The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 816 [Ask for a Monthly Ticket] Dak Dimon's Way of the Magic Wizard. (8k)

As for how to do it once and for all, Professor Sylph and others actually have some clues. After all, they really participated in that incident and left a very deep impression on some things.

But in any case, that is not a plan that can be executed here.

"We should call Number One and ask," suggested Professor Jones.

"And this [Corpse Demon], I have to deal with it first." Sister Carrian complained while covering her nose.

"I don't even think my carriage stinks, so you started?" Professor Mitia smiled and said, "With two black beasts missing, I also need to find one or two replacements."

"Let the flying dragon press down first." Professor Sylph shook his head and said, "There is still a pot of bat porridge in the car."

A [Corpse Demon], half a [Dragon Horn], a pot of [Bat Incarnation], a [Phantom Eye] wand, and a [Toy] were the unexpected gains of their trip.

Compared with these harvests, the salon dragon crystals and keels that Dak left behind on the way here are like rotten apples in the garbage heap.

"Go back to the City Lord's Mansion." Professor Mitia laughed again, "It's just that Lord City Lord may not have time to entertain us, but... we have a small City Lord."

After speaking, she got up and walked out, took out a rein and tied it to the neck of a bipedal dragon, and ordered it to pull the cart.

So a carriage pulled by a flying dragon, four flying dragons following it, and a huge [toy] with a wingspan of 30 meters flew mighty toward the city lord's mansion.

Remember the URL m.9biquge.

If it weren't for the dark sky, it would surely frighten many people.

In fact, everyone did not expect to complete the purpose of this trip on the first day of arriving in this free city, so the next action plan is still somewhat unclear.

According to Professor Sylph's temperament, it is natural to bring the [Sphere of Truth] and return to the academy as soon as possible.

But after the mission was completed, the team was no longer hers.

There are not one or two people who want to stroll around in this particularly special city.


There was no change in the city lord's mansion. Although it was not at the level of "the war outside the city is raging, the song and dance in the city are peaceful", but in fact, as long as there is no large-scale tide of monsters like today, the residents of the city will live as they should. .

Now, the few servants, chefs and others in the city lord's mansion are just worrying, and worrying a little more is enough.

When the flying dragons landed one after another, people came to greet them soon, but the people who came looked up at the [Thundering Giant Peng] who covered the sky and the sun, and the words they wanted to say were blocked in their throats.

"Don't worry, it's just a bird we picked up outside, and it won't eat people." Professor Lily said in a frightening voice, and then was taught a lesson by Professor Sylph.

After that, Duck quickly returned to the room assigned to him and hugged the little aunt Huoniao who flew over.

Of course, he couldn't have brought Auntie Bird with him when he personally entered a dangerous situation, so he left Auntie Bird, Little Magneto and Little Evil Monster in the room from the beginning.

Now that he returned to the City Lord's Mansion, he immediately came to the room to pick up the three little guys, and then gathered with everyone in the previous conference room.

Professor Sylph summoned two wind spirits and let them fly around the conference room to form a circle.

Aurora is not here, she started to order dinner as soon as she arrived in the mansion, and she should be in the kitchen at this time.

"Let's deal with this [Corpse Demon] first." Professor Sylph said, "Close up the five senses."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and finally focused their attention on Professor Jones.

Whoever picks it up will handle it.

Professor Jones frowned slightly, then took out a wand, pointed at [Corpse Demon] Luo Luoluo, and directly wrapped it into colorful dumplings with various magics.

Only then did Professor Sylph take out the [switch] and turned to Werther.

Werther sat obediently in the chair, not daring to say more.

When the hat on his head turned from green to red, the second consciousness was switched out.

Probably because of the habitual reasons, the second consciousness seems very calm.

Also because it is night now, it is difficult to perceive the existence of No. 2, and it still knows nothing about what happened in the capital of freedom tonight.

It is even more impossible to know that the last rescue it was thinking of, has been locked in the Poké Ball... [Ball of Truth]!

Professor Sylph wrinkled, still took out the [Sphere of Truth], held it in the palm of his hand and asked, "Look at what this is?"

"What? A golden king begging..." The second consciousness replied subconsciously, and when he said "ball", the whole person trembled.

