The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 708 Dark Dimon (o?ω?o) (4k)

Even in the Demon Race territory, not all creatures have dark attributes.

The flash bug is one of the most special insects.

It was born in an extremely dark place, but it has the attribute of light, which is extremely rare, and has a very special ability.

Professor Sylph just saw the appearance of this bug and immediately recalled it.

Flash bugs can ignore any enchantment and travel freely inside and outside the enchantment!

When the demons invaded St. Marian's College, they relied on the barrier that the flash bugs crossed.

If she had seen a flash bug at that time, she would probably have gritted her teeth for a while, but now it's much duller.

"Then, in "Into the Abyss", is there even a method for cultivating [Flash Bugs]?"

Facing Professor Sylph's question, Angus Jeffrey subconsciously wanted to reply "Yes", but he just opened his mouth, but suddenly froze in place.

Because he thought further along his own thoughts, he suddenly found that he couldn't remember the method of cultivating the [Flash Bug] at all.

So he had to reply: "Should... have?"

There should be, otherwise, where did the [Flash Bug] magic card in his hand come from?

Angus Jeffrey's mind skipped this thought for a moment, and then subconsciously ignored it, driving [Flash Bug] to use his nirvana.


Dak stood aside, staring curiously at the [Flash Bug].

In the afternoon, when he waited patiently in the teacher's dormitory for the [Death Coffin] to remove the [Underworld Fire] from Lacey's body, he took time to read "Into the Abyss".

Although Professor Mitia's previous words hinted not to read, Duck still couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart.

Of course, he deliberately controlled it, and did not look at the specific cultivation methods of those special demons, but just read the opening introduction of those special demons.

There are indeed many types of demons, and all kinds of special demons are strange and interesting.

Although some of these demons are not strong individually, their special abilities are very buggy.

For example, the [Dark Cyst] that Angus Jeffrey has refined is a very special kind of demon creature.

And now this [Flash Bug]... the same is true!

It's just that Duck hasn't seen any records related to it in the middle page for the time being.

But now he has seen it with his own eyes, this is a demon creature that can easily pass through even the seals arranged by the professors!


Driven by Angus Jeffrey, the white light in the body of the [Flash Bug] suddenly burst out, making its originally translucent body become completely transparent in the blink of an eye.

Then a burst of white light flickered, and [Flash Bug], as well as Angus Jeffrey, instantly disappeared in place.

"He entered the secret passage."

Professor Sylph narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice.

"Let's go in too."


Then Professor Sylph temporarily opened an opening at the seal at the entrance of the secret passage, and the group entered immediately.

Angus Jeffrey, who first entered the secret passage, did not walk around. He waited until everyone had entered before saying, "I found a secret room in the secret passage, with all kinds of experimental tools. Of course, You have to prepare your own materials.”

He tried to keep his tone as flat as possible, careful not to arouse the professors' ill will.

Hearing the words, Professor Shilf said, "Let's lead the way."

The tone is more flat.

Angus Jeffrey's heart trembled and he walked forward with his head down.

As he stepped forward, the torches on both sides of the secret passage were lit one by one, illuminating the dark secret passage one by one.

Everyone present has a considerable understanding of the secret way, so it is not surprising.

But as they continued to move forward, several professors noticed the changes under their feet.

But they looked at each other and said nothing, just continued to follow Angus Jeffrey.

In less than three minutes, Angus Jeffrey walked to a wall and turned around and said, "It's here, it's inside."

Then he pressed his hand against the wall and injected magic.

There were no cracks in the wall, but three cracks suddenly appeared.

These three cracks form a word "冂".

Angus Jeffrey pushed again and pushed the door of this secret room open!

And the people outside the back door all saw what was inside the door.

The area of ​​this secret room is not small, but there is only one room from outside to inside.

Angus Jeffrey did not use partitions to cut the space in the secret room, all his things were piled up in it!

Duck saw the various materials on the shelf almost at first glance.

