It was past midnight, but the celebration had not ended yet.

"Ding, the lying flat system has detected that the host's words and deeds yesterday did not meet the reward conditions. Please arrange the host's work and life reasonably."

Roger sighed. Sure enough, our big treasure chest is useless again!

In the howling cold wind, only the cool breath of the artifact Heart of the Deep Sea Amulet was the last bit of comfort in his bleak life.

It’s not all without gain.

The artifact... still smells pretty good hahahahaha.

Roger suddenly laughed again.

Luo Yongjie Jie has concluded that the fewer functional items in the Evernight World, the more powerful the artifacts are.

This Heart of the Deep Talisman has only one effect: to increase health and magic regeneration.

The effect is basically: if you can't stop him, you can't kill him.

That's why Margaret cursed Roger. If caught by the enemy, carrying this thing would mean he would die.


Is it possible that he, who is determined to penetrate the Duke's Palace, will be caught by the enemy?


The small ceiling fan is still naive at this time.

The next day, Angelina found Roger.

"Brother, I have thought about arranging an official position for you after this knighthood."

"Although you are not smart and have no magical talent, there are still many jobs in the empire that can be done well only with diligence and responsibility."

"I think you can do it with some training, because your heart is still willing to give everything for His Majesty, right?"

"Don't worry, I will arrange reliable and patient assistants to help you."

"Don't be anxious. It doesn't matter if you don't do it well once or twice. As long as you persist, you will definitely become an excellent minister and serve His Majesty wholeheartedly!"

Her energetic demeanor and voice, in a hot-blooded comic, could bring her to her senses.

But Roger was still a little moved until he saw the position assigned to him by his sister:

The commander-in-chief of Beigu Mountain Mining?

Tyger River Dam Dispatch Director?

Deputy director of sanitation in Imperial City?

Grain transportation captain?

He was a good guy on the spot, all thankless, a drudgery that no nobleman wanted to do, starting early and working late!

Sister, this is the opposite of using power for personal gain, forcefully pushing your only relative into a pit of fire!

Roger felt like vomiting blood.

My sister is good at everything, but she is too loyal to His Majesty.

However, now that she has this intention and the position has been arranged, it is useless to refuse.

With the resilience shown by Saint An in the plot, he will definitely take the trouble, be super patient, repeatedly, and earnestly persuade...

Until he agrees!

She is not annoyed, but I am!

That scene is terrifying to think about.

So I had to think of a subtle enough excuse to make her accept that she would not be an official...

Roger quickly adjusted his state and directly became the embodiment of sincerity:

"Sister, you know that I am not good at writing or martial arts, and I have bad patience. I have been unable to sit still since I was a child."

"As an official, any mistakes will cause losses to the empire. I don't want to hurt the great empire and disappoint Her Majesty the Queen."

"So I should first find ways to improve my abilities. I heard that books are the ladder of progress. I think I should read and study before officially becoming an official!"

"Now that the Imperial Library has been built, it collects the classics of the seventeen countries. I want to go there to study for the rise of the empire!"

Roger's acting skills are perfect in this monologue!

From emotion to guilt, to self-doubt, and finally to feeling inspired...

When he roared impassionedly "Reading for the Rise of the Empire", it was super contagious!

Angelina had no idea that her brother would play her.

She was surprised, excited, and even moved by Roger, who held her hand firmly:

"Reading for the rise of the empire...well said! Sister supports you! I am so happy that you can consciously work hard and realize your shortcomings..."

Study first and then become an official?

Reduce the empire's losses?

Are books a ladder to progress?

This time, Roger's thinking was even more thoughtful than hers, and what he said made sense.

Ever since he was young, this younger brother has been lazy and mischievous, doing nothing but eating and waiting to die.

Have you ever been so proactive and determined to do something?

The smile on Angelina's face never dissipated. She leaned against Roger, reached out and poked his handsome face, and joked:

"The man in my family has grown up. He will protect his sister from now on, right?"

"hold head high!"

Roger responded proudly.

As long as you don't always interrupt my lying down, it will be more than enough to protect you!

The delaying strategy is effective!

The road to flatness may have twists and turns, but we all have a bright future!

Angelina has a character that won't give up until she achieves her goal.

Don't try to get her to give up for ordinary reasons.

As for learning, in the eyes of elders of any era, it is always right to read more books, right?

So as smart as Angelina, she was fooled by Roger.

This standard for academic achievement was set by himself.

When to become an official... I know everything!

Let’s first try to catch fish in the library for ten years.

The only problem is that the Duke's Palace and the Grand Library are half an hour away, which may be dangerous.

But Roger also thought about this.

By building a teleportation array in his bedroom, he can seamlessly connect the Duke's Palace and the Great Library.

And when you get tired from sitting, you can always go home and lie down!

Just perfect.

As for the teleportation array being expensive to build...

