The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 556 Dark Dimon Can't Have a Daughter (10k)

After separating from Professor Melnor, Duck immediately turned to the classroom of the history of magic, perfectly completing the transition from professor to student.

In his opinion, today's lecture is just normal, but it is not enough for the first official lecture.

And through this class, he generally knew the state of Victoria and Phoenix in class, and also knew about Jon and Joey brothers and sisters, and the dark elf Vivian was also under his attention.

These five people are basically the objects he cares about in the first grade.

As for the two little princesses... that really doesn't need him to worry about it!

"But this year's first-year lineup is really exaggerated."

"The House of Nobles, the House of Knights, the House of Magicians... and even the House of Fools have exceptionally prominent people."

"Hopefully it's not a bad omen."


About ten minutes before the class time, Duck quietly entered from the back door of the History of Magic classroom.

But Werther and Robert, sitting in the back row by the door, still noticed him.

Powerful website novel reading

Robert's eyes lit up, and he immediately asked curiously, "Dak, why didn't I see you last class?"

Duck smiled sideways and said, "I'm going to math class."

Robert subconsciously said, "Isn't the last class just math?"

Duck said, "It's a first-grade math class."

Robert muttered, "Oh, first-year, first-year, wait, how do you go to first-year class..."

But Dark had gone to the window seat and sat down.

He took out the textbook on the history of magic, turned to the page with the bookmark, and looked at it more casually.

Starting from the second grade, the history of magic finally has a new textbook.

It is said that Professor Ryan Hax specially found someone to compile a new teaching material, and he has put a lot of effort into doing this job well.

After having the textbook, Professor Ryan Hax stopped telling stories indiscriminately from left to right, and he began to systematically teach the history of magic, and the level of teaching has skyrocketed.

Of course, the new textbook - "Fifty Thousand Years Up and Down" is really well compiled, and many of the stories in it are very vivid and interesting, and people can't help but wonder who compiled this textbook?

It is a pity that there is no signature on the textbook, which is a pity.

"It's probably a hero from the Hall of Heroes, right?"

When Dak was thinking like this, Diana tilted her head back hard and said sideways, "Dak Dak, did the class go well?"

"It's alright." Duck smiled, "This time there is Professor Melnor in town, and those little naughty people don't dare to make trouble."

"It's alright." Diana retracted her head.

Duck asked, "How is it? Did you take good notes in the last class?"

Diana said quickly: "Of course, don't keep asking! I'm not a first grade kid!"

Dak laughed: "Of course, you are in the second grade."

Diana: "Right, I'm in second grade."

"Huh." Rose couldn't help laughing.


Soon afterward, Professor Ryan Hax entered the classroom on the bell.

Now he not only has long flowing hair, but also suits and leather shoes, and his spirit is very good.

He lost a foot, a hand and an eye in the war, and with the help of Professor Kazel, he was replaced with the latest prosthetic body, basically no difference from normal people.

If the current him is standing with him when he first came to St. Marian's College, then it cannot be seen that they are the same person.

"In today's class, we will talk about the beginning of the history of magic."

As soon as the bell rang, Professor Ryan Hax started today's lecture full of anger.

"The so-called history of magic is a history that started from the moment when humans recognized magic power and has continued to this day..."


As Professor Ryan Hax spoke, it was as if the students had followed him through a few epochs, strolling the long corridors of history and listening to the tide roll on and on.

He is always able to create a sense of substitution that goes beyond the ordinary, making people feel immersed in the scene.

Duck also actually gained more knowledge from the class of history of magic.


Tuesday afternoon is Warcraft time.

Professor Nini squeezed in through the narrow teacher's door as always, but she no longer smeared inferior perfume on her body, and communicated with the students more freely.

After becoming a full-fledged professor, Nini is obviously a lot more confident - she is also a lot more confident in the choice of teaching monsters!

The students looked at the terrifying monsters on the podium, and their faces were mixed with fear and excitement.

After all, he was a child born in a time of peace, and he has never really faced danger since he grew up. Even if he has powerful power due to magic technology, he may not be able to exert it.

In addition to teaching students about monsters, the ecology, characteristics and value of monsters, the most notable feature of Professor Nini's World of Warcraft is that it can help students overcome their fear of these dangerous creatures.

