The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 878 Blessings for Lucky Dak (4k)

Chapter 878 Blessings for Lucky Dak (4k)

"The battle is over!"

"The winner, the second-year noble house, Dak Dimon!" The referee suddenly whistled.


On the commentary stage, Kingsley couldn't help but let out a slightly sharp cry, and then blurted out.

"I thought Selabos Andy would start a counterattack in the third round, but I didn't expect...he actually...he lost like that!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Tonya quickly grabbed Kingsley, coughed a few times, and said, "Sylas Andy's defeat is really neat...cough cough! I mean, it was really unexpected! But Dak Dimon The excellent performance of the players is the most important. When Silas Andy summoned the [Deep Sea Devourer] with [Countercurrent Summoning], I thought he had the chance to win, and I didn't think about Dak Dimon at all. The player was able to penetrate the weakness of [Deep Sea Devourer] with such precision, and after that summoned a nine-star dragon... Kingsley, do you know what kind of dragon it is?"

Kingsley stared at the [Blue-Eyes Yabailong], which had recovered to its original form, and said, "I don't know. But that should be the effect of [Blue-Eyes Yabailong]'s nirvana, and it may be a star-crossing transformation. Body? We all know Dak Dimon is good at that."

Tonya sighed: "Indeed, that's why he's called the [Child of the Stars]. But Kingsley... oh, it seems that the audience has no patience to listen to you. Look, I'm almost Can't hear my own voice! Then let's applaud our [Children of the Stars] together!"


The applause was intense, covering the venue.

The audience chanted Dak Dimon's name frantically.

Just over a minute of fierce duel, but they seemed to have experienced the killing of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the blood of their bodies was boiling.

Especially the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] that soared in the sky, made them feel similar to [Sky White Dragon].

Nine consecutive white light beams for half a minute, each of which seemed to shoot at their hearts, exuding a unique beauty.

But every applause, every applause from the audience is... an execution of Silas Andy!

Silas Andy wasn't without a chance to turn things least a chance to stabilize it.

[Blue-Eyes White Dragon] After the start of the third round, a total of four [Destructive Jets of White Light] were ejected, which ended the game completely.

During these four rounds of [Destructive Jet White Light], Silas Andy can make at least two normal summons.

And among the two magic cards he drew in the third round, there was indeed a magic card that could withstand a single [Jet of Destruction].

Once he acts actively during that time and summons it, he will be able to survive the 30-second duration of [Blue Eye Avatar] and obtain the buf of [Remnant Candle in the Wind].

Then, he naturally had a chance to come back! But Silas Andy didn't do that.

At a critical moment when he should have been actively confronting, he chose to respond passively! This aspect is related to his failure to end the game as he wished after successfully summoning the [Deep Sea Devourer].

On the other hand, it was also because the appearance of [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] gave him too much shock.

He only knew that this was a nine-star dragon seed, but he didn't know that the nine-star magic wizard was just an "incarnation" with a limited duration!

The information gap in this regard made him mistakenly believe that [Blue-Eyes White Dragon] can continue to exist.

Then even if he blocked the [Jet of Destruction White Light] once, it wouldn't make any sense.

Therefore, in his own judgment, his choice cannot be completely said to be "negative", but the result of a rational analysis.

He judged that he could not survive this third round anyway, so he chose to respond "negatively".

Therefore, the opportunity for a possible turnaround was missed.

Of course, it just might exist.

Duelists from the Sorcerer Academy usually stick to their own "rationality" and despise the "blood" of duelists from the Knights Academy.

It makes them appear wise, but it also misses a lot of opportunities. Silas Andy's behavior can only be said to have the style of the Magic Academy. But it was precisely because he made this judgment under such circumstances that after seeing the final white light of destruction from the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], he immediately returned to the posture of the [Blue-Eyes White Dragon], which was a blow to him. Especially huge!

The most unbearable thing for a person who thinks he is wise is that his own wise act turns out to be a mentally handicapped act!

This was even more of a blow to him than the "crazy words" he released at the beginning could not be realized!

Silas Andy's eyes were red as he tried his best to restrain the savageness that was about to appear on his face, and then slammed a punch on the table!


Even this not-so-light sound of boxing was overshadowed by the applause that lasted for a long time.

Silas Andy's breath was terribly heavy.

"Edwin, it seems that your information is not absolutely accurate.

In the ring belt, Evan Pearson looked at Silas Andy who had lost his composure just because of a duel, and said thoughtfully.

Edwin Clarissa expressed a little surprise: "Why do you say that?"

Evan Pearson said slightly disdainfully: "This fifth-year duelist is like a coward who is slaughtered on the battlefield."

Edwin Clarissa says

: "His 'fear' is still pretty good."

Evan Pearson said: "It's just an abnormal state that can be easily purified. It's essentially no different from a toxin shop."

Edwin Clarissa smiled and said no more.

On the blue side, after confirming his victory, Dak Dimon calmly put the [Death Coffin] back into his hand, then took out the deck in the card slot and combined it with the cards in his hand. , and then put away the remaining magic cards on the table one by one.

With the last card [Blue-Eyes Yabai Dragon] placed on the deck, he canceled the call of [Blue-Eyes Yabai Dragon].

The white dragon flying in the air turned around and glanced at him, then gradually faded away.

Dak closed the deck and put it in the card bag, then looked up at Silas Andy on the opposite side.

He has no ill will towards Silas Andy, and naturally he will not do anything to get in the way.

So when the applause died down, in order to cheer up Senior Silas Andy, he comforted him: "Senior Andy, it seems that I am more fortunate."

"Bang!" Silas Andy punched the card table again. This time, the sound of boxing was not covered by applause and cheers, but it was extremely clear. The voices on the commentary platform were quiet.