Study hard and buy stationery is a necessary expense, is that okay?

Roger thought about it again and again, and arranged "fishing in the library" in his mind.

Alas, lying flat is actually a complicated matter!

There is the queen in front and the sister behind.

He is really uncomfortable being caught in the middle!



For three consecutive days.

The noble circle of the Mystery City was talking about Roger Charles, Marquis of Lacapas.

He was trusted by the queen,

He got the artifact to protect him,

He had a talent that ordinary people could not see through...

Naturally, Roger, who was at the center of public opinion, did not get the random treasure chest rewarded by the system.

The fourth day.

Seeing that Roger's popularity was slightly reduced, the Queen of Eternal Night suddenly ordered a complete ban on the Seven Gods Church from preaching in the empire.

There was a rumor that the queen's decision was related to the secret of the gods revealed by the right prime minister Angelina.

Suddenly, everyone had countless speculations.

Some people also analyzed the chronological order and believed that Roger's title of Marquis might be related to this matter.

"Nonsense, sister, what do you know about gods? This matter has nothing to do with my Charles House!"

Roger heard these rumors, which were far-fetched and unreasonable.

But it was this "nonsense" that he thought forced him to continue to be popular...

The people of the Empire love to believe in rumors, so where can he go to reason?

So Roger's treasure chest for that day was far away from him again...



A new morning, the palace, the council hall.

The Queen of Eternal Night summoned all the civil and military officials to discuss an important matter:

"After the Seven Gods Church was banned from preaching, rebellions broke out in the old lands of the Seventeen Kingdoms. Do you have any good strategies to resolve the situation and make the Seventeen Kingdoms completely submit to the Empire?"

Right Prime Minister Angelina immediately stepped forward:

"The people only want to live and work in peace and contentment. Your Majesty only needs to be diligent and love the people, reduce taxes, and let the people of the Seventeen Kingdoms live a prosperous life. In time, they will understand the power and kindness of the Empire and will naturally turn to the Empire!"

After she finished speaking, the Left Prime Minister Margaret retorted:

"The Empire is in internal and external troubles, how can there be time for you to slowly influence it? I think that severe punishments should be imposed, the people of the Empire are the first class, the obedient people of the Seventeen Kingdoms are the second class, and the rebellious people are classified as slaves! And I have a plan called shaving the hair and changing clothes. Those who refuse to obey within ten days will be killed!"

The two prime ministers, one is benevolent and the other is tyrannical, and each has supporters.

Soon there was a quarrel in the hall.

The Queen of Eternal Night originally wanted to kill all those who were blind.

But three years later, the survivors of the 17 countries were all jumping up and down, and the Seven Gods Church kept instigating them. I am afraid that there are very few people in the 17 countries who are truly willing to submit to the empire.

If they really kill people indiscriminately as Margaret said, I am afraid that there will be no people in the 17 countries.

Angelina's idea is too idealistic and too long.

With the oppression of the Seven Gods Church, the empire may not wait for the people of the 17 countries to submit before it is gone...

The ministers argued from morning to afternoon, but no perfect plan was put forward.

The Queen of Eternal Night felt numb, and seeing that the ministers were also exhausted, she had to say: "Dismissal, and we will discuss it tomorrow."

"As ordered, Your Majesty!"

The ministers pushed down one by one.

The Queen of Eternal Night called Angelina to talk about some important domestic affairs.

The face of the toxic fan Margaret became gloomy again.

His Majesty likes the Blue-haired Virgin Mary more and more. I’m so angry!

But His Majesty didn’t keep her. After she hesitated for a long time, she could only leave obediently.

So angry!

After the Queen of Eternal Night finished talking to Angelina about business, she suddenly asked:

"Angie, what is your brother doing these days?"

"He is working hard to study for the rise of the empire and is studying in the library."

Angelina thought of Roger's determination, and her little face was full of pride.

"Study for the rise of the empire? It's rare for this kid to have such a heart!"

The Queen of Eternal Night was a little surprised.

Such a big ambition.

She was very curious about how my Qingteng Empire, which is in its heyday, can continue to rise?

However, the Queen did not ask any more questions and waved Angelina to leave.

After all, the Queen is very busy.

In the hall where only one person was left, the Queen of Eternal Night began to review the memorials piled up like a mountain.

However, the more she reviewed, the more irritated she became!

Nothing good is happening in the empire right now, and there is no joy in reviewing memorials...

"It's a bunch of shit, I need to have some fun!"

The Queen of Eternal Night threw away her pen.

Suddenly, she remembered what Angelina had just said.

Roger? The Great Library?

It's not too much to go to the library to look up information by yourself and bump into a minister by chance?

That place is much more convenient than Charles's house, and there are fewer rumors...

Thinking of this, the corners of the Queen of Eternal Night's mouth rose.

At the same time, a portal appeared in front of her.

She stepped in.

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