This is also the main reason why she was finally able to pass the review of Professor Shilf and become a regular.

And after getting the approval of Professor Sylph, of course she has to make persistent efforts to catch more terrifying and dangerous monsters to let students get more early experience~


After getting familiar with Professor Nini's teaching style, the students are no longer at a loss as they were at the beginning, and have more expectations for Warcraft and dungeon adventures.

It's a pity that you have to pass the physical fitness test before you are allowed to enter the dungeon...

After the Warcraft study, Duck went to the library, met with Pandora-senpai, and then came to the club classroom to complete the homework with the club members.

At this time, Katrina and Britney finally knew what "Mathematics 2" was, and they looked at Duck with dark complaints.

Then they discovered that the third and second grades were doing almost the same math homework.

Of course, the problems encountered are quite similar.

After Dak finished other homework, he took advantage of the situation to tutor them.

Katrina's ability to digest and absorb knowledge is indeed the strongest, while Britney and Diana are much more clumsy, especially Britney, who also lacks the patience for meditation.

Duck can only hope that the strong learning atmosphere in the club can drive her.

And after the homework is done, it is time for club activities.

The club activities of the Fantastic Beasts Club... basically none.

While gradually adding more decorations to the club classroom, everyone happily went about their own business.

Rose and Katrina occasionally exchange reading experiences.

Diana clumsily learned Britney's knitting skills.

And Duck himself was holding the [Gu Huo Bird Egg] while reciting the scriptures.

Since the Sorcerer Elves gather in the club every morning, it is of course impossible for them to leave the [Gu Huo Bird Egg] in the dormitory.

Duck held the [Gu Huo Bird Egg] and tried to sense the movement inside with subtle magic.

In the past two days, he felt more and more that this bird's egg was about to hatch. The movement from the egg was like a baby kicking his mother's belly after pregnancy in October, which made him feel extra friendly.

[Gu Huo Bird Egg] is hatched by absorbing the breath of humans, and their appearance, characteristics and character after hatching will be more or less affected by that human breath.

If the popularity absorbed is pure enough, they will recognize them as parents after birth.

Basically, it's one of those kind of magical animals.

Therefore, after Duck obtained the [Gushou Bird Egg], he did not let any other human contact except Professor Lily.

He was very much looking forward to the hatching of [Gu Huo Bird Egg], which would give him a very similar feeling to becoming a magic wizard, but a little different.

And today, he has a very strong premonition that [Gu Huo Bird Egg] is about to hatch!

The more the time goes on at night, the stronger this feeling becomes.

As a result, the book in my hand is not fragrant.

He nestled in the president's office, waiting eagerly with the [Gu Huo Bird Egg] in his arms.

However, until nine o'clock in the evening, when the members of the club noticed the abnormality of the president and peeped at the door, there was still no sign of [Gu Huo Bird Egg] being hatched.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Duck was slightly taken aback by the sudden appearance of his head from the ceiling.

With a dark face, he looked up at Lily with an evil smile, and complained, "Can't you just enter from the front door?"

"Isn't that a little goblin style?"

After Lily got out of the ceiling, she flipped in the air for three and a half weeks before lying on the body of [Gu Huo Bird Egg].

As the club instructor of the Fantastic Beasts Club, it is no surprise that she appears in the club classroom at any time.

But this time today, it was Duck who summoned her with the [Social Card].

[Gu Huo Bird's Egg] Lily Laplace is of course unavoidable at the moment when it is about to hatch.

She put her ear on the eggshell and listened carefully, and said excitedly, "It's coming out!"

"Really? I think so too." Duck thought for a while, and pulled out a children's book from the bookcase behind him, thinking about whether to read it.

"What are you doing?" Lily asked curiously.

Duck said: "Prenatal education~"

Lily: "..."

So Duck told it a story of "little tadpole looking for its mother" before it hatched, in order to infuse it with the concept of "children can't lose their parents", trying to reverse it before it was born. The natural vice of stealing other chicks.

But just as he was halfway through speaking, [Gu Huo Bird Egg] suddenly shook.

Dak stopped immediately and looked at Bird Egg with all his attention.


Lily's expression suddenly became serious.

She reached out, grabbed Dak's hands separately, and guided them to the egg.