"Confirmed, it is the so-called comrade it has always perceived." [Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart Eyes] walked out from behind and said in a flat tone.

The second consciousness trembled, immediately cut off a certain idea that had just emerged, and struggled on the spot: "The half-life you promised!"

Professor Sylph nodded and said, "Well, I'll keep it for you."

Then she pressed the [switch] and watched Werther's hat turn from red to green, and then said, "It seems that there is no problem?"

"It's good to confirm it." Professor Mitia said, "Then how to deal with [Number 1]?"

Professor Shilf said: "If you can, of course, cut it out of Werther as soon as possible. It should be

There's no use value anymore... I mean, [No. 3] won't appear, right? "

They did not forget the double [Apocalypse] of Dark and Eudora.

But [Number 1] did not perceive existence other than [Number 2], and there was no sign of the existence of [Number 3] around [Number 2].

All kinds of phenomena can only be deduced, or the [Three] of [Apocalypse] does not refer to the three demon kings, or the [Number Three] has not yet appeared.

After all, the time for [Apocalypse] to be fulfilled will most likely be after the start of the second semester, and now it is just a small long vacation between the two semesters, and the time is not right.

And since they have seized [Number 1] and [Number 2] in advance, the things predicted by [Apocalypse] may have changed because of this.

Basically, prophecy is what it is all about.

Sometimes prophecy becomes part of what leads to a future fulfillment.

Sometimes prophecy can stand on its own, making it an important factor in future change.

The soothsayer couldn't tell at all at this point.

Affected people can only wait for the dust to settle before they know whether they have successfully changed their lives.

Regarding the possibility of [No. 3], we can only be as cautious as possible for the present.

And whether in terms of safety or other aspects, they can't let [Number One] continue to stay in Werther's body.

And how the follow-up plan can be realized, it is not impossible to continue to locate [No. 3] after it appears.


There is not much objection to this matter itself, and Ophelia has an urgent need for it, so it quickly passed the collective vote smoothly.

The only problem is that the second executors, Professor Steven Harvey and Professor Kazel, were not present~

In short, after they made the decision to precisely cut the souls of [Number 1] and Werther, they made plans one after another for the final treatment of [Number 1] and [Number 2].

Then the dinner was ready, Professor Sylph removed the wind barrier, and everyone ate together talking and laughing.

The laughter lingers, and the night deepens.

Grief is always healed.


December 28th.

Counting it down, it has only been two days since the end of Christmas.

Rarely, Dak woke up later than Aunt Huo Niao. He moved Aunt Huo Niao, who was squatting on his face "hatching eggs", and staggered out of bed.

At eleven o'clock last night, Professor Steven Harvey returned from outside and brought the good news that all the monsters had been driven out, and then everyone went back to their rooms in peace.

But the turmoil in the capital of freedom did not end there.

Night is the best time for evil to breed.

From the battle last night, the demons who had been completely defeated by the demons chose to flee at the same time.

Although all the gates of the city of freedom have been firmly closed, snakes have snake paths, rats have rat paths, and they will always find a way to pass through the city walls.

As for the city lord of Montiel Fali, of course, it is impossible for these demons who have violated the city to easily let go.

She immediately organized an army that could be organized in the city, and placed a huge reward for the remnants of the demon clan in the adventure guild, and then took the insane [Magic Beast: Goddess of Heart] and swept around the city.

Without the demon king and the black-robed demons, those ordinary demons were not her enemies at all. She swept away extremely ruthlessly, and I don't know how many demons were burned overnight.

Even when the sun rose the next day, she had no intention of stopping.

But the spirit and physique of [Sun Warrior] are enough to support her to sleep for several days.

In short, her search for the entire city of the demons inevitably added a bit of chilling atmosphere to the city.

And when the sky was bright outside, Aurora Montilfali woke up early.

She didn't make breakfast for Duck, and the first thing she did after getting up was to take over the internal affairs of the city again and get busy in an orderly manner.

The whole city has a different kind of vitality at the same time.

On the other side, after Dak got up to wash and eat, he gathered with Oli and the others, and started to make [bat porridge] in the open space behind the city lord's mansion!

