Knight Class] and [Transfiguration Class], neither of them overlaps with you."

Rose grinned, "But that's what you like, isn't it?"

"Okay." Diana pouted, "I'll eat you after I learn to be a bear!"

"Haha." Rose smiled, "Then I'll give you an injection after I learn to inject."

Diana: "(○' 3'○) a little bit."


Similar conversations echoed throughout the castle.

It's not just sophomores, seniors are hesitant to take electives.

Students always love being able to take the same courses as their best friends.

But after thinking rationally, you will find that you and your friends have different suitability. It is correct to choose the most suitable elective courses separately.

Just like Sarah Swati and her hardcore Heidi Euphemia, chose different classes.

Sarah chose [Astrology Class] and [Alchemy Class], but Heidi chose [Astrology Class] and [Medicine Class].

Yes, her and Rose's choices overlapped.

On the other hand, Doron Teddy chose [Knight Class] and [Transformation Class], which is the same class schedule as Diana, Werther, and Robert.

Robert was unexpectedly not screened out by [Transfiguration Class], which made him excited for a long time.

And Doron's friend Pistan chose [Astrology Class] and [Empowerment Class], which has no overlap with Doron at all.

[Empowering Class] is a pure class that teaches students how to skillfully use magic power to shape into various shapes, which can materialize the illusory magic power and make it obtain physical properties.

Although the [Magic Hand] derived from [Empowering Class] has limited strength, it can be used to assist experiments.

And basic magic spells such as [Magic Bullet Spell] can also be simulated by [Elastic Energy].

Students choose [Empowering Class], generally to exercise the ability to manipulate magic.

Putting it in a duel would give the students an advantage in pulling the magic ball.

Of course, there are also students who specifically use it to improve their body shape.

For example, filling a certain part with a tangible magic block can make that part look more majestic in appearance.

Further, the mages can directly shape the magic into the shape of the weapon, and after increasing the strength, it can replace the [Phantom Soldier Spell].

When Dak looked at the elective class schedule, he had considered the [Electrical Energy Course].

However, he judged that his demand for [Energizing Class] was not great, and he might be able to successfully learn by himself without taking classes in the future - the latter is the main reason.

And as far as he knew, one of the two elective courses that Eve and Irene chose was [Empowering Course].

As for the other elective course, it is [Magic Drama Class], the full name of which is [Magic Conjuring and Fraud Lectures].

It tastes even better when eaten together with 【Plastic Energy Class】.

The basic content of the [Magic Opera Class] is to teach the magician how to cover the body with a magic coating, so that others will have errors in his perception, so as to deceive the opponent.

The application skills derived from this are also diverse, and they are the use of magic power at a subtle level.

Perfect for Eve and Irene.


In the second summoning class of the new semester, Professor Sylph finally started to give a formal lecture.

As she spoke, the little mages gradually deepened their understanding of summoning.

In the later magic guide theory, Professor Kazel also began to explain the magic guide theory in depth, slowly unveiling the most mysterious veil of the magic guide theory.

But what comes from this is the great increase in the difficulty of [Magic Introduction].

After this step, the little magician who can't keep up with the pace needs to work harder after class.

Duck looked at Diana, who was holding his head in front of him, and held back his smile.


Similarly, the afternoon session of [Potions] also began to give an in-depth explanation of the theoretical knowledge of potions.

After a whole school year of study, the little magicians have established a basic understanding of [potions]. The next step is to analyze the principles, understand the connection and reaction between each potion, and gradually achieve the ability to analyze the drugs by themselves. And the degree of research and development of potions.

This process will continue until graduation.

If you can develop more than ten universal potion formulas and one high-end potion formula before graduation, you can be called a potion master.


The teaching time is halved, but the difficulty of the content is doubled.

This is a fourfold difference.

The second graders suddenly looked back and suddenly realized how easy it was to be in the first grade.

"Jingle Bell."

When the get out of class bell of [Potions] rang, the students quickly packed their schoolbags and rushed out of the classroom as if they were fleeing.