Both of their hands were tightly attached to the side of the eggshell, and they felt the movements of the chicks.

a bit.


It moves more and more frequently.


The bird's egg jumped suddenly, and a very fine crack appeared on the top of the eggshell, and then the crack suddenly shattered like a cobweb.

A small round head broke the eggshell and slammed out.

It didn't look like a normal chick that was just born and couldn't even open its eyes. Its big round eyes were full of spirituality. It first glanced at Dak, then turned to Lily, and then turned to Dak again. Turning to look at Lily again...

It seems to be a little dizzy, and sits again with a "squeak"

back to the eggshell.



"I always feel that I'm not very smart girl..."

Duck couldn't help reaching out and poked Gu Huo Niao's head carefully.

Perhaps because it is the product of the realisation of the projection, the bird is slightly different from the one in the records.

Not only was it full of feathers at birth, but it also had almost no neck. It looked like two dumplings stacked together at a glance. It was so round that people couldn't help but want to bald its feathers.

But considering that he was just born after all, Duck didn't start.


The door of the office was suddenly broken open, and the members of the club and the magic wizards who were crowded together fell to the ground.

Then they stood up casually, pretending to be surprised by accidental discovery: "Wow, the eggs have hatched!"

It hurts to fake.


The Agu beast, which climbed out of the crowd, ran to the desk in three steps and two steps, stood on tiptoe, claws on the edge of the table, and stared at the shaking baby Guhuo bird with wide eyes. A little more excitement than others.

Since it was summoned, Agumon's presence has not been high.

Most of the time it stayed in the club classroom, and only occasionally went to the cafeteria with the magic wizards for a meal, but after leaving the club classroom, it would be uneasy.

It seems that as soon as it leaves, this community classroom will become a vacant room with no door, and people will break in and steal it all the time.

The duty of guarding the club classroom is like an engraving, and it has been deeply imprinted in its heart since its birth.

——This is actually the basic circuit that is rooted in the body of the community envoy.

Now the first magical animal belonging to the community has successfully hatched. For it, it is like an additional family with blood coexisting. The feeling is naturally different.

It carefully observed the black and white dumplings in the eggshell, and all kinds of pictures of getting along with it appeared in its mind.

After the dizzy Guhuo bird regained consciousness, it happened to meet Agumon's gaze.

It seemed to think that the appearance of Agumon was very interesting, so it raised its wings and screamed at Agumon.

When Dak saw this, his mind moved, and he stretched out his hand to pick up Agumon from the table and put it on the table.

Agumon carefully moved forward, squatted down and stretched out its claws, and touched Guhuo Bird's fingertips.

After a light touch, Gu Huo Niao immediately raised her head and laughed, then slid back with a "ba chi" sound, and lay down along the curvature of the eggshell, blinking her big eyes at the ceiling.

Dak looked at the appearance of Yagu beast wanting to come forward to touch it but didn't dare, so he gently touched the top of its head and said, "Agu beast, you will take care of it in the future, okay?"

Agumon was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously, his eyes glowing.


Whether it is a human or a beast, only after finding the meaning of moving forward can the spirit and energy stand up.


The hatching of Auntie Huobird became the biggest surprise for the Fantastic Animals Club tonight.

All the magic wizards gathered and looked at this real "baby" eagerly.

The members of the club hurriedly took out the pre-purchased parenting items, scrubbed them, and fed them. Some people were adjusting the size of the sleeping basket and laying soft and clean quilts inside.

Guhuo birds are actually a very tough species, and they do not need the protection of female birds to survive in the cruel nature.

In just a few days, it can grow to have teeth and claws, and the recipe contains most of the very easy-to-obtain foods such as bark, grass roots, and bugs.

Within a week, the wings are fully developed, and then they can learn to fly with a gust of wind.

So even if the females abandon them after giving birth, they retain a certain degree of survival.

However, this still caused the number of gushuo birds to continue to decrease, and in the end, it completely relied on the artificial breeding of magicians to not become extinct.

In terms of ecological inheritance, this is actually a species of "killing".

However, this is a magical beast.

It's not common sense, and it's part of the "magic".


After more than half an hour, the energetic little aunt Huo Niao fell asleep after eating and drinking. Agumon stood by the cradle and looked at the chubby little guy, and the softness in his heart was touched.