Ollie set up the cauldron in the open space, summoned the fire-type magic wizard and stuffed it under the cauldron, then took a lot of basic materials from Dak's luggage and put them all into the cauldron full of bats. .

Although Duck knew that she was cooking potion, it looked more like cooking a big pot of rice no matter what.

Combined with the identity of the [Head Maid of Aries Palace], it is more like the same thing.

After a short time, black smoke began to rise from the pot.

That black gas, which was more foul-smelling than the exhaust gas from the chimney of the factory, came out crookedly.

Dak covered his mouth and nose subconsciously, and Eve, Angry, auntie Huoniao, and the little evil beast who were sitting beside him all made the same action.

But Ollie is worthy of being the owner of the [Golden Saint Clothes Aries Palace], so she continued to cook without changing her face.

It didn't take long for Professor Lily, who was too smoked, to knock on the door, and then... set up a pot on the other side not far away!

Dak's few remaining basic materials have also been stripped away!

"Can you stop catching a sheep's wool?"

He couldn't help rolling his eyes, but watching

is very serious.

Ollie's potion cooking method may not be very clever, but her basic theory is solid. It's like "concentration is the essence" or something.

On Professor Lily's side, he couldn't understand it at all.

Duck watched her pour various untreated materials into the tongs pot, and then forcibly used magic power to peel off the impurities during the cooking process, and the whole person was sweating.

Professor Thompson has not taught this yet.

In short, relying on her deep magic power reserve and powerful magic power control ability, she just turned the delicate potion into a cauldron like Oli next door.

Of course it doesn't rule out that she did it on purpose.

And after boiling a pot of clear and transparent liquid, she began to pluck the hairs from [Thundering Giant Peng]... Yes, pluck the hairs!

On the wings, on the tail, on the stomach, on the back, on the top of the head... Feathers were pulled out by the roots, and then they were put into the pot and the sword melted.

In the end, she also took out a stone wrapped with electric current from the electric bag of [Thundering Giant Peng], and then threw it into the fruit.


Professor Lily came first and finished refining the potion first.

She carefully poured the last remaining potion, which was as much as the bottom of a pot, into a glass test tube, and then showed it to Duck as a show off.

"Dangdang, guess what this is?" The little goblin's smile was sweet.

Dark said: "The nectar of the goblin."

"It's the Nirvana potion." Professor Lily said with a smile, "Of course, it's not the kind of Nirvana potion that can bring the dead back to life. Just watch it!"

Saying that, she patted her chest triumphantly, then flapped her wings and flew into the air, calling down the [Thundering Giant Peng] hovering high in the sky.

With the whistling sound like lightning and thunder, the [Thundering Giant Peng] swooped down.

Professor Lily threw it casually, and the drug test tube wrapped in magic was thrown into the mouth of [Thundering Giant Peng].

With a click, the test tube was bitten into pieces.

Presumably the [Nirvana Potion] in the test tube also flowed into its mouth as the test tube shattered.

The surface of the body of [Thundering Giant Peng] lit up little by little.

It folded its wings and fell on a slightly narrow space relative to its huge size.

"Don't move!" Lily ordered, and [Thundering Giant Peng] turned into a "stone sculpture".

If it wants to, it can spit out the [Nirvana Elixir] very easily at this time, or dissolve it with magic power, but it can't think!

The light emanating from its body was first pure white light, then mixed with some flickering electric lights, and after a while, blue, purple, red... all came out of the brain.

Its body began to become as dazzling as neon lights.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo!"

Auntie Huoniao flapped its wings vigorously and praised its artistic performance.

[Thundering Giant Peng] hid the resentment deep in his eyes, but still didn't "think" to move at all.


The effect of [Nirvana Potion] took longer than expected.

Lily had already sat beside Duck, eating snacks and watching Oli continue to cook the bat with him.

A faint fragrance surrounded them, completely isolating the foul smell.

More than 20 minutes later, Oli lifted the huge lid and glanced at it, and finally showed a satisfied smile of "cooking is over".

That pot [Bat Pot] is finally out!


Having said that, what Ollie finally took out of the pot was only a red liquid that could fill a standard test tube.

"It's not really in the category of potions." Ollie handed the test tube to Duck's hand and said, "You can call it [Vampire Origins]."