Duck waited until Diana and Rose had finished tidying up, and then prepared to go to the club classroom with them.

Occasionally, when I turned my ears, I heard Werther and Robert talking about the [Sports Club].

However, it seems that only Robert has joined the [Sports Club].

Robert was eloquent and excited. He seemed to have performed well in the [Sports Club] entrance test, and was affirmed by the seniors and sisters.

And Werther... joined a society called the [Marine Biological Research Department].

"What kind of society is that?"

Duck tried hard to recall after being shocked, but he couldn't find the name of this society in his memory.

Even in the club recruitment venue on Friday, there was obviously no sign of the [Marine Biological Research Department].

"A club that doesn't recruit new... How did Werther join?"

"Ocean, marine life, wait, shouldn't it be that society?"

Duck suddenly remembered the sect with all the members wearing marine holsters, and the expression on his face suddenly became strange.


In the end, Werther Gothe did not betray the Seafood Order, and formed the [Marine Biology Research Department] with the members of the Order.

There are not many members of the [Marine Biological Research Department], and there are from the second grade to the sixth grade.

And because the other members had bad deeds, Werther was finally elected as this minister.

That's why Werther finally made up his mind.

I would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

And after seeing Duck restarting [Fantastic Beasts], he also developed a competitive spirit.

As the head of the [Marine Life Club], he will join the competition of the club and lead the members out of the dark corners and back to the sun!

Anyway, that's what it says.


However, Werther did not pull Robert into the water, and still supported him to join the [Sports Club].

Robert, who was successfully selected for [Knight Class] and [Transformation Class], must have a bright future in [Sports Club].

He will also start to move forward in this second year, and the speed will not be slow.


Dak turned his eyes slightly.

In addition to Werther and Robert, Emma joined the literary club as scheduled, and Sarah occupied the archaeological club.

Sarah's friend Heidi, Doron's friend Pistan, and Eudora all joined the Astrology Society.

As for Doron himself, he joined the student council.

Justin Wayne, of the Knights Academy, also joined the Athletic Club with Robert.

The second-year students all went their separate ways.


"Dak Dak."



"it is good."

Dak picked up his bag and walked out the door.

Today is Monday, and he is going to call the club's instructor, Lily Laplace, to formally meet with the new members.

But his journey was not smooth.

Lily's office was empty.

After knocking on the door for a long time without getting a response, Duck had to sigh and said, "It seems that it can only be postponed until tomorrow. The first class tomorrow morning will be math class, and it's good to say it at that time."

Diana asked, "Then let's go to the club classroom now?"

Duck nodded and said, "Yes. With the club classroom, there is also a place to write homework. Don't you have a lot of confusion about magic theory?"

Diana squinted her eyes: "Where is it?"

Dak smiled slightly: "Let's go."

But as soon as he turned his head, a black shadow suddenly dropped from the ceiling.

He subconsciously jumped back a step, raised his hand and slapped it.

But as soon as the palm reached the air, it stopped quickly, and then the black lines all over his face fell.

But it was Professor Lily, who was hanging upside down in the air, grimacing at him.

"When did you come?" Duck said with a dark face.

"Hey." Lily turned over and laughed, "I've been here since you got out of class."

Duck's heart moved, and he asked, "Is there anything you want to do with me?"

"Yes." Lily rolled her eyes and said, "Professor Bacon asked me to invite you over."

"Professor Bacon?" Duck couldn't help frowning.

Since it is Professor Bacon, is there a problem with the filling of teaching materials?

Thinking like this, Dak expressed his doubts.

Lily nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Duck was a little helpless, so he had to say to Diana and Rose: "You go to the club classroom first, I'll take a look."

"it is good!"

Diana and Rose looked at each other, then waved at Duck, yo-yo.


When the two were far away, Dak said, "Let's go, where are we going?"

"Follow me." Lily immediately pulled Dak's hand, and a magic power surged from her fingertips, surrounding Dak in just a moment.

Then the bodies of the two of them blurred like a phantom and flew forward.

Speeding through the wall all the way, only two minutes later, the two rushed into a room, and then stopped in an instant.