Dak originally wanted to take care of his aunt Huoniao himself, but he gave up after seeing this scene.

It seems to be a relatively better method to leave the little sister-in-law to the Agumon to take care of.

He exited the room and instructed the most reliable Lionmon among the magic wizards in the dormitory of the community to take care of Gusuo and Agumon.

Then Wrestling Eagle suddenly held his head high, saying that everything would be left to him.

"It's really reliable."

Duck praised.

It seems that the Wrestling Eagles are also very fond of their sister-in-law Huo Niao, who is also a bird.

In this way, he felt more at ease.

"It's ten o'clock in the blink of an eye."

Duck patted Diana and Rose, who were still reluctantly looking inside, reminding them that it was time to go back.

Then the group went their separate ways.

Dak returned to the dormitory and began to concentrate on preparing the second [Cage Cage].

The associations in the academy are actually not peaceful because of the extremely competitive relationship.

The Student Union is ranked according to the strength of the clubs. This is a completely different evaluation system from the semester review, which relies on the overall strength of the clubs.

The higher the ranking club, the more club funds will be received each month.

The top three clubs can also get additional rare resources.

However, the newly established small societies generally do not participate in the fierce competition. Although the monthly society funds obtained are very small, it is better than nothing.

High-ranking clubs generally do not downgrade to challenge low-ranking clubs, which will not only make the club lose face, but also pay a huge price after an unexpected failure.

There aren't that many idiots.

As for a challenge from a low-ranked to a high-ranked one, you must first have a [curse cage]!


Of course, Dak Dimon did not have this consideration in refining the [curse cage].


The first class on Wednesday morning was [Magic Language].

Professor Holder Bode entered the classroom three minutes earlier this time.

When he appeared, the classroom was instantly silent, and the effect was better than Professor Sylph's [forbidden speech] deterrent.

He first put away last week's homework, and then said: "From this week onwards, my homework must be completed by Friday night, collected by the second-year prefects of the various colleges, and sent to my office before six o'clock sharp. The four prefects stand up!"

The four prefects whose names were called stood up under pressure.

It was only at this time that the students had a comprehensive understanding of the college prefects in the second year.

The prefect of the House of Lords is Doron Teddy.

The prefect of the House of Knights is Justin Wayne.

The prefect of the Wizarding Academy is Heidi Euphemia.

The prefect of the House of Fools is Vanessa Bolt.


When the four prefects got up one after another, most of the students' eyes involuntarily focused on the prefect of the House of Fools.

The students of the Academy of Fools have never been particularly outstanding, and few of them can make a deep impression on people.

So does Vanessa Bolt.

Her appearance is very ordinary, her hair color is tan that can be seen everywhere, and the color of her eyes is also the same as her hair color. The height is not short, it is the normal height of this age group.

Her final grade last semester was a little above the mid-range, and she passed the duel club recruitment assessment last week.

The students of the House of Nobles, the House of Knights, and the House of Sorcerers could not have imagined how she could become a prefect from such an inconspicuous person.

However, the students of the House of Fools seem to have no resistance to it.

Duck glanced at Vanessa curiously, remembered the prefect of the House of Fools, and then withdrew his gaze.

It's not polite to stare at people all the time.

In short, being able to be elected as a prefect by the student council always has some qualities beyond ordinary people.

This Miss Vanessa Bolt might become a formidable rival to the House of Lords in two years.


After acquainting the students with the prefects of their respective colleges, Professor Bode resumed his lectures.

The atmosphere of the magic language class became serious, and there were no more unnecessary voices in the classroom.


In the next duel class, Professor Pava Jones still led the second-year students to perform physical training in the dueling hall No. 1, and checked the students' exercise results for the past week.

Students who improve are praised, and students who do not progress are mostly criticized.

Professor Pava Jones also gradually became stricter.

And her sternness also made the students vigilant about the dangers of dungeon adventures.

Many people think that with a "dungeon escaper", everything is safe, but this is not the case.

Even the professors can't fully understand the weirdness of the dungeon.

The deeper it is, the more so.

The monsters in the upper level of the dungeon are refreshed every other week, and even the terrain changes accordingly.

