The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 814 Duck Dimon is really not a big star (4k)

Following Professor Lily, the city lord Montier Fali threw the half of the magic dragon's horn to Professor Mitia, and flew towards the eastern battlefield.

She probably doesn't know that "No. 2's target is No. 1"...

Hmm, that statement sounds a little strange.

In short, the city owner of Montiel Fali also has her own judgment, but without someone telling her that Werther has No. 1 hidden in her body, it is impossible for her to fully understand the truth.

If she had known that Aleister Eldridge's target was Werther, who was in the same carriage as Aurora, she probably wouldn't have rushed to support him.

After the war, most people are different, even the "Sun Warrior" who once fought so hard to kill the Demon King, has a concern that he can't let go of.

On the other side, Professor Jones pressed the [Golden Pocket Watch] into the back of the [Corpse Demon] Luo Luoluo, making his thinking and actions extremely slow - but this does not mean that the [Corpse Demon]'s The threat has been lifted.

[Gold pocket watch] is only delayed by the time in the body of the alchemy creature. Once it has the strength to get out of the body, it will immediately return to normal.

This means that [Corpse Demon] still has the possibility to release skills to the outside world.

And for him, because his thoughts and actions slowed down at the same time, he didn't immediately feel the feeling of suffocation after his own time became extremely slow, but only felt that the speed of the outside world suddenly increased, and he couldn't even see the pictures of the outside world.

In this case, once he actively isolates the external influence, or the internal and external state becomes relatively static, he will basically not be affected, and he can release his power normally within his own time perception.

Remember http://om for a second

Even if the release of this power is extremely slow to the outside world, it will eventually be released.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cut off its consciousness, or stimulate it from time to time to disrupt the flow of its magic power.

Based on the particularity of [Sewed Corpse], it is not easy to cut off its consciousness without killing it. On the contrary, the latter is easier to do, but it needs someone to watch.

Professor Jones considered it again and again, and finally decided to bring [Corpse Demon] Luo Luoluo to Professor Mitia and let her... figure it out!

Although she thought about taking this [Corpse Demon] back as a gift to Professor Kazel, it would be more convenient to kill it if needed.

In short, everything is left to Professor Mitia's judgment.

After she threw down this burden, her eyes narrowed, and she abruptly sat on the back of the dragon, and together with the [Mechanical Giant God], they slaughtered towards the east battlefield!

So in this western battlefield, there are only two groups of Sister Carrian, Duck and the others.

Sister Carrian's angel seed immediately re-wrapped the jelly after [Fragmented Angel] Dorothy disappeared, turning it back into an eight-star jelly angel.

She thought for a while, but instead of rushing to the battlefield, she chose to stay at the pumpkin carriage.

Among the crowd, her combat power is not ranked, especially her body strength is relatively insufficient. If she recklessly participates in the action of besieging and killing No. 2, it is likely to become a burden or even a breakthrough.

Therefore, it is better to stay behind the carriage to prevent the second dog from jumping off the wall.

In the end, Duck was dealing with the [Aries Rescue Team] who kept flying back with little bats.

Ollie has been carefully observing the condition of the little sheep, but found that [Vampire] Naral was so cautious that she was suffocating, and none of the little bats behaved abnormally.

She also did some research on vampires, and knew that the bats they disintegrated could fuse into big bats on a small scale, but Naral didn't do that.

This over-cautious focus on escaping only left her nowhere to be found.

"There's no other way. We can only catch as many bats as possible, boil them into soup, and cook something."

Ollie summoned a pot the size of a room to herself, and ordered the little sheep to throw all the little bats into the pot.

Of course, it is impossible for her to start cooking or stir-frying now. This pot is actually a kind of "prison cell", and the lid of the pot is a closed space.

It just took some time for the little sheep to return, so she didn't rush to the eastern battlefield as soon as possible.

And Oli didn't leave, of course Duck wouldn't be idle, exposing himself to completely unnecessary danger.

He descended in front of the pumpkin carriage, mentally calculated the remaining duration of [Night Tiger God], then shook his head, gave the order to [Blue-Eyes Young Dragon] to transform into [Dragon Egg], and then injected [Arrogance] into his egg. ⅳ] energy, so that it hatched into the seven-star [Blue-Eyes Yabai Dragon].

[Blue-Eyes Asian White Dragon] can summon [Light Mental Hall], and can also transform into [Blue-Eyes White Dragon]. Although it only lasts for thirty seconds, it is also a great help.

