The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 555 Dak Dimon takes office (10K)

"Academic tea party for arithmetic class?"

Katrina covered her mouth fiercely, her face full of disbelief.

When it comes to subjects like Potions, Magic History, etc., she can still chime in.

But for arithmetic, yes, yes, no, no, how can we hold an academic tea party with knowledgeable professors?

Although Katrina's grades are not top, but she is quite confident in reading volume.

She always felt that what Duck said was a bit bizarre.

But when she turned her head to look at the others subconsciously, she found that Diana and Rose were both taken for granted.

It seems that the level of Dak Dimon in arithmetic class has really reached that height?

Katrina fell silent for a moment.

And Britney Christian, although not as clear as her, is also unaware.

The group returned to the castle in a slightly strange atmosphere, and then walked towards their respective dormitories at the fork.

But after taking a few steps, Katrina suddenly stopped.

She was born in Sainz, known as the "City of Knowledge". She grew up in an environment with a strong academic atmosphere. She heard calluses from all kinds of people who were "born to know", but It's the first time I've seen it with my own eyes.

"Is this the son of the Valkyrie who won the championship across two grades in the Easter Duel?"

"No, maybe it's just an academic tea party in name, but it's actually a mentoring meeting for students by professors?"

Katrina tried to convince herself.

But Dak, who noticed that his footsteps suddenly stopped, turned his head and asked curiously, "Sister Katrina, what's wrong?"

Katrina had to turn her head to respond, and finally couldn't help but ask, "President, does your academic tea party have a theme?"

"The theme?" Duck thought for a while, then said, "There is. It's "Mathematics"."

Katrina asked curiously, "Math?"

Duck nodded with a smile: "Yes, math. In the third grade, Professor Eric should be preparing soon. Maybe you will start math class in the next class."

Katrina couldn't help but wonder: "Math class?"

Duck explained: "It's another name for arithmetic class. In short, we'll know when the time comes. Good night, senior."



Duck waved his hand, and this time he really left.

Katrina also turned her head and walked in the direction of the Sorcerer's Institute, but as she was walking, she suddenly turned around and turned towards the library.

Although the second class tomorrow morning will be math class, she still can't help but want to go to the library to check, what exactly is math?


On Dak's side, Rose's curiosity also arose, and she asked in a low voice, "Is it about writing textbooks?"

Duck nodded and said: "Yes. Our math textbook for this year has been compiled, and the first math class should be available tomorrow morning. But I won't go to tomorrow's math class."

Diana was walking forward humming a song, but when she heard this information, she stopped abruptly, her ears perked up: "Eh?"

Duck couldn't help laughing and said: "That's not right. It's this year's math class, and I probably won't go to it. So Diana must take notes carefully during class, otherwise she won't even know where it is, so what am I going to do? Explain to you?"

Diana suddenly pouted and said coquettishly, "Why do I have to not? Can't it be that Diana has mastered everything after taking notes carefully?"

"Wow!" Rose slammed into Diana from the side, scratching her creak.

Diana's fantasy was shattered, and she giggled.

The moonlight is still beautiful tonight.

The moonlight shone through the window of the castle, illuminating the shadows of the three of them very long and gradually overlapping.


Diana and Rose were surprised to learn that Duck was going to be a first-year teaching assistant.

They originally thought that Duck just didn't have to go to class - after all, he was a textbook editor, but they didn't expect him to bring more surprises.

When they were still worried about the difficulty of the subject, Dak Dimon had become a "professor"!

First-year students should be pleasantly surprised, right?

The two little girls scoffed and got into the dormitory.

And Duck also entered the room with the magic wizards.

He picked up the cat grass that jumped up to welcome him, turned on the light, and sat by the bed for a while, and then took out today's [Big Sin], and then took out his "Mathematics" while there was still time. 1", started a preview for tomorrow's class.

Although he has a huge amount of money now, the fixed monthly salary of 2,000 credits per month is still very impressive.

Converting these 2,000 credits into holy coins requires a monthly salary of 32,000 holy coins, which is considered a high salary even in the capital.

And only four classes a month and only six hours of work.

Well, six hours!

After careful calculation, you will find that he has taken a huge advantage.

A professor needs to do more than just teach.

However, even without this salary, he doesn't really mind taking the job as a teaching assistant.


"Dong dong dong."

Just as Duck pondered

, there was a soft knock on the dormitory door.

Without his command, the little evil beast flew over to open the door.

It was indeed Aurora who appeared at the door.

Duck put down his pen and closed the textbook quietly, preparing to give Aurora a surprise tomorrow.