But in the middle and lower layers, the refresh frequency will gradually decrease, or even lose the regularity.

Moreover, although it is said to be "lower-middle class", in fact, the so-called "lower-middle class" is only the "lower-middle class" in the cognition of the academy.

Because this dungeon of St. Mary's College has no "bottom"!

In the old days, people used to call it "infinity".


At the end of the dueling class, Professor Pava Jones posted this week's assignments.

Students who successfully passed the dueling club recruitment assessment last Friday must apply to the dueling club this Friday to apply for their debut.

That's the rookie game on Saturday morning.

Competing students are required to write a short paper analyzing this after the competition is over.

Students who have already debuted, or who are not eligible for the competition, also go to watch the game, select one or more of the contestants, and write a duel situation analysis paper centered on it.

This assignment, which was posted at the beginning of last semester, will continue for three weeks as the Duel Club recruits new members for three consecutive weeks.

If you can't pass the duel club's recruitment assessment within these three weeks, you can only wait for the beginning of the next semester, and the middle of the first year.

The top students competed on the same stage.

This is an unacceptable shame for any sophomore!

Yet every year, there are people who fall behind like this.

Duck was worried about Rose's ability to make it through last semester, but now that I think about it, I really think too much about that time.

This Saturday's debut match is likely to be Rose's solo show!


After the duel class was over, Duck finished his lunch neatly, and then went straight to the library, just in time to catch Pandora-senpai who had just come to shift.

With the growth of knowledge level, there are more problems that were not there before in the process of researching [Cage Cage].

Dak's first [Cage Cage] was made under the guidance of Pandora-senpai. This time, he encountered a problem that was difficult to solve, so he naturally searched for Pandora subconsciously.

"So you wouldn't come to me without this reason?"

Pandora supported her chin and raised her eyebrows.

"Where? Didn't I say hello every time I came to the library?"

Duck looked away, a little guilty.

"Does that count?"

Pandora put down the registration form in his hand, opened the side door of the counter, welcomed him in, and said curiously:

"Are you preparing for the community challenge?"

The corners of Dak's mouth twitched slightly, and he said vaguely: "No, it's just that the Society Familiar summoned this time also has similar characteristics to the little evil beast."

Pandora was immediately stunned, and she said with some envy: "This year's Academy Cup, if our Magic Academy wants to win consecutive championships, the horror must pass you."

Dak shook his head and said modestly: "The main events of the Academy Cup are the dungeon competition and the duel competition. If you want to win the duel competition, you must complete the leapfrog challenge. But the fourth and fifth grades of the Magic Academy have you and Wen. Sister Ni, I don't have many choices."

Pandora was immediately surprised: "I'll just mention it, but you've even thought about it? It seems that this year's Academy Cup, your noble house is bound to win?"

Duck: "...I mainly don't understand this problem very well!"


After an entire afternoon in the library, Duck came to the club room.

After a whole afternoon of exhaustion, he wanted to enter the club classroom and have a good rest, but he didn't expect the noise to smear his face as soon as he opened the door.

The club classroom is full of chickens and dogs!

The little aunt Huoniao, who was just born less than 24 hours ago, bounced around like a fat ball on the opposite side. Agumon hurriedly chased after it, and the floor was covered with bird feathers.

Gushou bird is already growing fast, this one seems to be growing faster.

But the rest of the members in the club classroom were all sitting on the sofa and sitting on their own business with a normal look.

Their enthusiasm for magical beasts seemed to be exhausted after the whole afternoon.

Duck closed the door carefully and walked in lightly.

But the Guhuo bird suddenly turned its head in the process of running, and then suddenly uttered an excited bird song, a look back and a shovel passed under the arm of Agumon, and rolled towards Dak. .

Duck's thoughts turned, and within a few seconds, he chose the latter between dodge and counterattack, then bent down sharply, and picked up his aunt Huoniao.

Gu Huoniao immediately pressed his face and giggled.

Laughing and laughing, Dake suddenly found that the movement in his arms was much smaller. He lowered his head a little and saw that Gu Huo Niao had closed his eyes and breathed evenly.

Apparently asleep.



Agumon shrugged and walked over with a look of frustration.

Dak touched his head, then bent down and put Gusuo bird in the hands of Agumon.

