The Villain Only Wants To Live a Buddhist Life

Chapter 880 The first day match ended (4k)

Chapter 880 The first day match ended (4k)

Since Marshall Wyant can join the [Hidden Snake], he must not be weak.

However, the vice president of the [Astrology Club] is also not easy to match.

When the two sides fought, they also showed a considerable level. However, under the attack of Philomena Steinbeck's endless astrological magic cards, Marshall Wyant was finally lost and unfortunately lost.

But he is still only a fourth-year student after all, even if he is only in the future in the academy, he still has two years to become stronger and even catch up with Philomena.

With the ability he showed in this duel, it is enough to be called "the star of tomorrow".

Unfortunately, at the same time, there were too many stars shining, and his starlight was only slightly weaker, and it was covered by the stars and lost its color.

Marshall Wyant's "Interview with the Loser" is full of regrets, but he's not discouraged by his conviction that he still has potential.

Immediately after the fifth match ended, the much-anticipated sixth duel finally kicked off!

Both sides of this duel are super popular players with extremely high appearance, and the sensation caused by this is naturally far greater than before.

And [Silver Dragon Girl] and [Princess Fairy] lived up to expectations and brought a wonderful duel feast to the audience!

It wasn't long since the duel between Aluri Clarissa and Dak Dimon, but in just such a short time interval, Aluri once again made terrifying progress.

It has to be said that strong opponents can indeed make people progress.

That's why St. Marian's College places so much emphasis on dueling. Only competition can motivate students to make continuous progress. voice

It's just that while Elule Clarissa is making rapid progress, Pandora Dragon has not stopped.

The strong who are not satisfied with themselves are always on the road of becoming stronger.

Pandora Dragon, getting stronger!

So much so that this year's her is completely two people compared to last year's.

[Holy Son] Evan Pearson, who was sitting in the ring with Edwin Clarissa to watch the battle, fell into deep contemplation after watching the duel

Dak Dimon, however, once again felt the huge gap between himself and his senior.

In his heart, the arrogance that was actually growing in his heart was finally effectively contained!

The human mind is always difficult to self-regulate, and often requires external forces to impose shackles.

What's more, his mind has been in a floating state because of the [big sin].

The battle is over, the winner is out, and the loser is interviewed.

Pandora Dragon was slightly relieved after winning, and immediately raised his hand in response to the overly enthusiastic audience.

The entire venue seemed to be shaken because of this, and the atmosphere at the scene was terrifyingly frenetic.

It is completely conceivable that in each venue, the surrounding areas related to it will be instantly out of stock.

Of course, Elule Clarissa's peripherals will definitely sell very well.

However, while the audience cheered eagerly, they were also looking forward to the interview of Ellie Clarissa's loser.

It has to be said that for the audience, interviews with losers are much more interesting than interviews with winners.

Of course, Dak Dimon thought so too.

So after he put down his applauding hands, he began to look forward to Elule Clarissa's loser interview.

At the same time, Pandora Dragon also deliberately stayed on the stage, looking at the opposite side with interest.

Ellie clearly felt the fiery gaze coming from the air, and her mood that became depressed because she still failed to do her best, suddenly rose slightly due to other reasons.

She closed her eyelids slightly, her long eyelashes twitched quickly, and she gritted her teeth as she tried to get her back.

Dueling isn't all there is to mages.

In fact, the students who do not aim at professional duelists, deep down in their hearts, are not as persistent as they imagined to be the outcome of the duel.

After the initial anger, it will gradually ease, and what remains is just a touch of unwillingness.

The professors always teach the students over and over again that failure is not terrible. Only the accumulation of countless steps called "failure" can build a road to "victory".

Magister is a profession that is bound to face "failures" frequently. Any outstanding magister will walk out of these countless "failures".

So, don't be afraid to fail.

Elule Clarissa quickly adjusted her mood and accepted host Judy's "Losers Interview" on the contestants stage.

Judy was slightly surprised when she landed: "It doesn't look like Clarissa was too frustrated by being eliminated on day one?"

Ellie glanced at her and said, "No, I'm still very depressed.

"Really?" Judy said with a smile. "So what do you think about the failure of this duel?"

Ellie said, "Well, to be honest, I've had a long time. Don't you think?"

Judy pretended to be stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Indeed, during the duel, I once thought you might win."

"Ha." Ellie smiled, "It seems that you always thought I would definitely lose."

"You're joking." Judy said with a smile, "Is it normal for me to think that way?"

"Hmph." Ellie snorted softly and said, "But I just lost to the champion."

Judy couldn't help but say, "Then do you recognize a runner-up?"

Eluri glanced at her and said, "If you are willing to send me the runner-up award on behalf of the academy, I will recognize one."

Judy chuckled and said, "I didn't realize it before. It turns out that Ellie also has a funny side. But it seems that your mentality is really good. I just hope you don't hide in the corner and cry secretly after stepping down."

Ellie: "No way!"

Judy said to herself: "As usual, at the end of this interview, I would like to ask contestant Eluri Clarissa, what do you want to say to the winner of this duel, contestant Pandora Dragon? Say something?"

"When did this become a practice?" Ellie muttered softly, and then suddenly said with a smile, "But I do have something to say to Pandora."

Judy asked curiously, "What is it?"

Ellie said with a smile: "Of course, I want to give the most sincere blessings to the Pandora players."

As she said that, she took the microphone, turned her head to face Pandora on the opposite stage, and said, "I heard that many beasts compete for mating rights through duels. Although it's a pity, this time I really lost. So , Pandora, his mating right belongs to you! I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years, and give birth to your son early!"