And at the critical moment, you can also use the two-star [Magic Beast: Fusion Cursed Creature Dragon] to merge with it and evolve into the nine-star [Blue-Eyes Double Burst Young Dragon].

Dak looked at the back of [Blue-eyed Yabailong], which was covered with cyan veins, and took a sharp breath, breaking the unsteady urge to ride on the dragon's back and rush to the battlefield, and then took out the [Astrology Lesson] from the card pack. The crystal ball card used immediately summoned a crystal ball and stuffed it into the claws of [Blue-Eyes Yabailong].

But after thinking about it, he retrieved the crystal ball and stuffed it into [Doron Baruto's] arms.

[Duolong Baruto] can be invisible, even if he participates in battle, he just shoots arrows from a distance, which is more suitable for being a photo frame than [Blue-Eyed Yabailong].


He glanced at Professor Mitya next to him, and sighed enviously.

I don't know when I will be able to control the crystal ball as Professor Mitia does.

Afterwards, he dispatched [Blue-Eyes Yabailong] and [Duolong Baruto] the task of rushing to the battlefield, and then turned around and walked into the carriage.

Half of the dragon horn of [Dead Swamp Demon Lizard] has been put into the carriage.

Aurora's two elves are sitting on the magic dragon's horn and sliding down the slide.

In the sky, a crystal ball with a diameter of more than one meter is floating.

The perspective in the crystal ball is constantly moving, and it should be transmitted synchronously by Professor Mitia.

Ophelia, Werther Gothe, and Aurora all sat around the huge crystal ball, observing the changes with different expressions.

Dak didn't disarm [Night Tiger God]'s armed evolution, he sat down beside Aurora and asked, "How is the situation?"

Aurora said clearly: "Professor Mitia is trying to break through the defense of No. 2 and create opportunities for [Blood Origin Juggernaut], but it doesn't seem easy now."

Inside the crystal ball, Aleister Eldridge just happened to have a hideous look of closing his mouth after swallowing the "black hole".

Professor Sylph paused for a moment, but reacted immediately, escaping quickly, and quickly distanced himself from Aleister Eldridge.

Then the picture in the crystal ball suddenly changed its perspective - apparently Professor Mitia switched the perspective to another crystal ball.

Inside the crystal ball, the [Blood Origin Juggernaut] who was receiving the protection of the [Wind Elf King] was displayed, and then the [Thundering Giant Peng] was displayed flying smoothly.

Then the scene zoomed in, the focus was on the beak of [Thundering Giant Peng], and it continued to zoom in, showing Professor Lily who was the first to arrive at the battlefield there...

For a while, the atmosphere in the car was a little weird.


Sister Carrian and Sister Mitia were entering the carriage at this time, one after the other.

[Corpse Demon] Luo Luoluo has been in the hands of Sister Carrian after several circulations.

After the two sat down separately, Sister Mitia couldn't help but ask, "Lily summoned..."

Sister Carrian said: "It's another goblin, it seems to be a magic wizard made out of Didi as the prototype."

Professor Mitia's mouth twitched: "But this is a twelve-star magic wizard, right?"

Sister Carrian said: "The goblins are a legendary race like the giants, and it is normal for them to be stronger."

Professor Mitia asked, "Who is Didi?"

Sister Carrian said, "Professor Didi Maxwell, former president of the House of Fools, you are late, it's normal if you don't know each other."

"I've heard the name." Professor Mitia said, and then switched perspectives to continue observing.

She just inquired about Didi's identity, and didn't pay attention to why Professor Lily just sat on the bird's beak and shook her feet instead of helping after she summoned him.

After all, she is a goblin, whatever she does is reasonable~


Soon, the figure of the city lord Montiel Fali was reflected in the crystal ball.

Aurora suddenly became nervous, her small fist clenched tightly.

Dak patted the back of her hand, signaling her not to be nervous, and at the same time, through his crystal ball, he issued an order to support the city lord Montiel Fali to [Blue-Eyed Yabailong].

【Sun Warrior】Although he is brave, he is slightly inferior in this level of battle.

However, Professor Jones, who followed closely, made everyone a little relieved.

Thinking about it carefully, the lineup at the end of the war and the final battle of the Demon King was almost the same.

Of course, the premise is that Professor Lily will stop laughing with his little hands and little feet there! ! !