Agumon looked slightly happy, hugged Gusuo bird carefully, and then looked up at Dak again.

Dak nodded towards him, and Agu beast gently carried the little auntie into the room and placed it in the cradle.

Then he lay on the edge of the cradle, looking at Gu Huo Niao, who fell asleep tiredly after running wild, gently rocking the cradle, his eyes soft.

The afterglow of the sunset shone in from the window, and the room was mottled with light and shadow.

Duck stood at the door and watched for a while, then withdrew with a look of relief.


He is busy with his studies and has a lot of time to think about. It is great to have Agumon to help take care of the magical animals of the society.

Of course, even if there is no Agumon, he believes that the rest of the magic wizards will help.

Especially the big milk tank, it will definitely be able to take good care of the little auntie.

After sitting down in the president's office, Duck continued to study the [curse cage].

After the guidance of Pandora-senpai, the research on the [Cage Cage] is basically in place, and I can try it tomorrow.

But before that, he still has an [Alchemy Class] to take.

The [Alchemy Class] taught by Kazel is a course that is enough to attract students of all grades in the entire academy.

Duck has even heard that some sixth-graders who were planning to apply for a school leaver had their applications suspended because of the course.

However, Professor Kazel rejected the application of the sixth graders, and only accepted a total of thirty students from the second to the fifth grade.

Presumably, he thought that sixth graders should not delay planning because of such an elective course.

It can be seen from this

, he doesn't think his [Alchemy Class] is so special.

But the students didn't think so.


It was night, and it was raining heavily.

Dak Dimon, who returned to sleep in the dormitory, was suddenly awakened by the sound of thunder.

Then a slight ripple appeared in his mind, and he opened his eyes and got up halfway through the night.

The few magic wizards who had sneaked up to him had already woken up, and looked at the window with dimly lit eyes.

Dak got out of bed quickly, and after a few steps, he came to the window, opened the balcony door, and sure enough, there was a chicken in the soup clinging to the balcony guardrail.

"Wrestling Hawkman?"

Dak opened the guardrail and took the Wrestling Eagle down.

Wrestling Eagle immediately pointed in the direction of the club classroom and shouted.

Duck raised his head and glanced at the brightly lit club classroom, frowned immediately, turned and entered the room to grab the card case.

Then he put Wrestling Eagle Man into the magic card, and he took out the [Flying Spell], just picked up a coat, and was ready to put it on his head.

But the Variety Monster suddenly climbed onto his body and [transformed] into a raincoat in an instant.

He immediately activated the [Flying Spell], rushed out from the balcony, and flew towards the Spiral Clock Tower.


The feathered snake golem at the entrance of the tower opened its snake pupils almost instantly, and the light from the snake pupils illuminated the night.


Duck landed in the corridor on the tenth floor of the Spiral Clock Tower and rushed into the club classroom without thinking.

But the cries coming from the classroom made him stop.

At this time, another thunder struck.


Instead, Dak relaxed and walked slowly to Gu Huo Niao's room.

On his way there, he re-summons Wrestling Hawkman.

Wrestling Hawkman subconsciously shook his feathers, but found that there was no rain on his body.

Dak smiled and pushed open the door of the room.

The cry became louder.

The small room was filled with magic spirits.

Yagu beast looked at the wailing Gu Huo bird in the cradle at a loss. It was not until Dak entered the door that he turned his head subconsciously and cried to his master, "What should I do, what should I do?"

Dak took a deep breath, but first crouched down and hugged Agumon.

It seemed that it was only at this moment that he recalled that the Agumon entrusted with his responsibility was just a baby.

"This is something I did wrong."

After Dak comforted Agumon, he got up and looked at Gusuo bird in the cradle.

Agumon, who was woken up by the thunder and torrential rain and cried, couldn't calm down even if Agumon tried his best.

And the magic wizards who stayed in the dormitory of the community, except for the lion beast and the big milk tank, are actually children.

After the Lion Beast's [Beastmaster Ghost Face] and the Big Milk Tank's [Nursing Offensive] both failed, the magic wizards were completely helpless.

What made them even more nervous was that when the little dream demon wanted to invade Gushou bird's dream but was grabbed by the lion beast, Gusuo bird suddenly began to lose its feathers!