The shelf stood against the wall, and various precious or ordinary materials were randomly placed on the shelf.

But Angus Jeffrey seems to have run out of resources in order to refine the deck, and there are not many materials left on the shelf.

Duck stepped into it with the professors, and then saw the shelf against the other wall, which was invisible at the door! .dfyxs.

The shelf was obviously bigger than this one, with glass jars placed on top of one another.

Some of those glass jars are small, some are only slapped, but some are two or three meters high!

Dak's pupils shrank, and he noticed

Some of these transparent jars have various body parts floating in them.

He raised his head slightly and met the pair of eyeballs placed on the top shelf of the shelf, and his hair suddenly stood up, and his whole person was not well.

The laboratory hidden in the secret passage reminded him of some mad scientists who like to do biological experiments.

However, he turned his head and glanced, and found that there was no surprise in the expressions of the professors. It seemed that the experimental scene of this level was only ordinary.

In fact it is.

A magistrate generally requires a certain amount of biological materials to make magic, and of course these biological materials cannot be the finished products purchased in the store.

Not to mention professors, even students, most of them came from hunting monsters in dungeons.

The materials obtained from hunting monsters all need to be processed.

For example, soaking some limbs in formalin for storage is similar to what you see in front of you.

The only difference is that these body parts in the jar are basically alive!

They may not be complete, but they are already alive.

However, similar to the shelf on the other side where the materials were placed, there were not many demon bodies left on this shelf.

Angus Jeffrey really did his best to challenge Duck.

He walked to the shelf here and said as soon as he opened his mouth: "These are the bodies of the demon race I cultivated, and there is no complete life in them."

The professors nodded slightly, then dispersed to observe the entire laboratory.

Angus Jeffrey stood in the corner, a little cramped.

From time to time, he looked at the blond boy among the professors, with disgust hidden deep in his eyes.

As Angus Jeffrey's second consciousness, he doesn't seem to have shared memory with the first consciousness, and he doesn't know that he has been defeated in the duel during the day.


After the professors turned around, they soon gathered again.

Professor Mitia said with a little regret: "There are not too many novelties."

Aside from the glass jars on the shelves, there was little in the lab that interested her.

Professor Lily seemed to have the same idea as her, but after turning around, Professor Lily leaned over to the stand and observed the body parts in the jar wholeheartedly. block.


A crack suddenly appeared on the surface of a glass jar. .Κanδhu5.iá

Professor Lily hurriedly withdrew her hands, but the viscous liquid in the jar had already rushed out of the cracks and poured to the ground, and the pillars in the glass jar also fell to the ground.

Angus Jeffrey's face changed, and he subconsciously wanted to pick up the demon organ he had worked so hard to cultivate and put it back in the jar...

But after seeing the shape of the object, his expression suddenly froze. The soles of his feet seemed to be firmly stuck to the ground, and he couldn't move for a while.

Then he closed his lips and stopped looking at the pillar.

Duck glanced at the thing and pretended not to see it.

The professors looked at their noses and noses and watched their hearts, as if nothing had happened.

Then Professor Sylph said seriously: "Jeffrey, how did you discover this secret room? Why did you hide in the secret passage to conduct experiments?"

The original jubilant atmosphere instantly became solemn.

Angus Jeffrey kept silent and said in a low voice: "After all, it is about the experiment of the demons, so naturally I want to find a more secret experiment site. But I came to build a laboratory in the bedroom, and it happened to be [Flash Bug], I suddenly thought of looking in the secret passage, and then I found this secret room. I have heard before that the secret passage seems to be able to respond to the expectations of those who entered..."

Professor Sylph said without blinking: "It seems that you didn't take the academy's ban to heart."

Angus Jeffrey shuddered and gave an embarrassed and cowardly smirk.

Professor Cazel kept looking at Angus Jeffrey, but at this time he sighed: "Although, Jeffrey didn't lie."

Angus Jeffrey's "second consciousness" nodded quickly.