Dark tried to recall the castle route, determined that it should be after the classroom dormitory.

He shook his head, let the dizziness subside, and opened his eyes to look around.

The intellectual lady sitting behind the desk should be Professor Bacon. She is still holding a pen, and there are various papers and reference materials on the table.

But it wasn't just Professor Bacon in this room.

Several professors were sitting on the sofa chatting vigorously. An elderly professor who looked at least seventy or eighty years old was still blowing his beard and staring. Even if Duck and Lily were present, he still drooled.

Dak glanced at the pot of tea on the table, and suddenly thought of it

One word - [tea party]!

Immediately, he glared at Lily, only to find that Lily had floated towards the sofa, and said with a smile: "Come here, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, one question is 100 credits, the most difficult one is 1000 credits, and the textbook is authorized for 100 credits. In a thousand years. The old man is not deceived, and there is no counter-offer!"


Dak's face darkened, and he fully realized that he had been deceived by little Lily again.

But the tea party is just a tea party. If you talk about it, you will not fail to come.

In order to relieve the embarrassment of standing in the center, he walked towards the desk.

Professor Bacon stopped writing, looked up at Duck slightly, and said, "Dak Dimon? Or anonymous?"

Dak paused, and smiled after a while: "Of course it's Dak Dimon."

Professor Bacon wondered: "Who is the anonymous name?"

"An anonymous mathematician," Duck said.

"Math, the study of numbers, what a good name." Professor Bacon sighed and waved to Duck again.

Duck walked over logically, then walked around the desk and came to Professor Bacon.

Professor Bacon looks like he is in his forties. He has no alien features outside his body. His hair is normal flaxen, his eyes are dark brown, and his skin is very fair because he doesn't go out, but there are already some wrinkles on his forehead.

She looked slightly tired, and there was black under her eye sockets.

Seeing Duck come over, she turned to face him, and raised both hands.

Dak hesitated for a moment, but raised his hand and put it on hers.

In fact, the combined age of the two Dukes is not as good as that of Professor Bacon, let alone the psychological age.

It is not embarrassing to be grabbed by the elders like this.

But Professor Bacon is already very young among the math professors at St. Marian's College. Lily, who looks smaller in appearance, is actually no younger than her.

Professor Bacon grabbed his hand, and after a while, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and said, "What a good boy."

Duck took advantage of the situation and asked, "Professor Bacon, Professor Lily said that you encountered some problems when compiling textbooks, what is the specific situation?"

Professor Bacon was stunned for a moment, then blinked, and suddenly said: "Oh yes yes yes, look here... Which cover do you think is better for our "Mathematics 2"?"

Dak: "(.?vェv??)"


After Duck conscientiously helped Professor Bacon select the cover, Professor Bacon summoned a magic wizard and ordered him to send the entire textbook for photocopying.

Then she turned to Duck and said, "By the way, the cost of writing the textbook this time is 50,000, right? You wait a moment."

As she said that, she opened it and took out the sorting card.

The corners of Dak's eyes flickered, and he finally recalled that he still had 50,000 credits to credit, so he immediately took out the branch card.

Professor Bacon overlapped the branch card with it, and with a swipe, Duck's branch card made a "di", and a reminder appeared!

In this way, his credits broke the 100,000 mark for the first time!

This level of wealth, even in the senior class, is quite amazing.

Duck looked at the numbers displayed on the card, and immediately felt that it was great to be tricked by Lily!

His mood also instantly cheered up.

So when Lily took him to meet several other professors, he was all smiles.

St. Mary's College has a total of six in-service professors of arithmetic, and two full-time professors of arithmetic electives, and now there are six.

Except for Lily and Professor Bacon, the four were all sitting on the sofa.

Among them, the 70-80-year-old professor named Lars Merneau was a professor who had just transferred from the sixth grade to the first grade.

He is a professor who has been at the academy since the war and has nurtured nine students.

This year, I just finished my first year, and I took over the position of the first grade without stopping.

However, his body has actually been unable to keep up, and he has been taking medicine to restore it.