Aurora twisted her long silver-white hair behind her head, put on a chef's hat, and wrapped an apron that had not been taken off.

Duck looked at the dinner plate she was holding on her chest, took a breath, and said, "Little Ruola, it's very late. I don't want to affect your rest because of this."

Aurora blushed slightly and shook her head: "No. I get enough sleep every day. And today I installed a simple kitchen and a smoking fire prevention device on the balcony, so I can study recipes in the room without going to the kitchen in the future. Look, this is the bun you told me about!"

As she spoke, she lifted the dome cover on the dinner plate.

The strong aroma of meat buns, as if engraved in the bone marrow, first slowly wafted out from the gap in the lid, and then flew out in an instant as the lid was completely opened, and the whole room was filled with the aroma of meat buns.

The magic wizards who had already climbed into the cot suddenly got their heads out from under the quilt, and their little noses kept twitching.

The corner of the little evil monster's mouth suddenly drew an arc.

Little Kirbymon, who finally decided to settle in the club dormitory because he was too lazy to move his nest, had no idea what he had missed.

(??w??) Die of laughter!


Duck couldn't help but move his index finger, thinking that [bulimia] would break out one day, but his body started to move uncontrollably.

Aurora's cooking skills are really good, and they are on par with Ollie and halfling chefs.

All she lacks is recipes and experience, and her technical level far exceeds that of Dak.

Just like tonight's meat buns, Duck just mentioned it briefly, she not only re-engraved it, but also made a steamer by herself!

"How long did it take you to study the buns?" Duck couldn't help asking.

Aurora lowered her head slightly and whispered: "Not much, just two days on weekends."

No wonder he didn't come last night.

Dak took a deep breath at the meat bun, and the greedy worm in his heart couldn't control his crawling out.

"I'll try it."

After speaking, he picked up the silver fork on the dinner plate and inserted it into the meat bun.

Aurora's craftsmanship is amazing. The skin of the meat bun is thin and not broken. When the fork is inserted into it, a thick gravy overflows a little from the gap, and the meat fragrance becomes more and more intense.

Duck put his other hand under it, carefully forked the first bun and put it in his mouth, then bit down lightly.

The gravy flows into the mouth from the torn skin, and the heat is just right, not hot.

The taste of the gravy was slightly salty but just right for the dak.

He couldn't help closing his teeth hard, tearing and biting off the whole piece of meat wrapped in the dough, and then hurriedly chewing it carefully, the wonderfully familiar taste instantly swayed, and the aftertaste was endless.

After the whole meat bun was eaten, [Gluttony +1] slowly drifted past Dak's eyes.

Seeing the big sin index that only he could see, he couldn't help thinking: "Let's just make [gluttony] the next research object?"


The meat buns that Aurora brought are not too small, but even if there are so many magic wizards one by one, they also need a cage.

So it didn't take long for the meat buns to be eaten clean.

Aurora looked at the empty steamer, but her heart was full.

She felt as if she had found the meaning of being in the academy.

"Today's meat buns are delicious."

Dak looked at her seriously, and expressed his feelings at the moment in the most ordinary way.

"Then I'll do it tomorrow night!"

Aurora said forcefully.

Duck said quickly: "Don't, you just entered school, and your studies are more important."

Aurora smiled and said: "The knowledge in those textbooks is very simple, I will just look at it."

Duck blinked and had to say: "But the content in the textbook is only the most basic. If you want to really learn something, you must learn to study deeply and conduct independent research. The library of St. Mary's College is a library that can almost Where to find all the books in existence, Pandora-senpai is the manager of the library."

Aurora nodded and said: "I have been to the library and said hello to Sister Pandora. When I am not studying cooking, I will also read and study, so don't worry about me. Moreover, I also practiced smoothly yesterday. It has become a magical beast, do you want to see it?"

"Magic beasts?" Dak was slightly startled and asked in doubt, "Shouldn't the first magic wizard for first-year students start refining at the beginning of next month?"

Aurora lowered her eyelids and said, "The professor of magic theory sent us a pack of magical beast materials after the second class..."

Duck: "One pack per person?"

Aurora quickly shook her head again and said, "That's not true. It seems to be Anna, Angie, Jon, Joey, Vivian... add up to a dozen or so."

Dak took a breath: "This is a small stove!"

Aurora thought for a while and said, "It should be. According to the professor's words, our foundation is solid enough to refine magical beasts in advance."

Dark asked, "What about Victoria and Phoenix?"

Aurora shook her head and said, "They didn't."

"Yes." Duck nodded.

, "Although Victoria and Phoenix have been exposed to magic knowledge, they did not officially start learning until after they entered the school, and as magic wizards, their level of magic control has yet to be exercised. Summon your magical beasts and show me. Look?"

