The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 707 Dark Dimon???????? (4k)

Inside the ward.

Angus Jeffrey leaned on the head of the bed, flipping aimlessly at the book in his hand, his eyelids gradually heavy.

When Professor Cazel questioned him, he did not deliberately hide his words.

So he tasted a little bit.

But because Professor Kazel and Sister Carrian haven't treated his brain, he still retains some distorted common sense.

He doesn't think there's anything wrong with what he's doing, and he still automatically avoids certain doubts when he recalls them.

Therefore, he still can't figure out, where is the problem?

Why did the professors put him under house arrest in this ward and not let him leave?

"Is it just because of the book?"

"But that book, what's the problem?"

So I can't figure it out again.


In the midst of this rumination, Angus Jeffrey's biological clock finally reminded him that it was time to sleep.

So he closed his eyelids and gradually fell asleep.

When he finally fell asleep, Professor Kazel quietly pushed open the door of the ward.

Duck followed the professors gently, and saw Angus Jeffrey lying on the bed, breathing steadily.

He glanced up at the clock on the wall.

The hands on the wall clock were exactly ten o'clock. kΑnshu Wu.ξà

Dark immediately focused his attention and looked at Angus Jeffrey again.

Although their previous conjecture was well-founded, it was only conjecture, not 100% proof.

While there is one possibility, there must be other possibilities.

And their conjectures are based on normal logic, but it is not uncommon in this world for things that do not conform to common sense.

Everything needs to be verified to get the final answer.


Professor Cazel walked to the bedside and carefully observed Angus Jeffrey's facial changes.

But ten o'clock has passed, Angus Jeffrey is still lying on the bed motionless, there is no sign of "wake up".

Sister Carrian walked around the bed and came to the other side of the hospital bed, also looking at Angus Jeffrey's expression with a strong interest on her face.

Professor Sylph stood behind Professor Kazel and waited patiently.

Professor Lily flew directly above the hospital bed, crossed his chest with his arms, and sat cross-legged in the air with a serious face.

Professor Mitia showed a look similar to Sister Carrian, and was very interested.

Duck raised his brows slightly, and had a deep understanding of the mentality of Professor Mitia and Sister Carrian.

Honestly, if you look at it from the standpoint of a bystander, it's really interesting.

If the book "Into the Abyss" can really make a normal person split into a second consciousness, then the value of that book will be a little higher.

He's even figured out how to use it!

For a long time, he has been worried that the [Fusion Materials] will cause confusion due to the frequent [Fusion], so so far, he has not helped [Fusion Materials] such as [Magic Beast: Fantasy Sheep] to open their intelligence.

But if we can use [Going into the Abyss] to cultivate a second consciousness exclusively for [Fusion], wouldn't it be a perfect solution to this problem?

Therefore, he is looking forward to the next verification results.


"Wait and see."

Professor Kazel whispered.

He tends to wait for Angus Jeffrey's second consciousness to wake up naturally.

That way, there will be more to observe.

Everyone was patient enough, and even Professor Lily closed his lips and didn't say a word.

Duck walked to the bed and glanced around.

In order not to wake Angus Jeffrey, they did not turn on the lights.

The light in the ward was only barely visible.

This made Duck's heart suddenly have a thought: "If Angus Jeffrey woke up normally at this time, and suddenly found so many people standing silently by the bed, would he really be scared and schizophrenic? "

"Probably not." Dak shook his head again, thinking, "After all, he has been tempered, so he won't be frightened by such a thing.".Κanδhu5.iá

So Dak stopped thinking about it and waited patiently.

"Tick, tick..."

The pointer turns a little bit.

One minute, two minutes... five minutes, six minutes...

At the seventh minute, Angus Jeffrey's brow finally moved!

It has only been ten minutes since Angus Jeffrey closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When the surrounding environment has not changed much, it is basically impossible for him to wake up naturally.

If he opens his eyes at this time, the possibility of "second consciousness" is very high!

Thinking of this, the professors were instantly attentive, and their eyes locked on his face.

Then Angus Jeffrey's panda eyes opened very naturally under such circumstances.

At that moment, many figures standing on both sides of the hospital bed and floating above the hospital bed all came into his eyes.


The screams were absorbed by the night and did not spread outside the ward.


The professor's eyes suddenly lit up with golden light, and Angus Jeffrey's heart was exposed in his eyes without a trace.

"It's the second consciousness!"

Professor Cazel said very much, and then quickly raised his wand and touched Angus Jeffrey's eyebrows lightly, and a magic circle lit up and disappeared.

Dark thought he was trying to calm Angus Jeffrey's "second consciousness", but he didn't.

Angus Jeffrey's "second consciousness" was still screaming. Read the book

"It seems that his second consciousness lacks tempering."

Dak pondered a little and couldn't help thinking.

After being confirmed by Professor Kazel, Sister Carrian, Professor Mitia, and Professor Lily were all full of energy and interest at almost the same time.

However, Professor Sylph got ahead of them and said to Professor Kazel, "Ask him if the [Brain Fluid Demon] was bred by him."

Professor Cazel raised his wand and drew a circle, but said gently, "Don't be afraid."

Then Angus Jeffrey's "second consciousness" screamed louder.

"Hee hee." Lily was instantly overjoyed.

After hearing this weird laughter, Angus Jeffrey suddenly made a move - he pulled his right hand out of the quilt and touched the head of the bed.

Unfortunately, there is no magic card by his bed.

Including the card pack, the entire set of magic cards he carried was confiscated by Professor Sylph.

And Angus Jeffrey, who had been touching for a long time but couldn't touch anything, was like a swordsman who had lost his sword. His face was pale, his expression panicked, and he was even more afraid.