Dak wondered: "Vampire Origin... What is it?"

"Yes, yes, never heard of it!" Lily agreed.

Ollie explained patiently: "This is my own name. Basically, it is to condense the essence of vampires into such a tube of liquid. When it and the vampire inject blood into the body of the living creature, when the creature is transformed into a blood slave, there The core substances produced in blood slaves are very similar, but different. This kind of [vampire source] can only be extracted from high-level vampires, which can omit the step of first embracing and directly turn a human into a blood slave Or Gorefiend, if the purity is high enough, it is not impossible to make it directly into a vampire."

Duck frowned immediately and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Ollie nodded and said, "The vampires transformed by this method will not be controlled by vampires except for the suppression of blood. Therefore, in the era when vampires were in a weak position, some great nobles once hunted and killed vampires in order to prolong their lifespan. This kind of [Vampire Origin] is made. But the essence of low-level vampires is not enough to make a qualified [Vampire Origin]. If it is accumulated in quantity, the produced [Vampire Origin] will be cluttered, only It can transform living creatures into things that are inferior to blood slaves. Even a high-level vampire needs to spend most of his life to extract this kind of source material. But the vampire last night has the [Blood of the True Ancestor] ]."

Dak had an epiphany: "That is to say, this is the highest quality [Vampire Origin] that can be refined in the current world?"

Ollie smiled and said, "That's right. Although there is a probability of death, after taking this [Vampire Origin], the probability of directly transforming into a vampire is quite high."

Dak asked curiously, "How tall?"

Ollie said, "About three percent, right?"

Duck: "Oh, that's so tall!"

Oli blinked and said with a smile: "Of course, taking it directly is just one of the uses of [Vampire Originium]. In this day and age, it is also a good idea to use it as a material to make a magic wizard."

Duck also laughed: "Use this to make a magic wizard? Can you make another Victoria... eh?"

Dak gradually restrained his smile and fell into contemplation.

Just now, there seemed to be a flash of inspiration in his mind, but he couldn't catch it, and he couldn't form a clear thinking in his mind.

He needs some time to think.


Seeing him like this, Ollie didn't bother.

Lily glanced at it and continued to eat her own snacks.

Time ticks by.

After pondering for a full quarter of an hour, Duck suddenly raised his head and finally had a complete idea.

"It is not advisable to use [Vampire Origins] directly as a medicine."

"And using [Vampire Origin] as a material for refining magic, although it is feasible, it is impossible to refine the second [Vampire Daughter]."

"But what if the [Vampire Origins] is used as an alchemy material?"

Dak glanced at the [Magnetic Monster] floating by his side, and his thoughts quickly diverged.

The reason why he had such thoughts was mainly because he saw [Corpse Demon] Luo Luoluo.

[Corpse Demon] Luo Luoluo is a combination of undead magic and alchemy technology. It is not as rigid as a golem, and even more lifelike than a marionette, because it has reached the standard of living beings and is a real life. It is not a pseudo-life as mentioned in alchemy.

[Corpse Demon] Rune Ragnar, the creator of Rololo, created life.

Recalling Professor Kazel's introduction to the Millennium Lich, Duck couldn't help but sigh again.

Rune Ragnar wrote the "Necronomicon" when he was only sixteen years old, in which he sewed the soul and the body together to create the "Necromancer". alchemical creatures.

Not to mention the taboos of what he did, that talent and ability were truly unparalleled in a thousand years.

The original "Necronomicon" was found by the [Monster Fox Beast] from the library. It was originally to study how to create a [Shikijin].

But now that I think about it, the [Sewing Corpse Demon]'s refining method can still be applied in a very broad area.

"If this [Vampire Origin] is used as the alchemy material, and the body of a vampire is cultivated with alchemy... Can we refer to the manufacturing technology of [Corpse Demon] again, and regard the wise magic wizard as the soul, and with Is the body stitched?"

Duck couldn't help taking a deep breath, he could hear his heart beating faster.

What exactly are soul and consciousness? Can the magic wizard after possessing intelligence be regarded as the combination of soul and consciousness?