Dak shook his head slightly and turned to step down.

The corner of the endless belt fell into his field of vision because of this, and he saw an exaggeratedly long banner - looking at the banner covered with all kinds of small love patterns, Duck couldn't help twitching his brows and feet, but he still raised his head. He started and waved his hand over there.

Indistinctly, he heard the call of the group of senior sisters.

"A fantastic victory."

In the Duel Branch of the Royal Capital, Yallweite gave a satisfactory evaluation, and then had the idea of ​​getting up and leaving.

She has waited here until now, just to watch this duel. Although Duck is too fast to make him feel very satisfied. But the wonderful moment and a half can still be recalled for a long time, enough to support her to work hard for a while.

"let's go."

Claire also clapped her hands and got up.

Ollie picked up the various accessories purchased by the Duke and followed.

The three left with a smile.

After Dak got off the stage of the blue players, he went straight back to the "behind the scenes".

Pandora vs. Ragon and Ellie Clarissa are still waiting there.

"It seems that it is easy to win?" Pandora said. Dak let out a sigh of relief and said, "It's not easy at all." Ellie Clarissa nodded and said, "I see. I haven't seen this deck of Silas Andy very often. If you don't prepare the corresponding deck restraint in advance, it will be difficult to deal with his spread."

Pandora shook his head and said, "As long as you can summon a high-level magic wizard, you can ignore it."

Ellie Clarissa rolled her eyes at her and said, "Not everyone is like you."

As she said that, she turned her head to look at the red player's platform, and said, "The interview with the loser has begun - I really don't know who set this rule, it's full of bad fun."

Pandora couldn't help but smile and said, "It's funny sometimes, isn't it?" Ellie shook her head and said, "Let's see what Andy will say.

Duck also looked over there curiously.

At this time on the red player's stage.

It was not until the fluctuation of space teleportation suddenly appeared behind him that Silas Andy suddenly recalled that there was such a link.

He was in a bad mood, his breath was disordered, and he wanted to leave immediately. But the rules are the rules, and he still has to abide by the rules.

So he took a sharp breath, trying to get his expression back to normal.

So when Judy-senpai sent it, although his expression was still a little twisted, it was not like a "ghost" after all.

When he raised his head, the projected image could still be seen. After Judy landed, she was the first to say: "Sylas Andy doesn't seem to be in a good mood, but Judy, I know a proverb - victory or defeat is a common thing in military affairs. So, Andy, don't Too sad. Because I lost a lot, I got used to it.”

Silas Andy's eyes widened sharply, but the host Judy's beautiful face was white and thorough, as gentle as ever, but he couldn't scold him maliciously no matter what.

Judy rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Back to the point, Silas Andy, I remember you said something like 'one-round quick kill' at the beginning of this duel. Excuse me, Was that what you really thought at the time, or was it just a trick to confuse the enemy during the communication phase?"

Silas Andy tried his best to quell his anger and smirked: "Of course it's the latter. Even if I'm conceited, it's impossible to say that in a magical duel full of randomness, I'm sure I can be in one round. Just beating guys like Dak Dimon."

"That's true. After all, the facts have proved that you really can't do it." Judy nodded.

"Yes." Silas Andy's forehead showed blue veins, but he controlled it.

Judy asked again: "So, player Silas Andy, you are absolutely fooling the enemy, has it worked?"

Silas Andy said slowly: "When it comes to the effect, I personally think it must be there."

Judy-senpai said: "Indeed, I feel the same way. Dak Dimon, at least in the first round, looked more serious than before.

Silas Andy: "Huh."

Judy thought for a while this time, and then said: "Then Andy, what do you think about yourself in the first round of the main game? I remember your original goal was the top three in the [Golden Cup], What is the purpose behind it?"

Silas Andy clenched his fists and said: "The Golden Cup is like this, the first round of the main competition is a single-elimination match, a match with only one chance, in the random [huge] magic duel, the Any result is possible. You see, Regana Milton, who was second in the points race, also lost to Mars Carey, who was sixteenth?"

Judy tilted her head slightly, looked up and said, "Since it's about Regana Milton... I remember she gave Mars Carey, who defeated her, very sincere blessings during the interview stage after her defeat. .I wonder if Silas Andy thought about giving Dak Dimon a blessing to win?"

Judy spoke smoothly, and the audience interacted one after another, which reminded the audience of more and more shouts.

Silas Andy's expression is visibly stiff! Let him bless Dak Dimon like Regana Milton? No kidding!

What's the difference between that and after he caught his wife and adulterer in bed on the spot, wishing them a hundred years of marriage?

"You don't know anything at all!"

Silas Andy thought fiercely in his heart.

Judy asked innocently, "Sylas Andy, don't you want it? If you don't want to, don't force it at all, we can move on to the next question. I'd love to know, you and Duck Dee What happened between Meng? You don't seem to like him?"

Silas Andy buried his head and said: "It's just a blessing, of course I can give it. There is no intersection between me and Dak Dimon. Today's duel can be said to be the first close contact. ."

Judy smiled and said: "But I seem to remember that Dak Dimon said something like 'jealousy is the original sin' in the exchange session. Is that why you don't like him?"

"No!" Silas Andy resolutely denied. "Again, I don't dislike him! He has nothing to be jealous of except for luck."

"Oh." Judy suddenly picked up the microphone and said, "Then at the end of the interview, let Silas Andy give the most sincere wishes to Dak Dimon who beat him! Dimon players can go further because of this."

After speaking, he handed the microphone to Silas Andy.

Silas Andy held the microphone and said word by word: "As the host said, I hope Dak Dimon will be undefeated!"



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