The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 879 Wishing you grow old together (4k)

Chapter 879 Wishing You Live Together (4k)

"He actually gave you a blessing!"

Ellie Clarissa couldn't help covering her mouth and said in surprise.

Pandora can't help but tease: "What do you think about Silas Andy's blessing?"

Dark's face turned dark, and he said, "I feel like I'm cursed." Judy-senpai is too much.

Everyone has been eliminated, and she is still so downcast, isn't she afraid of going out in the dark and encountering ghosts?

Fortunately, he won the single-defeat knockout in the first round, otherwise he would be the one who would snatch his feet on the stage now!

Thinking like this, Dak suddenly moved in his heart and looked at Elulie-senpai next to him.

The second match tonight is the duel between Eluri-senpai and Pandora-senpai.

Ellie-senpai, why are you still smiling?

The loser interview session is finally over.

Silas Andy almost ran away from the audience

He didn't go back to the "behind-the-scenes venue", or even stopped in the players' lounge. I'm afraid he was in a hurry to return to the dormitory and lick his wounds in a corner that no one could see.

Although he is gone, the joy he brought to the audience will never disappear.

Then there are twenty minutes before the next game starts.

Duck and Pandora-senpai plan to stay in this "behind-the-scenes venue" and watch the game nearby.

But Elule Clarissa, as she said, left alone after watching Duck's duel.

She is going to return to the dormitory and prepare in advance for the battle against Pandora!

Originally, Ellie's goal for participating in the [Golden Cup] this time was to be the champion, and in order to win the championship, she had to deal with the biggest favorite - Pandora Dragon.

Therefore, Ellie has already done a very detailed study on how to defeat Pandora.

Now, it's just the finals ahead of schedule.

If you can't defeat Pandora after you have completed the attributes and made the greatest preparations, then the so-called goal of winning the championship is nonsense.

Ellie Clarissa wasn't nervous.

Even if you lose, as long as you do your best, you will have no regrets

And after Eluri Clarissa left, Pandora-senpai, who had always shown that she was "winning", immediately opened her barrier and began to study the deck and devise tactics.

Of course she couldn't really underestimate Ellie.

Despise the enemy strategically and value the enemy tactically. That's what she's always been doing.

In order not to disturb her, Dak also took the initiative to distance himself, sat aside and carefully reminisced about the previous duel, and made a post-match analysis and self-summary of the duel.

A person cannot be without talent, but even less without effort.

The fact that he has come to this day has a very important relationship with the good habits he cultivated in the early days.

Twenty minutes later, the fourth game, start!

Pandora temporarily put down the research and watched it with Duck. The two players in this game are Luke Bage, the [Dragon Slayer] from the sixth-grade Academy of Fools, and Matthew Bierbom, who is also the same as the sixth-grade Academy of Fools.

Matthew Beerboom, who finished 12th in the points race, is one of only two sixth-graders in the Golden Cup race.

But with the first three duels as a foreshadowing, the audience will no longer unilaterally believe that the seniors are stronger than the juniors, and the top-ranked players are stronger than the bottom-ranked players.

However, the gap between [Dragon Slayer] Luke Bage and [Assaulter] Matthew Bilbom is visible to the naked eye!

This huge gap was vividly displayed in the duel in the fourth game of the main competition.

Luke Bage, won by a huge margin!

After that, he snorted coldly in the direction of the "behind-the-scenes venue" and left the stage.

He obviously has something to say, but unfortunately this interview is a "loser interview"

compare to.

[Assaulter] Matthew Beerboom, but it has been reduced to a complete background board.

Although he is strong enough to wear a pair of clothes, w is only at the end. Then this afternoon's duel finally ended.

The audience began to get up one after another and head to the restaurant for dinner.

The teachers and students in St. Mary's College also flocked to the cafeteria one after another, and of course some people chose to go to Traveler Street for dinner.

There is plenty of time between the afternoon session and the evening session, so don't worry too much.

When Duck and Pandora-senpai were chatting and laughing in the cafeteria, they finally remembered that he was also a "guide", and turned their heads to search for Evan Pearson.