The flesh body cultivated on the basis of the [Vampire Origin] extracted from the bat incarnation of [Vampire] Naral Vlad should be extremely compatible with [Vampire Girl] Victoria.

In this way, after the two are sutured, the inevitable rejection will tend to be weak, or even adjusted to none.

Just like the current [Corpse Demon] Luo Luoluo, the body and the soul are integrated, and there is no rejection at all.


Compared with stitching the soul and body of a natural life into a [Corpse Demon], the degree of taboo involved in stitching a [Magic Spirit] with an artificial body is completely different.

Dak's idea for this idea also came from the [Cage Cage] magic card that can transform golems into magic wizards.

Since there is a way to transform a golem into a magic spirit in this world, why can't there be a way to reversely transform a magic spirit into a golem?

[Corpse Demon], [Secret Puppet], and [General Golem] are all products of alchemy, and their authenticity gradually decreases.

It is not known whether [Corpse Demon] can work, but [Secret Puppet], as a kind of golem, can definitely be transformed into a magic wizard by [Cage].

If the [Corpse Demon] is also regarded as a golem, then it should be at level ⑥, which is above the [true level] of level ⑤.

After much consideration, Duck judged that it is feasible to convert the magic wizard into a [corpse sewn].

And this [Vampire Origin] is the key to opening this research route!


This time, it is a great coincidence and a great luck to be able to obtain the physical body cultivation materials that match the [Vampire Daughter].

If you do not seize this opportunity, it may be difficult to encounter such a coincidence in the future.

And once the opportunity is successfully seized, a new route is created.

Based on this, we can continue to expand and deduce, and apply this technology to other magic wizards.


A feeling of excitement that was even higher than during the battle, when Dak was thinking about this, slowly came up.

Almost all the shortcomings of the magic wizard can be made up for through this reverse transformation.

If it is really successful, it will be able to be mass-produced in the future

A magic wizard with flesh and blood.

At that time, the original magic wizard card may no longer be able to accommodate the magic wizard card with flesh and blood, but it can be transformed according to the [curse cage] magic card, so that it can regain the ability of storage, and also So that the "immortality" of the magic wizard will not be lost.

Of course, the creation of a completely new technology is very difficult and time-consuming.

This is especially true of this groundbreaking technology.

Whether it is to cultivate a qualified vampire body with [Vampire Origin], or to concoct a magic wizard into something similar to the soul, there are still a lot of problems.

And these problems need to be overcome step by step.



Just as Dak was more and more immersed in his thoughts, a screeching voice suddenly came from the corner of the open space.

He looked up subconsciously, and the [Thundering Giant Peng] who had been standing there cautiously had disappeared without a trace.

But in the corner, standing dumbfounded, a chick the size of a auntie bird... with a broken eggshell next to it.

The corners of Dak's eyes twitched, and he immediately knew what the so-called "Nirvana Potion" made by Professor Lily was.

She turned that [Thundering Giant Peng] into a chick!

Although this chick's posture doesn't seem to be fixed forever, when the effect of the medicine is about to wear off, it's enough to add another dose.

If this reincarnation goes on, maybe until one day it gets tired of playing, can it truly be liberated...

sad! Sobbing!

Dak quickly stood up and picked up a dozen feathers that had fallen to the ground.

These feathers are longer than an arm, and each piece is like a banana leaf. Some feathers flicker faintly with thunder, while others can arouse the sound of wind.

[Thundering Giant Peng] Almost all the energy that escaped when he was forced to Nirvana into an egg was condensed in these feathers, making them into high-quality materials like those produced in dungeons.

"Good stuff!"

Dak picked out a wind attribute feather and slapped it lightly. Suddenly, the wind blew, the cold wind rustled, and he shivered.

After all, it’s cold in winter, so if it’s fanned in summer, it must be extremely cool, right?

Dak quickly placed the feathers of the two attributes separately, of which there were eight feathers of the thunder attribute, and seven feathers of the wind attribute, for a total of fifteen feathers.

"Something needs to be done to prevent the loss of energy in these feathers."

He picked up the feathers, looked up to find Professor Lily, and saw that she had run to the side of 【Lei Ming Ju Peng】——【嘤 Ming Chicken】, raised the unlovable little chick high, smiled. The sound is crisp.