Its feathers are completely undeveloped like a chick that has just been born for more than a day. The part from the top of the head to the back is bright black, and the rest is snow-white, very soft.

But it is such a beautiful feather, but it is falling down one by one.

As the bird cries more and more, the feathers fall faster.

Frightened by this, Wrestling Eagle hurried into the rain and went to seek the help of his master.

But by the time Duck arrived, the Guhuo bird's feathers had all fallen off.

In the cradle lay a hairless bird that was crying constantly—no, not even the shape of the bird.

Gushou bird, after shedding its feathers, became a human being.


Duck looked at the crying human baby in the cradle, waving his little fat hand, but did not try to stop crying for the first time, but lifted its quilt and glanced under it.

"Is it really a girl?"

"According to the legend, Gushou bird may be parthenogenetic."

Duck lifted the quilt and took the baby girl out of the cradle.

Strange to say, after the baby girl was picked up by him, she gradually stopped crying.

There was no need for Dak to think of a way to coax her, so she clinged to Dak's chest and calmed down.

Duck freed a hand, and the big milk jug immediately offered a wet towel.

After getting the wet towel, Duck carefully wiped the tears and snot from the baby girl's face, and rubbed it on her little face.

"Don't worry, Guhuo birds have the magical ability to take off their feathers and become human women. They can weave the feathers they take off into a feather weave, and they can return to their original shape after they are put on again."

"Furthermore, Guhuo birds are actually nocturnal creatures."

After explaining, Duck carefully observed the appearance of Gusuo bird after it became a baby girl.

It seems to have inherited the color of feathers, its skin is white and flawless, it has jet-black hair, and its eyes are also pitch-black.

But in addition, the baby girl's facial features gave him a very attribute feeling.

After a while, he muttered: "The eyebrows are a bit like Lily, the ears are a little bit pointed, and the other eyes, nose and mouth... Why do you look more like Joey?"



The Variety Monster slid down from his body, re-condensed his body, and turned into the most familiar little Duck.

Dark raised his head and chose not to look.

But the Variety Monster suddenly became shorter and shorter, from a few years old to a one or two-year-old baby, which is exactly the same as the Gu Huo Bird at this time!

The magic wizards looked over and over again on the faces of Variety Monster and Gu Huo Bird, and there was some envy hidden in their smiles.

Although Duck was reluctant to admit it, the little aunt did look a lot like him after being transformed into a human figure.

This resemblance has even surpassed Jon, Joey and his resemblance.

He couldn't help but feel worried: "According to the growth rate of Gu Huo Niao, that is, it will take two or three years to develop into a mature posture, and then she will transform into a human form..."

The more he thought about it, the more terrifying it became, Dak Dimon decided to escape reality.


"The moon is bright, the wind is quiet, and the leaves cover the window lattices. The night heron's name is clanking, just like the sound of the strings. The sound of the piano is soft, the tune is pleasant, and the cradle is swaying gently. Daddy's baby, close your eyes..."

Sing a lullaby and put your baby to sleep.

When Gu Huo Niao's breathing became steady again, Duck carefully put her back into the cradle.

The feathers in the cradle suddenly moved on their own, flying back to her one by one.

When the last feather was glued back, the Guhuo bird had changed back to the bird's posture.

Its little wings clung to the edge of the quilt and slept soundly.

The magic wizards who had been guarding it all breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Dak stayed in the room for another half an hour, and when the thunder completely disappeared and there was only light rain outside, he put on the raincoat that turned into a monster and activated the [Flying Spell] to return to the dormitory.

Almost at the same time, the Feathered Serpent Golem closed its eyes, and the light released from its eyes disappeared completely as the eyelids closed.

The night had regained its tranquility.


After the rain, the dewdrops dripped from the eaves of the castle, fell to the ground after a very long time, and shattered into a piece of light debris.

After the early morning, the whispers of the students during morning exercises gradually sounded inside and outside the castle.

Today's St. Mary's College is still full of vigor.

The second-year little magician also ushered in the first elective course with excitement and anticipation.

Duck went to the club classroom to play with the baby Gu Huo Niao who woke up early, and then he picked up the shoulder bag and returned to the castle.

[Alchemy class], it has begun.



【Five in one 10000+】


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