Today, legends about the last battle are all over the place, and they have been adapted into various musicals by major troupes.

But there are different opinions, and there will be one or two version changes every once in a while.

That is, in the library of St. Mary's College, there are more detailed and credible records.

Moreover, in the class of the history of magic, Professor Ryan Hax also talked about that battle, and the students had a relatively deep understanding of it.

There were many people participating in the war at that time, and it was not as simple as one or two teams.

And their opponents are not just the Demon King alone, there are many powerful Demon Races on the side of the Demon King.

In fact, the battle scene at that time was extremely chaotic, and there was no... and there was no possibility of unified scheduling.

But the only certainty is that those who are qualified to refer to are the top group of powerhouses in the world at that time!

[Brave], [Valkyrie], and [Battlefield Saintess] are the three most outstanding representatives of human beings.

Human beings born in the era of peace, it is difficult to imagine the soldiers of that time sacrifice their lives to death.

In that fierce battle, there was no estrangement between the hundreds of clans, and there was no calculation between the forces. Everyone had only one goal—to defeat and seal the [Demon King]!

The [Brave] was on the verge of dying several times, but they were all forced back by the [Battle Maiden] and the [Valkyrie] who was dressed in the [Aries Palace Holy Dress].

Only then did the last [Brave] sacrifice himself and severely damage the [Demon King], and everyone worked together to seal it.

Without the full cooperation in that chaotic situation, the [Brave] would have already died, and the battlefield situation would not have been so

It is broken quickly, and even if it is possible to obtain the same victory in the end, the number of people who sacrificed in that battle will inevitably increase exponentially.

In any case, [Brave] Brett Gothe's sacrifice of his life has indeed saved many people.

But now, compared to that time, Professor Sylph, Professor Jones, and Professor Lily are already strong at that level.

As the Demon King, Aleister Eldridge has not been able to increase his strength significantly because he has been sealed for more than ten years. Even because he does not have a portable artifact, his strength has declined.

And even though the number of people on the human side has dwindled, it is the only one left on the Demon King's side.

The means possessed by the three professors at the moment were far from comparable to the environment at that time.

As long as we can keep our pace and implement the plan smoothly, we will surely be able to seal the Demon King again!


Dak closed his eyes and linked his magic power with the crystal ball, so that he could gain the vision of the crystal ball.

Watching the battle from the perspective of Professor Mitia, of course, it is better to choose the perspective yourself.

According to the instructions, 【Blue-Eyes Yabailong】chased after the city lord Montiel Fali and fought side by side with him.

[Duolong Baruto] quietly flew to Professor Lily's side, and while obtaining security, he also tried to explore Lily's thoughts at the moment.

But as soon as [Duolong Baruto] appeared, he was reduced to a long pillow and placed on the thighs of the two goblins... I can't think of it!

It tilted its belly, "meow" and enjoyed the caress of its four little hands, and almost lost Dak's crystal ball!

But even so, the crystal ball could only face Lily, and Duck's perspective became extremely narrow.

He suddenly opened his eyes and chose to give up!

"Let's watch Professor Mitia's ball with everyone."

Duck thought silently.


The battlefield situation eased slightly after Aleister Aldridge devoured "Black Hole".

It seems to be digesting something.

However, Professor Shilf felt that he had to re-evaluate Aleister Eldridge's power, so he stopped temporarily.

The two sides longed for half a minute in relative tacit understanding.

Aleister Aldridge didn't seem to do anything.

Professor Sylph was waiting to come to support!

The city lord of Montiel Fali was fierce, and started to charge up when he was about to approach. The sun elf cooperated with the blood of the sun-struck giant to make it ignite a high-temperature flame that rose to the sky, and the whole person almost turned into a burning man!

Naturally, the city master clothes that were too late to be replaced were turned into ashes.

But its body surface is surrounded by flames, wrapping important parts, so that no light leaks.

It's a pity that she couldn't mobilize the divine power of the sun like Aurora, and she didn't get the favor of the Elf King of Fire.

But her aura still brought a will like dawn to the battle.

Among the city residents who looked up at the battlefield on the ground, some people recognized the fighting attitude of the city lord, and they could not help spreading the word, exclaiming, and in a blink of an eye, there were groups of people who knew that the city lord also joined the team after winning a victory. The most crucial battle of the field.

With the brilliance of the city lord Montiel Fali shining, the citizens of the free city seem to have the backbone.