Beside her, Aunt Huo Niao had also climbed onto the body of [Little Magneto], and flew over there in a "ufo".

It was probably the first time he saw a young bird of the same size as himself, and at this time he was quite happy to find a "friend of the same age".

Dak helplessly looked down at the feather in his hand and sighed, "I can only come."


At this point, [Corpse Demon] was temporarily sealed, [Bat Incarnation] became [Vampire Origin], [Thundering Giant Peng] became a chick, [Devil Dragon Horn] was sent to the city master warehouse, [Ghost] Eye of the Eye] is in the hands of Professor Sylph, and everything is handled properly.

After everyone exchanged ideas with each other at noon that day, they separated from each other.

Professor Sylph will stay in the City Lord's Mansion to guard the [Sphere of Truth].

Professor Mitia is going to find a replacement for "Black Beast".

Sister Carrian prepares to go to the medical camp to treat the people who were injured yesterday.

Professor Jones was intrigued by the city's gladiatorial culture.

Professor Harvey will have to make a new diagnosis of Werther Gold.

Ophelia is with Werther.

Dak lent two [Magic Beasts: Goddess of Heart Eyes] to City Lord Montiel Fali and Aurora respectively, and he was not going to participate in the subsequent city-wide investigation.

And Professor Lily was naturally ready to go with him.

The other three maids were even more so.

After a rare free time, Dak originally wanted to go to the Temple of the Sun and Moon with Aurora.

However, both the city lord and the small city lord were very busy, and he really didn't want to trouble himself, so he made an appointment to wait until he was busy for this period of time.

Anyway, the long holiday has just begun, and there is still a lot of time.

So after a simple thought, he decided to relax and satisfy his long-standing adventurer wishes.


After lunch, Dak put on the three-piece thermal suit that his mother gave him, and went out of the City Lord's Mansion.

The people who accompanied him were Lily, Ollie, Angrie, and Eve, as well as the little evil monster, the little magnet, the little girl and the little thunder chicken.

Auntie Huoniao rides a little magnet.

Little Lily rode a little thunder chicken.

The group traveled happily, and soon came to the first stop of the adventurer - the Adventurer's Guild!

Duck didn't change his clothes on purpose to "play as a pig and eat a tiger". Anyway, no matter how simple he was, it couldn't hide his outstanding appearance and extraordinary temperament.

As long as you have a face-to-face with him, the aristocratic atmosphere will come to your face, and even the brainless people will not provoke them easily.

After all, what adventurer would wear three maids when entering a guild?

Ha ha.

As soon as Duck entered the guild, there was a commotion.

adventurer first time

I thought it was the noble young master of which family came to issue the task. Several old oilies have already stood up, ready to go forward and ask with a shy face. If it is a task that is suitable for them, they don't mind being a good person and teach this young master. How to post a quest in a guild.

Of course, they will grab it as soon as the mission is released!

First-come, first-served, this is the most simple rule in the Adventurer's Guild - but that is after the quest is released.

Before the quest is released, adventurers can show their own advantages to attract the goodwill of the quest publisher, so as to get the first chance to grab the quest.

Especially someone like Duck who is so "expensive" is like a golden thigh in the eyes of adventurers.

Many adventurers even subconsciously think that if they can attract his favor, they may be able to become his guards and get out of the quagmire of adventurers...

In fact, many adventurers are not adventurers because they like adventure, they just have no other better choice.

Who wants to float in the river if they can go ashore?

As for the so-called freedom, adventurers... Where does true freedom come from?

The freedom in the eyes of laymen is only the forced running of adventurers.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are people who become adventurers for freedom and are keen on it, but after all, they are very few.

And in order to attract the favor of "Golden Thighs", some adventurers will pay special attention to their image.


Dak's first impression when he entered the guild was the hustle and bustle, and then he couldn't help feeling surprised.

Because of the adventurers such as Daniel that he encountered on the road before, he almost denied his expectations for the image of adventurers, but at a glance, he quickly found many adventurers with good image and temperament.

One of the female adventurers with wheat-colored skin not only has a sensual figure, but also has a beautiful face, but the skin seems to be rough.

But compared to the [Black Beauty] Monica I met before, it was already two levels.