Principal Arte had originally wanted him to retire, but he felt he could teach another term.

This is how he came here in the second half of his life, and watching the students he taught take various positions, whether it is to fight for mankind on the battlefield, or to become a rich man in the shopping mall, makes him feel sincerely happy.

He has pinned most of his life on education, and he also wants to usher in the end.

This year's first grader is his last, and hopefully the perfect one.

"Hello, I'm Lars Merneau, although I'm a bit advanced, can I get a one-year license for "Mathematics 1"?"

Professor Melnor suddenly shut up and asked a question, which surprised Duck a little.

But Dak then said: "No problem. The development of mathematics needs to be inherited. Even if the first-year students are provided free of charge, there is no problem at all."

"How can this work?" Professor Melnor immediately blew his beard and stared, "Knowledge is valuable, as Lily said, how about ten thousand years?"

Dak smiled slightly, nodded and said, "No, no, no."



Another 10,000 arrived.

The remaining three professors looked at each other.

One of the fifty-year-old professors suddenly said, "I don't need the textbooks for the first grade.

Can a sophomore authorize me for one year? "

"Who are you?" Duck asked curiously.

The professor explained to himself, "Ricky Eric, third-year arithmetic...math professor!"

Duck pondered for a moment and said, "I have no problem here, but the textbook of "Math 2" belongs to the second grade category."

Professor Eric smiled and said, "It's fine, I'll just buy the textbooks for the third grade."

As he spoke, he took out the sorting card and neatly transferred 10,000 credits to Dak.


With the crisp sound of the account arrival, Dak's mood became more cheerful.

He couldn't help but looked at the remaining two professors.

One of the professors smiled and said, "I am a fifth-grade professor. The arithmetic knowledge of the fifth-grade professor has been finalized, so there is no burden on the students. However, the Professor Yorkz next to me wants to teach related content in the elective course. "

That Professor Yorkz was around forty years old, and he had a distinctive Mediterranean circle on his head, which was very smooth and dazzling.

He took the time to say, "I want both, can I get a 50% discount?"

Dark looked at Professor Melnor and Professor Eric, saw that the two customers nodded silently, and smiled: "Of course you can."

So another 10,000 came in!

In this way, he just ran one trip today and gained a full 80,000 credits.


After the money arrived, Dak's patience became better and better.

He sat on the sofa at the invitation of the professors, and discussed mathematics-related problems with them without any barriers.

Especially the problems in "Mathematics 1" and "Mathematics 2", he knows almost everything.

Soon after, Lily and Professor Bacon joined in.

This small academic tea party began.

Duck also gained a lot from the exchange. Some problems that plagued him when compiling the textbook were also solved in the exchange.

In fact, in terms of knowledge level, the knowledge of the professors is far above him.

But the focus of the two sides is not the same.

When professors encounter some insurmountable problems, they will try to use magic as a tool to jump over some procedures and get the answer directly.

Or when faced with complex calculation problems, they can use the most basic calculation method and the fastest speed, like a computer to list all the calculation procedures, and finally get the answer.

Instead of using various off-the-shelf theorems to simplify calculations like Duck.

It can be said that although they adopted two sets of ideas, they have reached the same destination in different ways, but they are all heading towards the same end.

But the use of magic to assist calculations is the patent of a brilliant magician or a magus, and it is not within the reach of ordinary college students.

And due to the limitation of magic, their calculation amount is limited.

Therefore, Duck's calculation method is significantly more efficient and more suitable for "mathematics".


The word "arithmetic" is completely absent from the professors' mouths now, and the word "mathematics" is used when they open their mouths and shut their mouths.


When you invest in studying mathematics, you will feel that your time is not worth it at all.

When the professors stopped abruptly, they found that the time had passed 8:30.

Although it wasn't too late for them, the problem was that no one here had dinner.

The aging Professor Melnor also needs a break.

"Then let's be here tonight." Professor Bacon said reluctantly.

Others also joined in.

Only Professor Melnor said stubbornly: "Don't worry about me, I can still do it!"