Even if there are occasional omissions in political affairs, Lord City Lord is the only sun with great leadership in battle!

Her joining, in the hearts of many people, represents victory.


Professor Sylph saw the support of the city lord Montiel Fali, and there was a breeze blowing between his thoughts.

That wisp of [Blessing of the Spirit of the Wind] penetrated into the hair of the city lord Montier Fali, and the fire suddenly soared by the wind!

City Lord Montiel Fali completely turned into a human-shaped rocket, dragging a long flame into Aleister Eldridge.

Aleister Eldridge suddenly twisted his head, his right hand turned into a water dragon, and he grabbed the city lord Montier Fali!


Steam up.

The flame inverse attribute broke through the head of the water dragon wrapped in the giant palm.

Aleister Eldridge was forced to step back, and there were already scorch marks in his palms, and his entire arm was also under great pressure.


City Lord Montiel Fali let out a loud roar, and executed a furious and furious combo of the culprit who indirectly killed many high-level officials in the city of freedom.

Her body was burning with flames, every punch, every elbow, and every foot was boosted by a burst of flames. The power of giants, the power of flames and the power of storms merged into one, and in a very short period of time, she showed that she had surpassed her peak. explosive force.

At this moment, Aleister Eldridge appeared powerless to parry.

But if you look closely, you will find that its face is always cold, even if there are many burns on its body and many broken bones, it does not care too much.

When the city lord of Montiel Fali gathered all his strength and threw the strongest and fiercest punch at its head.

It raised its head suddenly, like a dragon absorbing water, and slammed the flames from its fist into its mouth.

The flames on City Lord Montier Fali disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her fists weakened instantly. Although she still had the power to open up mountains and crack the earth, she was no longer able to pose a fatal threat to the demon king in front of her.


Just as Aleister Eldridge was about to counterattack, a dragon roar suddenly sounded in the sky, and a blazing white beam of light burst out from his right side.

And almost at the same time, the wind blade as thin as a thin line came from its left side.

Aleister Eldridge made a judgment in an instant. The wind blade on the left was shot by Professor Sylph, which was sharp enough to break through its defense and cut off its arm.

The fist from the front of the city lord Montier Fali has no flame, but it has the possibility of serious injury.

Only the blazing white light column on the left, although it is a light-type nirvana, is not a cause for concern.

So it turned sideways to avoid the punch from the front, waved to "bite" the wind blade on the right, and carried the white light on the left with its back.

Sure enough, that white light only burned the skin and damaged the flesh and blood, and it healed in seconds—no healing!

The gray-white destruction factor covers the surface of the wound, preventing the wound from healing.

A warning omen flashed across Aleister Eldridge's heart, and then he was hit in the chin by a right uppercut from Lord Montilferry's very quick response!


Feeling that her energy was already extremely weak, Montiel Fali did not "chasing after the victory" and retreated at a very fast speed.

She needs some time to regain her energy.

And when she stepped back, a storm swept over, and Professor Sylph took her place without a gap. [The Flower of the Wind] set off an invisible blade and strangled Aleister Eldridge. past.

Countless mouths suddenly appeared on Aleister Eldridge's body.

One of the [mouths] drilled out from behind it suddenly opened its mouth and bit off the wound caused by the [Jet White Light of Destruction], the [mouth] immediately cut off its roots, and the wounds on both sides began to heal quickly.

And from the front of it, countless [mouths] were drilled, and they gnawed at Professor Sylph.

The countless [mouths] were combined, and a fist-sized black hole appeared in the space.

The invisible blade of [The Flower of the Wind] can't break through!


Suddenly there was a sound of thunder above the head.

A pillar of thunder burst down.

But it wasn't Aleister Eldridge who brought it, but Professor Jones' [cyborg giant] who called Thunder.

But even this thunder energy was swallowed up by that [mouth] in an instant.

very obvious.

Aleister Eldridge acquired the ability to devour space at least for a short time after devouring the previous "black hole".

"Pava, stabilize the space!"

Professor Sylph who reappeared suddenly shouted.

Professor Jones, who had already rushed over on a dragon, immediately summoned [Ghost Evil Ray] and ordered it to fight [Evil Eyes].

As the number of [Ghost Rays] increased in large numbers, the space including the place where Aleister Eldridge was located suddenly became stronger than steel plates.

Whether it is teleportation or teleportation, it can no longer be used in this space.

