The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 815 [Daily Wants Tickets] Dark Dimon's City of Bliss (10k)

Chapter 815 [Daily Wants Tickets]? Dak Dimon's City of Bliss


Facing Claudia Meg-senpai's invitation, Duck was puzzled, but still responded with a smile: "Of course.

Can. "

Immediately, the two quickened their pace a little, and it didn't take long for them to enter the player channel.

The sight and sound from the audience gradually disappeared.

Dak walked by the wall, stopped, and asked curiously, "Sister, is there something wrong with me??"

Claudia Meg had already made up her mind on the way, but this -?- opened her mouth and said, "I want to ask,

How did you do it, and how did you get rid of the [Great Ape King] fusion?

Ducker paused and said, "I haven't thoroughly researched this issue yet."

"Yes, yes." Claudia Meg lost the topic immediately.

The first website is m.9biquge.

She was not a good sociable person in the first place. This time, she asked for someone else? It was a slightly rhetorical request, even more so

No export.

And although Dak is kind and handsome, it is impossible to guess her true purpose in this situation, even if she wants to

There was no way to help, so I could only look at her with a smile.

The atmosphere was stagnant because of this.

After all, Claudia Meg is a senior, and she has a clear understanding of the fact that she is an older person.

Therefore, after a stalemate for a while, she finally raised her head, holding a half self-defeating mentality, gritted her teeth:

Actually, I have a friend

"Cough! Cough!" Duck coughed subconsciously. He was too familiar with the beginning of this pattern.

Claudia Meg was a little stunned, suddenly realized, and quickly said, "No, I really have a friend.


A smile appeared on Dak's face again, and he said, "I understand!? So, are your friends any help?

"You know a strawberry watermelon pineapple pie!" Claudia was anxious.

"Strawberry, watermelon and pineapple pie, I like them all," Duck said.

Claudia Meg suddenly puffed out her cheeks, and a nameless fire rose in her heart, but her tone increased because of this.

Quick: "Anyway, I have a friend who wants me to tell you a word for her, and she will support you. Then, this is

Her [flower card], she wants you to sign the back of the [flower card], that's it! Got it?"

"Understood." Duck nodded, but he believed that this senior sister really had a friend.

After all, he just had a duel with Meg-senpai, and he defeated her cleanly.

If he wants to sign, it can't be her!


"Do I really have fans?

Dak thought to himself, and suddenly there was a hint of complacency.

[Pride +1]

Of course he knows that he has gained a lot of fans recently, but after all, those fans exist in the audience.

In the audience, it gave him the feeling that he was far away from a screen, but in fact he didn't have a particularly real experience.

Now, this is the first time someone has put this fact in front of him.

This feeling, to be honest, is really good!

"Is this what it's like to be a star?"

Duck touched his nose, then stretched out his hand and said, "If you sign your name, do you have a pen with you?"

"Yes!" Claudia Meg immediately took a pen from her pouch.

Duck took the pen, and then reached for Claudia Meg's [flower card].

There are two [flower cards].

He turned the two [flower cards] to the back together, wrote and said:

"Do you have to sign both?"

Claudia Meg said calmly, "I have two friends.?"

"Yeah." Duck responded.

If Meg-senpai hadn't pointed it out, he thought it was her friend who wanted two autographs

It's just two signatures, and Duck will of course sign them soon.

After he handed back the [flower card] and pen to Sister Meg, he continued to walk: "Sister, your friend is also

Sixth grade?’

Claudia Meg said: "Yes.? My friend also wants me to tell you that she really wants to see

You can advance to the top sixteen on the [Golden Cup].

Duck laughed: "Very? Thanks for her blessings, I will do my best."

The two walked and chatted, but they soon reached the entrance on the other side.

Dak suddenly saw a small head emerge from the entrance of the passage, ? He waved hard at Meg-senpai here.

Claudia Meg said quickly: 'My friend has come to see me. See you next time, Junior Dimon!

Dak stopped and waved: "Okay, see you next time.