After he finished speaking, he drank a bottle of potion, as if anyone could do it, but I couldn't do it.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Professor Bacon coughed three times suddenly and said, "Melnow, it's better not to be brave when you shouldn't. Tell me your main purpose today."

Professor Melnor seemed to be in pain, his already wrinkled brows were even more tightly wrinkled, and his white hair looked full of vicissitudes.

He seemed very reluctant to admit his old age, but finally turned to Dark and called, "Dark Dimon."

Duck felt a little strange, and did not know what Professor Melnor called the "main purpose".

But based on the virtue of respecting the old and caring for the young, he said, "I'm listening, Professor."

Professor Melnor's face is a little long and narrow, with small eyes, a low nose, white whiskers hanging down on his cheeks, and a small strand of white whiskers on his chin.

He doesn't look kind at all, but the kind of teaching and educating temperament that exudes between his words and deeds makes it easy to relax in front of him.

Judging from his height, he was actually quite tall, but after getting old, his muscles atrophied and his back was hunched, making him look thinner.

At this time, Professor Melnor turned his eyes away slightly, and a rare blushing appeared on his cheeks.

The other professors looked at him kindly, waiting for him to say it himself.

These professors, who can be red-faced when discussing issues, seem unusually gentle at this time.

Duck did his job properly, waiting for Professor Merno to speak.

Finally, Professor Melnor turned his eyes back and said, "Do you have any intention to be my teaching assistant?"


A teaching assistant, as the name suggests, is a teacher who assists a professor in teaching.

Usually also take on the heavy responsibility of marking homework.

Duck was very surprised by Professor Melnor's invitation.

But Professor Melnor's attitude is very serious.

He maintained the calm on the surface, and thought about it inwardly.

In fact, he didn't want to waste time in the "assistant" position.

He had just risen to the second grade and wanted to do more than a mountain.

If you serve as a teaching assistant for Professor Melnor, you will not only have to spend extra time correcting your homework, but you will also be distracted.

He couldn't do as much as Pandora-senpai, being a librarian at the same time.


The room was quiet, and the professors seemed to be waiting for the two present to make their own decisions.

Professor Melnor is notorious for being old-fashioned, and making such a decision requires more determination than the average person.

But his body really couldn't tolerate him going any further.

In order to fulfill his wish to teach the last class of students well, he needs a teaching assistant who can help him reduce stress, preferably one who can substitute for the class.

As if seeing Duck's concerns, Professor Melnor said slowly with a hint of old tone: "It won't take up your time extra. Correcting homework, setting exam questions, etc., is related to mastering students' learning. It's all up to me. But for two classes a week, I need someone to help me with one class. The first class on Tuesday morning!"

"First class on Tuesday morning?"

Dak frowned, and roughly understood what Professor Melnor meant.

Because in the second grade schedule, the first class on Tuesday morning is also a math class!

After realizing this, he couldn't help but look at Professor Lily.

Lily immediately rolled her eyelids, looked at the ceiling, pouted her mouth, and made a whistle.

The second-grade timetable and the first-grade timetable overlapped in the first class on Tuesday.

This shows that it has been planned for a long time.

The professors have made it very clear.

With even the textbooks written by Duck, he didn't need to, nor did he need to waste time taking math classes.

So, what about dedicating that class time to help Professor Melnor lighten his load?

It's totally the best of both worlds.

There is nothing that cannot be promised.


After Duck figured it out, he said decisively, "If it's just a substitute class on Tuesday morning, it's fine."

"Huh—" Little Lily breathed a sigh of relief.

Professor Melnor still said embarrassedly: "Then the next year, I'll leave it to you. As for your teaching assistant salary, it will be calculated at one-fifth of the professor's salary."

"Is there any salary?" Duck paused and asked subconsciously, "How much?"

Professor Melnor smiled and said, "Two thousand credits. But you don't have paid vacation and no final bonus."

"Of course," Duck said.

One class a week, four classes a month, 2,000 credits, 500 credits per class.

This is not explained by earning.

But professors were paid less than he had guessed, and it was likely that the bonus at the end of each semester was the lion's share.