Aleister Eldridge's countless [mouths] could no longer easily bite out of black holes in space.

Professor Sylph appeared in the vicinity of Aleister Aldridge after that moment, and with a slight twist of the skirt, three circles of invisible blades unfolded into a ring, turning him into a powerful weapon.

The three circles of invisible blades revolved at high speed, the wind blades lashed, and almost instantly cut off countless [mouths], cut through Aleister Eldridge's surface defense, and even crushed his muscles and penetrated deep into the air. Bones, the bones that come into contact are also twisted into pieces!

——Without step-by-step, without advance prediction, Professor Sylph’s outbreak was silent.

Half of Aleister Eldridge's body showed flesh and blood, blood vessels, and bones in just one second, and then the blood foam flew and exploded into blood mist!

The blood mist contained highly poisonous, but Professor Sylph's body surface had already formed a small-scale independent space, completely cut off from the outside air, and no amount of deadly poison could penetrate.

Her eyes burst into flames, and a magic card in her arms instantly excited, but the moment Professor Jones arrived, she had already entered the planning stage.

"In the name of Sarah Sylph, the sorcerer summons—[Contract Shackles]!"

A [Deed] character text suddenly shot out from the card face of the magic card, and was directly printed on the half of Aleister Eldridge's body that was healing at a high speed.

Aleister Eldridge actually had some "situation under control" slack at the previous moment, but now he has fallen into a frenzy.

A sense of fear in the depths of his soul suddenly poured out, and it couldn't help but want to suppress it, but couldn't suppress it.

From the moment of confrontation with Professor Sylph, it has completely fallen into a state of power and nowhere to use, this feeling is very bad, so it is eager to open up the situation, and has made a lot of efforts to this end.

However, the other party is obviously prepared, and it is very clear about its details. Various means are either avoided or hedged.

Now that the opponent suddenly broke out, it actually felt a rare feeling of being unable to stop it.

The last time I had this feeling was when I faced [Brave] Bright Gothe's [Holy Sword Reincarnation], or [Valkyrie] Yarvette St. Dimon's [Zodiac Zodiac Amazement] time.

Unexpectedly, just after escaping from the seal for half a year, I once again realized this shame.

Aleister Eldridge's mind collapsed to the limit in an instant, and the remaining right half of his body was entangled with thunder, ice crystals and rock snakes, trying his best to resist [

The triple invisible ring blade of the Flower of the Wind].

It successfully blocked Professor Sylph's further attacks, but the next moment it was planted into the [Contract Shackles]!

Feeling the power of the [Contract Shackles], Aleister Eldridge's heart flashed a little doubt.

There are thousands of contract-type spells, and this [Contract Shackles] is just one of the unsurprising contract links, and the effect it has is limited. It can only allow both parties to the contract to share the same positive or negative effects in a short period of time. .

This thing was originally used to save lives. It can split the effect of 100% instant death spells into two, so that both parties to the contract only receive 50%, thus becoming one of the standard methods for cracking instant death spells. .

And this contract is to divide the negative effects equally, and then calculate the true damage according to their respective effect resistances.

As a Demon Lord, Aleister Eldridge is extremely resistant to any negative effects, and a few have even reached the level of immunity.

Therefore, even if you want to use this [Contract Shackles] to attack it indirectly, it is difficult to do so.

Moreover, 【Contract】is here, where is 【Covenant】?

Aleister Eldridge found that he hadn't found the rune of [Joy].


But through the crystal ball in [Doron Baruto]'s arms, Dak Dimon saw that Professor Lily put another [Contract Shackles] like a note after he lost a ghost card. The magic card was pasted on [Diddy Maxwell]'s forehead.

Then Professor Lily sighed and said, "Disintegrate."

A faint smile appeared on [Didi Maxwell]'s face, and that smile disintegrated like sand in an instant.

Its whole body disintegrated in that instant, turned into the smallest particles, and scattered with the wind.


Aleister Eldridge felt a hint of sadness inexplicably, and then the mind mixed with anger, doubt and sadness collapsed at the same time.

Its half body did not collapse like [Diddy Maxwell], but it was also torn apart.


Inside the pumpkin carriage.

Professor Mitia has closed his eyes, and the crystal ball in the car is fixed on Aleister Eldridge's perspective.

Ophelia and Sister Carrian both looked solemn and were ready to guard at any moment.

Professor Mitia's right hand stood in the middle, with a magic card sandwiched between his index and middle fingers.