Aurora heard the meaning, and immediately took out the magic wizard card from the card bag.

Duck said slowly: "The magical beast is your first magic wizard other than the familiar, it may not be strong, but it is the embodiment of the magician's personal characteristics, and it is very important to the magician. I have given your familiar to a certain degree of intelligence, this magical beast is the second, and temporarily the last. You must understand."

Aurora nodded obediently, then blushed and cast the usual summoning technique.

Although the speed was not fast, she still successfully summoned the [Magic Beast] in her hand.

The [Magic Beast] manifested above the summoning formation is a circular mirror floating in mid-air!

Magic wizards like this kind of equipment are actually relatively rare.

While Dak was a little surprised, he couldn't help but pay attention.

Aurora's round mirror has two sides, the front frame is like a sun emitting a fiery flame, and the reverse frame is like a full moon emitting cool moonlight.

Different frames and different properties result in completely different mirrors on both sides.

The front is a mirror made of red copper, and the reverse is a silver-white mercury mirror.

From the feel, it is not the superficial fire and ice, but the more rare light and dark!

Dak resisted the urge to ask about its attributes and nirvana, and sighed: "You magical beast is a bit strange."

Ou Ruo stretched his hand and grabbed the handle of the mirror, blushing and said: "My magical beast's name is [Sunshine and Bright Moon Mirror], it can absorb sunlight on the front and moonlight on the reverse, but for some reason, it has no nirvana, only It's a white card."

"It's just a white card?" Duck frowned slightly and said, "Maybe I just didn't find the right way to use it. I'll help you open your mind first."

Aurora said excitedly: "Yeah!"

Dak took out [Pride 1] again, activated it and pointed it at the [Sun and Moon Mirror].

Even if the magic wizard of the appliance class has turned on the wisdom, the activity of thinking will be lower than the normal level.

Just like Duck's single scabbard, it can float in the air without thinking about anything.

But exactly how, Aurora has to develop it himself.


After the spiritual wisdom of [Bright Sun and Bright Moon Mirror] was turned on, it really didn't show much.

But when Aurora whispered to it, it also had a definite response.

Duck looked at the mirror, and suddenly a thought came to his mind.

He immediately took the pen and wrote a line of words, then showed it, and said, "Little Ruola, look in the mirror and read it according to this."

Although Aurora was puzzled, she read it word by word: "Magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful...the most beautiful woman in the world!"

After reading this sentence, Aurora's cheeks instantly burst into a fire-like red cloud.

Dak immediately looked at the mirror surface of the [Bright Sun and Bright Moon Mirror], but this magic wizard did not give any face, and there was no fluctuation on both sides.


He clicked his tongue.

The experiment was declared a failure.

It's not right, at least I harvested a small red apple~


When Aurora left with the cutlery, she suddenly felt that she was being molested?

But she quickly convinced herself, "Duck isn't like that!"

But she moved her feet faster.


Duck, who returned to the desk and sat down, turned his pen and thought for a moment, and it was difficult for a moment to think of how to use the mirror with the very flavor in its name.

No way, he had no choice but to temporarily leave this issue and continue to prepare for the class.

By the time he was ready, it was past zero.

The fragrance of the Healing Flower became very faint after drifting away, and it was basically indistinguishable.

But its effect lasts, and there is a subtle comfort in bathing in the floral fragrance.

In order to get up early in the morning, Dak practiced the [Underworld Magic] for a quarter of an hour before going to bed, and then fell asleep peacefully.


At six o'clock in the morning on Tuesday morning, Dak Dimon was awakened by the biological clock. He continued to squint for a while, got up before [Lazy +1], and then started to take care of his hair and grooming.

Since this is the first time to take a first-year substitute class, I always want to leave a good impression on the first-year students.

Even if Victoria and Phoenix's Magi identities are subsequently revealed, as long as his image is tall enough, it will make it easier for first-year students to accept their identities.

These are all additional effects that a good impression can bring.

After spending half an hour carefully taking care of it, Dak looked at himself in the mirror without any flaws, nodded slightly, and walked out of the bathroom.

After that, he finished the breakfast brought by the little evil beast in an elegant manner, wiped the corners of his mouth, and read the newspaper as usual.

A week after the school started, the newspaper reports about St. Marian's College had been reduced to almost nothing, but the [Holy Inquisition] operation initiated by the Holy Church was artificially exposed.

Whether it is "Daily Sage" or "Daily Clown", the news of the [Divine Judgment] action is widely published.

Although [the Holy Inquisition",

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