And professors seem to be able to claim research funding from the academy, which is the real benefit.

Of course, it doesn't matter what the exact salary is.

Duck is just using his time reasonably to earn some extra money.

"Just wondering how Victoria and Phoenix would react when they saw me entering the classroom?"

He couldn't help but smile.


After reaching a consensus, Duck and Professor Melnor signed a contract with loose conditions.

After adjustment, the first-grade math class has only two sessions a week, and each session is held in a large lecture hall, with four branches together.

The main purpose of this is to ease the workload of Professor Melnor.

Of course, with the help of teaching assistants, some of it can be relieved.

After Duck signed the agreement, he discussed some of the next teaching details with Professor Melnor.

His experience in this area is actually very rich, and after a few words, Professor Melnor realizes that he has indeed found the right person.

And Professor Lily, who secretly arranged this matter, kept snickering on the side.


nine thirty.

After Dak and Professor Melnor completed the final communication, they got up and said, "Then I'll go back first."

Professor Melnor said gently: "Remember that at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, I will be in the classroom to wait for you first."

Dak smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have no experience of being late."

Professor Melnor reached out and shook his hand again and said, "Then please."

Duck shook hands and said, "See you tomorrow, Professor."

Then he turned around and prepared to leave through the front door in an ordinary manner.

But Lily grabbed his hand, and the sound of "biu" led him to speed through the wall again.

After just over two minutes, they came to the cafeteria.

There were only a few scattered customers in the cafeteria at 9:30 p.m.

The halfling chefs were raving about the latest trend, not surprised by Lily's sudden appearance.

"Eat, eat, I'll treat you!"

Lily said carelessly, and dragged Duck to the window.

As he got closer, Duck heard the halfling aunt at the window talking about the newly opened shops in Traveler Street, one of which was the [All-Nation Duel Club, Academy Branch].

Since the production of the cards is still in the final debugging stage, the National Dueling Club currently mainly sells photocopies, which were very popular as soon as they were withdrawn in the first two days.

It is a pity that the production of photocopies is limited and can only be provided daily in quantitative terms.

Although the students did not understand the relationship between the "All People's Duel Club" and the "photocopy", they all remembered the new store.

Of course, this has a lot to do with the two twin store owners being cute enough.

After the special products are produced in the Fantastic Beasts Club, Dak will add a special shelf for the Fantastic Beasts Club in the branch and put the products there for consignment.

That's the steady stream of credits coming in!


Duck was in a good mood, so he didn't care about Lily shouting "please" in the free cafeteria.

"What else is there to hide from me?"

After the two sat down, Dak said casually while adding vegetables to Lily's bowl.

"No, no."

Lily replied without blinking, happily eating her favorite food.

Duck let out a "hey" and started eating.

For the sake of Lily earning so many credits for him, let her go this time.

After dinner, the two did not stay, and separated directly on the path outside the cafeteria.

As soon as Duck turned around, he ran towards the Spiral Clock Tower.

Luckily, he just caught up with the club members who came down from above the clock tower =.=!

Not only the four of Diana, but behind them there were eleven magic wizards jumping around.

The Feathered Serpent Golem in the Tower of the Noble House has long been accustomed to the entry and exit of these magic wizards and will not stop them.

"Good evening, everyone."

Duck greeted the club members awkwardly and politely.

"Hello, President!"

Katrina took the lead, and the four girls said in unison.

The magic wizards were a bit slower, and they all meowed.

The little evil beast flew to Dak's shoulder with a "crash".

The rest of the magic wizards also gathered around.

Diana asked, "Mr. President, where did Professor Lily take you?"

Duck smiled and said, "Participated in a simple academic tea party."

Diana unconsciously said, "Oh oh oh."

Katrina and Britney were a little surprised.

Katrina asked subconsciously, "Which subject is the academic tea party?"

Duck: "Math... well, in arithmetic."



【Five in one 10000+】


[Good morning, brother Meng! 】

[The hard-working baby is here to ask for a monthly pass again! 】

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