There are two lines drawn on the card surface of this magic card.

One is a blue line and the other is a red curve.

The two lines run parallel at first and then bend suddenly at the end.

Its name is——【Great Prophecy】!


In an instant, [Blood Origin Juggernaut] opened his eyes.

[Sylph, the Elf King of the Wind] whispered in his ear.

The sword intent on its body has been completely illusory after receiving the blessing of the [Wind Spirit King].

From a distance, it seems that there is a sword-shaped phantom covering the whole body.

The bottom of the sword-shaped phantom is blood red, the color in the middle fades, and the tip of the sword is completely transparent.

The divine energy was condensed but not scattered, and the thin strands were completely integrated into the sword intent.

The figure of [Blood Origin Juggernaut] flashed and disappeared into the air in an instant.


Aleister Aldridge did not die after falling apart.

In fact, even if he reincarnated without a container, his own vitality had already reached the inhuman realm.

The wound on its half body that was smashed into blood mist is still healing, and the torn body is also connected by blood threads, and it is about to be reorganized.

Even the spattered blood is flowing back.

It doesn't take much time to get it back like this.

This terrifying "immortality" is its biggest reliance.


Professor Sylph threw away the [Contract Shackles], and then took out a golden ball from his arms and injected magic power to activate it.

But its body was pushed away slightly, leaving a line of distance.

A sword force was pressed down out of thin air, with a tinge of blood-colored wind passing through his side.

When the figure of [Blood Origin Juggernaut] stared, [Blood Sacred Sword] had passed through the bloodshot-connected body of Aleister Eldridge.

"Secret Sword Nine Style!"



Suddenly, a dragon roar that was even more deafening than thunder erupted in the void.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and the moonlight and starlight scattered in the world.

Standing on the ground, I could only see a dragon-shaped phantom of nearly a hundred meters whizzing past, swallowing the bloody and terrifying demons in one bite.

On the [Blood Sacred Sword] of [Blood Origin Juggernaut], the dragon-shaped alien beasts are tightly entwined, the momentum of the holy sword condenses into reality, and the shape of a giant dragon emerges in the sky.

Aleister Eldridge fell into chaos in an instant just when he was still relatively clear.

Its breath has weakened to the extreme, and the natural restraint of the holy sword has suppressed its magic power and consciousness to the bottom.

At that moment, it almost thought it was dead.

But Professor Sylph's grasp was at its peak, and [Sylph, the Elf King of the Wind] returned to her side.

She chanted the seal spell to the dying Aleister Aldridge.

The golden ball in his hand, the sealing device that Professor Kazel made with his own hands-【Sphere of Truth】, lit up.

A small circle appeared in the middle of the [Ball of Truth], and with this small circle as the center, a straight line extended to each side.

The line opens, and the power of the seal fluctuates.


Professor Mitia was concentrating, and at almost the same time, he inspired the [Great Prophecy].

The trajectory of fate was stirred, and the development of events shifted slightly in the direction expected by the caster.

Aleister Eldridge's last line of escape may also be sealed.

The sealing power of the [Ball of Truth] exploded instantly, releasing a great suction force.

Without any suspense, the remnant of Aleister Eldridge was sucked into it.

[The Sphere of Truth] slowly closed.


caught you! Demon King II!


Professor Mitia showed a sincere smile.


Dak Dimon developed a strange feeling of catching Pokémon with a Poké Ball.


Professor Sylph was still cautious and focused on checking whether the seal of the [Sphere of Truth] was perfect.

[Blood Origin Juggernaut] took a breath, a soft smile appeared on his face, and then his whole body collapsed, turning into a magical starlight.

[Sylph, the Elf King of the Wind], stretched out his hand to catch the falling [Holy Sword Curse].

Professor Jones stood on top of the flying dragon, and the five fingers of the mechanical arm were bent and stretched.

Professor Lily rolled over and sat on the belly of [Doron Baruto], forcing it to lie down and fly towards this side.

[Blue-eyed Yabailong] flew under the body of the city lord of Montiel Fali, giving the exhausted city lord a place to rest.

Inside the pumpkin carriage, Werther Gold asked nervously, "Did the seal succeed?"

Ophelia looked at the [Blood Origin Juggernaut] who had returned to the magic card, and thoughtfully said, "It should be a success."

She had never seen the Demon King being sealed, but she could feel that the aura she hated had completely disappeared.