Claudia Meg trotted towards the passage, then took Kaileen Murman's hand and ran.

"Hey, where's my autograph? Did you get it for me?

"I want it, I want it!"

The voices of the two senpai and their backs gradually disappeared to the end.

Duck couldn't help smiling, and the steps became more relaxed.

He didn't know, he was learning

The first fan club in the hospital was born today

Since he had already made an appointment with Claire to continue today, Duck left the open-air dueling hall and walked towards the teacher's dormitory.


Not long after that, he knocked on Claire's door and entered.

The research on how to integrate [Bliss Magic Pattern] into [Paradise] has actually come to an end last night

Duck didn't get too involved in this, basically it was all done by Claire alone, but

Through observation and learning, he has a solid understanding of the general framework of [Paradise].

Although, if he was asked to refine [Paradise], he probably wouldn't be able to do it, but he finally figured out some of the principles, and he has the entry point for research.

After he has enough accumulation, he can start from the entry point and deepen the refinement of [Paradise].

into research.

Of course, the difficulty of developing and creating a magic card is simply impossible with learning and re-engraving a magic card.


The more Dak understands, the more he understands the gap between himself and the [Sage of the Beast].

This allows him not to be blinded by the rapid rise in dueling strength.

He knew very well what he was relying on, and it was not pure accumulation of knowledge.

A tall building without a foundation is just a castle in the sky.

Research continues.

Claire deliberately waited until Duck arrived before finishing this research.

But this ending took a whole morning.

It was not until 2:00 pm that the entire research process was officially announced.

Claire not only determined that [Magic Pattern of Bliss] can be integrated into [Paradise], but also researched the specific

method, and have all the materials needed for the upgrade ready.

Next, it's up to Duck to do it himself!

Duck has been preparing for this for a long time, and naturally he will not have the slightest stage fright.

[Paradise] Although the specific details of the upgrade have changed a lot, the overall framework remains the same, and it is still divided into

Four parts.

That is, deconstruction, entry, adjustment and melting.

Among them, the core material required for smelting is [Bliss Magic Pattern], and it must be [Bliss] as the ink, book

Written [Elysium Magic Pattern]?!

Duck invested all the [Stem of Bliss] that has been preserved so far, and added a few

[Lunar version of Bliss], and finally debugged a tube of pink "ink".

Claire looked at the tube of "ink" and was amazed.

After that, Dak took out the [Magic Spirit Card]?-one he had prepared.

According to the original idea, he will enter ten more magic wizards in each upgrade of [Paradise].

But everything has to be flexible.

So he decided to record all the existing magic wizards who have turned on the intellect!

As for the magic wizards who have not turned on the wisdom, they will selectively enter a few.

Originally [Cage Cage: Agumon].

Then there's [Spiritual Insect].

Then [Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart Eyes], [Magic Beast:? God of Destruction], [Death Coffin]?, [Duolongba]

Luto], [Minas]?, [Fairy tale animals? Little rabbit], [cute beast]?, [Black big-eared beast]?, [Volume

Curly Ears], [Moon God Beast], [Cage Cage: Gabu Beast], [Flame Lion Beast], [Flaming Dragon. Burst Dragon], [

Ruth's Black Flame Dragon Lv4], [Fire-breathing Dragon]?, [Poison Babe]?, [Smelly Mud]?, [Fire Chicken]?.

In addition, [Magnetic Monster]? As a golem, even if it can be sealed in [Cage], it cannot be recorded in [Music].


And Claire's Christmas present, [Adventure Bird]?, was also excluded.

Therefore, it was finally selected to be entered into [Paradise], a total of 20 magic wizard cards.

These 20 magic wizard cards plus the 20 originally entered, make a total of 40 cards.

Basically, this is the limit of what Dak can do today.

Entering too many magic wizard cards in the early stage will only make it more difficult to upgrade the [Paradise] in the later stage.

He prepared a total of forty magic wizard cards, and under the support of Claire, he began to challenge the [Paradise]",

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