But his lung capacity limited the length of his screaming, and he finally stopped screaming, but closed his eyes suddenly, his body tensed, and he looked like he wanted to fall asleep immediately.

"This is not a dream..." Professor Kazel said helplessly.

He found that Angus Jeffrey's second consciousness seemed more cowardly than himself.


"Crack!" Professor Mitia walked to the wall and suddenly turned on the light.

The blazing white light illuminated the ward and dispelled the gloom.

Angus Jeffrey shuddered, but still quietly opened his eyes under the stimulation of the light.

Then he immediately saw Professor Lily who was laughing so much.

"The head of the Magic Academy?"

At the moment when this thought appeared, Angus Jeffrey finally stopped being so afraid.

He looked at both sides stiffly, and identified the identities of the other professors one by one. His last gaze fell on the only student present besides him.

His face changed drastically because of this, but based on his desire to understand the current situation, he still asked with difficulty: "Excuse me, what happened?"

"A little thing." Professor Kazel said gently, trying to calm his fears through words.

Not sure how much information this "second consciousness" can share with the "first consciousness", Professor Kazel did not intend to reveal its identity.

He saw that Angus Jeffrey's expression calmed down a little, and he continued: "Do you know "Into the Abyss"?"

The answer is definitely to know, but through this question, Professor Kazel can gather more relevant information from Angus Jeffrey's thinking.

So before Angus Jeffrey could answer, he already had the necessary information.

"It turns out that you have a more detailed understanding of "Into the Abyss", and you are researching and experimenting on it every night."

Professor Kazel nodded slightly, and then asked again, "Have you ever cultivated [Brain Fluid Demon]?"

Angus Jeffrey suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Professor Cazel motionless.

Professor Kazel frowned and asked suspiciously, "It's not you?"

"What's the matter?" Professor Sylph asked immediately after hearing the words.

Professor Cazel's tone was slightly solemn, and he said: "Jeffrey... at least this Jeffrey, after he obtained "Into the Abyss", he was very cautious and never cultivated a complete Demon Race. If If there is no third Jeffrey, then the [Brain Fluid Demon] parasitic in Fern Morse's brain is not cultivated by it."

"Things are tricky..."

"It's fun!"

"It just got more fun!"

The responses from the professors varied.

Dak frowned and thought carefully.

Angus Jeffrey did give birth to a second consciousness, and from the current point of view, this second consciousness is timid and cautious, and is specially responsible for the research and experiments on "Into the Abyss".

Angus Jeffrey's magic wizards were all made by him in the middle of the night.

And now that this second consciousness has awakened, it becomes extremely easy to know the location of his experimental site.

Given that Angus Jeffrey's brain has been eroded, there is of course the possibility that his memory has been re-edited.

But a lot becomes clear once you find Angus Jeffrey's experimental site.

Professor Kazel obviously knew this, so he immediately began to use language to guide Angus Jeffrey's "second consciousness" to recall past experimental experiences.

As long as it is in Angus Jeffrey's mind, it cannot escape the prying eyes of Professor Cazel.

So Professor Kazel quickly reaps the rewards.

But his expression also became solemn.

"Where?" Professor Sylph asked.

Professor Kazel said solemnly: "According to what he said, it is in the secret passage."

"Secret way?" Professor Sylph frowned sharply.

The seal on the entrance to the secret passage has not been lifted, and the [Key Cards] issued today are extremely limited.

And Angus Jeffrey is not on the list.

But Angus Jeffrey could not have lied in the presence of Professor Cazel.


As if feeling the confusion of Professor Sylph, Professor Kazel looked at Angus Jeffrey and said, "Can you take us to observe your laboratory?"

And after asking "Excuse me, what happened?", Angus Jeffrey, who actually didn't say a word, finally found the opportunity to speak: "Yes."

With professors around, Angus Jeffrey couldn't say "no".

After saying "yes" with difficulty, Angus Jeffrey reached out to the head of the bed subconsciously.

Without touching the card case, Angus Jeffrey could only ask helplessly, "Professor Kazel, where is my card case?"

Professor Kazel turned around and gave Professor Shilf a wink.

Professor Sylph just raised his hand, and he already had Angus Jeffrey's card pack in his palm.

She didn't do anything with this card pack except to temporarily take [Demon King Armsted] away.

Angus Jeffrey was obviously delighted when he got the card pack back. He got off the hospital bed, stepped on a pair of slippers and was ready to go.

"You follow me."


Therefore, the group quickly walked out of the infirmary.

Angus Jeffrey calmed down and walked towards the secret passage under the "protection" of the professors.

Before eleven o'clock, the patrolling golems in the castle would not take action, and the journey was very smooth.

Not long after that, they came to the entrance of a secret passage.

Although the entrance was just an ordinary wall before the infusion of magic, there are undoubtedly many people who have come in and out now.

Seeing that Angus Jeffrey stopped here, Professor Sylph immediately asked, "You entered the secret passage from here?"

Angus Jeffrey forced a smile: "Yes, Vice-Principal."

Professor Sylph's brows deepened, and she clearly felt that the seal of this secret passage was still alive, with no signs of damage.

But in this case, how did Angus Jeffrey enter the secret passage?

Someone gave it to Angus Jeffrey before activating the [Key Card]?

Just as Professor Sylph was thinking seriously, Angus Jeffrey reached into the card bag and took out a Magic Wizard card from it.

Immediately afterwards, his lips squirmed, and he used the usual summoning technique!

Four seconds later, there was a worm in front of him.

This worm is only the size of a palm, but its head is like an awl, and its body is also angular, which is extremely strange.

In its body, there is white light emitting, making the entire body appear translucent.

What's more inconsistent with Angus Jeffrey's deck is that this is a light-type insect species!

"Flash bugs?"

Professor Sylph directly called out the name of the worm, and then his brows stretched, as if he had realized something.



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