Professor Mitia didn't open his eyes until then, put the [Great Prophecy] carefully, and said, "There is no emergency."

That said, make sure it's correct!

With the astrologer's confirmation, everyone in the carriage couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Don't look at how this war seems to be going very well so far.

But the whole battle process is dancing on the wire rope, which is extremely dangerous.

Except for Professor Lily and the maids, almost everyone has done their best.

Although the strength of the Demon King was expected, the strength of his Demon Race was unexpected.

If it weren't for the awakening of the demons themselves who did not die for the demon king, the difficulty of this war would have increased by at least two stars.

Moreover, if it wasn't for the efforts of Professor Mitia, Ophelia, and Aurora, they would have lost everything when the carriage was locked by the Demon King.

It can only be said that in this war, any problems in any link can not bring about such a perfect result.

Fortunately, now you can finally enjoy the fruits of victory!

Duck picked up a cup of tea and was about to have a drink with Aurora, but found that Aurora's expression was not happy.

He suddenly concentrated, and instantly put the tea into his mouth.

This time, no one from the academy suffered any loss, but the loss to the City of Freedom was incalculable.

And in today's capital of freedom, there are actually a lot of bugs hidden, and they are far from the time to celebrate.

He pursed his lips and put the rim of the teacup on his lips, pecking the water a little, thinking slowly.

He didn't notice that Aurora's face was red to the base of his ears, like a small apple.

"That's someone's cup..."


[Cracking the Sea of ​​Thunder] It has dissipated, and the clouds and winds in the night sky have returned to clarity.

Natural disasters are often like this, come from the sky, but do not return to the sky.

The disaster has passed, the sky has no trace, but the ground has a deep calamity.

I don't know who conveyed the news of the victory of the war. After a short period of mourning, the people on the ground began to celebrate with the characteristics of the city of freedom.

The tide of monsters on both sides of the north and south is still attacking the city, but after such a long period of buffering, the city has mobilized more people to support it.

Professor Steven Harvey's Sea of ​​the Undead, after expelling all the monsters in the west, opened to the north and south.

It is expected that the monsters surrounding the city will be cleared up soon.

At that time, beyond the three city walls, it will become a treasure land for scavengers.

Countless beasts are buried here. Although most of the flesh and blood has been decayed under the action of undead magic, the crystals, bones, horns, etc. left by the beasts are still very valuable.

Moreover, the decay of flesh and blood is conducive to large-scale cleaning, and it will not cause plagues due to decay because the corpses are not disposed of in time.

However, even if Professor Steven Harvey revokes the undead spell, returning the soul to the soul and the earth to the earth, the Free City still needs to hire priests to walk back and forth on the battlefield and spread the light of purification all over the land before it can open. .

But that was another carnival.

At this point the dust has settled, except for Steven, who is still hard at work

·Professor Harvey and everyone except the city lord Montiel Fali, who hurried to maintain the stability of the city, have already got into the pumpkin carriage.

The space in the carriage can be extended moderately, and it will not appear crowded because of the crowding of so many people.

Everyone was sitting around, but they were staring at the [Sphere of Truth] placed on the table.

This [Ball of Truth] has a gold casing, but it is actually a hollowed-out shape with a transparent spherical wall inside.

If you look closely now, you can see Aleister Eldridge sealed inside with the naked eye.

Half of Aleister Eldridge's body has been fitted, but the surface of the body is covered with blood lines, apparently just sticking together, not healing.

Its body was divided in two, and the cross section was covered with a layer of coagulated plasma, and nothing else could be seen.

Compared with the situation of being sealed in the holy religion, it is obviously more miserable now.

A group of people stared at the [Ball of Truth], and at this time they finally had the time to think about a question that they had been thinking about before.

After catching the second, what should I do?


Just sealing is not enough.

After having the experience of [Blood Princess] Ophelia, everyone here already knows that through the container, the seal can be bypassed, the Demon King can be killed and reincarnated.

Although this route has only been traveled by [Blood Princess] for more than ten years, it is inevitable that there will be a second time.

What's more, the future era will become more unpredictable due to the recovery of the gods, and everything is difficult to say.

The best, of course, is to find a once-and-for-all solution.

Moreover, the [Demon King No. 1] in Werther's body is also time to consider how to solve it.



[Today is also a 4D update of one chapter on top of five chapters, ask for a monthly pass, don’t let the time for double monthly passes pass! 】

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