However, Professor Kazel said in a blink of an eye: "The secret passage changes all the time. It is not safe for you to leave items in the secret passage. Since they are all here, we will help you move them away."

Angus Jeffrey was startled for a moment, and then nodded.


Angus Jeffrey has not much leftover material in this secret room.

Therefore, it didn't take long for them to pack everything that could be brought in the secret room, and then left the secret room.

After leaving the secret room more than a hundred meters away, Dake suddenly seemed to remember something, turned around and turned back, injecting magic power at the door of the secret passage.

And sure enough, the door to the secret room did not appear.

He suddenly realized that he turned around and left, quickly catching up with the professors.

The professors did not question him at this time. They left the secret passage and returned to the infirmary.

"Put these things away first."

The professors put the packaged items into the ward, and then returned Angus Jeffrey to bed.

Angus Jeffrey, who was forced to go back to the bed, looked inexplicable.

But then, a fierce battle began between his upper and lower eyelids.

Just half a minute later, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The professors looked at each other with solemn expressions.

"right now we……"

"Let's talk outside."

Professor Sylph interrupted Professor Kazel's speech, led them back to the outside room, and set up a barrier.

Professor Cazel said again: "Jeffrey's remarks are vague, but I guess it has something to do with his brain being eroded. In short, let's put it aside for the time being. Duck, what did you find?"

Duck said, "That secret room, after I returned, was no longer there."

Professor Kazel nodded slowly and said, "Sure enough, that is the secret room that needs to be found by Jeffrey himself. It involves the mystery of the secret passage, so we won't mention it for the time being."

"Let's not mention it all for now, so what do we mention?" Professor Lily said with a look of innocence, blinking her eyes.

Professor Kazel blushed and said: "Now we have not only confirmed the existence of the second consciousness, but also found Jeffrey's laboratory. After the two-way verification, I confirmed that Jeffrey did not lie, he never cultivated There has been a complete Demon Race, and that [Brain Fluid Demon] was not bred by him."

"In other words, it is certain that there is a third person." Professor Sylph concluded.

Professor Kazel nodded and said, "And I suspect that the reason why Jeffrey conducted experiments in the secret passage was also guided by this third person." kΑnshu Wu.ξà

"Well, I think so too." Professor Sylph nodded.

Professor Mitia smiled and said: "The cultivation method of [Flash Bug] is not in "Into the Abyss"."

Professor Sylph was taken aback and asked, "How do you know?"

Professor Mitia's eyes narrowed into a pair of crescent moons, and smiled: "I guess."

Professor Sylph took a deep breath, resisted the urge to pump her, and turned to look at Duck: "Do you have a belt?"

"Of course." Duck nodded slightly, and took "Into the Abyss" from his bag.

Then, without needing to say more from Professor Sylph, he immediately started to turn back from the position holding the sign.

Since it's just a cursory look, he's fast.

In less than a quarter of an hour, he turned over all the remaining parts, then raised his head and said solemnly: "No."

The corners of Professor Mitia's mouth curled up and said, "Then the cultivation method of this [Flashing Bug] can basically be determined by the third party."

"Compared to Masefield and Geoffrey, he looks a little bit special," Professor Shilf said.

Professor Lily's eyes lit up and said: "It seems that the [Brain Fluid Demon] parasitic in Fern Morse's brain was probably cultivated by that third party. Then "Into the Abyss" is also his thing?"

"It's possible he was the holder before Cameron Masefield," Professor Shilf said.

Then she looked at Professor Mitia and said, "In short, finding him means finding the answer."

Although it was a statement, it was clearly asking.

Professor Mitia laughed again: "Didn't I say it? Next, we may go astray, or we may be covered by fog, but there is no need to worry, there is only one end of the road, and the fog will eventually dissipate. Go, and the real hero will appear when the fog clears."

Professor Sylph:

( ̄e(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄Ware ̄///)



【Good morning m(o?w?o)m】

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