"Is it because their adventurer level is relatively high? Or is it because it's noon, and they don't see a tired face after returning from an adventure?"

Dak only thought about it for a while, and didn't pay any more attention.

But when he found the counter and was about to head straight for it, the female adventurer whom he had glanced at earlier probably thought that her appearance and figure had succeeded in capturing the aristocratic boy with vigor and vitality. She lifted her brown hair like a big wave, showing a variety of styles.

The adventurer next to her had already started cursing words like "xx girl" and "female oo" in their hearts.

But if you can't even bear this kind of gaze, what kind of adventurer can you be?

Madonna strode forward indifferently, revealing the beheading sword behind her that was wider than her waist.

——This big knife is actually not her usual weapon, but it is strong enough, and it is easy to form a contrast with her perfect body shape, thus making her appearance more delicate.

In short, don't guess what the adventurer's mind is.

When Madonna got up, a few adventurers who were not to be outdone stood up and greeted Dak with a smile.

It makes them look like real estate agents, insurance promoters, and…maidens.


Dak blinked and moved slightly to the side, and then the few people moved with his movement. He immediately knew that these people were coming for him!

"Could it be the legendary rookie killer?"

A thought that even he couldn't believe quickly emerged in his mind, Dak reached out and grabbed the little magnet monsters and Guhuo birds flying around him, dragged them behind him, and greeted them with a smile. .

When the distance between the two sides was only three meters, those few people accelerated in an instant!

Duck almost saw the wheat-colored female adventurer approaching him, and suddenly found that another withered-haired male adventurer surpassed the female adventurer in a flash and came to him, and then a pair of The gentleman saluted him and said, "Hello, sir, what can I do for you?"

The adventurer's hairstyle was meticulously combed, and he was wearing a small suit, showing a very standard elite image.

Dak stopped and hesitated: "Are you... a waiter?"

"..." Liede couldn't help being silent for half a second.

But after half a second of silence, Madonna squeezed him away with a "pop", and said with a gentle face: "Master, I am the B-rank adventurer Madonna, if you need anything, I can I have the right to do it for you."

Dak's eyes moved down: "Is it a B-class? I thought it was a C-class."

Madonna said immediately: "If the young master needs me, I can also be a C-class."

Dark frowned slightly and continued walking towards the counter.

The few people who were in front of him immediately slid away to both sides, their steps were extremely silky and supple, and there was no arrogance that blocked the way forward.

This made him think that the adventurers in this city of freedom are so friendly.

It's just... a bit noisy.

In the self-introduction of the adventurers, he finally came to the counter and asked the teller: "Excuse me, what is the procedure to register as an adventurer in this guild?"

The teller lady looked at the adventurers who were shocked because of Dak's words, and couldn't help laughing: "Just pay some holy coins, and we will prepare one for you.

Adventurer badge, used to record adventurer's information. By the way, you also need to provide a name. "

Dake nodded slightly, it is indeed the capital of freedom, there is no threshold at all.

He originally thought that if he did this, all the adventurers around him would retreat, but he did not expect that the wheat-colored female adventurer immediately said: "Little young master, do you need a personal bodyguard? I guarantee that you can enjoy it on your first adventure. Feeling at home!"

Duck: "..."

After a long while, he said again: "Anyway, give me an adventurer badge first. Also, how do you go about the quest release procedure here?"

The teller asked curiously, "Sir, do you want to release the task?"

Duck nodded and said, "Yes."

In fact, since he entered the Adventurer's Guild, the freshness has cooled down very quickly.

In the short journey from the door to the counter, his enthusiasm has been exhausted.

He began to calmly think about what he could get when he came here, so the first thing to do is to get an adventurer badge, so that he can easily travel around in the future...and keep it as a souvenir.

The second is to understand the adventurer's task release and access process, so as to increase the knowledge and accumulate knowledge.

After that, he plans to hire a few adventurers as the quest publisher to complete the quest together after getting the Adventurer Badge, and walk through the process in one afternoon.

That's basically it.

Just as he was thinking, he moved his fingers and felt the fluctuation of the [Fire of the Underworld].



[Every day, n days, please ask for a monthly pass, half of the time for double monthly passes has passed! 】

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