On Pandora's tender white cheeks, it suddenly turned red! In the auditorium on and off the field, there was a commotion in an instant. The entire dueling hall was filled with buzzing sounds like a swarm, and the audience's voices of discussion broke out completely.

Looking at Pandora who stepped down in a hurry, Ellie smiled smugly.

Judy beside her was also full of surprise, she never expected that Ellie would say such an unseemly thing on this occasion.

In the behind-the-scenes venue, Dak's face also showed a little surprise. He thought that Ellie-senpai would at most say a few words of blessing, but he didn't expect it to end like this...

Fortunately, Elule did not say the name of the "him" on the spot, so that "he" would not become the target of public criticism.

"Is it possible, I also want to thank her for leaving room?"

Dak thought a little funny, and saw Pandora-senpai with a flushed face quickly approaching the behind-the-scenes venue.

But to be honest, he was quite happy to see Pandora-senpai's shy appearance~

"why are you laughing?"

Pandora-senpai walked into the barrier and glared at Duck.

Dak glanced around, and the players from the remaining two games were still here, especially Sister Winnie Skadi, who looked here with a playful look.

So he blinked, grabbed Pandora-senpai's slender wrist with his backhand, and ran out.

It didn't take long for the two to come to the player channel.

Ellie Clarissa, who got off the stage, put on a winning look and asked Winnie Skadi, "Have you seen Pandora?"

Winnie shook her head and continued to look down at the book.

It was obviously her turn for the next duel, but she had no sense of urgency at all.

After Ellie failed to find Duck and Pandora, she left the "behind-the-scenes venue" in a dejected manner.

After entering the player's passage, her face suddenly collapsed, and she entered the shadow in the corner.

endless belt.

Diana was pressing against Rose's cheek and whispered, "What did Clarissa-senpai say, what does that mean?"

Rose's face was flushed, she nodded indiscernibly, and said Nuo Nuo, "That's it."

Diana widened her eyes and said, "Then, do they really have that?" "Should be..." Rose said uncertainly, "Shouldn't there be that?"

Diana didn't know what to think, and puffed up her cheeks again: "Damn it.


Beside Edwin Clarissa, the contemplative [Holy Son] Evan Pearson seemed to suddenly think of something, and suddenly said: "What does the one called Ellie have to do with you?"

Edwin said in a flat tone: "It can be said to be a cousin, what's the matter?

Evan Pearson immediately became vigilant and distanced himself from Edwin. Edwin: "? ??"

The impact of Ellie Clarissa's loser interview is not big or small, but it always makes a difference.

After Dak slammed the senior sister in the player passage, he found a player lounge with a good view with him.

They're here to stay and watch the next episode, Winnie Scatty's duel with Rita Sainsbury's!

Winnie Scarty is in fourth grade and Sean Sainsbury is in fifth grade

But the betting odds of this duel are overwhelmingly skewed. No one thought [Winter's Daughter] would lose!

Winnie Scatty lived up to expectations and won easily. So far, the single-elimination match on the first day of the [Golden Cup] is the last game left.

Although Duck was interested in watching the whole story, Pandora obviously lost interest in continuing to watch after watching Winnie's duel.

Duck offered to propose: "It's almost time, why don't we go to the library?"

Pandora nodded immediately: "Okay."

So the two quickly turned around, and soon came to the door of the library. When Pandora was away, Ms. Bella was basically in charge at the front desk. But with Pandora

My time is getting tighter, and Ms. Bella occasionally hires new students for part-time shifts.

Dak happened to meet once, a girl from a first-year wizarding institute

Of course, he is very familiar with everyone in the first grade. But tonight's library, Ms. Bella is still in charge. It's probably because [Saint] Audrey Joan of Arc hasn't come out since she entered the library at noon!

Although there were refreshments in the small room in the library reading room, it was hard to say whether she went to eat some.

Miss [Saint], obviously you have been immersed in this library and cannot extricate yourself!

"Ms Bella, good evening."

Duck and Pandora registered their names at the front desk and immediately entered the library

They came to the reading room first, but they found no trace of Audrey Joan and her [Guardian Knight] Jesse Louisa.

"Should it be in there?"

Thinking like this, Dak and Pandora-senpai walked into the bookshelf area lined with trees.

It wasn't easy to find Audrey in this area of ​​bookshelves. But Pandora stayed in place for a while, then suddenly turned to look at the bookshelf in the depths, and said, "I found it."

Duck nodded and said, "Then go over there." Pandora said, "Don't you need to cover up?"

Dak smiled and said, "I'm a guide." Pandora said, "Yes."

But the two of them didn't move too fast. After a while, they saw Miss [Saint] who was standing facing the bookshelf.

Instead of turning her back and looking at the other bookshelf, Jesse Louisa turned her head abruptly after hearing the approach of footsteps - until she could see Duck's face clearly, she temporarily let go of her vigilance.

Duck raised his hand and waved lightly, just about to greet him.

Jesse raised a finger to his lips: "Shh."

Then, Jesse walked out lightly and whispered: "Why are you here?

Although she was talking to Dak, her eyes were always fixed on Pandora.

Duck responded in a low voice: "The game is over, come and see you guys, have you had a good meal?"

Jesse shook his head helplessly, then said, "This is?" Duck said, "Librarian."

Jesse and Pandora whispered a few words. The two exchanged names and quickly became acquainted.

Dak took over the conversation and covered it up a little.

Pandora looked at the [Saint], and the golden red flashed in her eyes. A look of shock suddenly appeared on her face.

Audrey Joan suddenly turned to look.

Her figure was blurred for a moment.

[I was entangled by the decoration company and made up for it at night. 】

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