"What are you looking for?" Pandora asked curiously. Dak turned his head and smiled, "Holy Son."

"Holy Son?" Pandora couldn't help frowning, "The exchange student?

Dak nodded and said: "Yes, the exchange student of the Holy Cult Academy." Pandora was silent for a moment, and suddenly said: "I really want to see what the so-called holy children of the Holy Cult look like?"

Duck paused and said, "Then don't watch it, lest the illusion be broken."

Pandora blinked and her mood improved slightly: "What fantasy can I have?

Duck took a bite of the steak and said, "Chief Archbishop Caleb Norris has also arrived. Although Professor Sylph should have informed it, it is best to remind Aunt Hefeis not to be too active recently."

Pandora nodded and said, "I will remind you." Duck nodded and said, "That's no problem. The Holy Religion should have known about Aunt Hefeis in the academy. As long as there is no conflict, They have no reason to ask for trouble. Instead, it is Ophelia who needs to hide as much as possible."

Pandora said: "Why? Theoretically, that side is safer. The existence of Ophelia Bullard means that the secret of the Holy Religion is already in our hands, and that is not something that can be said to the outside world. good thing.

They can't be without scruples. "

Dak shook his head and said, "If that thing really ferments, I'm afraid even the Holy Religion can't help it."

With a flash of inspiration, Pandora said, "Indeed."

For the Holy Religion, and even for the entire human race, the [Death of the Demon King] is a very important thing that must be crushed to death.

If everyone thinks that the Demon King is dead, but if it is rumored that someone still has the blood of the Demon King on his body, how would things go?

And as far as the Holy Religion is concerned, they don't know, and can't possibly know, that the demon blood lineage in Ophelia Brad's body has been uprooted.

——Now there is only one person left with the pure blood of the [Undead Demon King].

For the Holy Cult, they can turn a blind eye to the [Son of the Brave], but it is impossible to sit back and watch Ophelia Brad after the public opinion has fermented.

At that time, even if they are reluctant, they may have a clear conflict with St. Mary's College.

This is the so-called general trend.

Duck turned the fork in his hand, suddenly looked sideways, and said, "Look over there."

Pandora followed his gaze and said, "That's [Holy Son] Evan Pearson?"

Duck nodded slightly.

Evan Pearson, at this time, was naturally mixed with Edwin Clarissa and others.

Although Duck doesn't know how they got connected, as long as someone helps him watch the [Holy Son], of course he is happy to see it happen.

Just when he was thinking about this, he suddenly frowned and looked at Pandora-senpai.

But I saw Pandora-senpai's eyes flashing a hint of gold and red! It's the [Eye of the True Dragon]!

The gold and red in Pandora's eyes flashed away, and in the blink of an eye, he looked like he was laughing with Duck.

Duck played "Actor's Self-cultivation" and cooperated with her: "What did you see?"

Pandora Dragon said in a low voice: "He has a problem." Duck understood and didn't ask any more.

At this time, on the other side, [Holy Son] Evan Pearson turned his head sharply and looked over.

The [Guardian Knight] Tom Smith beside him was alert: "What's the matter?"

Evan Pearson observed for a while, then shook his head and said, "I just saw our guide. Sitting with him is the [Silver Dragon Girl] who was introduced in the opening ceremony?"

Tom Smith nodded slightly and said, "It should be."

Edwin Clarissa heard the two men speak, and smiled and said, "That's Pandora Dragoon, our librarian, and she has a good relationship with Duck."

"Librarian?" Evan Pearson pondered for a while, then suddenly said, "Is she a half-dragon?"

Edwin Clarissa's eyes flickered slightly, and she whispered: "Lord Holy Son, good eyesight."

Evan Pearson nodded, still maintaining a high-cold image, burying his inner thoughts firmly.

After ten minutes, the meal was over.

Dark and Pandora-senpai left the cafeteria together.

But they did not immediately go to the open-air dueling hall, but first came to Dak's office.

The two entered one after another and locked the door. Duck asked, "Now it's time to talk."

However, Pandora walked to the sofa and sat down, leaning slightly lazily on the back of the sofa, and pointed to the tea set on the table.

Dak smiled helplessly and offered a cup of good tea after dinner.

Pandora said: "I saw traces of mixed energies in that guy's body."

Dak moved in his heart and said, "What energy?"

Pandora said: "One, sacred light, it should be the sacred magic of light. Second, it is equally sacred, but more sharp. I have seen it in the body of Werther Gothe, and it should be the blood of the brave. Power. Third...I can't tell."

Dak frowned slightly and asked, "Can you describe it as best you can?" Pandora said, "My [True Dragon's Eye] is not as good as a real dragon after all, and many things cannot be seen clearly. But the third energy gives me the feeling, It's vaguely similar to the way Winnie Scarty feels to me."

Duck: "Sister Winnie?"

Pandora glanced at him and corrected: "Scarty!"

"Okay." Duck laughed, "When it comes to Skady-senpai, the first thing that comes to mind should be the [Sage] genealogy? Can I think that it is the power related to the [Sage]?"

Pandora was not sure: "[Sage], isn't it a title for a person with profound knowledge?"

Duck said: "Basically yes, but I have heard from Claire that some [Sage] titles can be inherited. Since it can be inherited, I think that part of the [Sage]'s power will also have a special feature. ."

Pandora said: "Even so. In short, the [Holy Son] has more than these three kinds of energy in his body. I thought that the [Holy Son]'s power should be very pure, and that's really what I imagined.

different in. "

Dark thought for a moment and said, "Perhaps it shouldn't be too early to judge. Tonight, we can go to the library."

Pandora asked, "Is there anything there?"

Duck said: "[Saint] Audrey Joan of Arc is in the library. You can look at her internal energy and compare it with the internal energy of [Saint Son]."

Pandora agrees: "Indeed. A single example cannot serve as a statistical criterion


Duck said with a smile: "Evan Pearson, as the only holy son chosen by the Holy Church for more than ten years, may also have his own special features."

Pandora said: "I really don't know why the college makes this exchange and learning activity easy."

"Everyone gets what they want," Duck said.

The evening game opened with a duel between Philomena Bach, the vice president of the [Astrology Society], fourth-year Fool's House, and Marshall Wyant, who was also a fourth-year, Knight's House. The dazzling starlight opened the curtain.

The fully fed and cooperative audience had already returned to their seats, listening to the elegant music while looking forward to the start of the fifth game.

Of course, more viewers are looking forward to the end of the fifth game - they want to watch the sixth game, the duel between [Silver Dragon Girl] and [Princess Fairy]!

Dak accompanied Pandora-senpai to the "behind-the-scenes field" near the duel field, where he saw several players who were going to play tonight.

Perhaps because the duel in the afternoon had a record of upsets, the atmosphere between the players seemed very solemn - of course, Dak was more inclined, this was the influence of the "loser interview".

After all, no one wants to be publicly executed after losing! That would be tragic!

"It's about to start, which side do you think will win?" Pandora asked. Duck said casually: "Philomena Bach. I have experienced the power of [Astrology Society] to some extent."

Pandora said: "Fett Steinbeck's [Star Summoning]? That's not a technique that everyone can learn."

Dark laughed, "Then I'll stand for Marshall Wyant."

Pandora poked his head and said, "You bastard." Duck smiled: "I sway with the wind."

"I saw the two of you playing t-green as soon as you came, can you take care of the thoughts of the singles?"

Elule Clarissa, who arrived a little late, couldn't help shaking her head.

Pandora was a little surprised: "I thought you wouldn't come in another half an hour.

Ellie Clarissa said: "What? Scared?"

Pandora said: "You still have half an hour to prepare. At that time, remember to say the blessings that you have thought about for a few hours, and I have suffered."

Ellie Clarissa sat down beside her and said, "I will wish you all the best of life."

[Ask for a monthly pass, come back tonight and have a blast all night. 】

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